Thursday, November 30, 2017

Energy Healing Works, and This Man Will Prove It

In the 17 years since the bewildering day that Charlie Goldsmith discovered what he calls his "gift," the 35-year-old energy healer from Melbourne, Australia, has been trying to get someone in the medical world to take him seriously.

He has wanted to be of use, working with the formal sanction of doctors in hospitals. He has wanted to be recognized for what he knows he can do—not simply to justify the strange turn his life took when he was 18, but to shore up the credibility of a practice long plagued by fraud and religious superstition, and to make the experience of discovering and developing a healing gift like his less traumatic for other people.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Why Money And Sex Will Never Make You Happy

MindTrip Magazine
What motivates you?

Why do you go to work every day? Why do you go to school? Why do you go to the gym? Why do you go out at night?

For most guys the answer to all of these questions boils down to money, sex, or a combination of the two.

If we’re being honest, we all work for money and the freedom and security that it brings us. We all go to the gym and the bar in order to get laid.

And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting more money and more sex, there is something wrong with getting hyper-focused on these outcomes. And this is a trap that all too many of us fall into, at one time or another in our lives.

It’s easy to catch ourselves thinking, “I’ll be so happy if I get that raise,” or “I’ll be so happy if I can have sex with that girl tonight.” THIS line of thinking is a problem. An extra $10,000 per year or one night of amazing sex won’t make any noticeable change to your happiness levels. If you’re not already happy, then good luck finding happiness in money and sex.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Spiritual Codes Fest – Free for Six Days

Let's look at "mental codes."

Which one of the following seven statements describes you most?
  1. I use words and ideas to influence others.
  2. I tend to leave it to others to come up with ideas.
  3. I prefer traditional or conventional ideas.
  4. I am always jumping to the newest thing or idea.
  5. I organize and label everything! I like to follow procedures.
  6. I can be extraordinarily focused on my own ideas or those of my idol or mentor.
  7. I have an abundance of ideas.
You almost certainly found one of these to be spot on. It's part of a Code for what is happening in your life on the "mental" level. Recognizing it and knowing what to do about it can change your life completely. So the question is...

Which Code is dominant in your life?

When you find your Mental Code, embrace it. Let it be an everyday strength. The same holds true for other levels such as the physical level and emotional level.

It will then be easier to let your soul drive your life instead of everything else dragging you around. That's living on purpose.

For for five days during the upcoming Spiritual Codes Fest, you will explore these Spiritual Codes and the influence that they have on your life. Your access is free.
Experience it for yourself beginning on Monday, December 4. Your first session is all ready for you to hear – Click Here to get your free pass!
The secrets of the seven Spiritual Codes:

There are seven Spiritual Codes and each is known by one of the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

Each code also has a keyword or theme. The Red Code is will, as in resolution or conviction. The Orange Code is service. The Yellow Code is creativity. The Green Code stands for balance. The Blue Code is knowledge. The Indigo Code is devotion. And for the Violet Code, the main theme is magical order.

Each has a positive and expansive side, and each has a negative and contracting side.

During the Spiritual Codes Fest, you will learn the impact they have on your life and how to use them to live your dreams.
You will hear stories to help you understand the impact each Code can have – the positive and the negative – and help you recognize the codes in yourself.

Your host Marie Diamond will lead you in simple, yet powerful meditations to activate each code's vibration so that you can live to its potential.

The Spiritual Codes Fest begins Monday, December 4, mark your calendar today. Be ready for an eye-opening experience. Your first session is ready for you to listen to right now.

You are getting information that is not readily found in the world, you are getting instruction and mentoring through a true master of the work, and you are getting the support and expertise of an organization dedicated to helping you maximize your full potential.

Get your Free Pass today. We've been in business since 1981 helping people like you maximize your potential, and now we are here to help you improve your life...for free.
Spiritual Fest

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Naps Can Boost Brain Power

President Donald Trump prides himself on getting by with just four or five hours of sleep at night, which leaves him plenty of time early in the morning to scan cable TV news and tweet before going to work.

During last year's rough-and-tumble campaign, he scoffed at "low-energy" rivals Republican Jeb Bush and Democrat Hillary Clinton for carving out nap time.

"No naps for Trump! I don't nap," the 71-year-old Trump bellowed during one campaign stop. "We don't have time."

Yet history is replete with powerful leaders and warriors such as Napoleon, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy who routinely napped in the afternoon, regardless of the crises swirling around them. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Happy Drugs Inside Your Brain

Source: The Ancient Secret of Kings

We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree.

Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can intentionally cause them to flow.

