Saturday, February 27, 2010

Develop Your Remote Viewing With Subliminal Messages

By Michael Jura / Source: Real Subliminals

There’s an area I’ve been excitedly looking into recently, and it’s subliminal messaging. Been reading a lot about stuff which taps into the subconscious mind and can make changes to the way the brain works.

Subliminal messages are rising in popularity, and I recently found a company offering an album that helps enhance your remote viewing potential.

Naturally intrigued, I read about how it works, and thankfully it was not promising the world, or instant results.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Bronze Is Better Than Silver For Olympic Happiness

By Steve Wieberg, USA TODAY

He sulked. He criticized. He was brashly dismissive of the skating silver medal that was draped around his neck last week. Yes, Russia's Evgeni Plushenko would have been far happier with gold.

And perhaps with bronze?

Research by three U.S. academics, who analyzed heat-of-the-moment reactions, medal-stand temperament and interviews of Olympians, shows that bronze-medal winners, on average, are happier with their finishes than silver medalists. Take silver, and you tend to fixate on the near miss. Score bronze, and you are thankful you were not shut out altogether.

"When you come in second," said Thomas Gilovich, chairman of Cornell's psychology department and one of the study's co-authors, "it's the most natural thing in the world to look upward. 'I got the silver and that's what it is, but what is it not? It's not the gold.'

"With the bronze, the natural place to look is downward. 'I got the bronze. That's what it is, but what it isn't is off the medal stand.' "


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is Old Age Simply a Modern Voodoo Curse?

By Randall Fitzgerald / Source: Skepticism Enquirer

Compared to what medical science thought it knew about superstition just a few decades ago, the emerging medical consensus summarized below is nothing short of revolutionary.

Death from a voodoo hex or curse is an extreme form of the nocebo effect, the ‘evil twin’ or reverse energetic force of the better known placebo effect. Some people can literally wish themselves into a better state of health to forestall death (the placebo effect), while others can turn their worst fears into a rapid physical decline that leads to death (the nocebo effect).

How does that happen? How can words or symbolic actions cause a physically healthy person to quickly die, or to cause a person near death to rapidly recover?

What kind of bio-molecular model of reality can explain it? And does the phenomenon have broader implications for entire groups of people, such as the elderly who are brainwashed into believing and expecting the self-fulfillment of prophecies about their inevitable degeneration and death?


Monday, February 22, 2010

How to Figure Out What You Really Want

By Brian Wong

So many peo­ple have no idea what they want or just haven’t taken the time to seri­ously think about it. They aim for noth­ing and hit it with amaz­ing accuracy.

The first and very impor­tant step to achiev­ing all your goals is actu­ally hav­ing a clear pic­ture of what they are.

Once you are clear you can start to take action in the direc­tion of your goals and fash­ion a plan that will get you there.

So let me ask you…

* Are you some­one who just can’t decide from the mil­lions of choices avail­able to you?

* Have you sat down to write out your goals but just draw a blank?
* Are you some­one who sets and achieves goals in one area of your life but falls short in others?
* Are you some­one who has no idea where to start?

Well let me share with you some hints to make this process quick, easy and rel­a­tively painless…


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Indian Inmates Take Yoga to Reduce Jail Time

Source: BBC

Prisoners in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh are being freed early if they complete yoga courses.

For every three months spent practising posture, balance and breathing the inmates can cut their jail time by 15 days.

The authorities say the lessons help to improve the prisoners' self-control and reduce aggression.

Some 4,000 inmates across the state are benefiting from the scheme, and many go on to become yoga instructors.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Only Optimists Win at Poker

By Roseanna Leaton

Only optimists play poker. Why would a pessimist even bother? There would be no point in even trying. After all, poker is a game that’s all about winning. Gambling is all about winning. And a serious gambler (or an amateur who takes the game seriously) is always on the lookout for a new technique which could stack the odds in their favor.

Now I had a funny experience a few weeks back. I’m a hypnotherapist and I sell a lot of mp3 downloads from my website. I had an e-mail from a would-be customer asking why I sold cds for winning poker and not for winning at the dog races…Interesting concept.

