Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Remote Viewers' Predictions for 2010


Team PsiZeta the Remote viewing super-team and future seeing group has released their 2010-11 forecast. The list of famous and controversial names involved in the project includes the likes of Ingo Swan, Yuri Geller, Ed Dames, and David Morehouse, and the Global Consciousness Project.
The Vedanta Three, psychics/RVers from India also contributed.

The majority of the material was provided by remote viewing and psychic disciplines however the team also employed the use a very powerful predictive software program run on an array of HPC Tesla clusters.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Instant Happiness: Is It Possible?

By Tomislav Tomic, Author of Ancient Keys of Joy

How would you respond if I told you that you can be truly happy, right here and right now, regardless of who you are, where you are and what you are doing?

Yes, you understood well. You can be happy here and now no matter what.

I realize that this sort of approach can sound a little crazy at first, but the reason for that is that most of us have been raised to believe that you first need to meet a hundred conditions before allowing yourself to be happy.

Many people believe that they need to work really hard in life and achieve everything that is expected of them before they allow themselves the right to be happy. But you must be aware that no one ever lives to see that day.


Because happiness is the path, not the destination.


The 10 Most Revealing Psych Experiments

Psychology is the study of the human mind and mental processes in relation to human behaviors - human nature. Due to its subject matter, psychology is not considered a 'hard' science, even though psychologists do experiment and publish their findings in respected journals.

Some of the experiments psychologists have conducted over the years reveal things about the way we humans think and behave that we might not want to embrace, but which can at least help keep us humble. That's something.

1. 'Lord of the Flies': Social Identity Theory

The Robbers Cave Experiment is a classic social psychology experiment conducted with two groups of 11-year old boys at a state park in Oklahoma, and demonstrates just how easily an exclusive group identity is adopted and how quickly the group can degenerate into prejudice and antagonism toward outsiders.

Researcher Muzafer Sherif actually conducted a series of 3 experiments. In the first, the groups banded together to gang up on a common enemy. In the second, the groups banded together to gang up on the researchers! By the third and final experiment, the researchers managed to turn the groups on each other.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Scientists Read Your Mind Better Than You Can

By Maggie Fox / Reuters

Brain scans may be able to predict what you will do better than you can yourself, and might offer a powerful tool for advertisers or health officials seeking to motivate consumers, researchers said on Tuesday.

They found a way to interpret "real time" brain images to show whether people who viewed messages about using sunscreen would actually use sunscreen during the following week.

The scans were more accurate than the volunteers were, Emily Falk and colleagues at the University of California Los Angeles reported in the Journal of Neuroscience.

"We are trying to figure out whether there is hidden wisdom that the brain contains," Falk said in a telephone interview.

"Many people 'decide' to do things, but then don't do them," Matthew Lieberman, a professor of psychology who led the study, added in a statement.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is the Universe Too Mysterious for the Human Brain?

The limitations of the human brain mean some of the biggest mysteries of the universe may never be solved, a top scientist has claimed.

According to President of the Royal Society Lord Rees, questions about the big bang and the existence of parallel universes may be never be resolved because of the built-in limitations of mankind.

Lord Rees told The Sunday Times: ‘A “true” fundamental theory of the universe may exist but could be just too hard for human brains to grasp.

'Just as a fish may be barely aware of the medium in which it lives and swims, so the microstructure of empty space could be far too complex for unaided human brains.’


Friday, June 25, 2010

7 Misconceptions about Subliminal Messaging


1. It is instant: One of main ways subliminal messaging is portrayed is as an instant
fix. This, sadly, is not the case. While there will be a few lucky people who experience a benefit very soon after listening, they are in the minority. Subliminal messaging works better in the longer term, when the messages really start to build in your mind. Generally early experiences may range from you feeling more energized and focused to experiencing a clarity of mind and a burst of motivation. However, in the longer term you should experience a larger shift in your perception and beliefs and a solid, lasting change in your behavior.

Of course it also depends on the type of album you are using. If it is a personal
development type of album addressing a deep personal issue then it will likely be a gradual change. Albums with more instant results are ones such as albums in our relaxation range, and even our positive attitude album - these albums are meant to focus you straight away and give you a boost there and then - i.e. help you to relax, or help you to think more positive.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two Boys and Two Past Lives

By Roy Stemman / Paranormal Review

Reincarnation has been in the headlines in Spain and Canada this week with two remarkable stories that underline the impact of the belief and the huge cultural differences that surround this fascinating subject.

Case One concerns a Muslim boy living in the Canadian province of Newfoundland who, after a visit to India, became convinced that he had lived a previous life in that country. This was so unsettling for him and his family that he was taken to a psychiatrist to be “cured”.

Interestingly, the psychiatrist could not attribute the cause of these past-life flashbacks to any mental disturbance and has published a paper in a medical journey about the experience.

