Friday, October 31, 2014

MindTrip Magazine Issue 28 Now Available on Apple and Android Devices!

Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. The lastest issue of our new digital magazine is now available for Apple and Android devices. Download it absolutely FREE for a limited time!

To celebrate the launch of the Android version of our magazine we are offering MindTrip Magazine completely FREE for a limited time. Simply download the free App in order to access this absolutely free issue!

Download MindTrip Magazine
for your iPad or iPhone here...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Top 5 Incredible Benefits of Optimism

So there’s half a glass of water in front of you. Is it half full or half empty? I hope it’s the former because believe it or not, researchers have found that optimism is a universal phenomenon that can promote many benefits to a person’s life. Yep.

According to a study conducted by the University of Kansas, researchers found in the Gallup World Poll from 142 countries that despite difficult times, most people are optimistic and see a brighter outlook to their future. They also discovered that between these countries, it didn’t matter how much income one was earning as optimism prevailed in most of these people’s mind.

Now the good news is this positive outlook has a greater impact on a person’s life. Many scientists have discovered that optimists just have it better than others. From living longer to decreased heart disease to finding it easier to handle stress, here’s five cool benefits of being an optimist you need to know:

Step-by-Step Visualization Guide For Massive Success

In the men’s final of Wimbledon 2014, Novak Djokovic, winner of seven Grand Slams, was pitted against Roger Federer, winner of seventeen Grand Slam titles. Novak ultimately won the match and the Wimbledon title, but not without a fight. The game went to five sets with several tie breaks, and in the fourth round, Novak nearly lost to Federer.

After this round, Novack took a bathroom break and later revealed in an interview that he’d spent the break visualizing the remainder of the game and how he wanted to play. He mentally pictured his serves, returns, and strategy for winning. He came back in the fifth set and beat Federer 6-4, seizing the title.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Experience the Dream of Life

By Jason and Skye Mangrum,
Authors of 
Uberman! Almost Super Human

In this life, there are two kinds of beings…

There are victims, and things happen to them. And there are creators, who create as they observe.

At the deepest, sub-nuclear level, we are one. There is no separation, as drops of ocean water existing in an infinite ocean… a boundless sea of possibility…

All we have ever experienced has lived inside the visual cortex of the brain. The outward projection is an illusion.

Our sense of touch is but an electrical impulse… A wave of focused light energy with information in the carrier-wave… a set of instructions for the brain to decode.

To feel. To see. To smell. To taste… these are illusions. Things are not as they seem. This is the veil shrouding the great mystery of life and creation… of consciousness.

You are existing right now, in your Mind.

Almost Super Human!

Positive Expectation Improves Eyesight

Imagine seeing better by thinking differently. That's a vision with a future, according to Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer.

Eyesight markedly improved when people were experimentally induced to believe that they could see especially well, Langer and her colleagues report in the April Psychological Science.

Such expectations actually enhanced visual clarity, rather than simply making volunteers more alert or motivated to focus on objects, they assert.

Read the full story here...

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saying is Believing -- The Science of Self-Talk

From the self-affirmations of Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to countless videos on YouTube, saying nice things to your reflection in the mirror is a self-help trope that's been around for decades, and seems most often aimed at women. The practice, we're told, can help us like ourselves and our bodies more, and even make us more successful — allow us to chase our dreams!

Impressed, but skeptical, I took this self-talk idea to one of the country's leading researchers on body image to see if it's actually part of clinical practice.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Top 20 Pointless Quotes from Gene Simmons of KISS

Even if you’re not a full-fledged member of the KISS Army, by virtue of being alive makes it so you know who Gene Simmons is. And the bassist/branding expert wants to help you become more like Gene and so he’s done what any self-made billionaire would do: Write a book and sell it to you for $26.99.

Me, Inc.: Build an Army of One, Unleash Your Inner Rock God, Win in Life and Business is chock full of Gene-isms – so much so, you literally can turn to any page, pick a random sentence and likely find potent words of wisdom. It’s also packaged to look exactly like a bible, so in case you had any doubts, this was written by a legit Rock God.

Magic Questions to Get Inside Their Heads

By Jack Ellis, Author of Black Magic Tantra

These were somewhat popular back in the 'good old days' of – but have fallen out of favor in recent years, mostly due to the popularity of 'The Cube'.

These are much easier to remember than the Cube and can be done quickly.
Best of all, it gives you insight into the girl you are talking to. One time I had a girl answer the 'beach' question by saying 'I would run and hide!' Needless to say I didn’t spend much more time trying for her.

To lead into these is quite simple. Just say your friend showed you a really cool personality test, or that you always ask people this instead of exchanging resumes first.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Fat Is In Your Head

Robert Malone once owned a commercial construction company in O’Fallon, Ill. until he realized the power of hypnosis.

“My first experience with hypnosis was 20 years ago when I used it to quit smoking,” Malone said.

Since then, Malone has become a certified hypnotist as well as a published author. His book, The Fat is in Your Head: How to Leverage Your Unconscious Mind to Lose Weight with Self-Hypnosis, advises readers wanting to lose weight to use self hypnosis as well as a traditional weight loss plan.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Is This Heaven?

