Thursday, May 30, 2013

Like Us. Join Us. Follow Us.

First of all,  we are finally up on Facebook. The page will be run by our social media editor for MindTrip Magazine but will include all the latest updates from Mind Power News and Mind Bending Videos as well.

Follow this link to "Like" us on Facebook...

Secondly, Google Reader will be closing in July. If you've been using reader to follow updates from,, or please...

Visit this page in order to follow us with RSS, Twitter, or Google+


New lower prices on past issues of MindTrip Magazine for iPad!

Now that MindTrip magazine has a substantial number of past issues we've started lowering the prices of the oldest magazines in the Apple Newsstand.

Of course, we'd prefer you grab a monthly subscription (only $1.99 per month instead of $2.99 per single issue - save 33% plus get the first month free) but if you just want to try the magazine first you can now get back issues for as little as 99 cents!

Get past issues of MindTrip Magazine for as little as 99¢


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Self-Help for Terrorists

In the murky world of terrorism-watchers, the first port of call is often an unusual magazine called Inspire, a "self-help manual" for jihadis that is crammed full of dangerous advice, attractively presented.

So it comes as no surprise, in the wake of the Woolwich killing of an off-duty soldier, that the online publication's recommendations have included the use of a vehicle to mow down a target – apparently what happened outside the Royal Artillery barracks on Wednesday.

This 21st-century version of The Anarchists' Cookbook has a habit of turning up in unpleasant circumstances. In the wake of the Boston bombings in April, FBI investigators found that the explosive pressure cooker devices made by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were strikingly similar to a "recipe" in the first issue of Inspire, memorably entitled "How to build a bomb in your Mom's kitchen."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Learn Psychological Judo to Cure Your Relationship Mistakes

Have you ever tried to change someone's behavior? I'm quite certain you have!

When you tried to get someone to do something different, how did it go? What did you say? What did you do? How did the person react?
I'm guessing it didn't go so well. Firstly, the person probably didn't change. 

Secondly, things probably got worse as the person became angry, silent, or defensive towards you.

You not only tried to assert yourself and persuade the person to your way of thinking, but you probably pushed them further away from where you want them to be.

It's frustrating, isn't it? The most common communication barrier people use in this situation is giving advice.

They try to send a solution to help the person. They think they're doing the person a favor by giving advice, but all they're really doing is making the person feel frustrated for having received the solution.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mind Controlled Man Calls 911 100 Times a Month

A man who called 911 more than 100 times in one month says he's not going to stop until his concerns are heard by the federal government.

Jimmy Shao keeps a log book of every 911 call he's made. So many that he boasts he's probably set a world record.

He doesn't believe he's wasting the time of emergency responders because he has an emergency of his own: Shao believes he's being watched by shadowy government authorities.

He claims to believe his body is controlled by satellites.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Marilyn Monroe - Hollywood Mind Control Slave?

Marilyn Monroe is the ultimate sex symbol, embodying everything that Hollywood represents: glamor, glitz and sex-appeal. Her iconic sensual blonde persona forever revolutionized the movie industry and, to this day, is greatly influential in popular culture. 

While Marilyn represents everything that is glamorous about Hollywood, the disturbing story of her private life equally represents everything that is dark in Hollywood. Marilyn was indeed manipulated by high level "mind doctors" who controlled every aspect of her life and caused her to basically lose her mind. Her death, at the young age of 36 is one of the first "mysterious celebrity deaths" in popular culture. While many facts point to a murder, it is still classified as a "probable suicide".

While many biographers explain away Marilyn's hardships with "psychological issues", piecing together facts about her life combined with knowledge of the dark side of Hollywood reveals something a lot darker: Marilyn Monroe was one of the first celebrities subjected to Monarch mind control, a branch of the CIA's MK Ultra program. Through trauma and psychological programming, Monroe a became high level puppet of the shadow elite, even became JFK's Presidential Model.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to Be A People Magnet

I recently met someone who has deeply inspired me and several thousands of people.

Not only has he provided me with inspiration, but he has taught me many valuable communication skills from his interesting experiences.

The guy's name is Joshua Uebergang, now more commonly known as the "Tower of Power" because of his height of 6'9" (206cm).

You see, he used to be an 8 hour-a-day computer gaming addict. He had awful people skills. He said he was the typical nerd. No joke. He could hardly talk to people face-to-face.

When he talked with his family, they argued amongst each other. He says it was his general approach to communication that hurts his relationships as he criticized, blamed, ordered, and avoided people's concerns.

Thankfully, now he has overcame these problems. In fact he has more than overcame problems, he has developed people-magnetic skills to get him the relationships and feelings we all want.

