Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Most Dangerous Mind Control Drug in the World

A hazardous drug that eliminates free will and can wipe the memory of its victims is currently being dealt on the streets of Colombia.

The drug is called scopolamine, but is colloquially known as ‘The Devil's Breath,' and is derived from a particular type of tree common to South America.

Stories surrounding the drug are the stuff of urban legends, with some telling horror stories of how people were raped, forced to empty their bank accounts, and even coerced into giving up an organ.

VICE's Ryan Duffy travelled to the country to find out more about the powerful drug. In this video he reveals the shocking culture of another Colombian drug world, interviewing those who deal the drug and those who have fallen victim to it.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Most Powerful Relaxation Audio Ever Created

If you haven’t heard of the Silva Method before, you’re in for a treat.

It’s one of the most established personal growth programs out there – continuously tested and refined since 1966, with over 6 million students worldwide.

And they’ve open enrollment for a FREE course called Unlimited You.

Best part of the course is that it includes instant access to one of Silva Method's most powerful meditations — The world-famous Centering Exercise.

>> You can learn more here and enroll for free...

Silva MethodThe Centering Exercise is not just any meditation. In fact, it’s really the foundation of what The Silva Method is all about.

When you sign up for the Unlimited You course, you’ll get access to a special digital audio that automatically takes your brain into the same deep levels you experience in sleep and meditation.

And as soon as you enter this state, you’ll know right away.

You’ll feel stress simply melt away, intuition and creativity peak, and physical and emotional healing will be accelerated.

But instead of passively experiencing the Alpha level the way you would with most meditation exercises, you get to actually take charge and reprogram your mind...

So that you can experience all the benefits of the Alpha level in your everyday waking life.

Needless to say, this one technique along is extremely powerful.

The Centering Exercise isn’t your average relaxation audio – it actually takes you through a powerful mind programming script fine tuned through over five decades of research with over 6 million people worldwide.

Every word and command in the Centering Exercise is painstakingly designed to engage your subconscious mind, making it one of the most profound active meditation tools ever created.

And this powerful exercise is yours to try, totally free, when you enroll for... The Unlimited You course...

Just sit back, relax, and get started on a mind-blowing journey of rapid personal evolution.
Silva MethodP.S. Get instant access to the free Unlimited You course by The Silva Method — One of the most established personal growth programs in the world. In this powerful 9-part series, you'll discover the secrets to harnessing your mind's true potential so you can craft a life filled with abundance, purpose, success and happiness. Click here to enroll for free

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to Command Your Superconscious Mind

Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.

Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that's frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness -- consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.

Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns. When you think a thought, you issue a command. Your servant obeys by manifesting the thought in the physical world where it becomes the things and events in your life. Thus, physical reality is a mirror of your thought patterns. Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

How to Experience the Dream of Life

Almost Super Human
By Jason and Skye Mangrum,
Authors of 
Uberman! Almost Super Human

In this life, there are two kinds of beings…

There are victims, and things happen to them. And there are creators, who create as they observe.

At the deepest, sub-nuclear level, we are one. There is no separation, as drops of ocean water existing in an infinite ocean… a boundless sea of possibility…

All we have ever experienced has lived inside the visual cortex of the brain. The outward projection is an illusion.

Our sense of touch is but an electrical impulse… A wave of focused light energy with information in the carrier-wave… a set of instructions for the brain to decode.

To feel. To see. To smell. To taste… these are illusions. Things are not as they seem. 

This is the veil shrouding the great mystery of life and creation… of consciousness.

You are existing right now, in your Mind.

These words you are reading, are in your brain, as every sight, every sound, every texture, every smell… but it goes deeper. The body is a projection of the Mind.

Though these concepts are difficult to grasp, they are the truth of your existence. All you experience, must be filtered through the Mind to be perceived.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The 10 Most Powerful Beliefs of Passionate Entrepeneurs

Have you ever taken lots of actions, only to be left disappointed with the results you’ve gotten?

Some will say that you just need to take more action. Do more, and the tides will eventually turn.

But what if taking action is only a small piece of the puzzle?

What if action taken from the wrong place only left you more frustrated and disappointed?

I’ve found that all the action and doing in the world doesn’t amount to much if my internal programming is broken.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to Manifest Amazing Relationships

Relationships are the playground on which we get to swing, and explore every aspect of our being. Without relationships you would discover very little about who you are, and experience a small amount of growth and evolution in your life.

The relationships or lack of relationships that you have in your life are an exquisite reflection of what's happening within you right now. They are not a problem to overcome, but rather something to enjoy!

The people you relate with on a daily basis are a flawless mirror that enables you to see who you truly are, and how you can express yourself more lovingly. They are some of the best vehicles for increasing your manifesting vibration.

Manifesting an amazing relationship with someone starts with a gentle focusing on what you appreciate, love, respect, and accept about that person.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

How Jim Carrey Manifested $10 Million

Have you figured out how to use the law of attraction to manifest more wealth and prosperity into your life, or is that something you're still working on?

