Monday, April 30, 2012

The Night I Met My Guardian Angel

By Suzanne O'Brien, Author of A Heavenly Presence

When I got to the hospital that Wednesday morning April 2, 1997, I saw that my hospital gown had little birds printed all over it. Synchronicity! I took this to be a very good omen. I mean of all the possible designs that could have been on that gown!

Friends from the bird center had come with me that morning. They all also agreed that the hospital gown fabric was a good omen. But what else would they say to a friend about to have her head drilled open while a stranger played laser tag in her brain!

We then all hugged and said our good-byes as I headed in to get my anesthesia, still completely calm and accepting of the fact that I may be "going home". 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Scientists Who Believe That Telepathy Is Possible

By Chris Carter, Author of Science and Psychic Phenomena

Recently, journalist Steven Volk was surprised to discover that leading skeptical psychologist Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence for telepathy is so good that "by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven."

Mr. Volk goes on to write, "Even more incredibly, as I report in Fringe-ology, another leading skeptic, Chris French, agrees with him."

Mr. Volk might even be more surprised to learn that back in 1951 psychologist Donald Hebb wrote this:
"Why do we not accept ESP [extrasensory perception] as a psychological fact? [The Rhine Research Center] has offered enough evidence to have convinced us on almost any other issue … Personally, I do not accept ESP for a moment, because it does not make sense. My external criteria, both of physics and of physiology, say that ESP is not a fact despite the behavioral evidence that has been reported. I cannot see what other basis my colleagues have for rejecting it … Rhine may still turn out to be right, improbable as I think that is, and my own rejection of his view is—in the literal sense—prejudice."
Beyond Superhuman

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

6 Steps to Cross Anything Off Your Bucket List

If there's one thing I'm proud of, it's being able to tell good stories.

Not because I'm a particularly good storyteller, but because I've been able to accumulate some amazing experiences in the last 5 and a half years.

It was 2006 when I first hit the road with my next-door neighbor, his younger brother, and a kid I knew from high school to accomplish a list we had created of 100 things to do before we died. We made a promise that for every item we crossed off, we'd help a total stranger do something they wanted to do before they died. To date, we've accomplished 81 items on our list and helped over 81 people.

In addition to those Tim mentioned in the intro, and among others, I've made a TV show, crashed the Playboy Mansion, streaked a stadium, been on Oprah, reunited a father and son after 17 years, made a $300,000 donation to charity, helped a girl find her mother's grave for the first time, and am trying to help a college freshman find a new kidney…

Remember: 5 and a half years ago, I couldn't tell any of these stories.

Proof That Thoughts Heal

By Andre Evans / Source: Activist Post

If you are struggling with any major health concern, it is important to realize that your mind can sometimes be your own worst enemy, or it could be the main reason for treating a problem.

Increasingly, it is being recognized that a 'mind over matter' approach can actually produce noticeable results in your health.

Numerous studies abound on the nature of the mind-body relationship, and how your mind can affect your biological functions.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thinking About Death Can Improve Your Life

Thinking about death can actually be a good thing. An awareness of mortality can improve physical health and help us re-prioritize our goals and values, according to a new analysis of recent scientific studies.

Even non-conscious thinking about death -- say walking by a cemetery -- could prompt positive changes and promote helping others.

Past research suggests that thinking about death is destructive and dangerous, fueling everything from prejudice and greed to violence. Such studies related to terror management theory (TMT), which posits that we uphold certain cultural beliefs to manage our feelings of mortality, have rarely explored the potential benefits of death awareness.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Healing Power of Music

Have you ever been having a bad day, feeling down, depressed, unmotivated, and bummed out? We all have. What do you normally do to try to get out of your funk?

For some people, they may take a walk, clean the house, watch a funny movie, or call up a friend to chit chat. But what about listening to your favorite music? Try it. You might be surprised just how much better it makes you feel.

First, you're sad and lonely. Then you crank up the volume and the next thing you know, you're moving, grooving, dancing, and playing air guitar to your favorite album. I'll will bet you a million dollars (OK, $1) that you will absolutely feel better, almost instantly.

