Friday, July 20, 2012

The Magic Trick of Happiness

By James Altucher

Question: How can I be happy, when the future holds little promise, and you fear you haven't lived the kind of life you can be content with?

Answer: In June, 2003, I Googled what would happen if I put three unlit cigarettes in a cup of water overnight. Then drank the water in the morning. The idea is that nicotine is a lethal poison. When you smoke it you burn most of the poison away. But if it drains into the water…The theory was I'd be dead of a heart attack in sixty seconds. My fear was that I would I have brain damage instead.  

I've known people with brain damage. That would be no good. It was three in the morning. I knew I was going to go broke. My office had papers and dead computers and dead books and the cards of dead friends everywhere. The IRS letter was next to my computer. I had an incomparable loneliness in all of my relationships. All the work and hours I had put in had added up to this dirty office and no money.

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