Thursday, November 29, 2012

Top 10 Mind Bending Movies

By Daniel Hubschman / Source:

Movies are meant to entertain. You pay $12 for the opportunity to tune out the real world and escape your droll existence with 24 frames of colorful adventure per second. Though I occasionally enjoy turning my brain off while watching movies like Transformers or Predators for sheer thrills, these films aren’t the reason why I fell in love with cinema. 

On the contrary, the most fun that I’ve ever had at the movies has been when I’ve been challenged by the material and required to question the characters, their motives and the narrative itself.

In honor of Christopher Nolan’s new brain-boggling epic Inception, here’s a list of our favorite mind-bending cinematic experiences.

Two Magic Words

By Jason Mangrum

Spiritual masters say that enlightenment can happen in an instant or like the blooming of a lotus flower. The same can be said of realizations, and learning.

As you read a book on any subject you will have moments that you stop reading just long enough to say “Ah ha!” or “Wow, that’s how that works” or “that’s why that happens!”

When you first look at a new math equation and it makes no sense, then later after you learn the process, you can look at the same equation again and you not only understand it you can solve it.

The point I am trying to make is this: There is a point where something is gained from any knowledge. First you are ignorant, and then you inquire, next you realize, now you have the power of that knowledge and can apply it to your world.

People will sell you courses and charge you thousands of dollars to beat around the bush and flush out the truth I am about to tell you.

I have used this method that consists of only 2 words to create anything I want usually within 24 hours if not instantly.


Beyond Superhuman

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stop Your Wandering Mind with Sex

Source: The Times of India

We often find ourselves drifting away while at work or studying but experts have said that it's bad for health – and now the best way to avoid daydreaming is to make love, it seems.

Mind-wandering turns out to be extremely common – users reported daydreaming almost 50 per cent of the time – mostly during brushing their teeth or doing other grooming, reports New Scientist.

During only one activity – making love – did the frequency of mind-wandering drop below 30 per cent.

Crucially, episodes of mind-wandering tended to precede bouts of low mood, but not vice versa, suggesting that the former caused the latter.


The MP3s That Cure Insomnia

Source: Sleep Salon

Insomnia. I'm not sure there's anything more frustrating.

The endless staring at the ceiling. That desperate waiting for slumber to finally kick in. The feeling of immense tiredness throughout the next day.

But such sleep problems may be a thing of the past thanks to a new scientific audio program.

The Sleep Salon is a new program designed to help eliminate sleeping problems by tapping into the power of the mind. It uses special sounds to help influence brainwave patterns, taking the brain from being wide awake and lulling it gently into a deep, relaxing sleep.

The program comes from the creators of the Brain Evolution System and the Brain Salon, and is based on over 100 years of brainwave research.

The science is pretty simple. Your brain emits a mild electrical frequency, which can be measured using an EEG machine. They call these 'brainwaves', and different brainwave frequencies mean that you're in different states of mind. So, as you're reading this, you're likely consciously alert and attentive, and so your brainwaves should be operating in the Beta (12-30 Hz) frequency. However when you're asleep, brainwaves dip down to the Delta (0.1-4 Hz) frequency. And yes, this is all common knowledge in the science world.

The Sleep Salon taps into this, by capitalizing on a physics phenomenon known as "entrainment." When you strike one tuning fork and hold another next to it, the second starts resonating at the same frequency. It's the same with the brain: when exposed to a certain frequency, the brain 'copies' that frequency. The sessions inside the Sleep Salon all contain special 'encoded' frequencies. When the brain 'hears' these frequencies, it copies them -- taking your brain down from the wide-awake Beta frequency down to deep-sleep Delta.

To put it even simpler: listen to these simple MP3 audio files -- and you'll fall asleep.

Sleep Salon

'Sleeping Beauty' snoozes for 64 days

A Pennsylvania teenager slept for 64 days from Thanksgiving into January -- her longest sleeping episode yet.

Nicole Delien, 17, struggles with a rare sleep disorder called Kleine-Levine, or 'Sleeping Beauty Syndrome'.

During her sleep spells she will wake up in a confused state for small periods of time to eat and go to the bathroom and then fall back to sleep.

Nicole's mother, Vicki, says her daughter will sleep 18 to 19 hours a day, and when she eventually wakes up to eat she is in a 'sleepwalking state which she doesn't remember', KDKA in Pittsburgh recently reported.

Read the full story here...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Monday Super Savings Codes

It's Cyber Monday-- and I've arranged for some *huge* savings exclusively for my newsletter subscribers.

I've partnered with the Self Development Network to offer you HUGE discounts of 50-70% on their best-selling
self-improvement titles.

Whatever your goal is for 2013 -- whether it's improving results in your personal life, your career, your relationships or your mindset... these top performance-tuning titles will get you on target for a fraction of what everyone else is paying.

These codes are valid for *24 HOURS ONLY*. They expire at 8am on Tuesday, November 27... so use them quickly!

You won't find these publicly advertised ANYWHERE online... these are savings exclusive to Cyber Monday.

