Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Keeping Your Highest Moments Permanent

By Frank Tibolt
Author of A Touch of Greatness

The world's greatest thinkers, philosophers, educators and religious leaders
proclaim through the ages . . . YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOUR THOUGHTS MAKE IT.

Your thoughts control your life. But you control your thoughts. You are free to
think success thoughts — positive thoughts or failure — negative thoughts.

I assume you want quick results. Although positive thinking alone can in time
revolutionize your life, this step alone takes a long time ...usually years.

Fortunately, there's a quicker way than positive thinking. That's the method of
ACTION, DOING, EXERCISE, PRACTICE. You'll develop more power, physical, mental, or any skill in 30 minutes of practice than in 20 years of positive thinking.

No one ever became a champion athlete or master musician in 20 years of positive
thinking about music or athletics UNLESS HE ALSO PRACTICED. Even the Bible states: “Faith without works is dead”.

But the fastest method of all, so far discovered, is action and positive thinking
combined. That's the method used in this program.


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