Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Does Mind-Over-Body Healing Work?

By Professor Majid Ali
South African Journal of Natural Medicine

Life is energy, and all living beings are energy beings. When life begins, it begins to end. Thus living is at once the process of ageing and dying, as well as the process of healing. In this sense living is a continuity of injury and healing, and healing is a natural state of energy.

The subject of healing energy fascinates me, and should interest everyone who cares for the sick. At an intellectual level, the energy of living beings is simple to comprehend. When we turned the great cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into rubble, we fully realised the power of atomic energy, and of course, that the human frame is nothing but billions of ever-changing atomic kaleidoscopes.

It should naturally follow that all life is essentially an energy function, all living beings, from a single-celled amoeba to a flower, a child, and a dinosaur, are energy beings. The energy of each being is irrevocably linked to the energy of all other beings. It is one grand network. This is not merely a theoretical concept for those who care for the sick.

If life is energy, how can healing not be an energy function? If living cells and tissues are energy, how can they be injured except by energy? When injured, how can they heal except with energy? How can the subject of energy ever be dissociated from the subject of healing?

And yet in medical circles the very mention of the word energy invites derision. I clearly recall how much hesitation I felt before I used this word in my medical writings for the first time. Why?

We physicians associate the word energy with faith healers, witches, charlatans and mystics. We are bitterly irritated when we hear people claim successes that to us are nothing more than blatant lies. Thus, in medicine the word energy is linked with ignorance, abuse and fraud. This is unfortunate because in our ignorant animus against the healing phenomenon that may take place without our drugs and scalpels, we turn our backs on a subject worthy of serious study. Thus, we relinquished our role in the area that is clearly of overriding importance in clinical medicine.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Scientists Hope to Create 'Trauma Pill'

By Marilynn Marchione,
AP Medical Writer

Suppose you could erase bad memories from your mind. Suppose, as in a recent movie, your brain could be wiped clean of sad and traumatic thoughts.

That is science fiction. But real-world scientists are working on the next best thing. They have been testing a pill that, when given after a traumatic event like rape, may make the resulting memories less painful and intense.

Will it work? It is too soon to say. Still, it is not far-fetched to think that this drug someday might be passed out along with blankets and food at emergency shelters after disasters like the tsunami or Hurricane Katrina.


Friday, January 27, 2006

New XPod Will Read Your Mind

By Bill Christensen

Research on the XPod, a mobile music player that senses activity and emotion, will be presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems later this year.

The XPod concept is based on the idea of automating much of the interaction between the music player and its user. The XPod project introduces a "smart" music player that learns its user's preferences, emotions and activity, and tailors its music selections accordingly.

The device is able to monitor a number of external variables to determine its user's levels of activity, motion and physical states to make an accurate model of the task its user is undertaking at the moment and predict the genre of music would be appropriate.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Which One of These Secret Reports Will Change Your Life?

Click here to download 3 very fascinating free reports...

Which One of These Titles Will Change Your Life?

"How to Free Yourself of Any Disease, Stop Fatigue, and Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life."

"Grow Rich While You Sleep"

"How to Develop a Millionaire Mind: The Secret Psychology of Wealth."

I strongly encourage you to download and read these fascinating reports right now.

Best wishes,
Andreas Ohrt,
Editor, Mind Power News

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Your Brain Sees More Than You Think

By Robert Roy Britt
LiveScience Managing Editor

Your brain sees and does more than you know, according to a new study that points to the mysterious workings of the unconscious mind.

To come to this heady conclusion, scientists had to zap the brains of healthy volunteers (and rather brave ones, we might add) and temporarily shut down the part of the brain that processes visual information. For a fraction of a second, a pulse of energy called transcranial magnetic stimulation shut down each person's visual cortex. That's the part of the brain known to process what we see.

The volunteers stared at a computer screen during this moment of blindness while a simple image flashed for an instant.

See that?

The scientists then asked the study subjects if they had seen a horizontal or vertical line in one test, and a red or green dot in the other. All nine of them said they'd seen nothing each time.