By Steve Pavlina, Author of How to Order from the Universe

If you maintain a negative limiting belief about your reality, such as a belief that this reality is insane, crazy, violent, indifferent, apathetic, etc., then your attitude will absolutely cream you. You can't expect to get anywhere good with a belief that this reality is anything less than heavenly.

You're not actually judging reality with such beliefs because you only have access to your limited perceptions of it, and those are 100% within your mind. So by labeling reality negatively, you're actually labeling a part of your own mind in the same way.

That's a trap — a huge trap that you must avoid at all costs.

New full-length book! How to Order From the Universe

By Steve Pavlina, Author of How to Order from the Universe
Due to popular demand for more from Steve Pavlina specifically on the subject of creating your own future we've just published a full-length book now available at Amazon. You can instantly download this book and read it on any phone, tablet or computer... and, of course, on your Kindle if you have one.
How to Order from the Universe is an in-depth exploration of creating the life you want from personal development expert Steve Pavlina. Each chapter gives specific techniques for enhancing every area of your life. Check out all the fascinating chapter titles for a glimpse into the wide variety of help available to you.
  • How to Order From the UniverseHow to Order from the Universe
  • How to Manifest Money
  • How to Switch Dimensions
  • Shifting Your Vibration To Manifest Your Desires
  • How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes
  • Happiness First, Then Everything Else
  • 30 Days to Success
  • Playing the Money Game
  • Money and Your Path With a Heart
  • How to Achieve Your Travel Goals
  • You May Be Broke, But Don't Be Boring
  • How to Go From Introvert to Extrovert
  • Take the Red Pill
  • Abundance in a World of Limited Resources
  • The Power of Now
  • Is This Heaven?
  • Allowing Yourself to Receive
  • How to Make Money From Your Art
  • How to Do Everything Wrong
  • The Dark Side of Financial Abundance
  • Life – The Ultimate Game 
  • The Best Place to Invest Your Money

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How to Master the Game of Life

By James Altucher, Author of The Power of No

I swept the chess pieces to the floor and ran out. The pieces were still popping around on the ground like popcorn when I left the room where the match was being played. It was my school versus some other school. I had lost.

I didn’t care at all about the rest of my team. Losers.

The coach of the team, an English teacher, ran out after me but he was sort of laughing. “Stop,” he said. “Wait.”

But I didn’t want to. I had lost. I was worthless. I hated myself. I hated everyone. The rest of my team was laughing. I could hear them. Laughing at me. The other team was in shock.

I am a sore loser. It’s not that I’m so competitive with others. But I’m competitive with myself. I like to do better than I did before. Sometimes that means something very bad: I like to be perfect at the things I’m interested in.

Of course, it’s impossible to be perfect.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Did I Know My Doggy In Another Life?

For thousands of years Eastern religions have embraced the idea of reincarnation for human souls but what about animals? Can they reincarnate too?

Growing numbers of spiritual philosophers, healers and animal communicators believe so.

Curious, I did a quick internet search and found hundreds of links to people talking about their experiences, "My dog was my husband in a former life" being my favourite.

My interest in pet reincarnation started when I read animal communicator and healer Madeleine Walker's latest book, Your Pets' Past Lives And How They Can Heal You.

The Human Mind's Best Kept Secret

By Christie Marie Sheldon, Founder of Love or Above

Why do some people have all the luck?

Ever noticed how some uncannily ‘lucky’ people can almost effortlessly attract good things into their lives? At work, they get all the opportunities. They lead social movements in their communities. They’re spiritual, yet also have a healthy relationship with money. Their relationships are consistently blissful, and they’re always in the pink of health.

But if you’re like most people, life is a mixture of good days and bad days. You may not be poor or sick, but you worry about your money and health a little more often than you’d like. You long for the time and freedom to live life on your own terms. You wish you were better at manifesting your goals.

And so you’ve probably wondered to yourself on more than a few occasions, “what does it take to be one of those lucky people?”

The answer lies in a fascinating phenomenon known as your personal energetic frequency.


Free Kit

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Laughter Works Better Than Drugs

It’s no secret that laughter is good for you and, even when indulged in liberally, is gloriously free of side effects.

Laughter is a simple stress reducer, a kind of natural Valium, but is also allows us to connect to other people in such unique ways, that it cannot be duplicated through any other method. A body of evidence shows that laughing not only works better than medication, but stimulates hormonal levels in ways similar to exercise.

One pioneer in laughter research, William Fry, claimed it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter. He wasn’t kidding. There is no doubt that laughter improves health.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Using Visualization to Meet Women

Visualization is a scientifically proven way to improve performance. Most men refuse to do visualization exercises for fear of being "cheesy."

Given that visualization is something done within the privacy of your own mind, the only person calling you silly is yourself. Stop being so judgmental.

I used visualization to take my game to the highest level it will ever be. My game simply isn't going to improve, because this visualization ensures that I stay at the top of my game.