Sell Your Cleverness and Purchase Bewilderment

By Dr. Wayne Dyer,
Featured Teacher at the 
Hay House World Summit

Having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing sounds easy until you think about how much conditioning has taken place in your life, and how many of your current thoughts were influenced by geography, the religious beliefs of your ancestors, the color of your skin, the shape of your eyes, the political orientation of your parents, your size, your gender, the schools that were selected for you, and the vocation of your great-grandparents, to list only some possibilities.

You showed up here as a tiny infant capable of an infinite number of potentialities. Many of your choices remain unexplored because of a hopefully well-intentioned conditioning program designed to make you fit the culture of your caretakers. You probably had next to no opportunity to disagree with the cultural and societal arrangements made for your life.

There may have been some adults who encouraged you to have an open mind, but if you’re honest with yourself, you know that your philosophy of life, your religious beliefs, your manner of dress, and your language are a function of what your tribe (and its heritage) determined was right for you. If you made any fuss about going against this preordained conditioning, you probably heard even stronger voices insisting that you get back in line and do things the way they have “always been done.” Fitting in superseded having a mind that was open to new ideas.

Hay House World Summit

How Plants Talk to Each Other

Plants can communicate the onset of an attack from aphids by making use of an underground network of fungi, researchers have found.

Instances of plant communication through the air have been documented, in which chemicals emitted by a damaged plant can be picked up by a neighbour.

But below ground, most land plants are connected by fungi called mycorrhizae.

Monday, May 20, 2013

New lower prices on past issues of MindTrip Magazine for iPad!

MindTrip Magazine: Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness.

Now that MindTrip magazine has a substantial number of past issues we've started lowering the prices of the oldest magazines in the Apple Newsstand.

Of course, we'd prefer you grab a monthly subscription (only $1.99 per month instead of $2.99 per single issue - save 33% plus get the first month free) but if you just want to try the magazine first you can now get back issues for as little as 99 cents!

Get past issues of MindTrip Magazine for as little as 99¢ through iTunes

The Video Game That Helps Fight Cancer

Cancer is one disease that's been with us for decades now. It's a terrible illness; a painful, wasting sickness that seems capable of striking anyone at any time. Though we've made some great strides in dealing with the disease, a cure is still a long way away - all we can do for the time being is treat it, and hope we can help those suffering from it to get through in one piece. 

To that end, Scientists and developers working for an organization known as HopeLab have come up with a rather unique means of fighting the illness: they've developed a video game. 

The idea of the title - known as Re-Mission - was to grant young sufferers of the disease a modicum of hope; to help them forget their illness, if only for a little while; it was meant to make them feel empowered, hopeful, and encouraged. 

Read the full story here...

One Minute Cure for Cancer

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Retirement Is Bad For Your Health

A new UK study claims retirement is bad for your health and increases the likelihood of depression.

The Institute of Economic Affairs says people are retiring earlier but living longer.

The think-tank used data collected from eleven European countries and says it found the adverse effects of retirement increase with the more time someone is retired.

The study says retirement decreases the likelihood a person will assess their health as very good or excellent by 39%.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 Greatest Life Lessons from Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was an immortal of science who made noteworthy changes and contributions in the 20th century. He was an inspiration for the remarkable scientists subsequent to him thanks to his brilliant discoveries.

Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."

Aside from his triumphant academic career, Einstein was a distinguished teacher not only to the confines of the classroom, but as well as to the globe. His works were indeed immortal and superior from his lessons on the subject of life. For that superiority, everybody ought to remember at least 10 quotes from him, which brings forth valuable lessons about life.

Super Achiever Formula
Access this absolutely free report here...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Neuromarketing: Can Science Predict What You Buy?

In 2008, a team of scientists in Germany published a study showing how the brain unconsciously prepares our decisions: that several seconds before we consciously decide what we're going to do, its outcome can be predicted by looking at unconscious activity in our grey matter.

The researchers, from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, told participants in the study that they could freely decide if they wanted to press a button with their left or right hands, whenever they wanted, but they had to remember at which time they felt they had made up their mind. They found that it was possible to predict from their brain signals which option they would choose seven seconds before they consciously made their decision.

"It's all very Minority Report," Steve Sands says, referring to the Tom Cruise film in which a special police department known as "PreCrime" tracks down criminals based on knowledge provided by psychics. "But we're not too far from that now."

Read the full story here...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Free training! Learn from World's Greatest Teachers

Hay House World Summit

Whether you're embracing your health, deepening your spirituality, nurturing your relationships, exploring the world of possibility, or a combination of all of the above — many have chosen Hay House to be their favorite resource and hub of wisdom over the years. To celebrate this tradition of learning and sharing, Hay House has created a new, free, online event just for you: the Hay House World Summit.

Listen in during the week of June 1st through the 10th to more than 100 authors and experts as they share their stories, powerful exercises and advice on how to live your best life.

