Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Seeing the Future, or Just Dreaming?

Source: Paranormal Review

Can Chris Robinson see the future? He says he has been predicting events for 20 years with clues that come to him in dreams.

If true – and he has many supporters – then he undoubtedly deserves inclusion in the UK’s Five TV documentary series “Extraordinary People”, screened on 10 September, 2007, six years after an American professor witnessed Robinson predict the US terrorist attacks in New York.

But did the TV investigation, titled The Man Who Dreams The Future, corroborate the dream detective’s claims? Not as far as the Guardian’s TV reviewer Sam Wollaston was concerned. He argued that the documentary’s title was wrong: it should have been “Ordinary People: The Man Who Doesn’t Dream The Future or, more snappily, just Liar Liar, Pants On Fire”.

That, of course, ignores the fact that – unlike many who claim paranormal powers – Robinson, who lives just north of London, willingly cooperates with investigators, attempts to identify randomly-chosen targets by recording his dream impressions throughout the night, and then discusses them with those who are testing him, well in advance of the predicted event or being taken to a target location.


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