Monday, March 31, 2008

Is There a Science of Faith?

By Alan Tutt
Author of Choose To Believe

For thousands of years, mystics and religious leaders have told us that if we have enough faith, anything is possible. Pop psychology is full of authors expounding the same philosophy - you'll see it when you believe it.

If this is true, then where is the scientific evidence?

And if the evidence exists, then why isn't it obvious?
And why do so many who try to use the Power of Faith fail?

"Choose To Believe" was written to address these issues. Not only does it reveal the scientific evidence regarding the Power of Faith, but it also outlines a step by step action plan to discover what you really believe (and why it may be very different from what you think you believe), and how to change limiting beliefs to support a more empowered life.

This revolutionary new book presents some very interesting concepts - including some that have never been presented before.

Concepts such as:

  • why thoughts DO NOT create reality
  • how quantum irregularities become real magic
  • why you're not ALWAYS responsible for the things that happen to you
  • why we sometimes experience things that conflict with our surface beliefs
  • why some people use affirmations or visualizations and get the opposite of what they focus upon
  • why the connection between reality and the Power of Belief is not always obvious
  • the role the Placebo Effect plays in creating the life of your dreams.

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