Friday, August 31, 2012

Animals Have Conscious Awareness - Science Makes It Official

An international group of prominent scientists has signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which they are proclaiming their support for the idea that animals are conscious and aware to the degree that humans are — a list of animals that includes all mammals, birds, and even the octopus. But will this make us stop treating these animals in totally inhumane ways?

While it might not sound like much for scientists to declare that many nonhuman animals possess conscious states, it's the open acknowledgement that's the big news here. The body of scientific evidence is increasingly showing that most animals are conscious in the same way that we are, and it's no longer something we can ignore.

What's also very interesting about the declaration is the group's acknowledgement that consciousness can emerge in those animals that are very much unlike humans, including those that evolved along different evolutionary tracks, namely birds and some cephalopods.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 7 Habits of Highly Mediocre People

By James Altucher,
Author of 
I Was Blind But Now I See: Time to Be Happy

I'm pretty mediocre. I'm ashamed to admit it. I'm not even being sarcastic or self-deprecating. I've never done anything that stands out as, "whoah! This guy made it into outerspace! Or…this guy has a best selling novel! Or…if only Google had thought of this!"

I've had some successes and some failures but never reached any of the goals I had initially set. Always slipped off along the way, off the yellow brick road, into the wilderness.

I've started a bunch of companies. Sold some. Failed at most. I've invested in a bunch of startups. Sold some. Failed at some, and the jury is still sequestered on a few others. I've written some books, most of which I no longer like.

I can tell you overall, though, everything I have done has been distinguished by its mediocrity, its lack of a grand vision, and any success I've had can be just as much put in the luck basket as the effort basket.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8 Powerful Things Hypnosis Can Do For You

Source: Mind Power MP3

Hypnosis is a modified condition of consciousness when the brain’s activities are lowered. Thus, this state gives a feeling of relaxation. And contrary to popular beliefs, you do not need to be guided by a trance master for you to experience hypnosis. As long as your mind operates at a frequency lower than the usual, hypnosis can be properly done.

When the mind is subjected to hypnosis, it becomes open to suggestions. That is why it is used in various situations to maximize the effect.

Here are eight powerful things that hypnosis can do for you:

1. Hypnosis can improve your focus and concentration.
If you are suffering from weak control of focus, hypnosis can improve that by channeling your attention to a specific object. This is done when the brain activities are low, putting other things aside.

2. Hypnosis can help you quit addictions like smoking.
Some hypnosis programs are offered especially for addiction cases. They promise to deliver results of quitting addiction after doing daily hypnosis exercises, or undergoing hypnosis under the guidance of professionals for as short as 90 minutes, followed by a reinforcement hypnosis session.

3. Hypnosis can address your anxiety, panic, and phobia-related problems.
These problems are caused by thoughts that certain persons are not able to control. To improve the mental state, these thoughts must be harnessed.For example, it is easier to overcome phobias when the mind is relaxed because the initial reaction of panic is set aside for a more rational way of responding to stimuli.

4. Hypnosis can help you in weight management.
All weight loss programs will not work if the users are not accustomed to the needed discipline and state of mind. A lot of people find themselves unsuccessful no matter what weight loss program they undergo, may it be through food control or body activities. It is because their mindsets do not compliment the program.

5. Hypnosis can help you cope up with stress.
When your body is tired from working hard, it can find rejuvenation in sleep or rest. But the mind is more complex than that. To get rid of mental stress, you must be able to lower its activities. This can be achieved through hypnosis.

6. Hypnosis can help you improve over-all performance.
The body can do what the mind tells it to because human actions are somehow limited to what the mind believes in. In hypnosis, you can set your goals and undergo procedures to be able to reach your objectives in life.

7. Hypnosis can increase self-esteem.
Because the mind becomes open to suggestions during hypnosis, it is easier to do personality development in that induced state. There is a greater chance of overcoming personal fears when positive thinking is implemented.

