Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pay a Computer to Say Your Prayers

Can machines address God? It’s a question that would undoubtedly interest Isaac Asimov, the father of science fiction.

The website "Information Age Prayer" does not shy away from such lofty theological debates and offers, for a few dollars, to recite prayers for the faithful who are too busy in this Information Age.

The concept is simple. Users have to click on their religion of choice on the home page, which leads them to a list of prayers such as the “Our Father” for Christians and the "Fajr" for Muslims.

Prices are based on the length of the texts and therefore vary. For Catholics, for example, the monthly fee for a daily prayer ranges from 70 cents for the “Hail Mary” to $49.97 for the rosary. And for the hesitant ones ($50 dollars, it’s a lump sum), the button offers a reminder: "Show God you’re serious - Get the complete Rosary Package." It’s an offer that’s hard to resist.


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