By Anne Harding / Source: CNN
Terminally ill cancer patients struggling with anxiety may get some relief from a guided "trip" on the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin, a new study suggests.
The study included 12 patients who took a small dose of psilocybin -- the active ingredient in "magic mushrooms" -- while under the supervision of trained therapists. In a separate session, the participants took a placebo pill, which had little effect on their symptoms.
By contrast, one to three months after taking psilocybin the patients reported feeling less anxious and their overall mood had improved. By the six-month mark, the group's average score on a common scale used to measure depression had declined by 30 percent, according to the study, which was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project
By Mark Thompson / Time Magazine
Soldiers barking orders at each other is so 20th Century. That's why the U.S. Army has just awarded a $4 million contract to begin developing "thought helmets" that would harness silent brain waves for secure communication among troops. Ultimately, the Army hopes the project will "lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone."
If this sounds insane, it would have been as recently as a few years ago. But improvements in computing power and a better understanding of how the brain works have scientists busy hunting for the distinctive neural fingerprints that flash through a brain when a person is talking to himself.
The Army's initial goal is to capture those brain waves with incredibly sophisticated software that then translates the waves into audible radio messages for other troops in the field. "It'd be radio without a microphone, " says Dr. Elmar Schmeisser, the Army neuroscientist overseeing the program. "Because soldiers are already trained to talk in clean, clear and formulaic ways, it would be a very small step to have them think that way."
Soldiers barking orders at each other is so 20th Century. That's why the U.S. Army has just awarded a $4 million contract to begin developing "thought helmets" that would harness silent brain waves for secure communication among troops. Ultimately, the Army hopes the project will "lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone."
If this sounds insane, it would have been as recently as a few years ago. But improvements in computing power and a better understanding of how the brain works have scientists busy hunting for the distinctive neural fingerprints that flash through a brain when a person is talking to himself.
The Army's initial goal is to capture those brain waves with incredibly sophisticated software that then translates the waves into audible radio messages for other troops in the field. "It'd be radio without a microphone, " says Dr. Elmar Schmeisser, the Army neuroscientist overseeing the program. "Because soldiers are already trained to talk in clean, clear and formulaic ways, it would be a very small step to have them think that way."
Friday, October 29, 2010
How to Make the Right Choice Every Time
By Dr. Alex Loyd, Ph. D., Creator of The Healing Codes
All of us every day, multiple times a day, are trying to figure out what is the right thing to do, what is the best decision for this or that. In every job or career there are decisions to be made.
Some jobs are just full of decisions every single day. My wife was talking about how many decisions there are in parenting every single day. She’s always wondering, “What is the best thing to do for the next hour? This or this?”
As for our health and our relationships, it is just endless when you start thinking about how many decisions I make every week, every day, sometimes every hour. And we want to make the best decisions we can, but sometimes it’s really tough because the issues and consequences are not all that clear.
Some choices may not be that far apart. They both seem good or they both seem not so great. So how do you decide in any situation what is the best choice and what is the truth about a particular issue?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Time Traveler with Cell Phone in Film from 1928
Source: BBC
A Belfast film-maker has posted a video on the internet showing what he says could be evidence of time travelling.
A Belfast film-maker has posted a video on the internet showing what he says could be evidence of time travelling.
George Clarke from east Belfast has been puzzled for more than a year by a scene in a film which appears to show a woman talking on a mobile phone.
The unusual thing is that the movie was made by Charlie Chaplin in 1928 - long before mobile phones were invented.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
How to Think Like a Millionaire
By T. Harv Eker
Featured Trainer at You Wealth Revolution
Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. Let’s examine six crucial differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.
By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly switch over to how rich people think.
Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
Featured Trainer at You Wealth Revolution
Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. Let’s examine six crucial differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.
By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly switch over to how rich people think.
Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Top 10 Afterlife Movies
Clint Eastwood's Hereafter tells the story of three individuals touched by death in different ways, and how each of them deals with their encounter with 'the other side'. Here's ten other movies which explore what might lie beyond the veil of death:
10. Ghost
This 1990 hit movie may have revolved around the sappy, sentimental story of eternal love between characters Sam and Molly (Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore), but the real star was Whoopi Goldberg and her portrayal of Oda Mae Brown, a fake psychic who suddenly finds that she can hear the dead.