Enjoy the savings!

Save 50 - 70% off our Top 10 Best-Sellers here...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Top 10 Predictions for 2013 and Beyond

By Patrick Tucker / Source: World Future Society

Each year since 1985, the editors of The Futurist have selected the most thought-provoking ideas and forecasts appearing in the magazine to go into our annual Outlook report.

Over the years, Outlook has spotlighted the emergence of such epochal developments as the Internet, virtual reality, the 2008 financial crisis and the end of the Cold War.

But these forecasts are meant as conversation starters, not absolute predictions about the future. We hope that this report -- covering developments in business and economics, demography, energy, the environment, health and medicine, resources, society and values, and technology -- inspires you to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of the coming decade.

Advanced Cosmic Ordering

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are We All Brainwashed?

Are we all brainwashed? Or, have we lost our minds? 

Director Jeff Warrick leads this journey through the subconscious mind while exploring the alleged usage of subliminals in advertising, music, film, television, anti-theft devices, political propaganda, military psychological operations, and advanced weapons development, to determine if such tactics have succeeded in PROGRAMMING THE NATION?

Yekra Player
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.
Programming the Nation

'Elixir of Life' Could Be Real

The 'elixir of life' said to have been invented by scientists in Kazakhstan could work, according to British experts.

The discovery of the elixir was announced at an international scientific conference held at Nazarbayev University earlier this month.

The scientists have taken two years to develop the yogurt based drink called "nar" which means nourishment in Kazakh.

It has been developed at Nazarbayev University in the capital, Astana where it is currently undergoing clinical tests.

The Kazakhstani leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, gave orders to the university's scientists to come up with an 'elixir of life', soon after the institution was established in 2009.

The Ageless Secrets

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Doomsday 'Safe Zone' Shut Down

Citing fears that doomsday believers, curiosity seekers, and above all journalists will flood a French mountaintop on Dec. 21, the supposed day of the Mayan apocalypse, local officials are banning access to the mountain.

The spot, Pic de Bugarach, is rumored to be one of the only safe places on the planet on Dec. 21, according to Raw Story. On that date, a major cycle of the Maya Long Count calendar ends. The calendar is split into several chunks, including 400-year spans called b'ak'tuns. Dec. 21, 2012 on our calendar marks the end of the 13th b'ak'tun and the beginning of a new cycle.

The calendar change would not have been seen as the end of the world by the ancient Maya, scholars agree. But in New Age and other online subcultures, believers have come to expect something major on that day, with predictions ranging from a new dawn of peace and harmony to an explosive doomsday.

One online rumor holds that on this day of destruction, Pic de Bugarach will open up to reveal an alien spacecraft, which will save believers nearby. That has local officials worried.

Kung Fu Nuns Teach Cosmic Energy to CERN Scientists

A dozen kung fu nuns from an Asian Buddhist order displayed their martial arts prowess to bemused scientists at CERN this week as their spiritual leader explained how their energy was like that of the cosmos.

The nuns, all from the Himalayan region, struck poses of hand-chops, high-kicks and punches on Thursday while touring the research centre where physicists at the frontiers of science are probing the origins of the universe.

"Men and women carry different energy," said His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa, a monk who ranks only slightly below the Dalai Lama in the global Buddhist hierarchy. "Both male and female energies are needed to better the world."

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss and a Longer Life

By Margie King / Source: Natural News 

According to an Irish proverb, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. As far as sleep goes, that may just be true according to three recent studies concluding that good sleeping habits may promote weight loss, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and increase longevity.

In the first study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that although dieters lost the same amount of weight whether they had adequate sleep or not, those who got a full night's sleep lost 55% more body fat than those who cut back on sleep.

Sleep Programming

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Charismatic Leadership Tricks to Get You Up the Career Ladder

By Chris D'Cruz, Keeper of the Universal Life Secrets

Charismatic leadership has a convincing power to inspire other people. It is a leader with its own unique charm to persuade his or her group. To be a charismatic leader, one should know how to identify the situation and step up for their team.

After viewing some of what charismatic leadership means, let's try to look a few vital tricks you need to know to achieve their charm.

Universal Life Secrets

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Psychology of Magic

In the last half decade, magic—normally deemed entertainment fit only for children and tourists in Las Vegas—has become shockingly respectable in the scientific world. Even I—not exactly renowned as a public speaker—have been invited to address conferences on neuroscience and perception. I asked a scientist friend (whose identity I must protect) why the sudden interest. He replied that those who fund science research find magicians "sexier than lab rats."

I'm all for helping science. But after I share what I know, my neuroscientist friends thank me by showing me eye-tracking and MRI equipment, and promising that someday such machinery will help make me a better magician.

I have my doubts. Neuroscientists are novices at deception. Magicians have done controlled testing in human perception for thousands of years.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Futurist's New Book Predicts Powerful Digital Brain

Futurist Ray Kurzweil optimistically predicts much longer life expectancies, cures for cancer and heart disease, flying cars and robot butlers.

Thanks in large part to expected advances in brain research, humans will become capable of feats that now seem impossible, posits the inventor and author in his new book, How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed.