Popular self-help authors and visionary teachers from an array of fields will sit down for enlightening conversations hosted by industry professionals and fellow authors.

Best-selling author Wayne Dyer will share his insight and expertise on manifestation and divine intelligence. Interviews with health advocates including Kris Carr, Julie Daniluk and Donna Gates will illuminate the many paths to healing your body and enjoying your health. Fresh off the success of his new book The Tapping Solution, Nick Ortner will share a simple solution for stress-free living. Relax and enjoy guided meditation exercises from Denise Linn and Sonia Choquette among many others. John Holland will discuss how to tap in to your soul's innate desires and abilities in his interview; while as an interviewer, he will engage with other intuitive speakers about divine guidance and mediumship. Best of all, Hay House is thrilled to invite you to listen to Louise Hay, the founder of Hay House, discuss the beginnings of her company and the affirmations and positive thoughts that help her live a balanced and joyful life. See the full schedule of authors here...

When you register for the Hay House World Summit, you will receive six bonus videos to kick off your experience. Watch as Hay House President and CEO Reid Tracy sits down with Louise Hay, Suze Orman, Doreen Virtue, Esther Hicks, Cheryl Richardson, and Wayne Dyer in never-before-seen, entertaining and personal conversations. Join in the fun at the Hay House World Summit to get more from these and other authors and gain even greater insight into living a happy, healthy life.

The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People

Source: Watkins Review

We’re delighted to share our début list of the 100 most spiritually influential living people, that was published in the Spring issue #26 of the Watkins Review.* Yes, we’ve taken up the not so simple task of naming the most popular authors and spiritual teachers, whose contribution in spirituality and spreading awareness is affecting us all.

We live in an age of lists – from groceries and obituaries to Facebook friends, resume facts, lists of city capitals and lottery numbers. Of course, lists that classify the past, are easier to compile than lists that attempt to predict the future. With the holy grail of sorting algorithms, the world is sure to be your oyster.

The 100 Spiritual Power ListLists help us organize, explore and perceive our environments. But are so many lists really necessary? It is very much in vogue to publish lists of people: Time Magazine publishes an annual list of the 100 people who most influence the world; Forbes publishes several lists including a Celebrity 100 list, the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, and a list of 1000 Billionaires; Art Review’s Power 100 is an annual list of the worlds 100 most powerful collectors, artists, gallerists, etc…

The lists of lists of people, just keep going and going. However, the Watkins Review believes that an important list has been long overdue, and we are delighted to share with you our list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Lists of influential people contribute to the discourse and issues that each person represents, and the Watkins Review hopes that our list will nurture the debates surrounding contemporary spirituality.

READ THE FULL LIST HERE... Hay House World Summit

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Scientists Find the Brain's Fountain of Youth

For generations, we have tried, and failed, to find the key to eternal youth.

But scientists think they may now be one step closer to unlocking the secret.

New research has found that a single region of the brain may control the ageing process.

Researchers believe that the hypothalamus – the area of the brain which controls hunger, thirst, body temperature and fatigue - may be the 'fountain of ageing', controlling how the body declines over time.

They say they have discovered a specific age-related signalling pathway which opens up new strategies for combating diseases of old age and extending lifespan. 

Read the full story here...

The Ageless Secrets

Improve Your Memory With a 'Sound' Sleep

If you're not willing to send electrical shocks through your brain – "mild" as they might be – to become smarter, here's a much gentler option: play sounds while you sleep.

Researchers have found that "carefully timed" sounds, like the rise and fall of waves washing against the shore, can help people remember things that they learned the previous day.

I predict sales of white noise machines to increase in the near future.

Sleep Salon

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

How to Heal Yourself At Home

By Suzanne O'Brien, Creator of Reiki Healing Mastery

Ever wish you could eliminate or greatly reduce the stress, worry, fatigue and even pain from your life?

What about finding a way to do it without toxic drugs, horrible side effects, and constant doctor visits?

Well, I just have to tell you about this at home program that allows you to become a Healing Master. It's the Reiki Healing Mastery program.

Reiki is a gentle all natural, holistic Japanese art of healing and self empowerment. As a Reiki Master you learn to allow the peaceful, loving flow of this energy. Some claim that it has even healed them of disease.

However, did you know that up until the 1970's you could not even become a Reiki Master? For a few decades after that you could only become a Reiki Master if you had $10,000.

So you now get to become a Reiki Healing Master for just a tiny fraction of what it would've been.

And the Reiki Healing Mastery is a unique product compared to other Reiki courses out there. It includes traditional Usui as well as Tibetan, and a Sedona Red-Rock bonus.

Why Learn Reiki?

To change and improve your life as well as the lives of loved ones. And alongside changing the lives of your loved ones, you can also change the lives of clients.

