Friday, August 30, 2019

4 Ways How Staying Mindful Can Boost Your Health

If you’re wondering what aspect of your well-being to work on next, focus on mindfulness.

Why? Because it’s such a simple practice, that’s the opposite of complicating our lives. It’s all about spending time in the present, instead of going back to painful memories or making too many plans about the future and thus bringing unnecessary stress, anxiety and negativism.

To be mindful is to be free of anything that’s not happening right now, simply because you know that the present moment itself is enough.

All that helps you embrace insecurity. You let go of the need to prepare for the future, as that usually isn’t effective. Instead, you’re present and happy with what is.

But let’s talk about the health benefits of mindfulness now.

Yes, staying mindful is closely related to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. So the more mindful you become, the more you boost your health. You will also become more liked and interesting for others, because you are going to actually be present I see them how they truly are. 

Read the full story here...

Thursday, August 22, 2019

This Article Doesn't Exist

What are you worried about right now?

Well, it’s an almost guarantee that you are worried about nothing, for the very reason that you don’t exist!

You have no worries because you have no mind or body or life to worry with — it’s all an illusion. No worries, but more significantly, no worrier.

If you think this sounds like utter nonsense, some of the most brilliant scientists, philosophers and theological thinkers of our century would disagree with you. Science and math suggest that we humans don’t exist, (even though there is really no math or science — more illusions!). The advent of quantum mechanics and modern physics increasingly imply that our existence as human beings is a kind of persistent illusion. We are under the false assumption that we’re people, we only imagine we have bodies and brains, and minds functioning inside those brains.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Five Horrible Misconceptions of the New Age

The new-age movement, along with many of the ideologies that New Ageism encourages, has been popularized in the past few years, especially with rise of social media.

I am all for self-empowerment, spiritual exploration and personal development, but some ideologies New Ageism preaches are misleading, false, and even dangerous.

Here are 5 common misconceptions that need to be corrected and understood:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Psychedelic Drugs Are Treating Depression in US Hospitals

MindTrip Magazine
As the country increasingly sheds its prohibitionist stereotypes and misconceptions about psychedelic drugs, scientists and psychiatrists are increasingly embracing their potent qualities as “game-changers” in the fight to treat mental health disorders.

The new trend unfolding across the U.S. has converted drugs like ketamine—once known primarily as a recreational drug used at raves and underground concerts—into a powerful tool for mental health professionals in the Midwest, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana.

Dr. Joseph Fanelli, a psychiatrist who is the medical director for behavioral health services at St. Catherine Hospital in East Chicago, told the Times: “It’s a pretty exciting time that we’ve entered over the last few years.”

Saturday, August 10, 2019

We Are Living in a Golden Age

If you think that there has never been a better time to be alive — that humanity has never been safer, healthier, more prosperous or less unequal — then you’re in the minority. But that is what the evidence incontrovertibly shows. 

Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour and infant mortality are falling faster than at any other time in human history. The risk of being caught up in a war, subjected to a dictatorship or of dying in a natural disaster is smaller than ever. The golden age is now.

Read the full story here...

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

How to Steal and Get Rich

My eight year old daughter is crying right now. She's trying to draw manga-style comic book figures. "The eyes look stupid!" she says, "and the arms look flimsy!" 

My oldest tries to calm her down, "Mollie, I'm three years older than you. Thats why my characters look so good," she says, but somehow that doesn't work and it doesn't help when my oldest says, "Mollie, guess what, I finished drawing on the whole pad? Aren't these pretty?"

I tell my youngest, "Mollie, look on the Internet and see how other artists do their eyes and arms. I bet there are some Manga artists who even have videos on how to do it."

She says, "but that's copying. I don't want to copy. I refuse."

So I tell her my favorite quote from Picasso, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." And my oldest says, "that would mean HE stole." And I tell her that's right but still my youngest refuses to listen. She says, "I don't want to copy. I want to do something completely original." But that's impossible.

Read the full story here... 

Monday, August 05, 2019

5 Timeless Truths From The Serenity Prayer That Offer Wisdom In The Modern Age

Serenity Prayer
If you are familiar with Alcoholics Anonymous, have ever read Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five or saw the recent Denzel Washington movie Flight, then you have encountered the Serenity Prayer. The prayer has worked its way into so many cultural outlets that many non-Christians know it, or at least the beginning, by heart:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, August 02, 2019

There Are No Miracle Cures

Miracle Cure
There is a story that we love to tell, that we love to hear, that we can’t get enough of no matter how many times it’s told. It subtly whispers from the supplement aisle at the supermarket, and screams from every headline at least once a month:

“We’ve discovered the cure to end all cures. Heart disease? Gone! Cancer? Stop worrying!

And your worst fear? Old age? Gone.

We can cure that too.”
The only issue?

None of this is true. There are no miracle cures.

Read the full story here...