Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Secret of Brain Evolution

Source: The Brain Evolution System

A scientifically-proven series of "brainwave meditation" CDs has been publicly launched by Inspire3 Ltd, designed at seriously increasing your mental powers.

The Brain Evolution System™ is an accelerated meditation program that, almost instantly, puts your mind into the "zone" for improved mental performance, relaxation and higher brain functioning.

Scientists have long known that your brainwave state determines your state of being. BrainEv, like "regular" meditation, sets you on a journey of inner exploration, clears your mind of its mental clutter, and gently guides your brain into optimized states of thinking... being... and performing... automatically!

Unlike regular meditation or other "brainwave" programs on the market, BrainEv's exclusive 3P D.E.A.P Process has been scientifically engineered to induce fast results. Many users report new sensations and the feeling that "it's just working" — right from the very first session.


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