Saturday, October 01, 2011

Creating Psychic Children

By Elly Molina, Author of Annabelle and the Domino

Teaching Children how to develop their innate psychic abilities is enjoyable, very simple and deeply rewarding.
For the past six years I've been working with children between the ages of 3 to 14 to safely explore, develop and train them in developing and enhancing their psychic abilities.
In 2007, I began my first practical hands on training program with a group of 12 to 14 year olds. This first program was designed to last three months with the students meeting weekly for two hours. By the end of the first program, the twenty students in the program were confident in their abilities to be highly intuitive and very effective creators of their own futures.

The results that the participants had were concrete and totally applicable and practical to their lives. Some received higher grades in their classes, others got early acceptance into the High School of their choices and others simply had satisfying results in their personal lives.


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