Sunday, May 29, 2005

11 Steps to a Better Brain

New Scientist News Service

It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive book worm.

There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behaviour that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them.


Friday, May 27, 2005

"Powerful Sleep" Video Released Today!

By Kacper Postawski,
Creator of "Powerful Sleep"

Today is the release of Kacper Postawski's special audio/video version of his brilliant Powerful Sleep e-book.

This is definitely THE best version of "Powerful Sleep", which helps you create an inner-body balance which will let you sleep less by 1 to 3 hours, be more productive, and wake up more juiced and energized than when you slept longer!

You'll also be shocked to learn that sleeping 8 hours or longer actually LOWERS your energy and raises your risk of getting sick.

Order today and take advantage of Kacper's 50% off introductory special offer.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

World Record Holder Credits Mind Power

Having danced for 25 hours continuously at Kalagram — with a mere 15 minute break in between — Sharma is now forwarding the complete video recording of his performance to the Guinness Book authorities for inclusion in the record book. Sharma, who runs his computer business in Sector 35, started his performance at 8 pm on Monday. The “free style” dance went through the night and he stopped at 9 pm on Tuesday.

Sitting in his Mohali home, he says, ‘‘I am an adventure freak and surfing the Net is my hobby. It was during one of these sessions that I surfed the Guinness Book website and searched for matches of marathon dance. However, there were none, and I decided to apply. Subsequently, they got back to me with the terms and conditions and as per their requirement, I recorded the entire performance.”


Monday, May 23, 2005

The Best Day of the Year to Change Your Life

By Aled Blake
Western Mail

May 18 is the best day to make a fresh start in life - a scientific formula has calculated.

After discovering January 24 is the most depressing day of the year, Dr Cliff Arnall, a psychologist at Cardiff University, has discovered May 18 is the perfect day to make New Year-style resolutions.

Dr Arnall, a specialist in happiness, motivation and confidence, has worked out that lots of bank holidays plus the increased hours of daylight leads to today being the best day each year to start afresh.

His official formula of positivity reads, M x O + BH/(H+R) x S.

And it translates as, motivation (M) multiplied by opportunity (O) plus bank holiday proximity (BH) over increased hours of daylight (H) plus reflection of time (R) multiplied by success (S).


Sunday, May 22, 2005

7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People

By Michael Lee

WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage
yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do.

NUMBER 1 - They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things.

Yup. They see problems in every opportunity.

They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain
for ruining their plans for the day. They blame the wind for ruining their hair.

They think that everyone is against them. They see the problems
but never the solutions.

Every little bit of difficulty is exaggerated to the point of
tragedy. They regard failures as catastrophes. They become discouraged easily instead of learning from their mistakes.

They never seem to move forward because they're always afraid
to come out of their comfort zones.

NUMBER 2 - They Act Before They Think.

They move based on instinst or impulse. If they see something
they like, they buy at once without any second thought.

Then they see something better. They regret & curse for not
able to take advantage of the bargain.

Then they spend & spend again until nothing's left. They
don't think about the future. What they're after is the pleasure they will experience at present.

They don't think about the consequenses. Those who engage
in unsafe sex, criminality, and the like are included in this group.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Fantasy as the Ultimate Cure

By Larisa Vasil'eva

Psychologist Vladimir Kucherenko can "tune up" his patients" brains - just like a radio receiver. He is a lecturer at the psychological faculty of MSU. The essence of his method is based on the premise that human brain controls every cell of our body. So if one gets sick, that's only because he "let" that happen. And if one will concentrate and imagine oneself young and strong, the disease will back off. According to Kusherenko, our own fantasy is the ultimate remedy.

Kucherenko can program his patients' brains in such a way that those people will be able to quit smoking, stop drinking excessively; he can even make people improve their handwriting. According to Kucherenko, anyone can be happy no matter how much money he or she possesses.


Friday, May 20, 2005

The Tao of Star Wars: How to Use the Force

I've just posted a Star Wars themed issue of Mind Power News, available to be read at

This Week:
--> The Tao of Star Wars
--> Zen and the Art of Being a Jedi
--> How to Use the Force
--> Global Consciousness as the Force
--> How to Embrace Your Dark Side

Read it here:


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Joy of Laziness

By Roya Nikkhah
The Telegraph

It is the news that all sloths have been waiting for. Scientists in Germany have found that too much exercise is bad for you and that doing less could lengthen your life.