9. Enter the Void
Sex, drugs and the NDE: there's nothing sappy and sentimental about this afterlife rendering. In Gaspar Noé's provocative Enter the Void, small-time drug dealer Oscar is shot by police inducing an 'astral journey' around psychedelic Tokyo. Taking inspiration from mushroom trips, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and Raymond Moody's NDE bestseller Life After Life, Noé hits the viewer with sensory overload in order to portray the altered states of consciousness that Oscar encounters (including a 6 minute DMT trip) during the movie.
Clint Eastwood's Hereafter tells the story of three individuals touched by death in different ways, and how each of them deals with their encounter with 'the other side'. Here's ten other movies which explore what might lie beyond the veil of death:
10. Ghost
This 1990 hit movie may have revolved around the sappy, sentimental story of eternal love between characters Sam and Molly (Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore), but the real star was Whoopi Goldberg and her portrayal of Oda Mae Brown, a fake psychic who suddenly finds that she can hear the dead.
9. Enter the Void
Sex, drugs and the NDE: there's nothing sappy and sentimental about this afterlife rendering. In Gaspar Noé's provocative Enter the Void, small-time drug dealer Oscar is shot by police inducing an 'astral journey' around psychedelic Tokyo. Taking inspiration from mushroom trips, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and Raymond Moody's NDE bestseller Life After Life, Noé hits the viewer with sensory overload in order to portray the altered states of consciousness that Oscar encounters (including a 6 minute DMT trip) during the movie.
Monday, October 25, 2010
How Does Twitter Predict the Stock Market?
By William Alden / The Huffington Post
In the latest effort to determine how exactly Twitter will help the world, a new study argues that the micro-blogging platform can predict movements in the stock market.
The report, authored by Johan Bollen, Huina Mao and Xiao-Jun Zeng, says that the degree of "calmness" of the Twitterverse can predict -- with 87.6 percent accuracy -- how the Dow Jones Industrial Average will move, two to six days before the movements occur (hat tip to the Awl).
To reach this conclusion, the researchers examined two already-existing Twitter "mood tracking tools": OpinionFinder, which measures positive versus negative mood, and Google-Profile of Mood States, which measures "six dimensions" of mood: alert, sure, vital, kind, happy and calm.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Brief History of Brainwave Entrainment
Source: The Transparent Corporation
Brainwave entrainment was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy.
Not long after the discovery of the Alpha brainwave by Hans Berger in 1929, researchers found that the strength of the wave could be "driven" beyond its natural frequency using flickering lights. This is called "Photic Driving", which is another word for brainwave entrainment using photic (light) stimulation. In 1942 Dempsey and Morison discovered that repetitive tactile stimulation could also produce entrainment and in 1959, Dr. Chatrian observed auditory entrainment in response to clicks at a frequency of 15 per second.
By the 1960s entrainment started to become a tool rather than a phenomenon of the brain. Anesthesiologist M.S. Sadove, MD, used photic stimulation to reduce the amount of anesthesia needed for surgery. Bernard Margolis published an article on brainwave entrainment used during dental procedures, noting less anesthesia required, less gagging, less bleeding and a general reduction in anxiety.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The End of the World. Postponed Again.
By Stephanie Pappas / Source: LiveScience
It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already.
A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years.
That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Find Your Mind Inside Your Dreams
By Jessica Hamzelou / Source: New Scientist
"Am I awake or am I dreaming?" I ask myself for probably the hundredth time. I am fully awake, just like all the other times I asked, and to be honest I am beginning to feel a bit silly.
All week I have been performing this "reality check" in the hope that it will become so ingrained in my mind that I will start asking it in my dreams too.
If I succeed, I will have a lucid dream - a thrilling state of consciousness somewhere between waking and sleeping in which, unlike conventional dreams, you are aware that you are dreaming and able to control your actions. Once you have figured this out, the dream world is theoretically your oyster, and you can act out your fantasies to your heart's content.