That's right, many of our students go on to become Reiki masters that charge for sessions allowing clients to reap the benefits that this empowering, healing art provides.
Interested in becoming a Reiki master?
Visit the Reiki Healing Mastery site here...
Reiki Healing

Monday, May 06, 2013

How Yoga Improves Your Immune System

If we're finished obsessing about yoga jeans, perhaps it's time to think about yoga and genes.

Newly published research from Norway suggests that a comprehensive yoga program rapidly produces internal changes on a genetic level. The results help explain the well-documented health benefits of this ancient practice.

"These data suggest that previously reported (therapeutic) effects of yoga practices have an integral physiological component at the molecular level, which is initiated immediately during practice," writes a research team led by Fahri Saatcioglu of the University of Oslo. The team's study is published in the online journal PLOS ONE.

Read the full story here...

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Reverse Engineering Abundance

By Valerie Dawson, Certified Hypnotherapist
Exclusive for MindTrip Magazine

One of the abundance meditations that I teach in myHypnotic Visualization Series takes you forward in time to see a future version of yourself feeling very abundant and happy. We then begin moving slowly backward in time again - following in reverse the "pathway" your future self took to an abundant new life.

In some industries, this process would be described as "reverse engineering". In other words, looking at a finished product, then picking it apart to see how it was put together to work the way it does.

Believe it or not, your subconscious mind is a master at reverse engineering! It is excellent at coming up with solutions to existing problems, or even devising brilliant new strategies from scratch. The tricky part is providing the right prompt to get the gears turning – and then getting out of the way to let it do its work!

Money Magnet Meditations

Depression Can Be Contagious

The idea that your mood is affected by those you spend time with is probably not news to you.

But what if we told you that something as serious as depression -- a possible chemical imbalance in one's brain that can immobilize some -- can be triggered by being around others who exhibit depressive behaviours.

A recent study by psychological scientists Gerald Haeffel and Jennifer Hames from the University of Notre Dame suggests that university students who live together can pass on their depression, through a mental process known as "cognitive vulnerability."

"Our study demonstrates that cognitive vulnerability has the potential to wax and wane over time depending on the social context," the researchers write in their paper.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Belief in God Helps Treat Depression

Belief in God may improve treatment for those suffering with depression, says a new study.

Faith in a higher being has been found to significantly improve treatment for people suffering with a psychiatric illness, according to research carried out by McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts.

Researchers followed 159 patients over the course of a year at the Behavioral Health Partial Hospital program at McLean to investigate the relationship between a patient's level of belief in God, expectations for treatment and actual treatment outcomes.

Read the full story here...

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Free Brainwave MP3 Download

Courtesy of The Brain Salon

What if you could blast through your inbox in minutes... blitz through household chores faster than ever... soar through complicated work and assignments... and still have plenty of time to hit the gym, or enjoy social time with friends?

My friends over at the Brain Salon site are giving away a copy of their 'Focus' MP3 audio session.

It uses something called "brainwave entrainment" to influence your brainwave patterns, and rocket your focus levels.

It's incredibly powerful. In fact, I'm listening to it right now, while writing this email -- and I can tell you that I've never felt so mentally sharp :)

It won't cost you a penny. It's just a genuine gift from me to you, to say thanks for being a subscriber and a friend.

MindTrip Magazine Issue 10 Now Available for iPad!

MindTrip Magazine

Freedom. Happiness. Weirdness. The lastest issue of our new digital magazine is now available at iTunes
  • 10 Extraordinary People with Weird Superpowers
  • How to Cheat at Meditation
  • 3 Ways to Hypnotize a Chicken
  • Double Your Memory in 5 Minutes
  • The Weird Benefits of Negative Visualization
  • Plus WTF Videos, Weird Facts, and News From The Future

Receive Your First Month FREE when you subscribe to MindTrip Magazine at iTunes...

Can Plants Read Your Mind?

By James F. Coyle, Author of
Beyond Belief: The Ultimate Mindpower Instructional Manual

In 1966 a very strange event occurred. Cleve Backster, America's top polygraph (lie detector) expert was working late in his New York office. His secretary had installed a Dragon pot plant to brighten the office.

Backster noticed that the plant needed water, and on impulse attached the leads of a lie detector to one of the leaves. The lie detector measures skin resistance and Backster knew that it would indicate when water reached the actual leaf. He poured water over the root system and waited to see how long before this moisture reached the leaves.

Nothing happened. In fact after a while the instrument appeared to indicate less moisture in the leaf. The pen-tracing equipment attached to the lie detector was trending downwards with a fair amount of "saw tooth" motion.

 Backster was puzzled as this was exactly the same response expected from a human being experiencing an emotional stimulus of short duration. He wondered if the plant could be displaying emotion.