By Professor Majid Ali
South African Journal of Natural Medicine
Life is energy, and all living beings are energy beings. When life begins, it begins to end. Thus living is at once the process of ageing and dying, as well as the process of healing. In this sense living is a continuity of injury and healing, and healing is a natural state of energy.
The subject of healing energy fascinates me, and should interest everyone who cares for the sick. At an intellectual level, the energy of living beings is simple to comprehend. When we turned the great cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into rubble, we fully realised the power of atomic energy, and of course, that the human frame is nothing but billions of ever-changing atomic kaleidoscopes.
It should naturally follow that all life is essentially an energy function, all living beings, from a single-celled amoeba to a flower, a child, and a dinosaur, are energy beings. The energy of each being is irrevocably linked to the energy of all other beings. It is one grand network. This is not merely a theoretical concept for those who care for the sick.
If life is energy, how can healing not be an energy function? If living cells and tissues are energy, how can they be injured except by energy? When injured, how can they heal except with energy? How can the subject of energy ever be dissociated from the subject of healing?
And yet in medical circles the very mention of the word energy invites derision. I clearly recall how much hesitation I felt before I used this word in my medical writings for the first time. Why?
We physicians associate the word energy with faith healers, witches, charlatans and mystics. We are bitterly irritated when we hear people claim successes that to us are nothing more than blatant lies. Thus, in medicine the word energy is linked with ignorance, abuse and fraud. This is unfortunate because in our ignorant animus against the healing phenomenon that may take place without our drugs and scalpels, we turn our backs on a subject worthy of serious study. Thus, we relinquished our role in the area that is clearly of overriding importance in clinical medicine.
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