When asked to guess what they'd seen, however, they did significantly better than 50-50.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Having a Baby Boosts Brain Power

By Robin McKie, science editor
The Observer

It is a time of sleep deprivation, constant tiredness and a regular inability to carry out even the simplest task. But now scientists have discovered - after experimenting on the California deer mouse, laboratory rats, and humans - that pregnancy also confers startling benefits: it actually boosts brainpower.

During pregnancy, learning and memory skills improve dramatically, say researchers, reversing the popular myth that it is a time of dumbing down. Key brain areas also alter in size; changes that can persist for decades. Far from transforming mothers into weakened emotional wrecks who lose car keys and drop in IQ, it turns out having children makes them cleverer. It's just hard to spot thanks to all that lost sleep.

'Many benefits seem to emerge from motherhood, as the maternal brain rises to the reproductive challenge,' says Professor Craig Kinsley, of Richmond University, and Professor Kelly Lambert, of Randolph-Macon College, both in Virginia, writing in the latest Scientific American. 'In other words, when the going gets tough, the brain gets going.'

Their paper reveals that the brain-boosting potential of parenthood includes enhanced sensory abilities just after childbirth, allowing women to recognise their infants by faint smells and sounds. It also reports that women who have children in their forties are four times more likely to survive to 100 than women who gave birth earlier. Pregnancy enhances women's brains just when the memory decline of middle age normally kicks in, say researchers, leading to better mental health and longevity.


Monday, January 23, 2006

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Tools & Techniques to Achieve Personal, Professional and Academic Success.

Order this book during the special promotion on Amazon scheduled for January 23rd and receive over $2000 of free bonuses. More info at www.unleashingbook.com

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Reverse Speech and the Soul

By David John Oates

The study of Reverse Speech is the study of unconscious messages embedded backwards into the sounds of our speech. If human speech is recorded and played backwards, approximately once every 30 seconds very clear messages can be heard amongst the gibberish. These messages communicate information from many levels of the psyche.

On the surface level they will reveal conscious thoughts at the time of speaking. If someone is lying forwards, the truth may be revealed in reverse. If they are deleting pertinent information from their forward speech, this information may likewise be communicated in Reverse Speech.

At deeper levels Reverse Speech can reveal the causes of physical disease and unwanted behavioral patterns. Sometimes it can give specific instructions about what can be done to cure, or bring relief from, the disease or behavioral pattern.

At even deeper levels still, Reverse Speech will give us advice and instructions concerning our life and life decisions. At this level it is the spirit itself communicating through Reverse Speech.

This voice is sometimes called the small still voice within. We currently attempt to access this inner voice through altered states of consciousness such as prayer, meditation or hypnosis. With Reverse Speech we are able to actually hear this voice speaking to us in an audible form.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Mirror Neurons: Cells That Read Minds

By Sandra Blakeslee
New York Times

On a hot summer day 15 years ago in Parma, Italy, a monkey sat in a
special laboratory chair waiting for researchers to return from lunch. Thin wires had been implanted in the region of its brain involved in planning and carrying out movements.

Every time the monkey grasped and moved an object, some cells in that
brain region would fire, and a monitor would register a sound: brrrrrip, brrrrrip, brrrrrip.

A graduate student entered the lab with an ice cream cone in his
hand. The monkey stared at him. Then, something amazing happened: when the student raised the cone to his lips, the monitor sounded - brrrrrip, brrrrrip, brrrrrip - even though the monkey had not moved but had simply observed the student grasping the cone and moving it to his mouth.

The researchers, led by Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist at the
University of Parma, had earlier noticed the same strange phenomenon with peanuts. The same brain cells fired when the monkey watched humans or other monkeys bring peanuts to their mouths as when the monkey
itself brought a peanut to its mouth.

Later, the scientists found cells that fired when the monkey broke open
a peanut or heard someone break a peanut. The same thing happened with bananas, raisins and all kinds of other objects.

"It took us several years to believe what we were seeing," Dr.
Rizzolatti said in a recent interview. The monkey brain contains a special class of cells, called mirror neurons, that fire when the animal sees or hears an action and when the animal carries out the same action on its own.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Proper Use of Affirmations and Subliminal Messages for Personal Power

By Adrian Cooper
Creator of the Mind Power Studio

One of the major secrets to success with anything at all, be it wealth, health, success or anything else at all that you desire is to bypass the conscious mind in order to access the immense powers of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is around 90% of your total mind power as opposed to the 10% of mind that you usually use in your normal daily waking state.

