Here is part 1 of the Very Best and Most Popular stories from Mind Power News 2019. Enjoy!
Read it here: http://www.mindpowernews.com/1452.html
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Many thanks…
Monday, December 30, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Massively Power Up Your Memory with this Definitive Brain Power Cheat Sheet
A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you're a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your grey matter as you age, there's lots you can do to improve your memory and mental performance
They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn't true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change -- even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways.
The brain's incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory at any age. These 9 tips can show you how.
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation lets us comprehend what's really significant in life and what isn't. The truly amazing thing about meditation is it doesn't even need to take very long! Mindfulness meditation gives you the ability to study more effectively.
There are various types of meditation and it is necessary that you locate one that is appropriate for you. It appears to slow down the aging process. The principal reason mindfulness meditation has gotten so popular is because scientists have been conducting an enormous amount of research on the tradition.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Mindfulness
By Greg Thurston,
Creator of 7 Minute Mindfulness
Creator of 7 Minute Mindfulness
"Mindfulness" is a bit of a buzz word right now, but that doesn't mean that you should discredit it. Being mindful is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind!
But you might not be sure what it is. Is mindfulness just being more aware? Or does it mean clearing your mind?
Being mindful, in one sense, is like simplifying things. Normally we try to multitask all day, worrying about 20 things while doing 10. That doesn't work too well.
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Quantum Physicist Describes Alien Encounter
Quantum computing expert Deep Prasad has come forward with a rather extraordinary story.
Prasad, who has been involved in a new endeavour to hunt down more evidence of the 'Tic-Tac' UFO encountered by the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004, recently wrote an extensive series of Tweets describing his own remarkable encounter with extraterrestrial entities.
Prasad, who has been involved in a new endeavour to hunt down more evidence of the 'Tic-Tac' UFO encountered by the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004, recently wrote an extensive series of Tweets describing his own remarkable encounter with extraterrestrial entities.
The incident occurred on February 1st of this year.
Thursday, December 05, 2019
5 Foods to Boost Brain Health and Longevity
With the rise of fad diets, so-called superfoods, and a growing range of dietary supplements on the market, it's hard to know what to eat to prevent dementia and increase our lifespan. But there is solid science behind the power of certain foods to protect your brain from oxidative damage and improve cognition and memory.
More and more studies are pointing to lifestyle changes to protect our brains from diseases including Alzheimer's. Noted expert Dr. Gary Small, author of 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain and editor of The Mind-Body Health Report, tells Newsmax that according to researchers at the University of California at San Francisco, up to half the Alzheimer's cases are potentially attributable to "modifiable risk factors."
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Outsource Your Own Job
You’ve been hearing about outsourcing for years: mostly in the context of large manufacturing and product-producing companies offshoring and outsourcing the majority of their operations.
These days, most of our electronics, toys, plastic products, furniture, and even our call centers are all overseas, and companies are reaping the reward of selling the same products… but making them at less than a tenth of the prior cost
It’s a globalization dilemma not unique to the U.S., which has utterly changed the employment landscape.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Top 5 Meta-Trends Changing the World at Breakneck Speed
Life is pretty different now than it was 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago. It's sort of exciting, and sort of scary. And hold onto your hat, because it's going to keep changing -- even faster than it already has been.
The good news is, maybe there won't be too many big surprises, because the future will be shaped by trends that have already been set in motion. According to Singularity University co-founder and XPRIZE founder Peter Diamandis, a lot of these trends are unstoppable -- but they're also pretty predictable.
At SU's Global Summit, taking place this week in San Francisco, Diamandis outlined some of the meta-trends he believes are key to how we'll live our lives and do business in the (not too distant) future.
future tech,
Friday, November 22, 2019
Waking Up to the Truth About Hypnosis
Source: Hypnosis Bootcamp
The question of whether hypnosis is real or not has been a hot topic of discussion for over 200 years.