According to the law of attraction, the results in your life are attracted into your life by means of the predominating thoughts which are in your mind.

This is true whether you're thinking about what you do want or what you don't want. If you're always thinking about what you do want, you'll attract more of it. If you're always thinking about what you DON'T want, you'll attract more of what you don't want.

In case you think this sounds impossible, let's look at how you can actually manifest prosperity into your life using the Law of attraction...

Sunday, August 06, 2017

FREE Abundance event guarantees instant results

By Christie Marie Sheldon,
Creator of 
Unlimited Abundance
Everything is connected.

That's why, when one area of your life is unbalanced – say, stress from working long hours trying to get ahead – everything else seems so much harder.

This is especially true when it comes to abundance.

When you're constantly worried about paying the bills or going to a job you hate every day, everything else gets put on the back burner.

Suddenly, you have no room to develop or grow.

That's what is called an 'Abundance Block'.

They can be tricky to uncover on your own, which is why I'm so excited to introduce Mindvalley's free 'Unblock Your Abundance' Masterclass featuring the incredible Christie Marie Sheldon.

And you're cordially invited.

If you haven't heard of Christie before, she's a remarkable woman with a special gift... The ability to connect with other people so that they start to magnetically attract success and abundance on autopilot.

Not only will you get to learn what Christie’s methods are all about, but you'll also get to experience a 20-minute Energy Clearing session guided by Christie that will permanently erase one of the biggest 'Abundance Blocks' affecting most people today.

You can learn more about Energy Clearing here...

Since 2012, Christie held these free sessions to help many people find the path to true wealth and abundance.

Year after year, more and more people flock to experience it with their feedback bordering on pretty phenomenal.

“UABanner2"But it's not surprising that Christie's 'Unblock Your Abundance' events have become so popular - taking into account people receiving:
  • Surprise cheques in the mail
  • Lucrative business deals manifesting out of thin air
  • Brilliant ideas that help you shine at work
  • And other unexpected abundance synchronicities
Give yourself a terrific break and grab this opportunity now.

Register your free spot here...

Saturday, August 05, 2017

17 Healthy Habits That Don't Work

We all have them — habits we think are healthy because we heard them somewhere on the news or from a health-conscious friend. And no matter how much we hate them, we just keep doing them because we think they're good for us.

Take avoiding gluten, for example. Is it really healthy?

Or taking a daily multivitamin. Healthy habit or a little bit of nonsense?

The answers to these questions might surprise you.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Just How Bad Is Our Modern Diet?

MindTrip Magazine
By Carolyn Hansen,
Author of 
21 Days to Healthy Eating

Our modern day diet is actually frightening when you take the time to look into it, which is probably why most people choose not to do so.

After all, we have to eat, and with the kind of high stress lives we live today, where we fight to earn every dollar, who exactly has the time to investigate their food in any detail?

One person who does is Carolyn Hansen, and she has penned 21 Days To Healthy Eating as a summary of her findings...

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Activate Instant Super Powers with the Brain Bullet

Source: Brain Bullet

How would you like to automatically achieve almost anything you wanted... without having to try - or even THINK about - achieving it?

Over the past three months, Lee Benson has been working on a brand new technology that will drastically improve the way your mind works.

Using this tool, you can "activate" advanced thinking, super-learning, success magnetism, inject new personality traits (instantly) and dissolve any annoying bad habits... in a flash.

And what's more, you'll never have to spend a single second of your time practicing, learning new information, or having to remember to put it to use... it works automatically for you, in the background.

It's more powerful than hypnosis, meditation and positive thinking... combined!

Tap Into Higher Brain Power & Intelligence And Invoke "Genius" Thinking...

What creates "genius"? It's the ability to think outside the box. To visualize conceptual ideas before they become real. To see potential in problems. Brain Bullet gives you a tool-kit that "zaps" you with a healthy dose of mind-expanding commands, automatically increasing your neural capacity safely and quickly to...
  • Learn new skills at lightning speeds — absorb facts like a cranial sponge, pick-up information at rapid speeds, understand new ideas and concepts faster than ever.
  • Expand your capacity for thought — juggle ideas at speed, recognize instant solutions to otherwise complex problems, easily conceive new possibilities and enhance your creativity, effortlessly.
  • Develop a "super glue" memory — recall information at lightning speeds, gain immediate entry to your unlimited memory banks, remember names and faces with ease and accuracy, every time.
  • Ramp your creativity up to the highest notch — enjoy the power of truly limitless thought, visualize new and exciting business ventures, rapidly digest new ideas, expand your mind and each of your senses... and benefit from variety and adventure in your life.
  • Brain Bullet pushes your mind into states of higher perception and consciousness, and expands your ability for "whole brain functioning" — a psychologically peaked state of mental aptitude and performance that allows both hemispheres of your mind to work in co-operation... for ULTIMATE peak mental power!
You can get your hands on it right away-- Days or even weeks before it reaches the masses.

Brain Bullet - What could you do with more confidence?Brain Bullet - Get more from your life and your job