The tips and suggestions given below are deep research and collection of author for the last 30 years in this field. They are most authentic and tested in most of the cases. The suggestions given here can be adopted in your life without any doubt as they don't have any side effect and based on the laws of nature.
- Take food less than your hunger - It has been established through experiments that the life expectancy of a person goes up two times, if his food intake is reduced by 40%.
- The Golden gifts of the nature for you: Pomegranate (Anar)- Contains all the important minerals and vitamins required by our body
o; Honey - Collected from flowers, a superb gift from nature; Coconut water - The water of green coconut lifted from the earth, and after processing at many stages stores the health nectar with great potentialities of health and vigour; Amla - provides us with many essential vitamins, best for all types of heart diseases; Bel - the superb gift from nature, highly useful for stomach ailments and digestive system.
- Take vegetarian and fibrous foods (All raw vegetables and fruits fall in this category) - avoid fried and greasy food..
- Take your meals preferably two times a day- Avoid meals after sunset
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