Exciting new research in the field of brain studies is now settling the argument once and for all!
Read a Good Book Lately: Then, Welcome to Hypnosis!
If you’ve ever lost yourself while reading a really good book, you’ve already been :::this::: close to hypnosis.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
31 Perfect Things
As we see more and more holiday gift guides, articles espousing the perfectness of glitzy products, I’d like to offer an alternative perspective.
We don’t need to buy things to make our lives beautiful or joyous. We don’t need more glamorous items in our lives to find happiness and contentment. We can find these wonderful qualities in what’s already in front of us.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds
You just got off the phone with one of your most important clients. The game-changing deal you were trying to close is off. They're not interested.
You've just pitched 10 potential investors. They all say they're "interested" but it's been two weeks. You refresh your inbox hourly, and yet still no word.
How do you react in these situations?
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Easiest Way to Explain Stoicism
By Jonas Salzgeber, Author of The Little Book of Stoicism
Stoicism is popular. And its community seems to grow every day.
But Stoic philosophy is also complex and it’s immensely challenging to explain it in simple terms.
The original texts from the Stoic philosophers consist of lecture notes, personal letters, and diary entries. They don’t offer a clear-cut explanation of the philosophy like one out of a textbook. And even modern books fail to explain Stoicism in an easy-to-understand way.
Online posts like my “What is Stoicism” article often list Stoic principles mixed together, which are surely worth studying, but fail to bring across a simple overview to hold onto.
This is the idea behind the Stoic Happiness Triangle. It gives you a simple overview of the core principles of Stoicism. If you know the triangle, you know and are able to explain the most important aspects of what Stoicism is—even to a five-year-old.
The Stoic Happiness Triangle explains Stoic philosophy in a simple and visual way. It’s a visualization of the Stoic’s core teachings.
The Stoic Happiness Triangle is a part of my book The Little Book of Stoicism. In this article, you’ll find the basics. In the book, you’ll find further explanations with helpful analogies and Stoic strategies.
Friday, November 08, 2019
7 Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch On How To Know If You're A Highly Evolved Being
By Neale Donald Walsch / Awaken the Species
You might have noticed how divided and chaotic the world seems right now. It's loud. Angry. Fearful. Hectic. But people are starting to wake up to the fact that we as a global society cannot continue living the way we have been.
Have you ever asked the Universe, "Why do we keep reliving the same problems?"
Neale Donald Walsch, modern day spiritual messenger and the New York Times Bestselling author of Conversations with God, received an answer.
This message not only answered how we got to this point as a species (turns out human beings aren't inherently mean or cruel), it also described humanity's next evolutionary leap — which requires more people to develop into Highly Evolved Beings (HEBs). Neale estimates that HEBs make up only 5% of the world's population currently, but the population is growing exponentially.
Have you ever asked the Universe, "Why do we keep reliving the same problems?"
Neale Donald Walsch, modern day spiritual messenger and the New York Times Bestselling author of Conversations with God, received an answer.
This message not only answered how we got to this point as a species (turns out human beings aren't inherently mean or cruel), it also described humanity's next evolutionary leap — which requires more people to develop into Highly Evolved Beings (HEBs). Neale estimates that HEBs make up only 5% of the world's population currently, but the population is growing exponentially.
Saturday, November 02, 2019
3 Powerful Techniques to Power Up Your Mind for Wealth, Happiness, and Success
The Law of Attraction is a powerful and largely untapped method to create wealth, happiness, and success.
We’re always attracting with our thoughts and emotions—our thoughts affect our emotions and create our vibration.
Law of Attraction works through vibration.
That’s how like attracts like. So feeling happy and successful attracts more happiness and success into your life.
We naturally have a high vibration, but we encounter problems and stress in life, and let those bring us down.
Once we realize this, we can train ourselves to focus on growth and seeing the good in life, and unblock the flow of abundance.
When we feel good, we attract more good.
We can visualize how we want life to be, and when we feel it, we create it.
