Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to Play The Abraham Hicks Prosperity Game

MindTrip Magazine
The Prosperity Game is a lavish and playful game by Abraham Hicks.

If you're not familiar with the Law of Attraction teachings of Abraham-Hicks, they are a group of non-physical teachers channeled by Esther Hicks filled with Universal wisdom and witty repartee. 

It took a while to wrap my mind around the idea of channeled beings but once I read their teachings, I was hooked for life. Within their teachings, Abraham offers many experiential exercises to help guide you towards awakening and realizing your desires and reduce focus on the unwanted experiences in your life.

The point of the Prosperity Game is to expand our ability to receive and spend wealth, and to direct it with our intention and attention.

Since it's Law of Attraction based, the focus is on raising our vibrational state so that we are in alignment with receiving and spending large sums of money. And in doing so, we awaken more creativity within us.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Matrix is Only 50 Years Away -- Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg
We’ve spent the past decade handing Mark Zuckerberg our cherished memories, beloved photographs and intimate details of our day to day lives.

But that’s not enough for the social media titan: he wants to get inside your brain and access your thoughts directly.

Zuck has hinted that social networks of the future will be powered by telepathy, allowing ordinary people to beam their brainwaves and emotions directly onto the internet.

Amor Fati: The Immense Power of Learning To Love Your Fate

MindTrip Magazine
I have “AMOR FATI” tattooed on the inside of my right forearm. When I went to have it done, after a full year of consideration, the tattoo artist asked me which direction I’d like to have it face.

“Toward me,” I answered.

“Upside down?” he responded looking at me with that face my puppy makes when he hears something unfamiliar.

“Yes, I said. It’s just a reminder to myself and really isn’t meant for anybody other than me.”

“Great choice,” he replied with a knowing smile.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Humans have brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to change for better or worse at any age.

This flexibility of the brain plays a significant role in the development or decline of our brains, and how our distinct personalities are shaped.

Neural connections can be forged or severed, and gray matter can thicken or shrink. These changes reflect transformations in our abilities.

For example, learning a new skill can wire new neural pathways in our brains, while aging may weaken certain neural pathways that once existed and result in our memories not performing as well as they once did.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Soviet Union’s Top Secret Psychotronic Experiments

During the Cold War, both the Soviets and the Americans were conducting some very unorthodox research in an effort to get the upper-hand on each other. 

Such research lead to programs like MKULTRA and the Stargate program in the United States.

Very little has been released about the Soviet’s parapsychology research, which they call Psychotronics

Read the full story here...

10 Books That Will Blow Your Mind

Reading is incredible. It sparks our imaginations, enhances our critical thinking skills, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brain, and much more.

While our love for reading in general will never die, it does seem that, these days, its popularity has waned significantly.

Whether you’re an adult or a child, reading is definitely a good idea; the key is to find something that interests you. The rest is easy.

The list of books below represents just a few that I’m sure our readers will enjoy, so have a look if you’d like to add something new and exciting to your reading list.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Miserable Way to Live Forever

There is a program being sold online that claims to teach you 5 Ancient Tibetan Yoga moves that will vastly improve your health and possibly help you live longer. Okay, nothing too surprising there.

If you read that book you will discover that the 5 Yoga moves are “borrowed” from a much older book first published in 1939 calledAncient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder. Here is a short blurb from the book description to give you a taste of what we are up against.
Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved Ponce de Leon from years of fruitless searching. There, generations of Tibetan monks have passed down a series of exercises with mystical, age-reversing properties. Known as the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these once-secret exercises are now available to Westerners in Ancient Secret of the Fountain Of Youth. Peter Kelder’s book begins with an account of his own introduction to the rites by way of Colonel Bradford, a mysterious retired British army officer who learned of the rites while journeying high up in the Himalayas.
I suppose in the 1930s these 5 yoga poses must have seemed wildly exotic to a bunch of British soldiers, but in today’s day and age I’m not sure we can assume that 5 yoga moves will make you live any longer than average.

But anyway, that’s not the point… let’s get to the good stuff.

How to Live Forever

It turns out the the Tibetan Yogis taught the British Colonel a secret method that any man (not sure if this will work for women… sorry ladies) can use to not just live longer, but, literally, live FOREVER!

And the secret is this:

Do Not Ejaculate.

You see, whenever a man ejaculates he loses a bit of his life force. Ejaculate regularly and you will die at a normal age like any regular dude who loves sex and masturbation.

But practice abstinence — not just from sex but from all ejaculation — and you will become immortal.

Sounds cool. But who the fuck wants to live without ever ejaculating? Not me… that’s for sure. And that’s why I call this “The Most Miserable Way to Live Forever.”

Good luck guys… and please let me know how it goes.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

10 Unusual Ways to Live Longer

Just how much do you want to live a long, long life? You're already eating properly (well, most of the time), you keep fit (when you remember) and you don't smoke, having given up successfully many times. What other lengths are you prepared to go to?

