Saturday, February 24, 2018

How to Cheat and Stay Healthy

Everyone wants to be healthy, but most people want to indulge too. It's cool - you're human. Go for it. Indulge. Cheat. Eat a lot of food. Pig out on a tub of ice cream. Drink a bottle of wine. Do it. It's fun. (Isn't peer pressure awesome?)

You don't need to be perfect to be healthy - you just need to be good. And being good is actually pretty easy and a lot of fun too.

Now, if your goal is to lose thirty pounds, or you want to pack on muscle, or you're training for a marathon, then the rest of this article does not apply to you. In these situations, you pretty much have to be as perfect as possible. I know it stinks, but you're the one who wants to look like a professional body builder. Not me. The same is true for people who are sick, obese, and diseased - in those circumstances you need to be perfect too - especially when faced with illness.

But if you're already relatively healthy and you're not looking to become the next runway queen, I have good news for you. You can cheat often and everything is going to be just fine.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Top 10 Weirdest Religions

We have previously published a variety of lists on strange religious practices, religions you never knew existed, and weird cults, but not a list of bizarre religions. This list is designed to fill the gap by discussing ten religions that most of us have not heard of (for good reason as you will see). Be sure to use the comments to tell us about any other bizarre religions and, especially, your own experiences of them.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

7 Amazing New Brain Hacks Backed by Science

This should go without saying, but it needs to be said: don’t take anything for granted. Not even science.

Science changes every day. Research changes all the time. Don’t make the same mistake that theists make. Don’t believe in the research. Research it. Think about it. Tear it apart. Re-imagine it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover something that puts the research in this article out to pasture.

Take all things with a grain of salt, and some things with the entire salt shaker.

Get These 51 Paraliminals FREE & Achieve All Your Goals

Use 51 Paraliminals FREE to direct your nonconscious to move beyond challenges, solve issues, and achieve goals. Get your free pass for the next 3 days!

Source: 51 Paraliminals

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Created by master of the genius mind, Dr. Paul R. Scheele, Paraliminals help you effortlessly maximize your potential and achieve your goals with…
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February 13, 14 & 15. Use All 51 Paraliminals Around the Clock! Click Here to get all 51 FREE Paraliminals!

Friday, February 09, 2018

Seven Body Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You

How to Be LIked By Anything
There is no question that body language is important. And, according to Leil Lowndes in her book How To Talk To Anyone, you can capture — and hold — anyone's attention without even saying a word. Here's how:

The Flooding Smile

"Don't flash an immediate smile when you greet someone," says Lowndes. If you do, it appears as if anyone in your line of sight would receive that same smile. Instead, pause and look at the other person's face for a second, and then let a "big, warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes". Even though the delay is less than a second, it will convince people your smile is personalised for them.

Monday, February 05, 2018

How to Live to 100+

Blue Zones
We all inhabit this beautiful blue planet, breathe the same air, eat food grown on our world’s surface and drink fresh water sourced from the Earth, yet some people are a whole lot healthier than others, and in fact, live decades longer.

These are people who live in what has become known as ‘Blue Zones’ across the globe and we can learn a lot from their way of life.

These zones describe the characteristic lifestyles and the environments of the world’s longest-lived people and, remarkably, the average person’s life expectancy could increase by 10-12 years by adopting a Blue Zones lifestyle.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Secrets of an Energy Healing Master

The cruelest form of starvation is to tie someone up and put a banquet before them, inches out of reach.

Health is such a banquet, and for countless people, it is being held out of reach.

They'll do anything to stay healthy; only they don’t know why they can’t.

If you're one of them, this list might hold the clue to the why.

These are the findings of a study by a team of researchers, led by Drs. Gary Null, PhD and Carolyn Dean MD, ND,
==> 1. An estimated nine million Americans are unnecessarily hospitalized every year.
==> 2. About 750,000 deaths occur in the United States alone as a direct result of poor medical care.
==> 3. Every year, 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are written for antibiotics to treat minor VIRAL infections.
==> And there are more...
The point is... if your plan for securing your health is based on Western Medicine alone...

This list is scary.

Little wonder that alternative medicine modalities are so hot these days — people are hungry for something new.

But one particular field of alternative medicine has seen tremendous growth.

It is sneaking its way into hospitals, surgery rooms, medical clinics, insurance companies and even medical schools.

Can you guess what it is?

Energy Medicine - the science and art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at their best.

That's why I'm excited to let you know of a brand new Masterclass at Mindvalley Academy called...

This Masterclass is taught by the legendary healer, Donna Eden.

For the past 40 years, she has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our body is nothing but a collection of energy systems and that there are scientific means to naturally reclaim our health and vitality.

And using her clairvoyant-like ability to see nine different bodily energy systems, she has developed a simple, scientific framework for teaching others, who do not have this gift, to nonetheless work effectively with their own energies.

Just register and attend the Masterclass with Donna if you've been wanting to take responsibility for your own health and vitality...

You couldn't have asked for anything more.

This class will shift the way you think.

Saturday, February 03, 2018

7 Mind Bending Books That Will Radically Shift The Way You See The World

MindTrip Magazine
I’m often asked what my favorite books are — which ones impacted me the most and which ones I would recommend. 

And sure, I do have a list of personal growth books at the top of my head that shaped my view of the world.

But beyond the personal growth field, there are a several of books in science, sociology, and philosophy that have had an equally profound impact on me.

And today, I just wanted to share my top seven books in these fields that will help you better understand our role on this giant space-rock we call earth.

The books won’t just blow your mind – they will expand your mind to whole new levels and make you see the world in a very different way from politics, to ecology, to sex and religion.

Enjoy this list. I loved and enjoyed every single one of these books.

Friday, February 02, 2018

MindTrip Magazine Issue 67 Now Available

Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. The latest issue of our new digital magazine is now available for Apple
 and Android devices.
  • The Man from the Year 2256
  • How to Read Someone's Mind
  • This Man Will Prove Energy Healing
  • How to Do Super Brain Yoga
  • Naps Can Boost Brain Power
  • The Cosmos is a Mind-Expanding Drug
  • Simple Enlightenment
  • News From the Future
  • WTF Videos
  • Weird Facts
  • and much more...

To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access one of several free issues!

Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...