Read the full story here...
We’re always attracting with our thoughts and emotions—our thoughts affect our emotions and create our vibration.
Law of Attraction works through vibration.
We naturally have a high vibration, but we encounter problems and stress in life, and let those bring us down.
Once we realize this, we can train ourselves to focus on growth and seeing the good in life, and unblock the flow of abundance.
When we feel good, we attract more good.
We can visualize how we want life to be, and when we feel it, we create it.
Read the full story here...
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Top 25 Motivational Quotes from Self-Made Billionaires
Great quotes help motivate me to keep learning on my journey of self-improvement. One of my favorite sources of quotes to turn to is from self-made billionaires, as they have spent their lives working through failure, and have come out on top. They often have wisdom to impart.
For those days when you need an extra pick-me-up, here are the best motivational quotes from some of the greatest entrepreneurs in history.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The One and Only Cause of Failure in Any Area of Your Life... and the One and Only Solution
By David Cameron, Author of
A Happy Pocket Full of Money
A Happy Pocket Full of Money
All we do is create experiences. That is all we do, as human beings. There is nothing else we do here on earth.
Think about your whole day today - wasn't it a collection of one experience after another? As creators of experiences, we make good ones happen and almost every day, surprisingly, we put a monkey wrench in our own lives and mess things up.
Every day, and for no reason at all, unconsciously, we destroy our own efforts and then fail or suffer unnecessarily. When it comes to success, we are our own worst enemy and we don't even know it. We take one step forward and two steps back, or more.
Today we can all stop this unnecessary step backwards.
Do you know how much more your life, business, relationships and health would improve if you changed one little thing? Let us see how.
Friday, October 18, 2019
What Three Identical Strangers Reveals About Human Psychology
The recently released documentary, Three Identical Strangers, tells a story that’s at times humorous, at times incredible, and at other times foreboding.
The film, directed by Tim Wardle and released across the United States in the past few weeks, tells a story some might remember from headlines in the 1980s: Three college-aged identical triplets—Eddy Galland, David Kellman, and Robert Shafran—each put up for adoption, learn they were separated at birth and are reunited.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
How You Can Keep Or Draw Your Lover To You With Quantum Entanglement
They never taught this in any science class.
Have you ever wanted to “bind” or tie a lover to you, so they can't or won't get away?
What if you could bind the lover of your choice to you, using Quantum Physics?
Imagine binding them in such a way that you can either physically draw an M.I.A lover BACK to you or KEEP the one you got now. In just a minute I'm going to give you a simple format so you can do just that.
Wednesday, October 09, 2019
Top 10 Mind Bending Theories About the Universe
The universe is a vast and mysterious place. There are so many mind-boggling parts of our solar system, the universe and beyond that humans often have a hard time wrapping their brains around it. These mysteries are profound and often are connected with the inner workings of the universe and the very existence of life.
Needless to say, a lot of these theories that try to answer some of these questions are mind bending in their own right and could change your whole outlook on reality.
Sunday, October 06, 2019
Quadriplegic Moves Limbs Using Mind Controlled Exo Suit
Scientists at the the University of Grenoble have hailed it a technological breakthrough after 30 year old quadriplegic Thibault took his first steps using only the power of his mind and a highly advance full exo skeleton.
The breakthrough is only at the testing stage at the moment and only a few steps have been taken at the researchers laboratory but scientists have said that one day this technology could help patients quality of life.
Saturday, October 05, 2019
Scientists Discover Matrix-Like Way to Upload Knowledge to Your Brain
Want to learn Kung Fu in seconds like Neo did in the famous Matrix trilogy? How about learning to speak a foreign language in seconds? Or knowing how to fix a combustion engine? Imagine what it would be like if you could “upload” this kind of knowledge to your brain?
A flurry of Internet articles points to a study that suggests that super learning can be done – Matrix style – with transhumanist accouterments like nano-sized implants of computer chips and electrodes. However, ancient philosophies like yoga have been “downloading” information and accelerated learning from the cosmos for centuries with practices like yoga-nidra and meditation.