Being in a positive state has significant impact on our motivation, productivity, and wellbeing. No sane person would be opposed to having higher levels in those areas.

Here are some simple ways to hack into our positive neurochemicals:

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Age Wave Is Transforming Longevity

Do you want to live to be 100?

If your immediate answer was yes, here’s a follow-up question: if you could live to 100, what conditions would you want to accompany your longevity?

You would probably want your healthspan to match your lifespan—that is, you’d want your body to be fit, your mind to be sound, and your friends and loved ones to remain close to you.

Free Numerology Reading Will Unleash Your Universal Super Power

Your life path number can tell you A LOT about you.

With the ancient science of Numerology you can find out accurate and revealing information just from your name and birth date.

Get your free numerology reading and learn more about how you can use numerology in your life to find out more about your path and journey.

How to Access Your Universal Super Power

What if I told you that you hold the universal super power of anticipating life-altering encounters with strangers... tapping into your unlimited abundance frequency… predicting upcoming challenges and lucrative opportunities... and following through on your BIG goals without any hesitation or uncertainty…

How? You might be wondering...

Because you have access to a secret weapon that most don’t know about: Numerology.

You’d be amazed at the shockingly accurate and revealing information that can be deciphered from nothing more than your name and date of birth.

But don’t take my word for it.

Friday, November 17, 2017

How to Read Someone's Mind

By Meredith Woerner 

Impress your friends and terrify your enemies by pretending to read anyone's mind. It's not as hard as it looks — there are some well-worn tricks that can make you appear telepathic. Screw magicians and their lame fire tricks — we're way more impressed with someone who can guess your favorite movie just by staring into your eyes.

We spoke with Las Vegas' resident Mentalist Gerry McCambridge and he broke down the basic steps to wowing people with your powers of telepathy.

McCambridge, who has spent the last 7 years at The Planet Hollywood reading throngs of tourists, doesn't just pull information from your brain — he'll also tell you exactly how he got there as well. So we asked him to break down his methods step by step.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

German Scientists Prove There Is Life After Death

A team of psychologists and medical doctors associated with the Technische Universität of Berlin, have announced this morning that they had proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death.

This astonishing announcement is based on the conclusions of a study using a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that allow patients to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before being brought back to life.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How to Grow Younger

By Ellen Wood

The Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation are exercises developed about 2500 years ago by Tibetan monks. They form a system of exercise that affects the body, mind and emotions, activating and stimulating key chakras (energy centers) thereby stimulating all the glands of the endocrine system.

Since the endocrine system is responsible for the body's overall functioning and aging process, the Tibetan Rites affect the functioning of all our organs and systems. The Tibetan Rites can be considered a form of Tibetan yoga similar to the more well-known yoga series that originated in India but these are supposed to make you grow younger and they really work!

Monday, November 13, 2017

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci to Unlock Your Creative Potential

“You are gifted with virtually unlimited potential for learning and creativity,” said author Michael Gelb.

In a keynote presentation at Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine Summit in San Diego this week, Gelb shared his insights for maximizing that potential—based on lessons from one of the greatest thinkers of history, Leonardo da Vinci.

Being more like da Vinci, Gelb said, can help us uncover hidden abilities, expand our minds, and accomplish more than we thought we could. Gelb used da Vinci’s notebooks, inventions, and artwork to come up with seven da Vincian principles, which he believes are the essential elements of genius.

The principles are detailed in his book How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. Here’s the condensed version.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

7 Steps to Think Like a Genius

Source: Brainwave Shots

At this very moment, you are holding unbound potential. You hold within your possession the most powerful learning and creative problem-solving system known to man, far superior to any supercomputer ever invented. It is your brain.

There are 100 billion neurons in your 3-pound brain.

By its very design, the human brain stores vast potential for memory, learning, and creativity. However, your capacity for learning and achievement must be unlocked. Although everyone holds this incredible power, the brain does not give of its powers away freely.

The Nocebo Effect: How Health Warnings Make You Sick

A few years ago, scores of middle-aged men took part in a clinical trial of a new drug, intended to ease the symptoms of their enlarged prostates. But this wasn't just a study of a drug's power to help. It was also a study of the mind's power to hurt.

Before getting their prescriptions, half of the men were told about a small risk of erectile dysfunction and other sexual side effects; none of the men had a history of such troubles. Of the men who got the warning, about 44 percent developed these symptoms. But among those kept in the dark, the rate was far lower: only about 15 percent.

It's known as the nocebo effect: When patients are warned of possible pain and unpleasant side effects, it increases the likelihood that they'll experience them.

If the placebo effect—in which positive patient expectations can be therapeutic—is relatively famous and well explored, the nocebo effect is its little-known evil twin.

