There's no question that many of us would like to improve the quality of our sleep each night. Tossing, turning, waking up frequently, struggling to fall back asleep -- and that's if we can even drift off in the first place.
We are notorious for allowing bright screens into the bedroom and daily doses of anxiety to hit the pillow alongside our heads -- seemingly subconscious habits that leave us annoyingly alert rather than calm and relaxed.
One of the best ways to bring the body into its relaxed state is one we shouldn't have to think about: breathing. You read that right. Proper inhales and exhales have become a lost art among today's fast-paced, highly stressed society, robbing us of one of the best (not to mention free) tools for logging quality shut-eye. Taking the time to address your breathing could be just what you need to shut down your stress and solve your sleep problems, killing the proverbial two birds with one soothing stone.