Which way of achieving super learning is best, and what are the drawbacks of relying on an AI learning model?
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Was Marilyn Monroe a Hollywood Mind Control Slave?
Marilyn Monroe is the ultimate sex symbol, embodying everything that Hollywood represents: glamor, glitz and sex-appeal. Her iconic sensual blonde persona forever revolutionized the movie industry and, to this day, is greatly influential in popular culture.
While Marilyn represents everything that is glamorous about Hollywood, the disturbing story of her private life equally represents everything that is dark in Hollywood. Marilyn was indeed manipulated by high level "mind doctors" who controlled every aspect of her life and caused her to basically lose her mind.
Her death, at the young age of 36 is one of the first "mysterious celebrity deaths" in popular culture. While many facts point to a murder, it is still classified as a "probable suicide".
Monday, September 30, 2019
The 6 Rules Of Success: A Powerful Formula For Fulfilling Your Dreams
By Eric Taller, Creator of Thought Elevators
Jiro Ono, a sushi chef from Tokyo, is regarded as one of the best craftsmen in his trade.
He’s only ever worked on one job, and he’s been doing it longer than other people have been alive.
People all over the world know him. No less than former U.S. President Barack Obama once flew down to his restaurant to have a taste of his creations.
To get a reservation at his place, you need to book three months in advance – and he charges $300 a plate.
I learned all of this from a documentary on Ono that I recently watched, and his hardcore dedication blew me away.
Here’s a guy who totally immersed himself in his work, never whined about making mistakes, and lives for perfecting his craft.
And the result speaks for itself. I mean, you don’t get to the top of your game by messing around.
He’s only ever worked on one job, and he’s been doing it longer than other people have been alive.
People all over the world know him. No less than former U.S. President Barack Obama once flew down to his restaurant to have a taste of his creations.
To get a reservation at his place, you need to book three months in advance – and he charges $300 a plate.
I learned all of this from a documentary on Ono that I recently watched, and his hardcore dedication blew me away.
Here’s a guy who totally immersed himself in his work, never whined about making mistakes, and lives for perfecting his craft.
And the result speaks for itself. I mean, you don’t get to the top of your game by messing around.
We all know how the Japanese are obsessed with perfection, and it got me thinking about the other traits that make someone successful.
Sure, dedication is one thing, but what are other pieces to the success puzzle?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
30 Fascinating Facts About Dreams
Dreams are downright fascinating. If you’ve ever questioned your creativity, just think of the stories your mind concocts while you’re fast asleep. Although the act of dreaming may seem mysterious, we actually know quite a lot about the topic, thanks to sleep and dream science.
Here at Pillow Picker, we’re delving into the intriguing world of dreams to bring you the latest and greatest information about this captivating topic. Read on to learn some seriously interesting facts backed by reputable sources.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Become a Great Thinker with 10 Amazing Books recommended by Jordan Peterson
We like to know what informed thinkers read in order to better understand what shaped their worldview. On his website, Jordan Peterson offers his Great Books list, granting insight into the turning of his own mind.
I've discovered a few that I'll pick up from the numerous titles that he offers. The following ten also resonated with me.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
7 Brutal Truths That Will Make You a Better Person
1. Nobody is actually too busy to respond to you.
That guy or girl isn’t too busy to answer your text. That employer isn’t too busy to answer your email. If you’re not hearing back from someone, it’s because they have deliberately chosen not to answer you. And the sooner you stop making excuses for the people who don’t make you a priority, the sooner you can move on to the people and situations that do.
Saturday, September 07, 2019
18 Ways to Join the Illuminati
Source: The Code of Influence
So, you want to join a secret cabal of mysterious forces that make up the Illuminati.
