Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Know Thyself – How To Be Happy Without Changing Anything But Yourself

If you give the below video an hour and a half of your time, you won’t be disappointed with the Inner wisdom it gives you.

Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world. You are the co-creator of your reality.

You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.

When you remove filters that influence the perspectives and decisions you make, the things that resonate with those filters will be removed with it. One of the laws, which is the law of analogy, as above so below, so within so without, are consistent in every human being because the patterns and cycles within ourselves create and interact with similar patterns and cycles outside of ourselves.

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