8. Hypnosis can help medical practitioners in administering cure to their patients.
Most medical treatment effects are maximized with the help of hypnosis. The patients are relaxed and are in a condition wherein they will be able to follow instructions told by the doctors. Panic is also reduced in serious cases such as accidents and serious medical conditions.Other medical conditions such as bulimia, migraine, and impotency can be cured by self-hypnosis.

With all the things that hypnosis can do, it is no wonder that it is considered a powerful tool in achieving different endeavors that humans have.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life?

By Martin Beckford / Source: The Telegraph

Anyone who spends six hours a day in front of the box is at risk of dying five years sooner than those who enjoy more active pastimes, it is claimed.

Researchers say that watching too much TV is as dangerous as smoking or being overweight, and that the “ubiquitous sedentary behaviour” should be seen as a “public health problem”.

Experts from the University of Queensland, Australia, write: “TV viewing time may have adverse health consequences that rival those of lack of physical activity, obesity and smoking; every single hour of TV viewed may shorten life by as much as 22 minutes.”


The Healing Codes 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why Do Astronauts Experience God?

By Rebecca Sato
Source: Daily Galaxy

In February, 1971, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced the little understood phenomenon sometimes called the “Overview Effect”. He describes being completely engulfed by a profound sense of universal connectedness.

Without warning, he says, a feeing of bliss, timelessness, and connectedness began to overwhelm him. He describes becoming instantly and profoundly aware that each of his constituent atoms were connected to the fragile planet he saw in the window and to every other atom in the Universe.

He described experiencing an intense awareness that Earth, with its humans, other animal species, and systems were all one synergistic whole. He says the feeling that rushed over him was a sense of interconnected euphoria. He was not the first—nor the last—to experience this strange “cosmic connection”.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Karate Experts Prove Punching Power Comes From the Brain

Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts, which could be linked to their ability to punch powerfully from close range.

Researchers from UCL and Imperial College London found that differences in the microstructure of connections in the brain were correlated with how black belts and novices performed in a test of punching ability.

Karate experts are able to generate extremely powerful forces with their punches, but how they do this is not fully understood. 

Previous studies have found that the force generated in a karate punch is not determined by muscular strength, suggesting that factors related to the control of muscle movement by the brain might be important.

Read the full story here...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

MeditationFest - Free Online Training

Free training courtesy of MeditationFest

Are you curious about meditation?

Have you struggled with finding a consistent meditation practice?

Would you like to explore different types of meditation? Free of charge?

For the first time ever, seven acclaimed teachers and mentors share their profound meditation practices with you at no charge. To help you get all of the benefits of meditation including sweet peace, stress relief, immense wisdom, more energy, and a stream of health gains.

This free online event—called the Meditationfest—gives you an unprecedented opportunity to experience a series of relaxing meditations. All professionally recorded and produced to the highest standards, perfect for whether you are just beginning meditation or deep in a practice.

Your first meditation is ready for you right here...

Meditation Fest

Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Sleep Your Way to the Top

It was the oops that ended a presidential campaign.

After struggling for almost a minute in a November debate to come up with the third federal agency he'd eliminate should he win the Oval Office, Texas Gov. Rick Perry finally admitted he couldn't remember.
While his campaign quickly tried to limit the damage, there had been earlier signs that Gov. Perry was in trouble that had little to do with his campaign war chest, his policies, or his personal charisma. Instead, they had everything to do with his pillow.

"We had a tired puppy," one of Perry's Republican allies told The New York Times after the governor had performed poorly in a string of earlier debates. Aides tried to rework his schedule in order for Governor Perry to get more hours of slumber, but it apparently wasn't enough before that November night.

For most of us, it's easy to see the stumble as nothing more than a memorable gaffe. Yet Governor Perry's moment of forgetfulness should also serve as the sum of all fears for anyone who sees sleep as something that can be put off or overlooked without painful consequences.

