Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mind Power or Miracle? Medical Mysteries Confound Science

By Delthia Ricks
Source: Newsday

In 1995, debris from a burning church collapsed on Buffalo, N.Y., firefighter Donny Herbert, depriving him of oxygen for six minutes and consciousness for 10 years.

But in what has been described as a medical miracle, Herbert became fully lucid a decade after that tragedy, defying a dim prognosis and allowing him enough time to express love for his wife and four sons. He died just as unexpectedly in May 2005, a month after re-awakening.

Herbert’s experience evokes the question: Can the human mind provide the power to will a man from a near-comatose state? Some experts believe the mind is not only powerful, but it also isn’t even “local” to the body.

Larry Dossey, a physician and the former editor of a journal on alternative medicine, has lectured worldwide on the power of the mind. On his Web site, he goes even further, noting that Western medicine doesn’t prepare physicians for “miracles,” even though most doctors have witnessed the inexplicable.

“Almost all physicians possess a lavish list of strange happenings unexplainable by normal science,” he said.

The medical literature is replete with reports of tumors that have vanished or patients who say they’ve floated away from their bodies.


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