Wednesday, May 21, 2008

'Called Into the Presence of God'

By Brett Buckner
Source: Anniston Star

Death offers a second chance to the living.

It stirs emotions once thinly veiled, forcing those caught in its wake to confront their own mortality. Through such unwanted introspection, a profound appreciation of life is gained — regrets are mended, failures forgotten and hope for an ever-fragile future is renewed.

Matt Nelson understands the sway death holds over the living. He, too, has been changed by its presence.

Only this death was his own.

As a sales inspector for Terminix, Nelson faces the darkness as a matter of routine. Almost daily, he belly crawls beneath the homes of potential clients, stabbing at the shadows with a flashlight searching for signs of infestation.

But what Nelson experienced beneath a house on Main Street in Glencoe on Monday, April 7 was anything but ordinary. For 30 seconds, while his body was being electrocuted, Nelson stepped out and across the threshold of eternity before being snatched back by an unlikely hero.

Once, Nelson would have rolled his eyes at the mention of a "near-death experience" — with the requisite stories of bright lights and choirs of angels usually told by the same people who believe in alien abduction and Bigfoot.

"I was an absolute skeptic, a cynic," says the 40-year-old Nelson.

That was until it happened to him.


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