When a person lies down to sleep at night, the brain undergoes a process that is crucial to learning, memory, and performance in ways that scientists are only now beginning to understand.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Start a New Life by Practicing Death

Source: Reuters

For those facing a run of bad luck and wanting to start things over, one Thai temple has an unusual solution: "rehearse" death with a mock funeral, including lying down in a coffin.

Pram Manee temple in Nakorn Nayok province, 107 km northeast of Bangkok, holds two of the rituals every day: at exactly 9:09 a.m. and 1:09 p.m., since the number nine is believed by Thais to bring good luck.

Participants in a recent ritual stood in front of their designated coffins, holding flowers and praying for bad luck to go away, then asked to receive good luck.


Astral Projection

Monday, August 13, 2012

Ketamine Induces Near-Death Experiences

Looking down at one's own body as the soul floats upwards… a feeling of immense calm as one moves towards the light… such reports by those who have come perilously close to death are often cited as proof of an afterlife or spiritual realm.

However psychiatrist Dr. Karl Jansen explains that these near-death experiences are identical to a ketamine trip:

The near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon of considerable importance to medicine, neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, philosophy and religon. Unfortunately, some scientists have been deterred from conducting research upon the NDE by claims that NDE's are evidence for life after death, and sensationalist media reports which impart the air of a pseudoscience to NDE studies.

Read the full story here...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

$5 Million Grant Awarded to Study Immortality, NDEs, Afterlife

For millennia, humans have pondered their mortality and whether death is the end of existence or a gateway to an afterlife.

Millions of Americans have reported near-death or out-of-body experiences. And adherents of the world's major religions believe in an afterlife, from reincarnation to resurrection and immortality.

Anecdotal reports of glimpses of an afterlife abound, but there has been no comprehensive and rigorous, scientific study of global reports about near-death and other experiences, or of how belief in immortality influences human behavior.

That will change with the award of a three-year, $5 million grant by the John Templeton Foundation to John Martin Fischer, distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of California, Riverside, to undertake a rigorous examination of a wide range of issues related to immortality.

Read Akashic Records

Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Talk With Anyone

By Benjamin Jenks

"Oh… no thanks…" I mumbled as I felt hot blood rise to my cheeks.

"I'm pretty tired…" My excuse trailed off though, because I was concealing a lie. I wasn't tired at all, in fact, I'd slept like a drunken baby last night. But I didn't want to tell the cute brunette girl the truth.

"I'm too shy to go out to the club with you and your friends."

That wouldn't go over so well, right? AND I definitely wouldn't tell her, "I get pretty darn nervous in social situations. It is sort of a problem… AND hanging out with a lady like yourself is definitely one of those situations. It would be awkward for most of the night… unless I got blasted and could slur my words romantically. Then, even tanked, I'd probably hope you made the first move."

Back then, I couldn't talk to anyone.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The World's Strangest Methods of Fortune Telling

By Stacy / Source: Neatorama

Want to know the future? You don’t need crystal ball or a time machine. Just examine your moles or your fingernails or your cats. Really.

Ailuromancy or felidomancy. Simply observe the way your cat moves or jumps to determine the future – especially weather. A black cat crossing your path being a bad omen is an old piece of ailuromancy. Did your cat lick her ears three times? Company must be on the way. Right ear? It’s a gentleman caller. Left ear? Expect a lady.

Rumpology. This is just what is sounds like – divination via the derriere. But take this one with a grain of salt – the only major backer of this method is Jackie Stallone, Sly’s mom and, by most accounts, a rather questionable “psychic.” Jackie says Rumpology works a lot like palm reading: the cracks, crevices, birth marks and dimples can reveal a lot about a person. According to one rumpologist, an apple-shaped butt “indicates someone who is charismatic, dynamic, very confident and often creative. A person who enjoys life.”


Unleash Your Mind Power

The Dangers of Positive Thinking

By Kate Reilly / Source: Psych Your Mind

When you walk through the self-help aisle of any bookstore, you are likely to see plenty of books based on the notion that positive thinking is the key to getting what you want. The message is clear: if you want to achieve something, just keep telling yourself  "I can!" and envision yourself accomplishing your goals. Success will surely come your way.