Journalistic interest notwithstanding, I am pursuing lucid dreaming for entertainment. To some neuroscientists, however, the phenomenon is of profound interest, and they are using lucid dreamers to explore some of the weirder aspects of the brain's behaviour during the dream state (see "Dream mysteries"). Their results are even shedding light on the way our brains produce our rich and complex conscious experience.
All week I have been performing this "reality check" in the hope that it will become so ingrained in my mind that I will start asking it in my dreams too.
If I succeed, I will have a lucid dream - a thrilling state of consciousness somewhere between waking and sleeping in which, unlike conventional dreams, you are aware that you are dreaming and able to control your actions. Once you have figured this out, the dream world is theoretically your oyster, and you can act out your fantasies to your heart's content.
Journalistic interest notwithstanding, I am pursuing lucid dreaming for entertainment. To some neuroscientists, however, the phenomenon is of profound interest, and they are using lucid dreamers to explore some of the weirder aspects of the brain's behaviour during the dream state (see "Dream mysteries"). Their results are even shedding light on the way our brains produce our rich and complex conscious experience.
How Your Brain Lies to You
By Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt
Source: New York Times
False beliefs are everywhere. Eighteen percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth, one poll has found.
Thus it seems slightly less egregious that, according to another poll, 10 percent of us think that Senator Barack Obama, a Christian, is instead a Muslim. The Obama campaign has created a Web site to dispel misinformation. But this effort may be more difficult than it seems, thanks to the quirky way in which our brains store memories — and mislead us along the way.
The brain does not simply gather and stockpile information as a computer’s hard drive does. Facts are stored first in the hippocampus, a structure deep in the brain about the size and shape of a fat man’s curled pinkie finger.
But the information does not rest there. Every time we recall it, our brain writes it down again, and during this re-storage, it is also reprocessed. In time, the fact is gradually transferred to the cerebral cortex and is separated from the context in which it was originally learned. For example, you know that the capital of California is Sacramento, but you probably don’t remember how you learned it.
This phenomenon, known as source amnesia, can also lead people to forget whether a statement is true. Even when a lie is presented with a disclaimer, people often later remember it as true.
Source: New York Times
False beliefs are everywhere. Eighteen percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth, one poll has found.
Thus it seems slightly less egregious that, according to another poll, 10 percent of us think that Senator Barack Obama, a Christian, is instead a Muslim. The Obama campaign has created a Web site to dispel misinformation. But this effort may be more difficult than it seems, thanks to the quirky way in which our brains store memories — and mislead us along the way.
The brain does not simply gather and stockpile information as a computer’s hard drive does. Facts are stored first in the hippocampus, a structure deep in the brain about the size and shape of a fat man’s curled pinkie finger.
But the information does not rest there. Every time we recall it, our brain writes it down again, and during this re-storage, it is also reprocessed. In time, the fact is gradually transferred to the cerebral cortex and is separated from the context in which it was originally learned. For example, you know that the capital of California is Sacramento, but you probably don’t remember how you learned it.
This phenomenon, known as source amnesia, can also lead people to forget whether a statement is true. Even when a lie is presented with a disclaimer, people often later remember it as true.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Virtual Immortality by 2050
By David Smith
The Observer
Aeroplanes will be too afraid to crash, yoghurts will wish you good morning before being eaten and human consciousness will be stored on supercomputers, promising immortality for all - though it will help to be rich.
These fantastic claims are not made by a science fiction writer or a crystal ball-gazing lunatic. They are the deadly earnest predictions of Ian Pearson, head of the futurology unit at BT.
'If you draw the timelines, realistically by 2050 we would expect to be able to download your mind into a machine, so when you die it's not a major career problem,' Pearson told The Observer. 'If you're rich enough then by 2050 it's feasible. If you're poor you'll probably have to wait until 2075 or 2080 when it's routine. We are very serious about it. That's how fast this technology is moving: 45 years is a hell of a long time in IT.'
Pearson, 44, has formed his mind-boggling vision of the future after graduating in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, spending four years working in missile design and the past 20 years working in optical networks, broadband network evolution and cybernetics in BT's laboratories. He admits his prophecies are both 'very exciting' and 'very scary'.
