Thursday, October 29, 2015

Scientists Decode the Brains of Tibetan Monks

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of the MASSIVE benefits of daily meditation…


To get the full effects…

People have to practice diligently for YEARS to achieve massive results.

Tibetan and Buddhist monks dedicate decades of their lives to achieving this heightened state of meditation…


A study at Stanford University found something interesting…

These monks, when meditating, had a specific brainwave frequency…

A frequency that could be duplicated in the lab!

Now…I shouldn’t have to tell you how amazing that is…

But here is the crazy part:

Not only could the scientists duplicate the frequency that took these monks decades to master…

But they could induce the same frequency in an untrained person’s mind in minutes!

This short video explains it better… 
But if you have ever struggled to maintain a disciplined meditation practice…


If you want to take your current practice forward by a few decades…

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