My natural journalistic skepticism used to be so rigidly enforced that what I am about to tell you would previously have been treated by me as laughable. An unusual event loosened my straitjacket of doubt about what is possible in life. It presented a jaw-dropping challenge to all of my comforting notions about the boundaries of our consensus reality.
A mystery man named Andy, who I met in Las Vegas, claimed to have perfected an intuitive money-making technique using his dreams. After I watched him in action at gaming tables, I was intrigued enough by his success that I decided to test a version of his method.
For six nights straight, as I drifted off to sleep, I mentally repeated to myself, over and over, these words: “Please give me a precognitive dream about winning money or making money...” This mantra, or wish, or prayer, was directed at programming my own unconscious mind.
To even begin this process, I had to suspend my agnosticism and disbelief. I had to drop any pretense of knowing anything about how the ‘laws’ of causality and probability theory work. Instead, I tried to keep myself open and accepting of whatever images and feelings might surface, no matter how ridiculous my rational mind judged them to be.
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