The Observer
Aeroplanes will be too afraid to crash, yoghurts will wish you good morning before being eaten and human consciousness will be stored on supercomputers, promising immortality for all - though it will help to be rich.
These fantastic claims are not made by a science fiction writer or a crystal ball-gazing lunatic. They are the deadly earnest predictions of Ian Pearson, head of the futurology unit at BT.
'If you draw the timelines, realistically by 2050 we would expect to be able to download your mind into a machine, so when you die it's not a major career problem,' Pearson told The Observer. 'If you're rich enough then by 2050 it's feasible. If you're poor you'll probably have to wait until 2075 or 2080 when it's routine. We are very serious about it. That's how fast this technology is moving: 45 years is a hell of a long time in IT.'
Pearson, 44, has formed his mind-boggling vision of the future after graduating in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, spending four years working in missile design and the past 20 years working in optical networks, broadband network evolution and cybernetics in BT's laboratories. He admits his prophecies are both 'very exciting' and 'very scary'.
Monday, October 18, 2010
How to Direct the Power of Your Magnetic Mind
By Asara Lovejoy, Author of The One Command
If you have meditated or practiced regular prayer, or any kind of contemplation, then you know that you have the capacity to quiet your ordinary, rapid beta mind to a lower cycle, such as theta. If you have never formally thought to quiet your mind, realize that when you daydream or are in deep thought, you are accomplishing the same thing.
We generate an electro-magnetic field of attraction or repulsion with our thoughts through the release, from our endocrine system, of hormones and chemicals known as peptides. We generate electro-magnetic charges with our thoughts that either attract to us or repel from us our experiences.
Our thoughts travel through positive/negative receptors in every cell of our body and fire sequences in the neuro-net passages of our brain. These micro-electrical charges formed by our thinking are real. They influence our reality by magnetically attracting experiences of like kind to us in either a positive or negative manner, or by repelling experiences from us. Our unconscious thoughts that operate below our conscious awareness hold great power over our lives as they are firing the peptide messengers that unconsciously drive our choices.
When we desire to be masters and we haven't achieved it yet, there is a separation between the unconscious thoughts that are driving our choices, and the conscious thoughts of our desire.
When we understand that every thought we think operates within us, below our awareness every moment, expressing out into the world and attracting information of like kind through the energy of our electromagnetic thinking, then we understand how we are creating our lives.
If you have meditated or practiced regular prayer, or any kind of contemplation, then you know that you have the capacity to quiet your ordinary, rapid beta mind to a lower cycle, such as theta. If you have never formally thought to quiet your mind, realize that when you daydream or are in deep thought, you are accomplishing the same thing.
We generate an electro-magnetic field of attraction or repulsion with our thoughts through the release, from our endocrine system, of hormones and chemicals known as peptides. We generate electro-magnetic charges with our thoughts that either attract to us or repel from us our experiences.
Our thoughts travel through positive/negative receptors in every cell of our body and fire sequences in the neuro-net passages of our brain. These micro-electrical charges formed by our thinking are real. They influence our reality by magnetically attracting experiences of like kind to us in either a positive or negative manner, or by repelling experiences from us. Our unconscious thoughts that operate below our conscious awareness hold great power over our lives as they are firing the peptide messengers that unconsciously drive our choices.
When we desire to be masters and we haven't achieved it yet, there is a separation between the unconscious thoughts that are driving our choices, and the conscious thoughts of our desire.
When we understand that every thought we think operates within us, below our awareness every moment, expressing out into the world and attracting information of like kind through the energy of our electromagnetic thinking, then we understand how we are creating our lives.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Increase Your Brain Power by Walking
The simple and natural act of walking can help you to increase your brain power.
Research into this area has proven the people who walk greatly benefit their brains. Walking increases blood circulation. At the same time that blood circulation is increasing, glucose and oxygen are reaching the brain in increased amounts. This occurs because walking is a low impact exercise that is enjoyable and healthy.