The subconscious mind is therefore sublime; it will accept anything you submit to it without question, and will then act upon your instructions thereby bring your vibration into complete harmony with your desires, thus enabling them to manifest into your life where you can experience them in full.

This is a major secret to success. It is a truth that there is quite literally nothing that we cannot be, do or have, nothing at all. The Universe is infinitely abundant and knows no limitations of any sort. You, as an individual aspect of the Universe, a co-creator, are therefore only limited by your powers to know, imagine and attract your desires.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How to Walk on Broken Glass

By David G. Willey
Skeptical Enquirer

I have long been a firm believer that to teach anything effectively, you have to first get the audience's attention and, preferably, their interest.

This belief stems from a personal experience I had early in my physics career. For the first year that I studied physics, at an English grammar school, my teacher regularly stood up in front of the class and talked to, or rather at, the students for about fifty minutes, nonstop. I soon got very bored with this class, coming close to failing it.

The next year, because of a move brought on by a change in my father's career, I attended a different school. My new physics teacher made liberal use of demonstrations when he taught, often with a dramatic flair. This got our attention. This made physics fun, exciting, and real to us. We could see what it was being applied to.

I've been interested in physics ever since, and especially in dramatic demonstrations. In this article I describe the physics behind four of the more dramatic demonstrations that I now do on occasion for my physics classes: walking on a bed of broken glass, having a concrete block broken on me while lying sandwiched between two beds of nails, dipping my fingers in molten lead, and picking up an orange-hot piece of space shuttle tile.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Curious Rats Live Longer

Curious female rats, more willing to step out and explore their environment, survive breast and pituitary tumors longer than their more cautious sisters, says a Penn State researcher.

Dr. Sonia Cavigelli, assistant professor of biobehavioral health, says that her study of 80 female rats from birth to death shows that the curious ones with tumors lived, on average, an additional six months, or 25 percent longer lives, than the cautious ones.

"It's difficult to extrapolate from rats to people," she notes. "However, there have been studies that show that shy elderly people report more health symptoms than their more outgoing age-mates. Our new results with rats are consistent with those findings and support the notion that personality traits may have a significant impact on health and resilience to disease."

The rats used in the study spontaneously develop breast or pituitary tumors near the end of their lives. In the study, 93 percent of the rats developed these tumors.


How Daydreams Create the Movie of Your Life

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

Your sense of "who you are" is created by a unique movie that constantly plays in your brain! And guess who is the STAR of the movie? YOU are, of course!

And you are also the screenwriter … camera operator … producer … and
director. Plus you are also both the movie studio and the movie theater. Rather -- your brain is all of this!

The true answer to who you are springs from your self-consciousness -–
your awareness of yourself.

But this awareness is NOT a fixed reality. It's a moving stream of
images based on your memories of who you've been in the past ... your sense of who you are now ... and your expectations of who you will be in the future.

Your brain is constantly creating and interpreting who you are ... and
actively edits your movie when you are dreaming or daydreaming.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Laughter Can Save You 30% On Medical Costs

It’s been said laughter is the best medicine, but no one has yet to prove it. Now a Japanese scientist is unlocking the secrets of the funny bone, which he believes can cheer up people’s genes.

Geneticist Kazuo Murakami has teamed up on the study with an unlikely research partner: stand-up comedians, who he hopes - no joke - can turn their one-liners into efficient, low-cost medical treatment.

Genes are usually regarded as immutable, but in reality more than 90 percent of them are dormant or less active in producing protein, so some types of stimulation can wake them up.

Murakami’s tentative theory is that laughter is one such stimulant, which can trigger energy inside a person’s DNA potentially helping cure disease.

"If we prove people can switch genes on and off by an emotion like laughter, it may be the finding of the century which should be worth the Nobel Prize or even go beyond that," said Murakami, 70, director of Japan’s Foundation for Advancement of International Science.

Three years ago, Murakami and Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd., a leading entertainment company, jointly carried out their first experiment to let diabetics laugh at a comedy show performed by the firm’s top stand-up comedians after listening to a monotonous college lecture.