It's called music therapy and it can work on virtually anyone.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Future of Cellphones: Dial With Your Thoughts

By Duncan Graham-Rowe

Researchers in California have created a way to place a call on a cell phone using just your thoughts. Their new brain-computer interface is almost 100 percent accurate for most people after only a brief training period.

The system was developed by Tzyy-Ping Jung, a researcher at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego, and colleagues.

Besides acting as an ultraportable aid for severely disabled people, the system might one day have broader uses, he says. For example, it could create the ultimate hands-free experience for cell-phone users, or be used to detect when drivers or air-traffic controllers are getting drowsy by sensing lapses in concentration.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The iBrain: The Device That's Trying to Read Stephen Hawking's Mind

By David Ewing Duncan/ Source: New York Times

Already surrounded by machines that allow him, painstakingly, to communicate, the physicist Stephen Hawking last summer donned what looked like a rakish black headband that held a feather-light device the size of a small matchbox.

Called the iBrain, this simple-looking contraption is part of an experiment that aims to allow Dr. Hawking — long paralyzed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease — to communicate by merely thinking.

The iBrain is part of a new generation of portable neural devices and algorithms intended to monitor and diagnose conditions like sleep apnea, depression and autism.

One Minute Cure for Cancer

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sell Your Cleverness and Purchase Bewilderment

By Dr. Wayne Dyer, Creator of Wishes Fulfilled

Having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing sounds easy until you think about how much conditioning has taken place in your life, and how many of your current thoughts were influenced by geography, the religious beliefs of your ancestors, the color of your skin, the shape of your eyes, the political orientation of your parents, your size, your gender, the schools that were selected for you, and the vocation of your great-grandparents, to list only some possibilities.

You showed up here as a tiny infant capable of an infinite number of potentialities. Many of your choices remain unexplored because of a hopefully well-intentioned conditioning program designed to make you fit the culture of your caretakers. You probably had next to no opportunity to disagree with the cultural and societal arrangements made for your life.

There may have been some adults who encouraged you to have an open mind, but if you’re honest with yourself, you know that your philosophy of life, your religious beliefs, your manner of dress, and your language are a function of what your tribe (and its heritage) determined was right for you. If you made any fuss about going against this preordained conditioning, you probably heard even stronger voices insisting that you get back in line and do things the way they have "always been done." Fitting in superseded having a mind that was open to new ideas.

Hay House, Inc.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Control Your Dreams with New iphone App

A psychologist has created an iPhone application to help people manipulate their dreams by playing pleasant 'soundscapes' during slumber.

Professor Richard Wiseman, who claims to be the most followed psychologist on Twitter, hopes to sweeten people's dreams using their smartphones.

The self-described "psychologist, author and magician" hopes to attract thousands of people to take part in the dream manipulation experiment.

Participants will download a specially designed app that turns their Apple device into a 'dream factory'.

After placing the phone on the bed it can detect when a sleeper is not moving - signifying the onset of dreaming.

The device then plays a customised 'soundscape' designed to evoke pleasant scenes such as walking in woods, lying on a beach or being in a peaceful garden.


Sleep Programming

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Insane Experiment

By Miss Cellania / Source: Neatorama

BRI member Ben Brand sent us this information about a couple of experiments conducted by a Stanford professor a few years ago. The results are a little scary - but frankly, they're not that surprising, are they?

Insanity Experiment #1

Researchers: Dr. David Rosenhan, a professor psychology and law at Stanford University. He was assisted by eight people, carefully chosen because they were "apparently sane in every measurable aspect, with no record of past mental problems": three psychologists, a psychiatrist, a pediatrician, an artist, a housewife, and a psychology graduate student.

Who They Studied: The people who run America's mental institutions.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    How to Turn a Negative Ending into a Positive Beginning

    By Tony Mase / Source: The Personal Power Course

    Whether you've just gotten divorced, just gotten laid off, just had to move out of your hometown for the first time, or suffered something equally as earth-shattering, you know endings are sad and scary. In fact, there are few things in life that actually cause more sadness than an ending.


    Because you're losing a part of yourself. Even if your marriage wasn't a good one, it defined part of who you are. Or, the job you went to every day made you feel "whole". Or, simply growing up and living in your hometown helped to shape who you are. When things like that come to an end, you can feel empty and disconnected from the rest of the world. You may feel like you don't even know who you are anymore!