When you exercise with fast paced movements your body is going to absorb that extra glucose and oxygen so it isn’t available for the brain to receive. The additional oxygen that goes to your brain is a great way to help you reduce levels of stress.
Individuals that walk on a regular basis have better concentration and they seem to be more receptive to learning new things.
How to Retrain Your Brain
In just minutes a day, you can not only exercise your brain, but also boost memory, visual attention and processing speed.
We've often heard the importance of using your brain to stave off degeneration. Now you can exercise your brain on your computer.
Lumosity is a scientifically developed online brain fitness program for adults of all ages. It's designed to improve memory and attention with fun and effective brain workouts. The 30-session program developed by Lumos Labs offers a daily mix of games, exercises, progress reports and brain health tips.
We've often heard the importance of using your brain to stave off degeneration. Now you can exercise your brain on your computer.
Lumosity is a scientifically developed online brain fitness program for adults of all ages. It's designed to improve memory and attention with fun and effective brain workouts. The 30-session program developed by Lumos Labs offers a daily mix of games, exercises, progress reports and brain health tips.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
How to Alter Your Brainwaves and Get 'In the Zone' Automatically
Source: Holothink
What I am going to share with you may sound unbelievable and simply too good to be true. And, that's why you must experience it for yourself. Some years ago, I felt tired and drained at the end of a stressful day. A friend said, "I have just the thing for you. Here. Put on these headphones and listen." My friend -- Steve -- was into the latest gizmos and gadgets. He was one of the most successful people I knew. A genuinely happy guy -- healthy, upbeat, fun to hang out with.
And, he was always investing in these experimental toys -- this one cost a cool $395. I put on the headphones, closed my eyes and I listened. Within ten minutes I felt like I'd taken a 2 hour nap -- but without the groggy feelings of waking back into my day. That was my first experience with the technology I'm going to share with you -- I found it truly amazing then and I find it more fascinating today. And I am certain you will have the same experience too -- when you try it.
Lucid dreams, altered states, deep relaxation, euphoria, enhanced creativity, accelerated learning, an improved ability to focus and concentrate, psychic abilities, elimination of insomnia and the symptoms of stress, and increased endorphin levels have all been attributed to the use of this technology.
What I am going to share with you may sound unbelievable and simply too good to be true. And, that's why you must experience it for yourself. Some years ago, I felt tired and drained at the end of a stressful day. A friend said, "I have just the thing for you. Here. Put on these headphones and listen." My friend -- Steve -- was into the latest gizmos and gadgets. He was one of the most successful people I knew. A genuinely happy guy -- healthy, upbeat, fun to hang out with.
And, he was always investing in these experimental toys -- this one cost a cool $395. I put on the headphones, closed my eyes and I listened. Within ten minutes I felt like I'd taken a 2 hour nap -- but without the groggy feelings of waking back into my day. That was my first experience with the technology I'm going to share with you -- I found it truly amazing then and I find it more fascinating today. And I am certain you will have the same experience too -- when you try it.
Lucid dreams, altered states, deep relaxation, euphoria, enhanced creativity, accelerated learning, an improved ability to focus and concentrate, psychic abilities, elimination of insomnia and the symptoms of stress, and increased endorphin levels have all been attributed to the use of this technology.
The Science of Meditation
By Cary Barbor / Source: Psychology Today
In the highlands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, people look at life differently. Upon entering the local Buddhist monastery, there is a spectacular sculpture the size of a large oak. The intricate carving of clouds and patterns are painted in powerful colors. But as soon as winter gives way, this magnificent work will melt to nothing. The sculpture, in fact, is made of butter, and it is one of the highland people's symbols of the transient nature of life.
And life here is not easy. Villagers bicycle to work before dawn and return home long after sunset. Many live with nothing more than dirt floors and rickety outhouses. Upon entering these modest mud-brick homes, you'll find no tables or chairs—just a long platform bed, which sleeps a family of eight. However, when the people invite you in for tea, their smiles are wide and welcoming. How do they possess such inner calm in conditions we would call less than ideal?