The two-day experiment showed that their blood glucose levels - a key gauge for development of diabetes - became lower after they laughed compared with after listening to the yawning lecture.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ants Can Teach Each Other

British researchers said on Wednesday they had uncovered the first proof of teaching in non-human animals -- ants showing each other the way to food.

The ants studied over two years by scientists from Bristol University used a technique known as tandem running -- one ant led another ant from the nest to a food source.

It was a genuine case of teaching as ant leaders observed by Professor Nigel Franks and Tom Richardson slowed down if the follower got too far behind. If the gap got smaller, they then speeded up.

Tandem leaders also paid a penalty, because they would have reached the food four times faster if they had gone alone. But teaching had its advantages -- the follower ant then learnt much more quickly where the food source was.


Friday, January 13, 2006

Psychic Dream Wins Man £25,000

A football fan won £25,000 after dreaming that Liverpool's Xabi Alonso scored a goal from his own half.

After the dream in July, Adrian Hayward placed a £200 bet, at odds of 125-1, that Alonso would score from behind the halfway line at some point this season.

His dream came true on Saturday when the Spaniard scored against Luton Town in the FA Cup 3rd round.

"I've never placed such a large bet before but I had a feeling about it," said Mr Hayward, of Newbury, Berkshire.
"I was watching the Luton match on TV with my family and I saw the keeper off his line. I was shouting 'Shoot!' and he did. "It seemed to take an age to hit the net but when it did, I just went berserk."

The 42-year-old father-of-two said he might spend some of the winnings on a family holiday.

Bookmaker Paddy Power said: "When he placed the bet we thought it was the easiest £200 we had ever made.
"But fair play to him. It's great when these unusual bets pay out and it shows that dreams do come true."


Thursday, January 12, 2006

You Will Never Be Happy

By Karim Hajee,
Creating Power

What would it take to make you happy?

Think about it for a moment and see if
you can figure out what it would take for you to be happy?

Would you be happy if you were in a
relationship or with the right boyfriend/girlfriend?
Would you be happy if you were married?

Would you be happy if you had a million
Would you be happy if you were successful?

Would you be happy if you had better
Would you be happy if you got a new job?

Would you be happy if you had a great

What would it take for you to be truly

If you have an answer, or if you answered
yes to any of the above questions - you'll never be happy!

Surprised? Don't be.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Don't Even Think About Lying

By Steve Silberman
Wired Magazine

I'm flat on my back in a very loud machine, trying to keep my mind quiet. It's not easy. The inside of an fMRI scanner is narrow and dark, with only a sliver of the world visible in a tilted mirror above my eyes. Despite a set of earplugs, I'm bathed in a dull roar punctuated by a racket like a dryer full of sneakers.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging - fMRI for short - enables researchers to create maps of the brain's networks in action as they process thoughts, sensations, memories, and motor commands.

Since its debut in experimental medicine 10 years ago, functional imaging has opened a window onto the cognitive operations behind such complex and subtle behavior as feeling transported by a piece of music or recognizing the face of a loved one in a crowd. As it migrates into clinical practice, fMRI is making it possible for neurologists to detect early signs of Alzheimer's disease and other disorders, evaluate drug treatments, and pinpoint tissue housing critical abilities like speech before venturing into a patient's brain with a scalpel.

Now fMRI is also poised to transform the security industry, the judicial system, and our fundamental notions of privacy. I'm in a lab at Columbia University, where scientists are using the technology to analyze the cognitive differences between truth and lies.

By mapping the neural circuits behind deception, researchers are turning fMRI into a new kind of lie detector that's more probing and accurate than the polygraph, the standard lie-detection tool employed by law enforcement and intelligence agencies for nearly a century.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dogs Can Predict Cancer

Source: World-Science.net

In a society where lung and breast cancers are leading causes of cancer death worldwide, early detection of the disease is highly desirable. A new study has found that dogs might be able to help detect these cancers early.

The scientists said dogs’ extraordinary scenting ability can distinguish people with both early and late stage lung and breast cancers from healthy people. The research, performed in California, was recently documented by the BBC in the United Kingdom, and is soon to be aired in the United States, researchers said.