Magic Texts

How to Feel 20 Years Younger in 20 Minutes

You’re about to discover a shocking statistic that will change the way you think about your health and future.

But first, we want you to think ahead twenty years from now and imagine a life where you’ll be able to move carefree and have all the energy in the world to enjoy your favorite activities…

… all because you’ve stumbled upon the closest thing to the fountain of youth.

And it will only take you 20 minutes…

5 Secrets to a Longer, Healthier Life

Suddenly, people all around the world know of the island that my father was from.

Ikaria, an island in eastern Greece close to the Turkish border, has been a subject of study across not only the University of Athens, but around the world. The "blue zone" has been studied for its life longevity, meaning that most citizens live into their 90s while their activity levels and sex lives change minimally between the ages of 25 and 89.

No one lives forever. But Ikarians come pretty close.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Download 2 Free Subliminal MP3s!

Source: Subliminal Guru
You've heard of Subliminal MP3s before.
They're special MP3 audio files that contain thousands of powerful, positive affirmations.
Just listen while you get on with your day. The affirmations will gradually filter through to your subconscious, helping you to dramatically change your life - from the inside out.
You can use Subliminals to:
(1) Attract an abundant lifestyle & think yourself rich
(2) Lose weight fast and stop yourself overeating
(3) Master the Law of Attraction & be more grateful
(4) Rocket your confidence levels and be more positive
(5) Boost your IQ, brain power and studying skills
Whatever you want, just listen to the MP3 and you're done.
Just listen to your Subliminal MP3, and let it change your life.
Today -- I'd like to give you a chance to experience this for yourself :)
Subliminal Guru is one of the web's biggest subliminal superstores. They have over 4,000 hand-crafted Subliminal MP3s for instant download, covering practically everything. (And if they don't have the album you want, they'll create it for you.)
Subliminal GuruI've teamed up with them to offer you TWO Subliminal Guru albums at absolutely NO COST, to give you an awesome introduction to the site and Subliminals in general!
Select any two albums from the list of best-sellers, including "Master the Law of Attraction", "Think Yourself Rich", "Lose Weight Fast", "Rocket Your Self-Confidence" and "Get a Photographic Memory." Then click the button to download.
Oh, and if you decide to buy from the Subliminal Guru site, use this special code during checkout to claim a 10% discount: 7PRF9UQJ

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Problem of Hallucinating Astronauts

The sight of the entire Earth, visible to the naked eye, has had a profound effect on those who have seen it. Astronaut William McCool described it as “beyond imagination”, and many have written how space flight permanently altered how they saw their place in the universe.

For mission control, the wonder of space must seem like something of a distraction as they focus on the psychological health of their astronauts working in a high-pressure, high-risk environment, 420km (260 miles) above the Earth’s surface. These day-to-day stresses can be equally as life-changing and Nasa consider behavioural and psychiatric conditions to be one of the most significant risks to the integrity of the mission – not least as there is now significant evidence that space travel has mind-altering effects.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

The Health Effects of Leaving Religion

Curtis Penfold got kicked out of his apartment, fired from his job, and left Brigham Young University all in the same week.

He left BYU—a private university operated by The Church of Latter-day Saints—because he had started to disagree with some of the Church’s views, causing tension between him and school officials. His exit from the school caused him to lose his on-campus job, and he subsequently resigned from the Mormon Church. 

Resigning from the church resulted in getting kicked out of his religiously-affiliated private housing, and he received angry emails from old friends and phone calls from his disappointed parents who said he “lost the light” and “used to be so good.”

“I felt so hated by this community I used to love,” Penfold said.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Ghandi's 10 Best Ideas to Change the World

By Chris Cains, Creator of the Miracle Mind Method

Mahatma Gandhi is a renowned figure in world history. His dedication to the principles of peacefulness is legendary and he was able to accomplish many great things in his life.

He is the man who led his Indian people to gain their independence from British rule in 1947, and the philosophy of the man lives on in the hearts of many to this day.

Gandhi's ideas were simple and came from a positive place in his heart, mind and soul. Below we list the ten best ideas or pieces of advice we can glean from Gandhi to change our world for the better.

Miracle Mind Method

Thursday, October 02, 2014

3 Simple Mind Tricks to Control Any Conversation

Source: Darkside Hypnosis

OK, so to get you started with the right alpha sub-communications, one of the first things I want you to start to notice about your self is how you use your eyes. Because when it comes to doing any of the mind control ticks you will learn your eyes are really important and they're one of the main parts of this whole thing that will let people know that you're the alpha.

A person who is in control and a person who's the alpha is not afraid to look directly into someone's eyes and command attention, so the first of the mind control tricks I want to share with you is when you're the one talking the more eye contact you make with a person the more dominant they'll perceive you to be...

I mean think about it like this, if you're having a conversation with anyone even if it's the person behind the checkout at the store then there's always an alpha and a beta and chances are now that you know this stuff you'll begin to notice the dynamics of almost all social situations you're in and you'll begin to recognise if you're naturally the alpha or not.

And what do you want to be, the beta or the alpha?