When villagers cook, sew or plow the fields, they do so in a tranquil state. As an approach to life, weaving meditation seamlessly into almost every action throughout the day seems unfamiliar to Western cultures. Is there something we can glean from this way of life that will improve our own? The romantic notion of quitting everything and joining Tibetan monks on a mountaintop is not the only way to meditate. You don't need to quit your job, give up your possessions and spend 30 years chanting.
Recent research indicates that meditating brings about dramatic effects in as little as a 10-minute session. Several studies have demonstrated that subjects who meditated for a short time showed increased alpha waves (the relaxed brain waves) and decreased anxiety and depression.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Do Animals Have Spiritual Experiences?
By Jennifer Viegas / Source: Discovery News
Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades.
Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain -- areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.
The trick, of course, lies in proving animals' experiences.
"Since only humans are capable of language that can communicate the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences," Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, told Discovery News.
"Despite this limitation, it is still reasonable to conclude that since the most primitive areas of our brain happen to be the spiritual, then we can expect that animals are also capable of spiritual experiences," added Nelson, author of the book "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," which will be published in January 2011.
Viagra For Your Brain
By Simon Usborne
Source: The Independent UK
Do you face a mid-afternoon lull that even a double espresso cannot break? Is jet lag the bane of your life, or does that pile of revision seem insurmountable? Or perhaps you're just fed up yawning your way out of the pub at 9.30pm. Whether modern life leaves you struggling to keep up or just totally exhausted, the answer could be as simple as popping a pill.
Using drugs to improve performance in sport is nothing new – expect doping to be a hot topic at this summer's Beijing Olympics – but what about pills that do nothing to enhance biceps, glutes, or abs, and instead target the body's most powerful "muscle" – the brain?
The idea that pills could boost memory or allow weary workers to put in 24-hour shifts evokes the dystopia of Aldous Huxley's 1932 science-fiction novel Brave New World, in which humanity depends on a government-prescribed "happy" drug called Soma.
Some scientists are warning that a generation of artificially enhanced thinkers could soon become science-fact, as an increasing number of people, from stockbrokers and soldiers to students and shelf-stackers, look for something more effective than caffeine to boost performance.
Source: The Independent UK
Do you face a mid-afternoon lull that even a double espresso cannot break? Is jet lag the bane of your life, or does that pile of revision seem insurmountable? Or perhaps you're just fed up yawning your way out of the pub at 9.30pm. Whether modern life leaves you struggling to keep up or just totally exhausted, the answer could be as simple as popping a pill.
Using drugs to improve performance in sport is nothing new – expect doping to be a hot topic at this summer's Beijing Olympics – but what about pills that do nothing to enhance biceps, glutes, or abs, and instead target the body's most powerful "muscle" – the brain?
The idea that pills could boost memory or allow weary workers to put in 24-hour shifts evokes the dystopia of Aldous Huxley's 1932 science-fiction novel Brave New World, in which humanity depends on a government-prescribed "happy" drug called Soma.
Some scientists are warning that a generation of artificially enhanced thinkers could soon become science-fact, as an increasing number of people, from stockbrokers and soldiers to students and shelf-stackers, look for something more effective than caffeine to boost performance.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Positive Brainwashing
By Cornelis Boertjens, Creator of Vision Boards
Brainwashing is a term perceived in a negative way by most people. But you know what, I think our brains could actually do with a bit of a washing sometimes!
You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind, and a belief that everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do and become everything, without any boundaries!
As we grow up however, we pick up beliefs, fears and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we build our lives they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.
It can be the smallest -- seemingly harmless -- remark from a mother like “just let me handle that, you are no good at that” that can convince you that you are not good at a certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil “the clumsy one” can do more harm with this remark than he realizes when repeated often enough. With every remark the belief is harnessed further in the child that it indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark is said with a smile or with the intend to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief system.
This programming of course doesn’t stop at adulthood, it keeps influencing people in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends, colleagues, television, newspapers, magazines and so on. Sometimes positive, but very often in a negative way. No wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you belief you can do something, you can. If you belief you can’t do something, you will be right too.
Brainwashing is a term perceived in a negative way by most people. But you know what, I think our brains could actually do with a bit of a washing sometimes!