Now my mind began to work overtime on this one. The initial image which sprang to mind was all these dogs being hypnotized to win their race!! Or perhaps I was to hypnotize our would-be gambler so that he could cast spells upon the dogs to ensure a particular one did in fact win.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Hidden Brain That Controls Your Life

Reviewed by Gary Stix, Philadelphia Inquirer

A beverage station in an office in Newcastle, England, requires workers to pay for coffee, tea, and milk on the honor system. Money is supposed to go into a box - 30 pence for tea, 50 for coffee, 10 for milk. No hovering clerk stands nearby.

Researcher Melissa Bateson decided to turn this dispensing area into the central prop for a social-science experiment. She tracked how much milk was dispensed each week over a 10-week period and how much cash was collected. During odd-numbered weeks, the box received on average nearly three times as much as it did on even weeks for each liter of milk consumed.

What gave? On the odd weeks, Bateson affixed a pair of watchful eyes to the sheet of paper that listed prices. On even weeks, the eyes were replaced with a picture of flowers. When quizzed, none of the office workers remembered the images. But the simple presence of an iconic gaze seems to have made a big difference in how they behaved.

That we think and act under imperceptible influences - and that these forces are often the source of bias and error - inspired Washington Post (and former Inquirer) reporter Shankar Vedantam to write The Hidden Brain. Vedantam, a natural storyteller, moves seamlessly from banal office ritual to the roots of racial prejudice, to group behavior in the south tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11, and then on to a deconstruction of the mass psychology of the followers of Jim Jones.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Secret of Good Karma

By Owen Waters

Karma, in the popular view, is often perceived as the bogey man of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.

Karma is simply reflectance. Reflectance is a property of the universe. Therefore, life reflects what you project. This principle of reflectance or karma states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of whatever you project.

Whenever you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body's subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic potential, your "karmic pattern," as it influences your circumstances to adapt into a form where the new reality will be able to manifest and operate.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can a Pill Help You Live to 100?

By Donna Bowater / Source: Daily Express

A pill to help people live to 100 free from debilitating health problems is set to "revolutionise" ageing, experts said yesterday.

The breakthrough has come after scientists identified three “super-genes”.

People born with the genes are 20 times more likely to reach a century – and 80 per cent less likely to develop the senility disease Alzheimer’s.

Even being overweight or a heavy smoker does not stop a third of those with the genes living to 100.

Now US researchers are working to produce a drug that can mimic the genetic benefits and hope it will be ready for testing within three years.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Boredom Can Kill You

By Jonathan Petre / Source: Daily Mail

Boredom could be shaving years off your life, scientists have found.

Researchers say that people who complain of boredom are more likely to die young, and that those who experienced 'high levels' of tedium are more than two-and-a-half times as likely to die from heart disease or stroke than those satisfied with their lot.

More than 7,000 civil servants were studied over 25 years - and those who said they were bored were nearly 40 per cent more likely to have died by the end of study than those who did not.

The scientists said this could be a result of those unhappy with their lives turning to such unhealthy habits as smoking or drinking, which would cut their life expectancy.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Quest to Read the Human Mind

By Lisa Katayama / Source: Popular Science

It’s after dark on a warm Monday night in April, and I’m lying face-up in a 13-ton tube at the Henry H. Wheeler, Jr. Brain Imaging Center at the University of California at Berkeley. The room is dimly lit, and I am alone. A white plastic cage covers my face, and a blue computer screen shines brightly into my eyes.

I’m here because a neuroscientist named Jack Gallant is about to read my mind. He has given me strict instructions not to move; even the slightest twitch could affect the accuracy of what he’s about to do. As I stare straight up, I notice an itch on my thigh. Don’t scratch it, I tell myself. I try to keep my thoughts blank as the beeping gets faster and the fMRI machine—the scanner that will detect changes in blood flow in my brain—powers up.

Gallant assures me that the random thoughts in my head will not affect his results. Today he’s just concerned with what I see and how that registers in the visual cortex, a region at the back of the brain that processes what my eyes take in. It doesn’t matter that I’m thinking about what to eat for dinner, or that I’m worried about getting a parking ticket on Oxford Street. The only important thing, he says, is for me to keep as still as possible, and soon he’ll have enough information to re-create the pictures I’ve been staring at without ever having seen the images himself.