The Ageless Secrets

Friday, November 10, 2017

Genius Russian Boy Remembers His Previous Life on Mars

A 'genius' Russian boy believes he had a previous life on Mars and his parents believe him.

The curious case of Boriska Kipriyanovich, now aged 20, continues to startle experts.

He first came to the mainstream attention of conspiracy theorists and New Age believers in 2008 when he was the subject of the documentary Boriska: Indigo Boy from Mars.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

11 Amazing Creations Discovered In Dreams

You know what visions I get in my dreams? Visions of falling off of buildings (and doing the full body spasm thing when I hit the ground). These 11 people, on the other hand, had dreams that changed the world.

Let's hope that my visions take a turn toward genius sometime soon. Until then, I'll just take inspiration from these guys.

1. The Periodic Table

It's said that Dmitry Mendeleyev was on a three-day work bender when he finally gave in for a few minutes of shut eye. Instead of falling asleep for 17 hours like most sleep deprived people, Mendeleyev dreamt of an arrangement of elements that would change modern chemistry forever, then popped up about 20 minutes later to record it. "I saw in a dream a table where all the elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper... Only in one place did a correction later seem necessary."

Sleep Programming

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

How to Turn a Paperclip Into a House

By Carolyn Hanson / Amazing Self

Would you consider yourself a resourceful person?

I like to think that I am, but the truth is I often find my progress to achieving something important is blocked because I seem to lack the resources needed to get the job done.

Not too long ago I learned about the "Red paper clip Guy" whose lessons on resourcefulness I think are worth sharing.

He has 8 of them that I am going to relate to you in a moment.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Tune In. Drop Out. Get Rich.

Reality is an Illusion
Tune In

Some people seem to get rich without much effort. Some people struggle, save, and sacrifice to find riches and some try as hard as they can but never reach the riches they desire.

What makes the difference? It can't be good looks or brains, there's a lot of goofy looking nitwits rolling in cash. It can't be location or vocation. Self made millionaires all start somewhere doing the same tasks as their contemporaries yet they get rich while their co-workers do not.

Do riches come from an iron will and hard work? The millionaire mom of Bill Gates was on the same charity Board of Directors as the Chairman of IBM. "Billy, time to eat. Honey, guess who I met at the golf course today?..." How hard was that?
So what is the key to success? The key to success is the mind. What you think about you bring about. The only path to true happiness is attaining wealth by tuning in on who you really are and what you really want. The Competitive World is all about the outside in. You have to do THIS to get THAT and when you get THERE, THEN you will be happy. WRONG. That's backwards.

Read the full story here... 

MindTrip Magazine Issue 64 Now Available for your Phone or Tablet!

Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. The latest issue of our new digital magazine is now available for Apple
 and Android devices.
  • Miraculous Healing Using the Power of the Mind
  • The One and Only Cause of Failure in Your Life
  • How to Bend Reality in the Matrix
  • Anthony Robbins' Secret Weapon
  • Happiness Is Not Enough
  • The 12 Universal Laws
  • Optimistic Nihilism
  • Simple Enlightenment
  • News From the Future
  • WTF Videos
  • Weird Facts
  • and much more...

To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access one of several free issues!

Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

The Practical Benefits of Outrageous Optimism

If you ask me, everything is pretty frickin' great these days.

Your life and my life are both going to continue to increase in awesomeness over time.

We are likely to have exceptional fortune and health throughout our days, we'll help to change some lives for the better, our kids are going to turn out loving and great, and we will die with a broad smile across our rugged and weather-worn faces somewhere around the age of a hundred and twenty two.

Oh sure, there will be the odd problem and catastrophe along the way, but they will just serve as recharging jolts to keep us from getting complacent. More problems to solve, more learning to do, and deeper happiness to attain.

On top of that, the human race is bound for an ever-better fate, ironing out most of its current problems and most of the problems that follow in the future, ending up at a tantalizing Star Trek Utopia.

Those are pretty controversial statements to make these days, yet strangely enough the general theme tends to become true, for the few people who are crazy enough to believe it.

Can A Brainwave Shot Transform Your Life?

Source: Brainwave Shots

Can you imagine being able to listen to a 15-minute MP3 to turn on any mind state you want.

For example, want to experience razor sharp focus? Just listen to an audio.

Want to feel happier? Listen to that audio. More brain power? Pop in that audio.

That's what a new “brainwave entrainment” siteclaims you’ll be able to do. And, apparently, they have the science to back it up.

Today, I’m going to pull back the curtains and see if their claims are the real deal – or nothing but hot air.