Other studies have documented dogs’ abilities to identify chemicals that are diluted as low as parts per trillion. The clinical implications of canine sniffing first came to light in the case report of a dog alerting its owner to skin cancer by constantly sniffing the skin lesion. Subsequent studies published in medical journals reported trained dogs’ ability to detect both melanomas and bladder cancers.


Monday, January 09, 2006

The Power of Thought Controls Computers

By Dr. Dean Edell

New research shows the power of thinking could be enough to control a computer device. It's a discovery that could someday give amputees and those who are paralyzed power over their lives.

He's winning this round of pong, but what's really amazing is how Aaron is playing the game.

Aaron Danforth, epilepsy patient: "I have to think of the word 'move' to get it to move to the right."

That's right. No hands. Aaron's brain controls the cursor. The computer can detect what he's thinking by the intensity and pattern of his brain activity.

Kai Miller, researcher: "It's a junction of computer science and medicine and sort-of human interaction."

Jeffrey Ojemann, M.D., neurosurgeon: "It's remarkable to watch almost as if there's a degree of mind control or something that you only see in science fiction movies."

Dr. Jeffrey Ojemann says this technology could lead to new devices for amputees and people who are paralyzed.

Dr. Ojemann, M.D.: "If somebody has lost control of their arms and legs and can't move them, they might still be able to imagine moving them, and if they still have that same electrical signal, we can turn that into a control of a computer or ultimately a robotic device."

To study the technology, scientists rely on patients with severe epilepsy who are under close watch -- like Aaron. He has electrodes implanted on the surface of his brain, so doctors can monitor his seizures. It's the same wiring the scientists needed to conduct this study and Aaron was happy to take part.

Aaron Danforth: "It's definitely interesting... weird seeing them being able to move just by me thinking of words."

As scientists study how the brain works during thought processing, they hope this video game is just the beginning of the power of mind over matter.

Scientists hope to enroll 50 patients in their study over the next five years. They say the study has far-reaching possibilities for many neurological diseases.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

How to Imprint Your Goals

By Dr. Robert Anthony
Creator of Rapid Manifestation

Deciding to change a habit, attitude or personal situation does not automatically bring about the change desired. The decision to make the change is only the first step. Further action is required in order to effect a change in your subconscious self-image. You have learned that your goal is the mental picture of what you want. When you write down the goal, it becomes an affirmation.

The process of doing this is called “Imprinting”. Imprinting is the deliberate control of thoughts and pictures of the kind of changes we want to make. The imprinting occurs when our subconscious mind accepts the new visual image of the end result. Imprinting is a three-step process:

1. You affirm your goal.

2. You picture the end result.

3. You feel the emotion that goes along with accomplishing the goal.

Let's talk about each step so that we are absolutely clear on the procedure.

Step 1 - Affirm Your Goal

An affirmation is simply a statement of fact or belief that is written out in a personal, positive, present tense form as though the goal were already a reality. When you write out your affirmations, you deliberately control the programming of your subconscious by directing the visual picture to the end result you want.

Step 2 - Picture the End Result

Picture and experience in your mind the accomplishment of the end result. See yourself actively involved in the accomplishment. This is called constructive “synthetic visualization” or “virtual reality”. It works on the theory of displacement. You are displacing the old picture and old self-image with the new. Remember - you will move toward the goal that you picture.

Step 3 - Feel the Emotion That Goes Along with Accomplishment

The subconscious responds to feelings more than to words. It doesn’t respond any better to positive feelings than to negative feelings. It just responds to feelings. The more emotion or feeling we can put behind an idea, the faster it will manifest. So feeling and emotion are very important for impact. It can be said that our affirmation will manifest in direct proportion to the frequency with which we use picturing and emotional involvement. What you want to do is see to yourself accomplishing the end result while feeling the joy and satisfaction of the accomplishment.

All three steps are necessary for successful imprinting. If you just read your affirmations you can expect about a 10% success rate. If you read and visualize the end result, you can expect about a 55% success rate.

If you read your affirmations, picture the end result, and feel the emotion behind the accomplishment of what you are picturing, you can expect a 100 % success rate!

Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of 15 best-selling books and the creator of the Rapid Manifestation Audio Program. Click here to learn more...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Top Scientists Validating the Supernatural Universe

By Thomas Herold

The Field tells the story of a group of frontier scientists who discovered that the Zero Point Field - an ocean of subatomic vibrations in the space between things - connects everything in the universe, much like the Force in Star Wars.

The Field offers a radically new view of the way our world and our bodies work. The human mind and body are not distinct and separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly interacting with this vast energy sea. The Field creates a picture of an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory which makes sense of supernatural phenomena.

A bit like finding there is such a thing as ‘The Force in Star Wars’. The Field tells the story of respected frontier scientists all over the globe who have produced extraordinary evidence to show that an energy field -The Zero Point Field - connects everything in the universe, and we ourselves are part of this vast dynamic cobweb of energy exchange.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

How Agatha Christie Hypnotized Her Readers

Source: BBC

Scientists claim to have cracked the secret behind the success of all-time best-selling novelist Agatha Christie. They believe the Devon born writer used a technique which made her books almost impossible to put down.

Scientists believe Torquay born novelist Agatha Christie used words that invoked a chemical response in readers that made her books "literally unputdownable".

A neurolinguistic study of more than 80 of her novels concluded that her phrases trigger a pleasure response which cause people to seek them out again and again.

According to the study Christie used literary techniques mirroring those employed by hypnotherapists and psychologists, which have a mesmeric effect on readers.

"Christie's language patterns stimulate higher than usual activity in the brain," Dr Roland Kapferer said.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Aging Well Depends on 'Mind Over Matter'

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News

Successful aging may depend more on a person's attitude and coping style than with avoiding disease or disability.

A new survey of older adults over age 60 shows nearly three-fourths felt they were aging well, despite often having physical illness or disability.

Researchers say the results suggest that the self-perception of the aging process relates more to attitude than physical health.

"For most people, worries about their future aging involve fear of physical infirmity, disease or disability," says researcher Dilip Jeste, MD, professor of psychiatry and neurosciences at the University of California at San Diego, in a news release. "However, this study is encouraging because it shows that the best predictors of successful aging are well within an individual's control."


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

How Binaural Beats Transform Your Brain

By Adrian Cooper
Creator of the Mind Power Studio

Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by German experimenter H. W. Dove who discovered that when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately within each ear, the brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and then endeavours to "reconcile" that difference between the two frequencies. This causes the brain to create its own third "phantom" signal known as a "binaural beat" which is equal to the difference between those two frequencies.

So for example, if a frequency of 500 Hz is presented to the left ear, and a frequency of 505 Hz is presented to the right ear, the brain perceives a third frequency pulsing at 5 Hz, the exact difference between the two frequencies; this is known as the "binaural beat".

Research has demonstrated that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin to and continue to resonate in tune with the specific frequency of that beat. This is known as the "Frequency Following Response".

The "frequency following response" was researched in 1973 by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and subsequently published in Scientific American. This resulted in further research and development in this and other areas of auditory stimulation with the objective of enhancing all brain functioning. Since that time binaural beat and it's associated technologies have been used around the world for many different purposes, and in particular in improving the potential of the human brain and Mind.


Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolutions -- 7 Keys to Victory

By Brian Walsh
Author of "Unleashing Your Brilliance"

Whether you call them unproductive patterns, limiting beliefs, or simply bad habits, for some reason, as a new year approaches, many of us resolve to make some changes. The resolve part is easy. How do we actually execute a successful change campaign?

A few times a year, a hypnotherapist colleague and I conduct self-hypnosis workshops. An integral component is goal-setting. The following recommendations are part of that.

1. Realistic & a Slight Stretch. Be reasonable in what you choose to change. You're the one who has to implement this plan. Examine your motives for this change. Is it for yourself, or to please others? Make your target just a bit beyond what you think you are capable of.

2. Be Clear. As it says in the book, The Law of Attraction, make a list of what you don't want as a step in creating your list of you do want. Form a WRITTEN affirmation that is positive. Avoid the use of negative words (don't, won't).

3. Be Specific & Flexible. Avoid comparative words (less, better, more). One of the main advantages of establishing goals is that they provide motivation and direction. If you fall short of your stated goal, don't beat yourself up. Celebrate what you have achieved.