    So, how do you get through it and start anew?

    You need to focus on the positives - and, specifically, feel grateful for them.

    Saturday, April 07, 2012

    How to Rewire Your Mind for Wealth

    Lots of Money FastBy Stuart Lichtman, Author of
    How to Get Lots of Money for Anything

    Forgive me for being so bold, but there's a question I want to ask you.

    You may get offended. But it's important, so I'm willing to take that chance.

    And you don't even have to tell me the answer.

    The question is:

    How much money do YOU make?

    You see, in America - the world's wealthiest country, with more opportunities than anywhere else - 95% of people are broke at age 65.

    Ever wonder why some people can start our dirt poor and end up wealthy - while others have every advantage and still struggle to pay their bills?


    Why Overconfidence Leads to Success

    By Christine Dell'Amore / Source: National Geographic News

    Believing you're better than you are may help you succeed, a new study says.

    For years, psychologists have observed that people routinely overestimate their abilities, said study leader Dominic Johnson, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

    Some experts have suggested that overconfidence can be a good thing, perhaps by boosting ambition, resolve, and other traits, creating self-fulfilling prophecies.

    But positive self-delusion can also lead to faulty assessments, unrealistic expectations, and hazardous decisions, according to the study—making it a mystery why overconfidence remains a key human trait despite thousands of years of natural selection, which typically weeds out harmful traits over generations.
    Now, new computer simulations show that a false sense of optimism, whether when deciding to go to war or investing in a new stock, can often improve your chances of winning.

    "There hasn't been a good explanation for why we are overconfident, and this new model offers a kind of evolutionary logic for that," Johnson said. "It's unlikely to be an accident—we're perhaps overconfident for a good reason."

    Friday, April 06, 2012

    Body Posture Improves Your Self-Confidence

    Sitting up straight in your chair isn't just good for your posture – it also gives you more confidence in your own thoughts, according to a new study.

    Researchers found that people who were told to sit up straight were more likely to believe thoughts they wrote down while in that posture concerning whether they were qualified for a job.

    On the other hand, those who were slumped over their desks were less likely to accept these written-down feelings about their own qualifications.

    The results show how our body posture can affect not only what others think about us, but also how we think about ourselves, said Richard Petty, co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University.

    "Most of us were taught that sitting up straight gives a good impression to other people," Petty said. "But it turns out that our posture can also affect how we think about ourselves. If you sit up straight, you end up convincing yourself by the posture you're in."


    How to Use "Magic"

    By Adrian Cooper, Author of Our Ultimate Reality

    Many people will have heard of "Magic". We should note straightaway however that by true Magic as practiced from time immemorial we do not mean the stage illusionists, prestidigitators, conjurors and other such people from the areas of stage entertainment, but rather Magic in its very truest, very highest and most sacred form.

    Magic is in reality a sacred science, the word "Magic" originating from the "Magi" who fully understood and applied natural Universal laws in order to bring about effect that many might consider to be miraculous.

    The practitioner of true Magic understands, aligns him or herself with, and makes full and proper use of Universal laws in order to manifest the desired results in whichever plane of existence the desired result is to be experienced.

    People often erroneously associate Magic with occult practices, sorcery and witchcraft for example, but even this is not Magic in its truest and highest form. This is not to say of course that sorcery, witchcraft and similar types of "magic" are not effective, because they most certainly can be and often are, depending on the powers of the practitioner.

    Wednesday, April 04, 2012

    Russia to Develop Psychotronic 'Zombie Gun'

    Source: Daily Mail UK

    Mind-bending 'psychotronic' guns that can effectively turn people into zombies have been given the go-ahead by Russian president Vladimir Putin.

    The futuristic weapons – which will attack the central nervous system of their victims – are being developed by the country's scientists.

    They could be used against Russia's enemies and, perhaps, its own dissidents by the end of the decade.

    Sources in Moscow say Mr Putin has described the guns, which use electromagnetic radiation like that found in microwave ovens, as 'entirely new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals'.

    Video Subliminal Messages