Monday, May 23, 2005

The Best Day of the Year to Change Your Life

By Aled Blake
Western Mail

May 18 is the best day to make a fresh start in life - a scientific formula has calculated.

After discovering January 24 is the most depressing day of the year, Dr Cliff Arnall, a psychologist at Cardiff University, has discovered May 18 is the perfect day to make New Year-style resolutions.

Dr Arnall, a specialist in happiness, motivation and confidence, has worked out that lots of bank holidays plus the increased hours of daylight leads to today being the best day each year to start afresh.

His official formula of positivity reads, M x O + BH/(H+R) x S.

And it translates as, motivation (M) multiplied by opportunity (O) plus bank holiday proximity (BH) over increased hours of daylight (H) plus reflection of time (R) multiplied by success (S).


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