You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind, and a belief that everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do and become everything, without any boundaries!
As we grow up however, we pick up beliefs, fears and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we build our lives they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.
It can be the smallest -- seemingly harmless -- remark from a mother like “just let me handle that, you are no good at that” that can convince you that you are not good at a certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil “the clumsy one” can do more harm with this remark than he realizes when repeated often enough. With every remark the belief is harnessed further in the child that it indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark is said with a smile or with the intend to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief system.
This programming of course doesn’t stop at adulthood, it keeps influencing people in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends, colleagues, television, newspapers, magazines and so on. Sometimes positive, but very often in a negative way. No wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you belief you can do something, you can. If you belief you can’t do something, you will be right too.
42 Practical Ways to Improve Yourself
Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better?
If you do, then we have something in common. I’m very passionate about personal growth. It was just 4 years ago when I discovered my passion for growing and helping others grow. At that time, I was 22 and in my final year of university. As I thought about the meaning of life, I realized there was nothing more meaningful than to pursue a life of development and betterment. It is through improving ourselves that we get the most out of life.
After 1.5 years of actively pursuing growth and helping others to grow through my personal development blog, I realize there is never an end to the journey of self improvement. The more I grow, the more I realize there is so much out there I don’t know, so much that I have to learn. For sure, there is always something about ourselves we can improve on. The human potential is limitless, so it’s impossible to reach a point of no growth. Whenever we think we are good, we can be even better.
As a passionate advocate of growth, I’m continuously looking for ways to self-improve. I’ve compiled 42 of my best tips which might be helpful in your personal growth journey. Some of them are simple steps which you can engage in immediately. Some are bigger steps which takes conscious effort to act on. Here they are:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Laughter Meditation: How to Feel Great Every Day for the Rest of Your Life
By Kent Sayre
, Author of Unstoppable Confidence
In this article, I’m going to reveal to you how to feel great every day for the rest of your life.
That might sound too good to be true so stick with me here. By the end of this article, you’ll completely understand and be able to feel great every single day from today onward…guaranteed.
Here’s what you must understand – We, as humans…in all of our sophistication…are really simple beings in one sense.
Here is the big idea – for everything we do, we do it to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Go ahead…I dare you…try in vain to find a counterexample. You won’t find one.
Everything you do, you do it to get more pleasure and/or lessen pain. This seems obvious enough, doesn’t it?
When have you felt the absolute best feelings in your life? I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that you felt pretty sensational after you found yourself laughing hard…either at a funny movie…a friend’s joke…or while listening to a comedian. Maybe somebody played a practical joke on someone in the office and you laughed yourself to tears.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Whole Brain Super Sex
By Neil Slade
There is a huge difference between recently discovered "whole brain sex" and all too common sex.
When a person self-stimulates their anterior amygdala (brain site) through simple exercises, and turns on dormant frontal lobe neurocircuits, that person begins to automatically and spontaneously experience (during private intimacy of course) extended and intensified peak physical pleasure response and (multiple) sexual orgasms, females AND males. With a partner or without, at any age.
The reason the brain provides this extra reward for those in the know is simple: Any activity that enhances individual or species survival is encouraged by built-in brain reward circuits. More long lasting pleasure is the result of advanced behaviors and thinking. Nature wants you to survive better- and so it automatically rewards frontal lobes behaviors with indisputable increased feel good sensations.
Only recently has any kind information regarding unheard of levels of human sexuality been available to everyone in western culture. In the mid 1960's, T.D.A. Lingo, director of the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory began teaching an even more advanced and simple fact (we repeat in case you missed it the first time): When a person self-stimulates their anterior amygdala (brain site) through simple exercises, and turns on dormant frontal lobe neurocircuits, that person begins to automatically and spontaneously experience extended peak (multiple) sexual orgasms , females AND males. With a partner or without.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Why You're Alive and Can Never Die: The Larger Scientific Picture
By Dr. Robert Lanza, M.D. / Source: Huffington Post
Is it just a one-in-gazillion chance that you happen to be alive, now, on top of all time? Or is there a more rational scientific reason? Grade-school math tells us the probability of being on top of infinity is zero. If space and time are tools of the mind, then how can there be a time without consciousness?
