"When my first major panic attack happened, I actually thought I was having a heart attack. I got my husband to phone the ambulance. It was horrendous—a horrible space to be living in. I was going through a lot at that time, and I was going to bed at night and waking up with the attacks. The doctor said, 'No, you've got anxiety' and just put me under that umbrella term. I just found it so frustrating that they weren't helping me, so I got connected with EFT."
When Caroline Robinson from Warwick, England, started practicing the alternative therapy Emotional Freedom Technique, she found herself at the beginning of a slow but steady recovery.
"Eventually, I could think rationally. I could be helpful. I reduced the trauma attached to the events that were triggering my anxiety, and now when I think of them, there's no emotion. Now I see things with a different perspective and can carry on as normal." She is now teaching EFT to her young kids, so they can carry these tools into their future.