Case Two, on the other hand, involves a Spanish boy who was identified in 1985 as the reincarnation of a revered guru by the Dalai Lama and others, when he was just 14 months old. His parents agreed for him to be taken to a remote monastery in India, where he was worshipped and received spiritual instruction for the best part of two decades.

Now back in Spain, he is reported to have denounced that life, describing it – according to the media – as “living a lie”.

But I have discovered there’s another side to this story. Let’s look at these cases more closely.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Billionaires Try to Save the World

By Paul Harris / Source: The Observer

It is the most elite club in the world. Ordinary people need not apply. Indeed there is no way to ask to join. You simply have to be very, very rich and very, very generous. On a global scale.

This is the Good Club, the name given to the tiny global elite of billionaire philanthropists who recently held their first and highly secretive meeting in the heart of New York City.

The names of some of the members are familiar figures: Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner. But there are others, too, like business giants Eli and Edythe Broad, who are equally wealthy but less well known. All told, its members are worth $125bn.

The meeting - called by Gates, Buffett and Rockefeller - was held in response to the global economic downturn and the numerous health and environmental crises that are plaguing the globe. It was, in some ways, a summit to save the world.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

2014 - The Next Global Crisis?

A cataclysmic "Great Event" is approaching which will occur in or around the year 2014 and determine the course of the rest of the 21st century, according to a startling new thesis by University of Cambridge academic, Professor Nicholas Boyle.

His study brings a lifetime's research in fields including politics, economics, philosophy, theology and literature to bear on the state of global politics and the causes, consequences and wider meaning of the present financial crisis.

In Boyle's new book 2014 - How to survive the next world crisis, he warns that the economic collapse of 2007-2008 could mark only the start of a wider breakdown in international relations, and predicts that by the middle of the decade just dawned, the United States will find itself the key player in a series of make-or-break decisions about the future of the world.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

2012: Tibetan Monks See the Future

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.

Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.

In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war. And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Immortal Avatars: Download Your Brain, Never Die

By Linda Geddes, New Scientist

Zoe Graystone is a girl with two brains. Only one of them is human: the other is an exact digital copy that has become conscious in its own right. When the human Zoe dies, her digital brain is implanted into a humanoid robot, effectively bringing her back from the grave.

Such ideas have littered science fiction for decades. Indeed, Graystone is a character in the American TV drama Caprica. But could such a tale ever become reality?

Though there is little prospect of creating a genuinely conscious robo-clone in the foreseeable future, several companies are taking the first steps in that direction. Their initial goal is to enable you to create a lifelike digital representation, or avatar, that can continue long after your biological body has decomposed. This digitised "twin" might be able to provide valuable lessons for your great-grandchildren - as well as giving them a good idea of what their ancestor was like.

Ultimately, however, they aim to create a personalised, conscious avatar embodied in a robot - effectively enabling you, or some semblance of you, to achieve immortality. "If you can upload yourself into this digital form, it could live forever," says Nick Mayer of Lifenaut, a US company that is exploring ways to build lifelike avatars. "It really is a way of avoiding death."


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Persuade Others to Give You What You Want

By Jim Francis

Mind Power: Remote Influence Techniques

In the 50's an electronic expert by the name of Jose Silva was deeply involved with experiments in hypnosis. He was trying to raise his children's intelligence and grades at school by teaching their homework while they were in a light trance state.

After years of experimenting he found that this "remote hypnosis" not only worked between close family members but also between total strangers!

In the world of psychology this was quite a profound discovery! 

Around the same time, in 1966, the famous Russian psychic Karl Nikolaiev took part in an extraordinary experiment organized by skeptical Soviet scientists. In fact the experiment was so successful that it was widely published in the Russian news media and was the acknowledged catalyst for the upsurge in parapsychology interest among the civilian and scientific population of Russia. It was reported that it was due to this single experiment that the Soviet Government developed a serious interest in mind power research.


Rupert Sheldrake calls this the MORPHOGENETIC FIELD. Karl Jung called it COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUSNESS. It is the basis for the skill you will learn today: SUBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 States of Mind That Improve Your Luck

By Michael Shermer / Scientific American

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neuromuscular disease that attacks motor neurons until muscle weakness, atrophy and paralysis lead inexorably to death. Victims of this monstrous malady could be forgiven for feeling unlucky.

How, then, can we explain the attitude of the disease's namesake, baseball great Lou Gehrig? He told a sellout crowd at Yankee Stadium: "For the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth." The Iron Horse then recounted his many blessings and fortunes, a list twice punctuated with "I'm lucky" and "That's something."

Clearly, luck is a state of mind. Is it more than that? To explore this question scientifically, experimental psychologist Richard Wiseman created a "luck lab" at the University of Hertfordshire in England.