The question "Does time exist?" makes people wonder about engaging in such idle speculation. A typical response might be, "The clock ticks. We age and die. Time is the only thing we can be certain of."
Equally inconsonant is whether space exists. "Obviously space exists," one might answer, "because we live in it. We move through it, drive through it. Miles, kilometers are all units we use to measure it." Time and space in the concrete sense are easy to think about. Find yourself short of either -- late for work, standing in a stalled subway car -- and the constraints of time and space are apparent: "It's crowded and I'm going to miss my meeting."
Time and space are integral to every moment of our existence. But the idea of them being tools of our mind −- our source of comprehension −- is an abstraction. To place yourself as the creator of time and space, as biocentrism asks you to do, rather than the subject of it, goes against every bit of common sense. It takes a radical shift of perspective to realize they're life-created, because the implications are so startling.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Computers That Read Minds
By Richard Gray / Source: The Telegraph
New technology could allow people to dictate letters and search the internet simply by thinking, according to researchers at Intel who are behind the project.
Unlike current brain-controlled computers, which require users to imagine making physical movements to control a cursor on a screen, the new technology will be capable of directly interpreting words as they are thought.
Intel's scientists are creating detailed maps of the activity in the brain for individual words which can then be matched against the brain activity of someone using the computer, allowing the machine to determine the word they are thinking.
Preliminary tests of the system have shown that the computer can work out words by looking at similar brain patterns and looking for key differences that suggest what the word might be.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Free Video: Hypnotize Yourself in 7 Minutes
By Jim Katsoulis, Creator of MindRise Hypnosis
Here is a great free video that will help you relax and enter a trance state that will help you be calmer, think clearer, and act more powerfully. This quick self-hypnosis session is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Enjoy!
Learn more about Self-Hypnosis here...
Here is a great free video that will help you relax and enter a trance state that will help you be calmer, think clearer, and act more powerfully. This quick self-hypnosis session is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Enjoy!
Learn more about Self-Hypnosis here...
Sunday, October 03, 2010
The Mystery of the Sixth Sense Unravelled
By Tim Barlass / Sidney Morning Herald
The mystery behind the ''sixth sense'' - how people interact on a physiological level - is a step closer to being unravelled, according to a Sydney neuroscientist.
A five-year study monitoring brain activity during therapy sessions has shown that two people can become physiologically aligned - parts of their nervous systems beating in harmony - despite having no physical contact with each another.
Trisha Stratford, the neuropsychotherapist who did the research at University of Technology, Sydney, said her study provided a deeper understanding of what happened when people interacted, including when a couple fell in love.
Ms Stratford said her research could also provide clues about how best to communicate with or ''chat up'' a potential partner using this sixth sense, which has long been suggested but never extensively identified in science.
Friday, October 01, 2010
10 Scientific Studies That Prove Subliminals Work
Source: Real Subliminals
We often get asked for further evidence of subliminal messaging, and a lot of skeptical questions from people who have yet to experience subliminal messaging for themselves, so here is a page we have complied with multiple studies which have been conducted on subliminal messaging using audio based messages over the last 30+ years:
We often get asked for further evidence of subliminal messaging, and a lot of skeptical questions from people who have yet to experience subliminal messaging for themselves, so here is a page we have complied with multiple studies which have been conducted on subliminal messaging using audio based messages over the last 30+ years:
Fountain of Youth Pill 'Just Two Years Away'
By Claire Bates / Daily Mail
It may sound like science fiction but researchers believe they have discovered the 'Holy Grail' - an anti-ageing pill that will add decades to our lives.
It may sound like science fiction but researchers believe they have discovered the 'Holy Grail' - an anti-ageing pill that will add decades to our lives.
Furthermore its creator Professor Vladimir Skulachev said it should be available to the public within two years
The Russian scientist from Moscow State University, said the drug works by halting the damaging effects that oxygen can have on the body's cells.
This would stave off dangerous age-related illnesses thereby adding years to our lives.
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