Key to his predictions, which he's also outlined in a series of other books including The Age of Spiritual Machines andThe Singularity Is Near, is the law of accelerating returns. Kurzweil suggests the pace of information technology advances will grow at an exponential pace until sometime near the end of the century.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The 3 Mighty Forces of Power

By Burt Goldman, The American Monk

Events can be manipulated to solve problems you are faced with. You can change things you're not satisfied with.

While there's no disputing the fact that you can't always get what you want, it's also true that you can exercise your innate power over the events of your life and make things go your way much more frequently.

To do so, you must understand and use the three mighty forces of power -- desire, belief, and expectation. Before anything you want to happen can occur, you must desire that it happen. You must believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen. Letís look at each of these three forces and then see how you can put them to work for you.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Viagra For Your Brain?

They are all around us, a secret society of the successful. They say what gives them an advantage, though, isn't just purposefulness or perseverance but a little secret weapon, a pill called Provigil.

There is the lobbyist, who wakes up at 5 a.m. to complete two full workouts before heading to work.

"I could not do this without Provigil. You know, it just wouldn't be the same," she told ABC News, asking that ABC News not identify her. "It's amazing. ... I just don't get ... why more people don't know about it."

John Withers, a computer programmer, can write code for 12 hours at a time.
"It helps you focus up for exceptionally long periods of time," he said.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to Fake Your Way to Happiness

How dependent are you on outside forces for your happiness?

Are you happier when you achieve what you've been longing for, or when you simply have to just make do with what you've got? For example, the amount of happiness your experience as a result of you finally getting that promotion, compared to not getting it?

In this TED Talk, Stumbling On Happiness author Dan Gilbert explains that scientifically, we can be just as happy by manufacturing our own happiness (synthetic happiness) as we can if we get what we want. The reason for this is because we have a psychological immune system that slides into gear during circumstances that may initially make us feel pretty miserable.

One of the most interesting pieces of trivia he reveals is one case where the happiness levels of paraplegics and lottery winners were compared. Astoundingly, one year after both of their remarkably different life-altering experiences, they exhibited the same level of happiness.

Free Seminar: T. Harv Eker's SpeedWealth

By T. Harv Eker, Creator of SpeedWealth

T. Harv Eker, author of the New York Times #1 best-seller "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," is now presenting a free online seminar called SpeedWealth.

In this seminar you'll discover a time-tested road map to creating a million-dollar business in 3 short years - or less.

"SpeedWealth" reveals the 8 critical steps that the world's most successful businesses use to become overnight sensations. 

Change Your Name to Change Your Luck?

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt once predicted that in the future people around the world will change their names to escape all the embarrassing things they did online in the past. In Thailand, people already are doing it—for good luck.

Baramee Thammabandan, 46 years old, had a run of misfortune a decade ago when he was still known as Teerapol Lilitjirawat. His business trading garments in Bangkok's mazelike markets slumped, his eyesight began to fail and he could no longer properly manage his affairs. Worse, he says his former wife left him.

So, Mr. Baramee did what many Thais do when faced with a patch of bad luck: He changed his name. "I wanted to become a new person," says the slim, clean-shaven Mr. Baramee, whose new name means "Charisma" and which he chose to bring him wealth and fame.

It seems to have worked.

Monday, November 05, 2012

110-year-old Man's Secret is a Magic Potion from India

He has lived to see 26 prime ministers, received seven telegrams from the Queen and was alive when the Wright brothers piloted the first powered plane in 1903.

But Britain's oldest man – who turns 110 tomorrow – says his longevity isn't entirely down to his strict vegetarian diet or his favourite tipple, gin.

The Reverend Reg Dean instead attributes it to a 'mysterious brown-looking' elixir of life given to him by a doctor when he was an army chaplain in India.

‘He said to me, "I have concocted a drink that will make you live for ever", or something like that, and would I like to take it?' he recalled yesterday.

Read the full story here... The Ageless Secrets

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Are Alien Abductions Merely Lucid Dreams?

Source: Digital Journal

Researchers at the Out-of-Body Experience Research Center (OOBE Research Center) at UCLA , say they have evidence that claims of close encounter with UFOs and extraterrestrials result from vivid or lucid dreams.

Lead researcher Michael Raduga, of the OOBE Research Center, in the study involving 20 volunteers which began on October 7, 2011, designed a method for coaching people how to have lucid dreams involving apparently real encounters with aliens. The subjects were coached on how to induce out-of-body encounters by mentally performing a series of exercises.

The researchers found it was not difficult to induce typical alien abduction reports after only a few days (3 days) of training the subjects. Using the exercises they had designed, the researchers found they could teach subjects how to have close encounters with aliens.

Lead researcher Michael Raduga, whose research design is based on the theory that reports of alien encounters come from very realistic dream experiences, reasons that successfully coaching people how to have realistic dream experiences of alien encounter provide strong evidence in support of the theory that alien encounters are mostly lucid dream experiences, that is, the product of people's imaginations.


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