Granted it has for some a "romantic" appeal. Granted that appeal may be filled with fear but it's a concept they hold on to in spite of reason. Here are the steps that anyone can use to gain admittance into the most powerful club in the world.
Regarding the Illuminati, most of the Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists (PCT) have a habit of jumping to conclusions based on faulty evidence and reasoning. They are so good at it they could be finalists in the Olympic Conclusion Jumping Event. One of the common errors they make is that of constantly referencing each others works without going further back to find original source material.
But I digress...
Let's suppose that in spite of reason and logic an Illuminati does exist and you were one of the rare people who wanted to join it. By joining the Illuminati you could build an empire that increased your personal holdings while further subjugating the uninformed masses of humanity.
There must be a way to get "in".
Friday, August 30, 2019
4 Ways How Staying Mindful Can Boost Your Health
If you’re wondering what aspect of your well-being to work on next, focus on mindfulness.
Why? Because it’s such a simple practice, that’s the opposite of complicating our lives. It’s all about spending time in the present, instead of going back to painful memories or making too many plans about the future and thus bringing unnecessary stress, anxiety and negativism.
To be mindful is to be free of anything that’s not happening right now, simply because you know that the present moment itself is enough.
All that helps you embrace insecurity. You let go of the need to prepare for the future, as that usually isn’t effective. Instead, you’re present and happy with what is.
But let’s talk about the health benefits of mindfulness now.
Yes, staying mindful is closely related to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. So the more mindful you become, the more you boost your health. You will also become more liked and interesting for others, because you are going to actually be present I see them how they truly are.
Read the full story here...
Why? Because it’s such a simple practice, that’s the opposite of complicating our lives. It’s all about spending time in the present, instead of going back to painful memories or making too many plans about the future and thus bringing unnecessary stress, anxiety and negativism.
To be mindful is to be free of anything that’s not happening right now, simply because you know that the present moment itself is enough.
All that helps you embrace insecurity. You let go of the need to prepare for the future, as that usually isn’t effective. Instead, you’re present and happy with what is.
But let’s talk about the health benefits of mindfulness now.
Yes, staying mindful is closely related to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. So the more mindful you become, the more you boost your health. You will also become more liked and interesting for others, because you are going to actually be present I see them how they truly are.
Read the full story here...
Thursday, August 22, 2019
This Article Doesn't Exist
What are you worried about right now?
Well, it’s an almost guarantee that you are worried about nothing, for the very reason that you don’t exist!
You have no worries because you have no mind or body or life to worry with — it’s all an illusion. No worries, but more significantly, no worrier.
If you think this sounds like utter nonsense, some of the most brilliant scientists, philosophers and theological thinkers of our century would disagree with you. Science and math suggest that we humans don’t exist, (even though there is really no math or science — more illusions!). The advent of quantum mechanics and modern physics increasingly imply that our existence as human beings is a kind of persistent illusion. We are under the false assumption that we’re people, we only imagine we have bodies and brains, and minds functioning inside those brains.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Five Horrible Misconceptions of the New Age
The new-age movement, along with many of the ideologies that New Ageism encourages, has been popularized in the past few years, especially with rise of social media.
I am all for self-empowerment, spiritual exploration and personal development, but some ideologies New Ageism preaches are misleading, false, and even dangerous.
Here are 5 common misconceptions that need to be corrected and understood:
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Psychedelic Drugs Are Treating Depression in US Hospitals
As the country increasingly sheds its prohibitionist stereotypes and misconceptions about psychedelic drugs, scientists and psychiatrists are increasingly embracing their potent qualities as “game-changers” in the fight to treat mental health disorders.
The new trend unfolding across the U.S. has converted drugs like ketamine—once known primarily as a recreational drug used at raves and underground concerts—into a powerful tool for mental health professionals in the Midwest, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana.
The new trend unfolding across the U.S. has converted drugs like ketamine—once known primarily as a recreational drug used at raves and underground concerts—into a powerful tool for mental health professionals in the Midwest, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana.