In a new book called The Joy of Laziness: How to slow down and live longer, Dr Peter Axt, retired professor of health science at Fulda University near Frankfurt, and his daughter, Dr Michaela Axt-Gadermann, a GP, say that everybody has a limited amount of "life energy" and that the speed with which it is consumed determines their life span.

They argue that high-energy activities, such as pounding the treadmill at the gym, accelerates the ageing process and makes the body more susceptible to illness.

"A more relaxed way of life is important for your health," said Dr Axt-Gadermann. "If you lead a stressful life and exercise excessively, your body produces hormones which lead to high blood pressure and can damage your heart and arteries."

Read more here: The Telegraph

Get your free subscription to Mind Power News at

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Testing the Girl With X-Ray Eyes

By Ray Hyman,
Skeptical Inquirer

Our assignment might seem straightforward.

A seventeen-year-old Russian girl, Natasha Demkina, says she can look at people and "see" the status of their internal organs. The Discovery Channel asked Richard Wiseman, Andrew Skolnick, and me to test her claim for their television program, The Girl with X-ray Eyes.

You might think that testing Natasha's claims would be routine. The test of a psychic claim, however, is rarely cut-and-dried. Most such claims do have much in common. Each also offers unique challenges. We had to conduct the test of Natasha's claim to fit the constraints of a television program. We had only a month to devise a protocol that would be acceptable to all parties. After everyone agreed to the procedure, we had less than a week to locate a testing site in New York City and to find seven willing and suitable test subjects.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, Be a Good Blamer, and Throttle Your Inner Child

Bookstores are filled with books of advice on how to change your life, attain happiness, find true love, lose weight, and more.

But now, neuropsychologist Paul Pearsall wants us to be better self-help consumers. In his new book, "The Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, Be a Good Blamer & Throttle Your Inner Child," he warns that some self-help isn't really helpful at all.

Even though Pearsall is not against self-help books per se, he advises against blindly following the advice of self-appointed self-help gurus who frequently come up with ideas about behavior that are not based on scientific research.

"It's time we start to look really seriously at self-help, because it's too selfish and really doesn't help," he tells The Early Show co-anchor Hannah Storm.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Scientist Lives On Sunlight

A German scientist is being studied by colleagues after claiming to have eaten nothing for four years.

Cancer researcher Dr Michael Werner claims to get all his energy from sunlight.

He says he drinks only water mixed with a small amount of fruit juice.

Dr Werner has written a book about his experiences, saying that when he started the experiment he even managed to put on weight.

In his book, Living through the Energy of Light, he says: "I can't really explain what is happening on a scientific level in my case, but perhaps just a little bit of faith is all that is needed."

German colleagues who are investigating the source of Dr Werner's energy say only plants can synthesise energy from the sun, but so far they are at a loss to explain how he is managing to stay healthy.

Dr Helmut Oberritter, head of the German society for nutrition, said: "It is not possible to live on what one gets from fruit juice alone.

"There are lots of vital proteins and fats that are missing. Obviously this case needs a lot more investigating if we are to explain it."

SOURCE: Ananova

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

No Booze Needed For Beer Goggle Effect

By Roxanne Khamsi

Alcohol has long been known to have a number of effects on dating behaviour: some good, some bad. Enough booze can wipe away inhibitions and act as an aphrodisiac, or it can dampen sexual performance.

It can even produce what are jokingly called 'beer goggles', which mean you judge people as more attractive when you are drunk.

But scientists now say that whatever effect someone expects from alcohol can be produced by simple exposure to flashes of alcohol-related words on a computer screen.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Are Couch Potatoes More Creative?

Judy Skatssoon
ABC Science Online

We're smarter and more creative lying down than standing up, says a researcher who believes this helps to explain Archimedes' Eureka moment.

Dr Darren Lipnicki from the school of psychology at the Australian National University (ANU) found that people solve anagrams more quickly when they are on their backs than on their feet.

