Thursday, October 28, 2004

How to Increase the Flow of Money Into Your Life

"The Fastest Way I Know To Dramatically
Increase The Flow Of Money Into Your Life"

By Bob Scheinfeld
Ultimate Lifestyle Academy

Just about everyone who subscribes to this newsletter wants
to make more money, no matter how much they make now.

You too? If so, pay special attention to this article, read
with an open mind, be honest with yourself, and then take
immediate action after you finish it.

To begin, I'd like to define a few terms. For our discussion
here, let's compare money to electricity and your life to a

Suppose you're building a new house. You'd want to have
electricity in it, wouldn't you? Well,to have electricity in
your house, you've got to first tie into the main power
grid of your city or town, A "power line" has to be
installed that connects your house to the main power

Having access to the main power grid isn't enough, however.
You've also got to have "wiring" installed and running
through your house that allows the electricity to flow
through your house to the "outlets" so you can "plug in" and
use the power.

If raw power ran to your house but it couldn't flow in and
through your house to the outlets, it wouldn't do you any
good, would it?

So, to have electricity available in your house, you have to
think ahead and plan for how and where you want it to flow.
Does that make sense?

OK. Let's bring this back to money and your life. If you
want to increase the flow of money into your life, two
things must be in place:

1. You must be linked up to the main money "power grid"

2. You must have the correct wiring in place to allow the
flow to flow into and through your life

All of us, including you, are already connected to the main
power grid that supplies money. We all have equal access
to the raw potential to earn money. You already know that.

What you may not be clear on, however, is that we don't all
have the proper wiring in our houses to allow money to flow
to us in the amounts we prefer. When I say "wiring," I mean
the ability to effectively direct and manage the money/power
when it starts flowing to us.

Suppose you're a parent and two of your children came up to
you and say, "Mom/Dad, can I please have $100?"

Suppose you said to the first child, "What do you want the
money for?" And he/she replied, "I'm not sure. I'd just like
it." Or, "I'd like it to buy a bunch of toys and candy." How
likely would you be to give him/her the money? Not likely,

Suppose you asked your other child the same question and
he/she said, "I'd like $30 to invest for my future, $30 to
by flowers for my teacher to thank her for helping me after
hours with my science project, and $40 to buy some books so
I can study several subjects that interest me and would help
me in school."

How likely would you be to give him/her the $100? Much more
likely, right? Why? Because they knew exactly what they'd do
with the money, their intentions were solid, and you'd
'approve" of their proposed use of the money, right?

Well the same thing goes for money and you. Why should the
Universe (or your Director/Inner CEO in my work) give YOU
more money if you don't know exactly what you'll do with it,
and if your intentions aren't truly solid or "approved" too?

Think about that for a minute.

Most people I know who want more money have never really
thought through exactly what they'd do with it if they got
it. Or, if they do have plans for the increased money flow,
it's for things that haven't been thought through either,
especially as it relates to alignment with their life
mission and purpose.

I've got to be brutally honest with you now for a minute.
You can bitch, moan and complain about not having enough
money all you want. But until you get the correct wiring
in place, the flow isn't likely to happen. You'll just be
like the first kid in the example I just gave you.

Here's what getting the correct wiring in place means:

1. Getting crystal clear on exactly what you'd do with the
increased money flow if you got it

2. Making sure your clarity on what you'd do with the money
is resting on a foundation of Truth and total alignment
with your life purpose and mission (versus your own fantasy
wish list)

3. Getting your act together on managing money (which
includes having plans in place for saving, investing,
planning for your future, being organized and on top of
all the financial details in your life, etc.)

As my friend Dr. John Demartini says, "Until You Manage
Money Wisely, Don’t Expect More Money To Manage."

When you can show The Universe (or your Director/Inner CEO
in my work) that increased money flow will be used in a wise
way, the flow will increase and not before. The only
exception to this, as I discuss in my Invisible Path to
Success and 11th Element work, is if an increased flow of
money at this moment is part of your mission and purpose and
your Director/Inner CEO is taking steps to increase it
independently of your personal desire for it.

So, based on what you've just discovered, here are the
5 action steps I suggest taking right now:

1. Take a brutally honest look at your life and see if you
have the proper "wiring" installed in your "house."

2. If the answer is "Yes," then be patient and know that the
increased money flow will come at the best time and in the
best way for you.

3. If the answer is "No," then take steps to get the help
you need to run new wiring through your house. If you
already have an Invisible Path to Success or 11th Element
book or course, use the System to ask for help to do that.
If not, consider purchasing an 11th Element book or course
(see below) and getting started right away with the System.
It's the quickest way I know to get the job done

4. Run your new wiring

5. Use the System to ask for help to increase the flow of
money once the new wiring is in place

If you follow these 5 steps, and if an increased flow of
money at this time is in alignment with your mission and
purpose, it will flow. That's guaranteed.

Go get 'em tiger!

Bob Scheinfeld,
Ultimate Lifestyle Academy

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