Thursday, June 03, 2010

That Coffee Buzz Is All In Your Mind

By Jenny Hope / Daily Mail

Many people depend on a morning cup of coffee as a wake-up call for the brain.

But the effect could be all in the mind, according to new research.

Tests show the mental stimulation for which caffeine is famous may be nothing more than an illusion - with the body simply compensating for overnight withdrawal symptoms.

A new study suggests coffee drinkers may actually be better off without their habitual morning mug as it raises the risk of anxiety and high blood pressure.

Altogether 379 people who abstained from caffeine for 16 hours before drinking either caffeine or a placebo (dummy drink) were tested for a range of responses afterwards.

Bristol University researchers found little variance in levels of alertness among the volunteers.

The findings suggest frequent coffee drinkers develop a tolerance to both the anxiety-producing effects and the stimulatory effects of caffeine.


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