Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to Retire at 30 Without Winning the Lottery

By Kelly Johnson / Source: Washington Post

To hundreds of thousands of devotees, he is Mister Money Mustache. And he is here to tell you that early retirement doesn't only happen to Powerball winners and those who luck into a big inheritance.

He and his wife retired from middle-income jobs before they had their son. Exasperated, as he puts it, by "a barrage of skeptical questions from high-income peers who were still in debt years after we were free from work," he created a no-nonsense personal finance blogand started spilling his secrets.

I was eager to know more. He is Pete (just Pete, for the sake of his family's privacy). He lives in Longmont, Colo. He is ridiculously happy. And he's sure his life could be yours. Our conversation was edited for length and clarity.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Consciousness of Babies

By Douglas Heaven / Source: New Scientist

A glimpse of consciousness emerging in the brains of babies has been recorded for the first time. Insights gleaned from the work may aid the monitoring of babies under anaesthesia, and give a better understanding of awareness in people in vegetative states – and possibly even in animals.

The human brain develops dramatically in a baby's first year, transforming the baby from being unaware to being fully engaged with its surroundings. To capture this change, Sid Kouider at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, and colleagues used electroencephalography (EEG) to record electrical activity in the brains of 80 infants while they were briefly shown pictures of faces.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Are You Too Normal To Be Rich?

By Barry Goss / Source: The Wealth Vault

I want to bring to your attention a scary poll:

Only 13 people in 100 now believe they have enough money to retire comfortably. It was almost 30 in 100 in the first quarter of '10.

Now, don't misunderstand me here, when I ask this rhetorical question ('cause there is balance needed, as I'll tell you about in a second), but really...

With people hunkering down — families are de-leveraging at a massive pace — and many small businesses getting "the squeeze" from the contracting economy, do you really think this is the best time to SPEND money on a high-end course about "money mindset" (indirect activity) when you can just put the money you have to work for you (direct productivity)?

Of course, I'm speaking in general here, and not specifically asking YOU the above question.
However, to ask it differently and more personally:

Has your lifestyle recently changed because you didn't have access to a source of cash-flow, when you needed it?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Come Back From the Dead

Sam Parnia MD has a highly sought after medical speciality: resurrection. His patients can be dead for several hours before they are restored to their former selves, with decades of life ahead of them.

Parnia is head of intensive care at the Stony Brook University Hospital in New York. If you'd had a cardiac arrest at Parnia's hospital last year and undergone resuscitation, you would have had a 33% chance of being brought back from death. In an average American hospital, that figure would have fallen to 16% and (though the data is patchy) roughly the same, or less, if your heart were to have stopped beating in a British hospital.

By a conservative extrapolation, Parnia believes the relatively cheap and straightforward methods he uses to restore vital processes could save up to 40,000 American lives a year and maybe 10,000 British ones. Not surprisingly Parnia, who was trained in the UK and moved to the US in 2005, is frustrated that the medical establishment seems slow and reluctant to listen to these figures. He has written a book in the hope of spreading the word.

News Is Bad For Your Brain

By Rolf Dobelli, Author of The Art of Thinking Clearly

In the past few decades, the fortunate among us have recognised the hazards of living with an overabundance of food (obesity, diabetes) and have started to change our diets.

But most of us do not yet understand that news is to the mind what sugar is to the body. News is easy to digest. The media feeds us small bites of trivial matter, tidbits that don't really concern our lives and don't require thinking. That's why we experience almost no saturation. Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which require thinking), we can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes, which are bright-coloured candies for the mind.

Today, we have reached the same point in relation to information that we faced 20 years ago in regard to food. We are beginning to recognise how toxic news can be.

Dreams Reveal Winning Lotto Numbers

By Randall Fitzgerald

Over a 33-day period beginning in September 1998, Janine Cox amazed and enthralled her co-workers at a Fort Lauderdale, Florida law firm by winning the Cash 3, Play 4, and Fantasy 5 games nearly every day in the Florida state lottery.

What dumbfounded Janine’s co-workers even more than her uncanny success was how she managed this feat--each night she dream’t the next day’s winning numbers.

I have interviewed Janine and her co-workers numerous times and you, the readers of Phenomena, are the first to receive a sneak preview of what I found out about her extraordinary ‘gift.’


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

You Should Be Experiencing Miracles Once A Month

By Esther Inglis-Arkell / Source:

Miracles should happen, according to one mathematician, to everyone. And they should happen at a rate of about once per month. More if you keep your eyes and ears open.