He says his research, which will be published in the journal Cognitive Brain Research, relates to how neurotransmitters are released.

Lipnicki tested 20 people, who were asked to solve 32 five-letter anagrams, such as 'osien' and 'nodru' while standing and lying down.

"I found anagrams were solved more quickly lying down than standing up," he says.

"[Often] the solution just pops into the mind similar to the 'aha' or 'Eureka' experience associated with large-scale creative breakthroughs.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Goal Setting Step-By-Step

By Stuart Goldsmith,
Elite Inner Circle

Within the next hour, you are going to get out of the
chair and write yourself a fistful of goals. Here's how:

On a single side of plain paper, write a list of ten
things you would like to achieve in your life; five long term, five short term.

The first goal should be something which you cannot
complete in your lifetime. This makes you think carefully. It makes you realize what is important to you, and why you are here. The long-range goals stop you being frustrated by short-term setbacks.

You might be very surprised at what you write for this
goal - it might have nothing to do with your present life.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Meditation Linked with Longer Life

Transcendental meditation has been found to extend lifespan in a study that tracked hundreds of high blood pressure sufferers for up to 18 years.

The study, conducted by Robert Schneider of the Maharishi University Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention and colleagues, found that transcendental meditation reduced death rates by 23%.

"Research has found the transcendental meditation program reduces risk factors in heart disease and other chronic disorders, such as high blood pressure, smoking, psychological stress, stress hormones, harmful cholesterol, and atherosclerosis," says Schneider. "These reductions slow the aging process and promote the long-term reductions in death rates."


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Losing Weight is all in your Head

By Lucy Beale

Losing weight and keeping it off requires more than healthy foods and lavish amounts of exercise. It requires using your mind and body in new ways.

For your mind, you need to get it aligned with your goal. For your body, you need to learn how to feel your stomach's hunger cues. And along the way, you may need to clear up hormonal imbalances and health issues while paying close attention to boosting your metabolism.

When my weight-loss clients integrate their total being with healthy eating and lavish exercise, they become the winners with reduced body-fat percentage and better health. You can, too.

Here's what to do:

Get your mind aligned by using affirmations and visualizations that declare you're already at your ideal size. Tell yourself often, "I am now a naturally thin person. I wear a size (insert your ideal size), and I do what thin people do." Don't worry if this seems totally outrageous and nutty. Just say it and pretty soon your subconscious will be eagerly supporting you to reach your goal size.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

9/11 Babies Inherit Stress from Mothers

By Will Knight
New Scientist News Service

Pregnant women traumatised by the World Trade Center attacks may have passed a susceptibility to stress on to their newborn babies, researchers say.

Mothers who experienced post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during pregnancy as a result of witnessing the attacks have been found to have children with abnormally low levels of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with increased stress. This could mean that these children were "programmed" in the womb as a result of their mother's trauma.

Cortisol is produced in response to stress, and increases blood pressure and blood glucose. But severe stress can also cause levels of the hormone to fall, because more of it is being used up.

Previous studies have shown that traumatised mothers are more likely to have children that develop stress disorders themselves. But this has often been blamed on parents recounting their experiences to children.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Three Greatest Prosperity Books of All Time

By Joe Vitale

I'm fascinated by prosperity. This year I've been reading numerous books on the topic. Here are my three favourites.

"Seed Money In Action" has stood the test of time. This forty year old little booklet has gone through 53 editions, sold 1,000,000 copies, and caused 40,000 people to write the authors and praise it.

The basic message is that as you give, you will receive ten-fold in return. This ancient secret helped create millionaires and billionaires throughout time, and still works today.

There's a catch, of course. You have a give with a mind-set of non-judgmental expectation. When you do, you're in the flow.

Most people who are broke are practicing the scarcity principle, not the seed money principle. Most people who are having money problems would never even think of giving money away, let alone think of the proper way to think AS they give money away. Yet that's the secret prosperity in this famous booklet.

Then there's "The Millionaire's Mind" by two authors in a country I never heard of before last year. Two Slovenian authors wrote a book that sold out within 15 days in their country.

When they came to me, I was skeptical. When I read the book, I was amazed.