Dr. Joseph Fanelli, a psychiatrist who is the medical director for behavioral health services at St. Catherine Hospital in East Chicago, told the Times: “It’s a pretty exciting time that we’ve entered over the last few years.”
Saturday, August 10, 2019
We Are Living in a Golden Age
If you think that there has never been a better time to be alive — that humanity has never been safer, healthier, more prosperous or less unequal — then you’re in the minority. But that is what the evidence incontrovertibly shows.
Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour and infant mortality are falling faster than at any other time in human history. The risk of being caught up in a war, subjected to a dictatorship or of dying in a natural disaster is smaller than ever. The golden age is now.
Read the full story here...
Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour and infant mortality are falling faster than at any other time in human history. The risk of being caught up in a war, subjected to a dictatorship or of dying in a natural disaster is smaller than ever. The golden age is now.
Read the full story here...
Wednesday, August 07, 2019
How to Steal and Get Rich
My eight year old daughter is crying right now. She's trying to draw manga-style comic book figures. "The eyes look stupid!" she says, "and the arms look flimsy!"
My oldest tries to calm her down, "Mollie, I'm three years older than you. Thats why my characters look so good," she says, but somehow that doesn't work and it doesn't help when my oldest says, "Mollie, guess what, I finished drawing on the whole pad? Aren't these pretty?"
I tell my youngest, "Mollie, look on the Internet and see how other artists do their eyes and arms. I bet there are some Manga artists who even have videos on how to do it."
She says, "but that's copying. I don't want to copy. I refuse."
So I tell her my favorite quote from Picasso, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." And my oldest says, "that would mean HE stole." And I tell her that's right but still my youngest refuses to listen. She says, "I don't want to copy. I want to do something completely original." But that's impossible.
Read the full story here...
Monday, August 05, 2019
5 Timeless Truths From The Serenity Prayer That Offer Wisdom In The Modern Age
If you are familiar with Alcoholics Anonymous, have ever read Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five or saw the recent Denzel Washington movie Flight, then you have encountered the Serenity Prayer. The prayer has worked its way into so many cultural outlets that many non-Christians know it, or at least the beginning, by heart:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Friday, August 02, 2019
There Are No Miracle Cures
There is a story that we love to tell, that we love to hear, that we can’t get enough of no matter how many times it’s told. It subtly whispers from the supplement aisle at the supermarket, and screams from every headline at least once a month:
“We’ve discovered the cure to end all cures. Heart disease? Gone! Cancer? Stop worrying!
And your worst fear? Old age? Gone.
We can cure that too.”
“We’ve discovered the cure to end all cures. Heart disease? Gone! Cancer? Stop worrying!
And your worst fear? Old age? Gone.
We can cure that too.”
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Single Most Powerful Thing You Can Do For Your Mental and Physical Health
By Matthew Walker, Author of
Do you think you got enough sleep this past week? Can you remember the last time you woke up without an alarm clock, feeling refreshed, not needing caffeine?
If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you are not alone. Two-thirds of adults throughout all developed nations fail to obtain the recommended eight hours of nightly sleep.
Indeed, surveys by the UK Sleep Council and YouGov reveal that one out of every three people you pass on the streets of Britain regularly suffer from poor sleep. I doubt you are surprised by these facts, but you may be surprised by the consequences.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The 10 Smartest Animals on Earth
Read the full story here...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Real Benefit of Being Rich
There have been a lot of big bills coming across my kitchen table recently. Property taxes, car registrations, income taxes, things for the school orchestra in which little MM plays the standup bass. Plus the usual credit card bills for all my spending on groceries and not-all-that-rare luxury indulgences. There’s nothing bad or unexpected in this pile of bills, but I still see it adding up to a tidy sum.
But this morning as I was looking at the latest one – a bill from the City of Longmont for all the various utilities, I noticed that the same familiar feeling crept across my chest that I had felt for all of these other expenses: a feeling of warmth and reassurance.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Top 15 Self-Help Books for Millennials
I was at an all-time low in my life when I first got into self-help material. I was getting ready to graduate with a BA in political communication and preparing to launch straight into law school shortly thereafter.
