Your invitation to Christie Marie Sheldon's Energy Clearing Session is still available... And it's absolutely free. So mark your calendar for January 7th 6pm PST and click the link below.
Over 43,000 people experienced Christie Marie's session earlier this year and many participants 'stumbled' upon profound synchronicities - surprise cheques appearing in your mail or sudden business opportunities.
Imagine what your 2014 would look like if that happened to you? ;-)
During the session, you'll be guided through 6 eye-opening concepts that'll help you wipe out those Abundance Blocks you never knew were hijacking your life:
1) Abundance Blocks And Why They're Holding You Back From Wealth
Familiarize yourself with what they are, why they exist, and which ones could be sabotaging your ability to manifest the abundance you desire.
2) How Energy Clearing Works
Discover exactly how it's possible to tap into your energy field, and directly remove Abundance Blocks from it.
3) An energy clearing session for unblocking your abundance in 2014
Christie will use her gift to remotely access your energy field and enhance its natural wealth attraction ability just in time for the new year.
4) How Much Are Your Abundance Blocks Costing You?
Use an eye-opening abundance calculator that you can use to instantly see how close (or far) you are to being financially healthy.

5) Tales of unlimited abundance
Christie will share a few real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session. Regardless of who you are, unlimited abundance is just a mind shift away.
6) Christie Marie On The Hot Seat
If you're curious or skeptical about the power of energy clearing, this section is for you. Personal growth icon Vishen Lakhiani will ask Christie a series of piercing questions on every aspect of Abundance Blocks.