Not so, says years of psychological research. Certain kinds of positive thoughts, known in the research as fantasies, can actually be detrimental to performance.

Monday, August 06, 2012

The Definitive Hypnosis Cheat Sheet

By Steven Hall
Author of How to Hypnotize

These techniques will work for stage hypnosis or hypnotherapy but they are taught here for information only. After reading this article you will have the knowledge and ability necessary to hypnotize people, but please do not practice hypnosis without first undergoing intensive study.

Lesson One: Hypnosis is natural

The first thing you need to know is that hypnosis is a very natural state. It requires no special power to hypnotize someone. If you can talk you can hypnotize.

In fact, it is such a natural state that people go into hypnosis regularly without even realizing it. The most common natural states occur while gazing into a fire or when driving (it’s that moment when you suddenly realize that you are unsure as to which route you have just driven home!) If you were to listen to some positive suggestions while in these naturally occurring trance states they would have an effect on you… so be aware of commercial radio on long journeys!

When you intentionally hypnotize someone what you are doing is operating the switch that puts them into this natural state at a time of your (and their) choosing, so that you can use it productively.

Lesson Two: Relaxation causes trance

There are many things that have been found to cause trance, these include confusion, shock, repetition, focused attention and relaxation. For the purposes of your studies we are going to be concentrating on relaxation, as it is the easiest to produce without offending your client.

We will also be using focused attention as this will help to stop your clients mind from wandering during the induction process.

The initial induction process is all about getting the client to relax, and, as

many people have completely forgotten how to do this, you do need to help them out a little; most people are a lot tenser than they realize.


Saturday, August 04, 2012

Can Weird Mind Tricks Help You Win the Lottery?

By Jo Mason /

We all know the statistics on the lottery. Even if you're not familiar with the exact numbers, you've probably heard phrases like, "You have a greater chance of being struck by lightning…"

If only there was some way to tip the odds in your favor. Well, they might not exactly be proven by scientific research, but there are many schools of thought on how to determine patterns in numbers or how to get luck on your side.

In this article, you will learn all about the more "alternative" ways to improve your chances at winning the lottery. From the stars in the sky to the dreams you have at night, there are many unconventional ways to attempt to get an edge on the odds.

Who can really say what turns the average person into a multi-millionaire lottery winner? Perhaps those winners kept an open mind to all of the alternative number-picking strategies available to them.


Friday, August 03, 2012

Was the Batman Killer on Mind Control Drugs?

By Ethan A. Huff / Source: Natural News

The borrachero tree, which is marked by beautiful white and yellow blossoms that droop ever so innocuously from the plant's slender branches, holds a secret that few people outside northern South America know about. The tree's seeds, flowers, and pollen possess hallucinogenic chemical substances that, when inhaled or consumed, are capable of eliminating a person's free will, and turning him or her into a mindless zombie that can be fully controlled without any inhibitions.

Back in May, the U.K.'s Daily Mail ran a report on the borrachero tree, also known as the "drunken binge" tree, explaining how a substance derived from it, scopolamine, blocks a person's ability to form memories, and temporarily inhibits his ability to make free will choices. When inhaled or consumed, in other words, scopolamine can turn any person into a robot that will do whatever another person tells him to do, even if it means robbing his own house.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

The Man Who Quit Money

Daniel Suelo lives in caves in the canyonlands of Utah. He survives by harvesting wild foods and eating roadkill.

He has no job, no bank account and does not accept government welfare. In fact, Suelo has no money at all.

Suelo may have shunned all the trappings of modern American life, but he is not an isolationist.

Since abandoning money in 2000, the former cook from Moab, Utah has remained an active member of his community and avid blogger.

Mark Sundeen, author of The Man Who Quit Money, admits many people would regard Suelo's alternative lifestyle as bizarre. But the 2008 financial crash has led many to question the value of money. He explains some of the lessons found in Suelo's philosophy.