Sunday, January 22, 2012

70 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power

By Steve Gillman
Author of "A Book of Secrets"

Let me ask you a question. What was Henry Fords IQ? Who cares! The man was one of the most innovative people of the last century, and he did what he did by surrounding himself with intelligent people.

That practice alone has to be worth more than 20 IQ points in terms of real life results.

Real life results are what you want, right? So if you want to be more creative, learn to use creative problem solving techniques. If you want to concentrate better, there are techniques for that. Learn to speed-read and you'll have double the knowledge in the same time. After you paint your first Mona Lisa, build your first skyscraper or make your first million, what will your IQ score be? Who cares!?

Okay, an imperfect test is better than no test at all, and it is entertaining. Of course you'll score higher on a good day than a bad day, so try these tips to make it a good IQ test day:


1 comment:

Ravi Raiya said...

I think these 70 brains tips are really good........