For the past 10 years, Gallant has been running a neuroscience and psychology lab at Berkeley dedicated to brain imaging and vision research. He’s one of a few neuroscientists in the world on the verge of unlocking the key to mind reading through brain-pattern analysis using magnetic resonance scans and algorithms. By showing me a series of random photographs and evaluating fMRI readings from my primary visual cortex, Gallant says his technique can reconstruct imagery stored in my brain. His current method takes hours of analysis, but his objective is to hone the technology to the point where it can deduce what people are seeing in real time.


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Witches in the Air Force?

By Dan Elliott / Source: Washington Post

The Air Force Academy has set aside an outdoor worship area for Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and other Earth-centered believers, school officials said Monday.

A double circle of stones atop a hill on the campus near Colorado Springs has been designated for the group, which previously met indoors.

"Being with nature and connecting with it is kind of the whole point," said Tech. Sgt. Brandon Longcrier, who sponsors the group and describes himself as a Pagan. "It will dramatically improve that atmosphere, the mindset and the actual connection."


Saturday, February 06, 2010

How Napoleon Hill Got Me a Porsche

By Nelson Berry
Creator of
Subliminal Video Messages

We all want to improve! But picking the most straightforward, uncomplicated, undemanding, uninvolved and untroublesome way to improve is sometimes discouraging. I should know...

Let me explain and share with you about my personal experience with this merry-go-round enigma and maybe you can relate, or have experienced the same mind-boggler yourself.

I had grown up in a commercialism oriented family. After college, I met a guy who was my age, driving a Porsche, had a nice 3-bedroom condo, beautiful live-in girlfriend in Boulder, CO and didn't go to college. I thought, "Jeez, I wonder what he does". I asked him and he told me, "I market highly speculative oil & gas deals."

This was right around the time of the Kuwait Invasion by Iraq, so oil & gas was a blistering topic in the telecast and around the universe. The price of oil skyrocketed and everyone wanted some of the pipeline. It piqued my interest and I thought I could do it. At least I was ambitious. Actually, I craved what he had. He related, "I'll get you an interview and call you tomorrow. I'll help you out to learn how to do this."

When I got there for an interview, I noticed he wasn't the only one who had a Porsche in the parking lot, there where Porsches, Monster Trucks, Mercedes, BMWs and then a couple of shoddy cars parked in the back. I didn't just park in the back, I parked 1/2 block away!

I go in and see well groomed guys and gals walking around with suits. It looked like the inside of a GQ magazine. The smell of cigarettes permeated the air. I could hear all this yelling and racket going on in the background, behind the partition and really wanted to see what was going on back there.


Friday, February 05, 2010

The Art of Breathing -- Your First Key to Unlimited Energy

By Pradeep Aggarwal / Source: American Chronicle

Yes, breathing is an art, and it is a very scientific art. The act of breathing is much more than inhaling and exhaling air. It triggers off a whole chain of physio-biological reactions, spanning each of the billions of cells that make up our bodies. Extra oxygen in the blood stream stimulates the excretory system, thereby clearing the body of harmful toxins.

Extra oxygen in the brain provides additional energy and vitality. Deep meditative breathing is a kind of reminder to the body that all is fine and in control.

Breathing has always been a part of our wellness arsenal, but somehow as one grows older, breathing becomes less and less scientific. It becomes shallow, and we begin to breathe in the chest, rather than the stomach.

So, what is the correct way of breathing?


Monday, February 01, 2010

10 Habits of Highly Effective Brains

By Alvaro Fernandez
Source: Huffington Post

If you are reading this, the good news is that you have a brain inside your head. And you have probably read about the emerging brain fitness movement: frequent articles in the media, an ongoing PBS special, more and more products and games.

Newsweek's Sharon Begley recently wrote that "With the nation's 78 million baby boomers approaching the age of those dreaded "where did I leave my keys?" moments, it's no wonder the market for computer-based brain training has shot up from essentially zero in 2005 to $80 million this year, according to the consulting firm SharpBrains."

Now, before you embark on buying any of those programs, you should know that there is a lot we can do without spending a dime. Based on dozens of interviews with scientists and recent research findings, let's take a look at some of the habits of Highly Effective Brains.