Sunday, April 28, 2019

Persuasion 101 for Fun and Profit

Reinvent Yourself
This is what happened. The guy got a $10 million offer for his business, which was a mental health facility for teenage drug addicts.

He had nothing in the bank. “Should I take it?” he asked me.

Maybe I owned a small part of the mental health facility.

I said, “Don’t take $10 million. Let me sell your mental health facility.”

I had no idea, not the slightest clue, how I would sell a mental health business. I knew nothing about mental health.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Curious Case of the Growing Placebo Effect

Over the last several years, evidence has been accumulating that placebo effects are becoming more powerful.

Clinical trials on a range of medications used for treating both psychological and medical problems are finding that differences in the magnitude of their impact relative to placebos are decreasing in size.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Power of Words and Why Words Can Manifest Life

To understand how powerful words are, we need to know what the term word means on an esoteric and spiritual level. Before we explore its esoteric and spiritual meaning, it is important that we study its common definitions and investigate other words related to it.

The term word is defined by as, "A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes."

According to, the term word means, "A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed."

When you think about it, words are symbols that transmit information.

Monday, April 22, 2019

An Exercise Snack Can Do Wonders For Your Body

Exercising can be tough in cold winter weather. Slippery conditions and frigid temperatures are definitely disincentives. But there is an easy way to get some exercise in your life without braving the outdoors.

It's called an exercise snack. All you need are stairs.

Inspired by the mindset that when it comes to exercise, everything counts, researchers looked at the effects of vigorously climbing three flights (60 steps) of stairs three times a day for three days a week for a total of six weeks.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Scientists Want You to Lucid Dream

In late January 2019, roughly half the world’s dream researchers -- about 50 people -- gathered on the sixth floor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) media lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was the first-ever “Dream Engineering” workshop hosted by the MIT Dream Lab, which was formed a year and a half ago.

One theme of the two-day workshop was lucid dreaming -- a phenomena where people realize they’re having a dream while they’re dreaming. “It’s such an exhilarating feeling to lucid dream. It’s like a drug—it’s that powerful,” says Tore Nielsen, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal and director of the Dream and Nightmare Laboratory. “You can try flying, singing, having sex -- it’s better than VR.”

Saturday, April 20, 2019

How to Use Meditation to Gain Esoteric Powers

By A. Thomas Perhacs, Creator of 
Chi Power Training
 and Mind Force Hypnosis

There normally comes a point in your life that you think life is too harsh. You want to escape reality even if just for a little while. Indeed, there is literally no one in this world who doesn't seem to wish to be able to forget all the hustles and bustles in life even for a very short time.

Feeling so tired doing your daily activities, it makes a worthwhile reason to get rid of the negative vibes and voices in your head. One technique which some individuals apply is that of meditation to perform truly esoteric skills.

Meditation is believed to endow a particular kind of clarity of the mind as well as put the body into such a relaxing state. This means that the physical body loses its connection to the outside world.

Chi power

Monday, April 01, 2019

5 Methods of Self-Improvement


I started doing this in 2002. My first list: 10 chapters for a book called “How to Beat Your Friends at Every Game in the Universe”.

I never wrote the book. The next day I wrote down the next set of 10 ideas. And the next day the next 10.

Within six months my life was totally changed. I was an idea machine. I had built up that muscle. I still build it every day.