Friday, August 07, 2015

The Healing Power of Dreams

By David Hestrin / Source: Natural News

Robert Moss is the pioneer of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of shamanism and modern dreamwork. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the author of Conscious Dreaming and most recently: The Secret History of Dreaming. He leads popular seminars all over the world and online courses.

David: I'd like to know what you see as the role of dreams throughout history with regards to healing!

Robert Moss: Well, you know most human cultures up until the modern era have valued dreams for a couple things in relation to healing. First of all, many people look to dreams for diagnosis of what's going on inside the body. One of the ways to understand dreams is that they might be messages from inside the body - reports from the front on what`s going on there.

The great Greek physician Galen always used to look at dreams with the idea that consciousness is traveling inside the body, during the body, and it brings back, through the vehicle of dream reports, accounts of what is right or wrong with it from which you can base, as a physician, the diagnosis of the condition and your recommendations on how to keep that body well... But in relation to healing - it`s about more than diagnosing physical symptoms; it's about understanding the nature - emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness or otherwise.

So most cultures across most of human history have valued dreams as x-rays or pictures of the state of the soul - the state of emotional balance - the state of your psyche - the state of the rest of you - including whether you're missing part of yourself because you lost a part of your vital energies somewhere in life.

One of the ways I work with dreams which is actually quite ancient is to looking to dreams for clues as to where someone might have lost a part of their vital energy, a part of their soul we might say, through pain, abuse, trauma, addiction, wrenching life choices, and to find clues from such dreams as to how to get the vital energy back and put it back into the body.


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