Wiseman began by testing whether those who believe they are lucky are actually more likely to win the lottery. He recruited 700 subjects who had intended to purchase lottery tickets to complete his luck questionnaire, which is a self-report scale that measures whether people consider themselves to be lucky or unlucky. Although lucky people were twice as confident as the unlucky ones that they would win the lottery, there was no difference in winnings.


Monday, June 14, 2010

The Fine Line Between Creativity and Insanity

By Michelle Roberts / Health reporter, BBC News

Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.

Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.

Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.

It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to "think outside the box", say experts from Sweden's Karolinska Institute.

In some people, it leads to mental illness.

But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Searching for Genius Inside Einstein's Stolen Brain

By Jon Hamilton / Source:

In the 55 years since Albert Einstein's death, many scientists have tried to figure out what made him so smart.

But no one tried harder than a pathologist named Thomas Harvey, who lost his job and his reputation in a quest to unlock the secrets of Einstein's genius. Harvey never found the answer.

But through an unlikely sequence of events, his search helped transform our understanding of how the brain works.

How that happened is a bizarre story that involves a dead genius, a stolen brain, a rogue scientist and a crazy idea that turned out not to be so crazy.

The genius, Einstein, died April 18, 1955, at Princeton Hospital in Princeton, N.J. Within hours, the quiet town was swarming with reporters and scientific luminaries, and people who simply wanted to be near the great man one last time, says Michael Paterniti, a writer who did a lot of research on the events of that day.


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Angels of Death

By Dr. Danny Penman
Source: The Daily Mail

Doctor Penny Sartori was barely halfway through her night shift at Morriston Hospital in Swansea when one of her patients began behaving in a most peculiar way.

Through the maze of equipment keeping Peter Holland alive, Dr Sartori could see him slowly regaining consciousness and becoming increasingly alert.
Peter was staring intently at the foot of his bed - and then started talking to an invisible presence.

"He suddenly regained his energy," says Dr Sartori.
"He seemed to be having a conversation with someone we could not see. After a while, a beautiful peaceful smile crossed his face and he relaxed completely.

"When his family arrived, he told them that he'd been visited by his sister in the night and that they'd had a long chat.
.. The strange thing was, his sister had died the week before, but nobody had dared tell him because they thought the shock might kill him. There was absolutely no way he could have known about his sister's death."

It was in that moment, says Dr Sartori, that she realised Peter was going to die, no matter how much medical attention he received.


Sunday, June 06, 2010

Humans 2.0

By Lee Irwin Pringle /

You may or may not have heard of them, but there's a new kid on the block and they're getting ready to replace you. They go by many different names such as star children, indigos or crystal children but they all share a common trait, they're not entirely human.

There are reports that some of today's generation are demonstrating some very unique and unusual abilities such as very high I.Q's, strong emphatic abilities and the ability to heal others. They can sense auras, speak with 'spirits' and see the future. It sounds like an episode of Heroes but many scientists and researchers as beginning to take notice.

These new children are said to have a very strong sense of mission, of destiny and wish to lead mankind into a more peaceful future. They can have difficult lives because they are far more sensitive to violence and suffering and can have a passionate hatred of injustice and evil.


Friday, June 04, 2010

Seven Weird Habits That Will Change Your Life

By Jonathan Mead / Creator of The Dojo

Some habits will help you live a better life. They’ll help you improve what’s already working or help you fix what’s not working very well.

But what about habits that completely change the game entirely? What are the questions that uproot your beliefs, shake them from its roots and move you into a bigger pot?

These are seven habits that won’t just improve your game, or help you “level up.” They’ll help you play a different game, one that you completely design yourself.


Thursday, June 03, 2010

That Coffee Buzz Is All In Your Mind

By Jenny Hope / Daily Mail

Many people depend on a morning cup of coffee as a wake-up call for the brain.

But the effect could be all in the mind, according to new research.

Tests show the mental stimulation for which caffeine is famous may be nothing more than an illusion - with the body simply compensating for overnight withdrawal symptoms.

A new study suggests coffee drinkers may actually be better off without their habitual morning mug as it raises the risk of anxiety and high blood pressure.

Altogether 379 people who abstained from caffeine for 16 hours before drinking either caffeine or a placebo (dummy drink) were tested for a range of responses afterwards.

Bristol University researchers found little variance in levels of alertness among the volunteers.

The findings suggest frequent coffee drinkers develop a tolerance to both the anxiety-producing effects and the stimulatory effects of caffeine.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Dreaming is the brain's way of learning

New research has offered more evidence for some long-held notions that sleep and dreams boost learning.

According to researchers of the study, people who take a nap and dream about a task they've just learned perform it better upon waking than either those who don't sleep at all or those who sleep but don't report any associated dreams.

The learners in the study were asked to sit in front of a computer screen and learn the layout of a three-dimensional maze so that they could find their way to a landmark (a tree) when they were plopped down at a random location within the virtual space five hours later.

Those who were allowed to take a nap and also remembered dreaming of the task found the tree in less time.