Here's a complete course on how to think like a wealthy person. Long, detailed, practical, and eye-opening, it continues to blow me away. Do you want to know what happened in the first few hours after I announced the release of the book?

  • A German businessman contacted us wanting to start selling this e-book in Germany and building his own website just to promote it to his audience.
  • An Indian businessman contacted us wanting to find ways of marketing this e-book in India, and also said: "I got so excited that I decided to mail you right away since I feel this book can help millions here in INDIA."
  • A Scandinavian author agent contacted us wanting to translate and publish the book in print and electronic formats in Norway.
  • 15 people contacted us immediately wanting to sell this e-book through their websites and e-zines.
  • HUNDREDS of people ordered the book within just five hours of getting the email.
  • Dozens of people wrote from overseas, begging to find a way to pay for the book and get it right NOW.
  • Still others wrote to me, asking if the book would be released in hardcover (not this year).

And all this in just a few hours after I pre-released the e-book. Is this miraculous or what? You can see what I'm talking about here.

Finally there's the book I co-authored with Stuart Lichtman, called "How to Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast." Stuart is a genius. I have never met anyone like him. He has spent at least four decades studying the unconscious mind.

The result is that he can pin-point where our unconscious trips us up---and show us how to correct it. This is incredible.

Where before you would set a goal and wonder why you stopped going for it, now you can discover why you stopped yourself---and remove the block.

This book really describes how to "get clear", which is a key step in my "Spiritual Marketing" book. If you're looking to create prosperity, I suggest you get all of the above titles. They are all e-books so you can have them instantly. They're better reading than the daily newspaper and will lead to far more profit.

Read them and get rich.

Dr. Joe Vitale is author of way too many books to list here, including the #1 best-selling book "Spiritual Marketing," the best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," and the best-selling audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing." His training on Hypnotic Selling and Hypnotic Writing is at Hypnotic Marketing

Monday, May 02, 2005

Distant Healing Put to the Test

By Hilary E. MacGregor,
L.A. Times

On an operating table at a medical center in San Francisco, a breast cancer patient is undergoing reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. But this will be no ordinary surgery. Three thousand miles away, a shamanic healer has been sent the woman's name, a photo and details about the surgery.

For each of the next eight days, the healer will pray 20 minutes for the cancer patient's recovery, without the woman's knowledge. A surgeon has inserted two small fabric tubes into the woman's groin to enable researchers to measure how fast she heals.

The woman is a patient in an extraordinary government-funded study that is seeking to determine whether prayer has the power to heal patients from afar — a field known as "distant healing."

While that term is probably unfamiliar to most Americans, the idea of turning to prayers in their homes, hospitals and houses of worship is not. In recent years, medicine has increasingly shown an interest in investigating the effect of prayer and spirituality on health.

A survey of 31,000 adults released last year by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 43% of U.S. adults prayed for their own health, while 24% had others pray for their health.

Some researchers say that is reason enough to study the power of prayer.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Science and the Sages

By Paul Utukuru

As Albert Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” Einstein also believed that God does not play dice. This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the publication of his theory of relativity, which revolutionized the world of science.

The question as to whether God plays dice or not has not yet been settled because of the still irreconcilable features of quantum mechanics and relativity, but it is fair to say that God does play hide-and-seek with us, and science and religion are the main players in the game. Among the secondary players are our mathematical tools, our languages and our communication channels through our literature, our music and our arts. For Hindus, the name of the game is Krishna’s Leela.

Science is basically concerned with the progressively increasing understanding of the mechanics of nature with respect to matter, energy and life of which religion provides little detail. On the other hand, religion is concerned with spirit, spirit worlds and the soul of which science has yet no understanding.

Religion is concerned with miracles, psychic powers, ESP and the like, most of which science is unable to take seriously because they do not fit neatly into its current paradigms. Science is about theory, experiment and reproducibility. Religion is of faith, revelation and subjectivity. Science is about life
here and now. Religion is about life before and/or hereafter. Science is for the fulfillment of comforts from outside. Religion is for fulfillment of desires from inside. Science is neutral to ethics and morals. Religion is loaded with dos and don'ts.