The only problem, however, was that going to law school and becoming an attorney was the last God damn thing I wanted to do with my life.
I’d been a good boy growing up. I listened to my mom and dad’s advice about getting good grades, going to law school and securing a “safe job.” It’s about all the good stuff parents want for their kids.
But then, I woke up one day and had quite the realization: At what point did I consciously decide to give 60 percent of my waking, working hours to the field of corporate law?
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Free Book -- Wealth Brain; Less Stress. More Money. One Plan.
My friend Steve just released a really inspirational (and valuable) book, and for a short time he's made it available for free…
I highly recommend that you grab this while it's still online. It reveals his incredibly powerful mindset system to breaking free of the rat race, and living your dream life.
It's a full encounter of Steve's story, and how he turned his life around by making a few simple tweaks to his outlook on work, jobs, and lifestyle.
If you're stuck in a loop, worried that you'll never move forward...
Or even if you're doing well, but want to scale up FAST by making a few small changes...
Monday, July 15, 2019
Secret Methods to Build Brain Power
By Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist
Creator of Brain Power Control
Creator of Brain Power Control
What is self improvement? Well, the dictionary defines self improvement as "improvement of one's mind, character, etc. through one's own efforts. Seems pretty simple and straight forward.
So logically, the next question one would ask themselves is what should the efforts consist of? In other words, what techniques, principles & resources work most effectively?
So logically, the next question one would ask themselves is what should the efforts consist of? In other words, what techniques, principles & resources work most effectively?
Friday, July 12, 2019
Why You Can’t Stop Creating Problems in Your Mind
Our brains are designed to worry, and they’re good at it.
They’re built to determine the next big thing to “fix.” This is a great thing. It’s a cognitive feature that has led us to evolve the way we have. We’ve developed every major industry (agriculture, medicine, religion) out of some kind of fear: death, disorder, starvation, meaninglessness. The part of the brain that controls rumination also controls creativity. There’s no coincidence in this.
We were born to survive, which is to create.
Thursday, July 04, 2019
Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. MindTrip Magazine Issue 84 Now Available!
- Why the World Is Still Getting Better
- The Ultimate Guide to Going Broke
- The Most Miserable Way to Live Forever
- 8 Ways to Buy Happiness
- The Best Place to Invest Your Money
- Doomsday Videos for the End of the World
- 50 Trippiest Drug Hallucinations in Film
- Simple Enlightenment
- News From the Future
- WTF Videos
- Weird Facts
- and much more...
To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access one of several free issues!
Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...
Top 10 Ways to Look and Be Smarter
Whether you're trying to survive an intensive college schedule or just want to seem smarter in front of your friends, you can do a lot of things to both look and be smarter.
Here are ten simple tricks for boosting your real (and perceived) brain power.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Free Best-Selling Book: Never In Your Wildest Dreams
Source: Mind Movies
Do you ever feel lost, uninspired or depleted by life?
If yes and you’re ready to rise above your limiting beliefs and realize your limitless potential, then I think you’ll love this free gift.
It’s Natalie Ledwell’s best-selling book called“Never In Your Wildest Dreams” and it’s extraordinary story has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve true success.
Natalie is the co-founder of the successful personal growth company Mind Movies, and her book reveals the exact steps, inspired by her own quest for success, to achieve any goal you set for yourself and your future.
So, what are you waiting for?
Also, a heads up - once you read it, you’ll find this is not your average book!
It's an interactive multi-sensory experience - because it also comes with an exclusive ‘Inside The Chapter Video Series’ that you’ll be able to access as you finish each chapter via a secret link in the book.
P.S. Important: When you sign up for the book, you’ll also get a free spot at Natalie’s acclaimed online workshop with personal growth icon Mary Morrissey!