In the past, people tried many different methods to promote their longevity, some more pleasant than others. Did you know, for example, that Taoist sexual practices, if performed correctly, are supposed to confer immortality?

Over the centuries humans have tried to live longer by eating such things as rattlesnakes, caterpillar fungus and bee pollen. They've drunk mercury, tea mushroom extract and colostrum, the first milk of new mothers.

Nowadays we know a lot more about strategies that can really work. Here are some of the more unusual ones.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

4 Books That Will Make You Genius

Many books are written and released each year. Most of them are bad, some of them are good, a few are great, and the top .001% are exceptional.

It’s rare that an author is a great writer AND has deep domain expertise. This list of books is by authors who are both.

Who’s this book list for? The creative/visionary/big picture thinker who wants to awaken their inner genius. 

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

How I Reinvented Myself with the Tesla Code Secrets

Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Sometimes things just fall apart, no matter how hard you try to keep them together. That happened to me, and it wasn't fun. It pushed me to the edge, but then I found something that pulled me back, and I am so glad that I did.

I was never the most confident person in the world. If there was one word to describe me throughout most of my life it would be 'average'. Average looks, hair, personality, everything—and my confidence and relationships suffered for it.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

How to Harness the Unknown Power of Dowsing

Dowsing is not just for finding water.

You can use dowsing to find little-known sources of problems in your life: "geopathic stress," "interference lines," or "negative energy vortexes."

Those are naturally occurring phenomena of energy that can have a dramatic effect on you.

For example: If you have those in your home or on your property, you can experience nightmares, sleeplessness, and even illness.

If an energy line goes through your garden, it can retard the growth of plants or make them susceptible to disease, drought, and other plant problems.

You can use "dowsing rods," or "divining rods" to easily find those problems.

It is all easy to do, and you can learn how during the upcoming 6-day Diamond Dowsing Fest.

During the Diamond Dowsing Fest, renowned Feng Shui master Marie Diamond will demonstrate how to use dowsing rods through a unique series of videos.

The videos are available for you to view during the six days of this online event beginning June 18. You can get your 6-Day Pass right here.

Monday, June 04, 2018

The Past and Future of Time Travel

How would you like to head back to the future in a DeLorean car? Or travel with the crew of the USS Enterprise to save the whales? These two examples (from "Back to the Future" and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") show a very common trope in science fiction — time travel.

We all have things we regret in life, so the concept of turning back time (or in the case of one "Superman" movie, reversing Earth's rotation) is an inviting one.

Who wouldn't want to fix the past, or erase a regrettable historical event that negatively impacted humanity? Or for people who are more focused on the future, how about turning time forward to see a neat event — such as the first human landing on Mars?

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Mind Power Techniques: You Are Wired For Success

What if someone stated that this only thing stopping from achieving your dreams was you?

The incredible mind energy that every one has inside of us is literally unstoppable if harnessed correctly plus the proper way.

In reality, the electricity your brain exerts over us influences our way of life, career, families, relationships, and every aspect we may never have even seriously considered.

People have been proven to use the power in the subconscious to alter even physical aspects inside their lives. For example individuals can control where or otherwise not to feel pain by using this power. It has been seen to be effective specially in activities like walking through hot surface and never feeling any pain whatsoever, walking along with sharp objects without getting cuts, getting ones tooth removed at a dentists without feeling extreme pain, this are merely just a few factors that were able to prove this aspect.

The reason most people think they are not creative is because they think they don't have the required steps. The secret of folks using the capacity to think away from box just isn't what they've got, but what they do not have. What they don't really have are mental blocks keeping them from discovering new and fresh ideas.

To look youthful naturally; to have a youthful-looking body in addition to a youthful-looking face; to feel happy, content and delightful on the inside; to feel confident and empowered; to take charge of ageing; to feel fabulous and look wonderful at ages young and old; to realise your lasting youth potential; to experience a sense of personal fulfilment; to take your overall health and vitality one stage further.

If, when you stop and perform your quick self-check, you aren't in the clear and present frame of mind, bring yourself to that state by coming to now. My friend asked "But how do I make it happen? What do I come returning to?"

You simply come to what more than one of one's five senses is actually experiencing in the present moment. This means that you're taking a few minutes to cover full attention to exactly what is before your very eyes.

For example, if you're in the ending up in someone that is raising your stress threshold or, if like my pal, you discover your head so all in the place who's just can't weigh up the choice to be produced, simply smell the aroma with the mug of coffee in your hand (or whatever!), understand the way the sunlight dances on the liquid's surface, feel the warmth from the cup in your hand, require a sip and taste the bitterness and hear the ambient sounds surrounding you - may be the hiss of air-conditioning, the noise of passing traffic, whatever.

Do you understand? If you liked this article and also you would like to obtain more info regarding how to use Full Brain Potential kindly visit our webpage. You see, our contact with the actual moment and, therefore, reality - and the opportunity it offers us with to live our ordinary day extraordinarily - is by simply through our five senses. In other words, you have to arrived at your senses!

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How to Get Infinite Power