Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Top 25 Motivational Quotes from Self-Made Billionaires

Great quotes help motivate me to keep learning on my journey of self-improvement. One of my favorite sources of quotes to turn to is from self-made billionaires, as they have spent their lives working through failure, and have come out on top. They often have wisdom to impart.

For those days when you need an extra pick-me-up, here are the best motivational quotes from some of the greatest entrepreneurs in history.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The One and Only Cause of Failure in Any Area of Your Life... and the One and Only Solution

By David Cameron, Author of 
A Happy Pocket Full of Money

All we do is create experiences. That is all we do, as human beings. There is nothing else we do here on earth.

Think about your whole day today - wasn't it a collection of one experience after another? As creators of experiences, we make good ones happen and almost every day, surprisingly, we put a monkey wrench in our own lives and mess things up.

Every day, and for no reason at all, unconsciously, we destroy our own efforts and then fail or suffer unnecessarily. When it comes to success, we are our own worst enemy and we don't even know it. We take one step forward and two steps back, or more. 
Today we can all stop this unnecessary step backwards.

Do you know how much more your life, business, relationships and health would improve if you changed one little thing? Let us see how.

Friday, October 18, 2019

What Three Identical Strangers Reveals About Human Psychology

3 Identical Strangers
The recently released documentary, Three Identical Strangers, tells a story that’s at times humorous, at times incredible, and at other times foreboding. 

The film, directed by Tim Wardle and released across the United States in the past few weeks, tells a story some might remember from headlines in the 1980s: Three college-aged identical triplets—Eddy Galland, David Kellman, and Robert Shafran—each put up for adoption, learn they were separated at birth and are reunited.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How You Can Keep Or Draw Your Lover To You With Quantum Entanglement

They never taught this in any science class.

Have you ever wanted to “bind” or tie a lover to you, so they can't or won't get away? 

What if you could bind the lover of your choice to you, using Quantum Physics?
Imagine binding them in such a way that you can either physically draw an M.I.A lover BACK to you or KEEP the one you got now. In just a minute I'm going to give you a simple format so you can do just that.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Top 10 Mind Bending Theories About the Universe

The universe is a vast and mysterious place. There are so many mind-boggling parts of our solar system, the universe and beyond that humans often have a hard time wrapping their brains around it. These mysteries are profound and often are connected with the inner workings of the universe and the very existence of life.

Needless to say, a lot of these theories that try to answer some of these questions are mind bending in their own right and could change your whole outlook on reality.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Quadriplegic Moves Limbs Using Mind Controlled Exo Suit

Scientists at the the University of Grenoble have hailed it a technological breakthrough after 30 year old quadriplegic Thibault took his first steps using only the power of his mind and a highly advance full exo skeleton.

The breakthrough is only at the testing stage at the moment and only a few steps have been taken at the researchers laboratory but scientists have said that one day this technology could help patients quality of life.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Scientists Discover Matrix-Like Way to Upload Knowledge to Your Brain

Want to learn Kung Fu in seconds like Neo did in the famous Matrix trilogy? How about learning to speak a foreign language in seconds? Or knowing how to fix a combustion engine? Imagine what it would be like if you could “upload” this kind of knowledge to your brain?

A flurry of Internet articles points to a study that suggests that super learning can be done – Matrix style – with transhumanist accouterments like nano-sized implants of computer chips and electrodes. However, ancient philosophies like yoga have been “downloading” information and accelerated learning from the cosmos for centuries with practices like yoga-nidra and meditation.

Which way of achieving super learning is best, and what are the drawbacks of relying on an AI learning model?

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Was Marilyn Monroe a Hollywood Mind Control Slave?

Marilyn Monroe is the ultimate sex symbol, embodying everything that Hollywood represents: glamor, glitz and sex-appeal. Her iconic sensual blonde persona forever revolutionized the movie industry and, to this day, is greatly influential in popular culture. 

While Marilyn represents everything that is glamorous about Hollywood, the disturbing story of her private life equally represents everything that is dark in Hollywood. Marilyn was indeed manipulated by high level "mind doctors" who controlled every aspect of her life and caused her to basically lose her mind. 

Her death, at the young age of 36 is one of the first "mysterious celebrity deaths" in popular culture. While many facts point to a murder, it is still classified as a "probable suicide".