Wednesday, April 23, 2014

8 People Who Got Superpowers From Brain Trauma

Most of us have wished we might suddenly wake up richer, taller, thinner or better-looking at some point. But Jason Padgett really did wake up a changed man.

Previously a school drop-out who worked in his dad's furniture shop and was the life and soul of the party, at the age of 31 he was left a maths and physics genius overnight after being hit on the head during a mugging.

Diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome, in which brain injuries turn previously normal people into experts in maths, art or music, Jason, 43, is one of few people in the world who can draw fractals by hand. The images are repeated geometric patters and can take him weeks – if not months to finish.

He's in good company. While a head injury is undoubtedly a traumatic experience, for some it provided an unexpected epiphany, too.

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