Monday, November 28, 2005

Breatharianism: Living on Light and Air

By Jack Davis

From time to time individuals have requested that I share my first hand experience with the practice of breatharianism - living on air and light and prana.

Twenty two years ago I attended a seminar conducted by Wiley Brooks, a self-proclaimed breatharian. Though his message seems absurd to most people, it immediately rang true for me

I had been exposed to the concept of not eating through the previous ten years of extensive reading in the fields of health, nutrition, and spirituality. As owner of a large health food store in Hilo, Hawaii, I had followed a policy of knowing the products I stocked and sold, including books. I personally experimented with many nutritional products and various health practices. During those years I drastically reduced and altered the types of food consumed. Meat (all flesh), was eliminated, as was most highly refined foods, sugar products, most breads, milk products, and highly salted-spiced foods.

Due in large part to the influence of health enthusiast Paul Bragg I also engaged in regular fasting and colon cleansing. By 1982 I was ready for the lessons of Wiley Brooks. Among the practices Wiley recommended as transition diet was the consumption of yellow foods, only: corn, papaya, cantaloupe, orange, egg yolk, butter, pumpkin, etc.

For me the next 22 years witnessed a series of fasts, during which I drank diluted grape or other juice, I interspersed with periods of eating a simple and sparse diet of solid food. My longest fast was one of 40 days. Other fasts varied from 30 to 3 days.

When eating I usually ate once daily and skipped eating totally one day weekly. I would exclusively consume only 3 or 4 specific items for days, weeks, or months. These foods were not chosen for any claimed nutritional value but rather for simplicity, purity, digestibility, and for non harmful effect to my body.

By consuming such small amounts and limited variety I was able to note specifically how my body reacted to each food. Often, precise pains, skin eruptions, mucous excretions, and bowel disorders resulted from consumption of certain foods.

Fasting would quickly eliminate such deviations from optimum health. Without much guidance or social support I have slowly made progress toward the goal of existing exclusively on air and light.

Fortunately, for most of the past 20 plus years I have lived alone, thus avoiding the potential problem of coping with a mate with different life style. I was, however, performing regular, often strenuous work in the course of supporting myself financially. I never experience hunger and rarely feel tired or weak. My body and breath produce no offensive odor. The occasional meager bowel movement also produces little odor. My blood pressure is usually 110 over 60 or less, heart rate is 60, and temperature is 2 to 4 degrees below 'normal'. The body is strong, flexible, supple and mostly pain free. Cuts, injuries, and insect bites heal quickly without medication. To me, these indicators are reflections of an efficiently operating human bio-system which I have helped create, and for which I am grateful.

About 6 years ago I first read Jasmuheen's book, Living On Light. She recommends a 21 day transition fasting regime to achieve the state of breatharianism. She believes that her technique prepares one mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as physically for transition into states of higher consciousness.


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