John Edensor Littlewood released, in 1986, a little book of various mathematical ways of looking at the world. A few of the ideas in that book had legs, but the one that's strode well into next century and is still going strong is Littlewood's law. This one crosses math with religion, or at least the appearance of religion, so it's no wonder that it caught on.

Littlewood's law states that what we think of as miracles should happen to everyone about once every thirty-five days. He defined a miracle as an event that has a one in a million chance of happening.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Become Anyone and Steal Their Best Qualities

Ever heard of the Raikov effect?

In a nutshell, it's a secret mental technique that enables you to step into someone else's shoes.

It's easy to employ, but incredibly powerful.

And once you've "become" that other person, the skills you "borrow" remain with you.

The technique was discovered by Dr Vladimir Raikov in the early 1960s.
Since then, it's been adapted by such well-known personalities as Win Wenger and Paul McKenna under the guise of Borrowed Genius and the Possibility Generator.

Now, for the first time ever, the technique is available in a brand new, easy-to-use package.

Become AnyoneDo this. Imagine for a moment if you could be anyone, acquire the skills of any person, who would you want to be? What would you want to excel at more than anything else?

Think about that and then click here to learn more about the Secret Method: How to Become Anyone

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Music Pleasure Zone in Your Brain

Scientists know that music can give intense pleasure by delivering chemical rewards in the brain that are equal to the joy of good food or even sex, but now they think they may have identified the part of the brain where this pleasure starts.

Researchers scanned the brains of subjects while they listened to new songs and asked how much they would spend on buying the tracks. They found that the most popular songs - those which people were prepared to pay more for - were also the ones that elicited the strongest response in the nucleus accumbens, a structure in the centre of the brain that is involved in reward processing.

"This area is important because it's involved in forming expectations and these are expectations that could be rewarding," said Valorie Salimpoor of McGill University in Montreal, Canada. "What makes music so emotionally powerful is the creation of expectation. Activity in the nucleus accumbens normally would indicate that expectations are being met or surpassed."

Friday, April 05, 2013

EVP and the Voices of the Dead

In 1969, a mysterious middle-aged Latvian doctor turned up in Gerrards Cross with a large collection of tape recordings.

He had, he said, been conducting experiments in communication with the dead, and had established contact with Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and many other deceased 20th Century statesmen. The recordings - 72,000 of them - contained their voices.

His name was Konstantin Raudive, and he called his technique Electronic Voice Projection, or EVP.

It wasn't real-time interactive communication. You asked your questions, and then left the tape running, recording silence.

But listening back, through the mush and static, you could sometimes just about make out people speaking.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

How to Attract Wealth in 3 Easy Steps

By Rishan B. / Source: Manifest Absolutely Anything

Everyone should be able to attract wealth at will. In this report I'm going to share three simple steps that make this process as easy and natural as it should be.

If you follow these steps I outline, you'll be attracting wealth with ease in no time. You can expect to see real world, tangible results within days.

If you ignore these steps, you'll find yourself frustrated and confused as to why all the effort you're putting in, isn't getting you where you want to be. Even if you do manage to create wealth with massive action, you'll find that the path isn't that enjoyable, and once you get there it's just not as sweet as you imagined.

Attract Wealth

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

How to Read a Mouse's Mind

Want to read a mouse's mind -- observing hundreds of neurons firing in the brain of a live mouse in real time -- to see how it creates memories as it explores an environment?

You'll just need some fluorescent protein and a tiny digital microscope implanted in the rodent's head, Stanford University scientists say.

Here's how:

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The 'Megamind' of Ocean Life

Vastly different species of sea microbes work together to respond as one to their surroundings as if they have one 'megamind', new research has revealed.

U.S. researchers have discovered communities of infinitesimal creatures in our oceans react in unison to changes in their environment.

The links between them are not well understood, but findings suggest the creatures rely on each other to almost the same extent as the different cells in a human body.

Read the full story here...

Monday, April 01, 2013

Free Videos: 10 Steps to Solid Self Esteem

I've just heard about a new set of videos on self esteem that a colleague of mine, Mark Tyrell, has created.

This guy is hugely experienced in helping people with low self esteem, so if you could do with some help in that area, I strongly recommend signing up:

In it, he talks about some of the ideas he developed while training over 10,000 health professionals on how to lift self esteem. Like:
  • Why, weirdly, low self esteem makes you too sure of yourself, and how that hurts you.
  • Why you make yourself feel bad by taking more than your share of the blame pie.
  • How to stop one bad thing spreading out to taint your whole life (and how this can also protect you against depression).
I promise you you've never seen anyone like Mark before - he's do different to the usual 'hype merchants' you see in this field. This guy is a professional, with a ton of experience, and who obviously really cares about people in need.
I hope you find this video useful!