On the workshop, you'll discover a quick and easy way to erase your limiting beliefs -
And replace them with empowering beliefs that lift you up instead of drag you down.
All in just five simple steps.
This workshop is the perfect complement to your interactive book.
Don't miss it: [Download your book and get your free spot at Natalie’s online workshop - and discover the quickest, easiest way to get rid of your limiting beliefs for good!]
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
How to See Yourself Ten Years In the Future
Objective: See in your mind's eye where you really want to be in ten years time. Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying others.
Complete this exercise that I’ve done with thousands of people to learn what you really want in life. This is your chance to dream and create in your imagination anything you want to do or be!
Monday, June 03, 2019
Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness.
- God Wants You to Be Rich
- The Challenge of Abundance
- Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
- How Affirmations Helped Create My Worldwide Empire
- Everything Positive is Negative, Everything Negative is Positive
- How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes
- Simple Enlightenment
- News From the Future
- WTF Videos
- Weird Facts
- and much more...
Download MindTrip Magazine for your iPad or iPhone here...
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Young Boy's Past Life as an Extraterrestrial
Carl Sagan, American astronomer and astrobiologist, even acknowledged the fact that reincarnation deserves serious study, stating that: “children sometimes report details of a previous life, which, upon checking, turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.”
There are some great examples, many of which have been uncovered by University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker, who is arguably the world’s leading researcher on this topic.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Ultimate Guide to Going Broke
By James Altucher,
Author of Reinvent Yourself
Author of Reinvent Yourself
I was so happy. In 1995.
I was pre-ambition. I’d get into work at 10 a.m. Sneak out around 4 p.m.
I had a one-room apartment and my only piece of furniture was a foam mattress.
It was summer and I had no air conditioning. I had no sheets for the mattress. So by morning every day all of my sweat would be absorbed into the foam of the mattress.
If I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom, the roaches would scurry away and I’d hear the klik-klik-klik.
I’d leave work at 4 p.m. and go play backgammon all night with my friends at Steinway Billiards in Astoria.
I had a crush on a waitress and would write notes on $2 bills when I paid for my meals.
I was creepy and she never responded.
It was the best time in my life. I never saw any of these people ever again.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Why the World Is Still Getting Better
If you read or watch the news, you’ll likely think the world is falling to pieces. Trends like terrorism, climate change, and a growing population straining the planet’s finite resources can easily lead you to think our world is in crisis.
But there’s another story, a story the news doesn’t often report. This story is backed by data, and it says we’re actually living in the most peaceful, abundant time in history, and things are likely to continue getting better.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Super Brain Yoga - One Simple Move to Make You Smarter
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “no exercise can make me smarter”, right? Well, I was a little skeptical at first too. Until I started doing research and saw the results. This exercise, being called “Superbrain Yoga” is meant to pump up cell and neuro activity in the brain, and it seems to be working amazingly.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work Unless…
Source: LifeLeap
Positive thinking doesn’t work – I hear it all the time from people. Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe you want to improve the romantic area of your life, OR you want to lose some weight and get in better shape. Perhaps your first priority is making more money.
Have you ever identified a goal – put your heart into it, then took the necessary steps to achieve that goal? You even took it a step further and started thinking more positively, telling yourself "YES! I can do it" and convincing yourself "things will get better."
But if you are like most people, you somehow find yourself back at square one feeling discouraged and wondering "WHAT HAPPENED"?
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
Recently my 16-year-old son bought a bunch of new music on Itunes and because we share the same account, all of his new music ended up automatically downloading onto my phone.
Next day when I jumped into the car and hit play, instead of acoustic surf grooves I got heavy UK rap. I quite enjoyed it for the morning, but got to thinking how he would feel if I loaded his phone up with all my music. Imagine if 95% of the songs on your player were actually downloaded from other people’s playlists without you even knowing it? And what if the vast majority of those came from your parents? Would they match the music you want to hear and create in life?
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