Monday, September 29, 2008

How to Cure Bad Habits with Hypnosis

By Valerie Dawson, Certified Hypnotherapist
Creator of Hypnotic Visualization Guided Audios

Why can’t I cure my own bad habit?

If you have a bad habit - such as comfort eating, smoking or an addiction to gambling or alcohol, for example, then you can probably answer the question for yourself. A lot of us simply can’t kick a bad habit on our own - we tend to say that it’s because we don’t have the willpower to actually carry it through.

The fact is that any kind of bad habit takes hold of you both psychologically and physically. So, when you try to kick the habit yourself you have to deal with a lot of mental stress and physical side effects that can really throw you. So, for many people, it’s simply easier to pick up the bad habit again to make the nasty symptoms go away.

This doesn’t make us weak or mean that we lack willpower - it simply means that our bad habit has taken such a hold we need external help to deal with it once and for all.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Brain Implants for the World's First Cyborg

By Pratima Harigunani / Source:

World's first ever Cyborg, Professor Kevin Warwick, Department of Cybernetics, University of Reading, is just six to eight years away from another implant, this time a brain implant.

This experiment would be in the area of bi-directional communication. Currently the investigation process is on for brain-computer links, in particular an implant into the brain, which acts bi-directionally.

As Warwick tells, "This probably will mean retraining neurons within the brain to alter their basic functioning. The main reason here would be for bi-directional communication. Clearly this is different to space projects. I believe it is far more important as it really changes what it means to be human."


Friday, September 26, 2008

How Anyone Can Become A Millionaire

By David Cameron
Creator of the Wealth Fundamentals Pack

We live in a culture where the cultural story tells us, "Go to school so that you can get a job so that you can make money. And after working for forty years you can retire and live well." It is the cultural story, we are told it by our parents, friends, teachers, government . But how true is it today?

The evidence on the ground shows us that work does not necessarily equal wealth. Most people are not wealthy; they work long hours and have little to show for it, that is the fact. And when they retire, they don't usually get the rosy picture the cultural story tries to portray; instead they get to survive on a meager pension.

So what happened? Why is the information we are getting not getting us the desires we are having, as far as wealth goes? Why is it only a few people who seem to get wealthy and financially free, and why is it that the knowledge they seem to have appears to be so elusive? The answer is simple.

The education system in place today was created in the 1800s. It was designed to give people the skills to work in industries, offices, and so on. It teaches working skills, not wealth-building skills. Even today, you will learn a lot in school, but one thing you will not usually learn is how to get wealthy and financially independent. All they tell you is, "Study these skills, get a job, and you will get paid." If you go to school to learn to be a doctor, they teach you how to be a doctor, but not how to create wealth. If you learn how to be a chef, you will learn that, but not how to create wealth.

Do you see the picture now? The masses are not taught how to create wealth. They are taught how to have the skills to work for others or for themselves, but not how to create wealth and financial freedom. For all intents and purposes, the vast majority of them are attempting to create wealth without a clue of how it is done. There is nothing wrong with them; they are just not equipped to achieve the goal they set. You always have to have the right equipment.

Here is a quick list of the main laws of accumulating wealth...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Mind-Controlled Cell Phone

By Hiroki Yomogida / Source: Nikkei Business

NeuroSky Inc, a venture company based in San Jose, Calif, prototyped a system that reads brain waves with a sensor and uses them for mobile phone applications.

The company exhibited the system at CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment 2008, an exhibition running from Sept 10 to 12, 2008, in San Francisco, Calif. The headset-shaped system consists of a sensor to read brain waves, digital signal processing part and so forth. The sensor contacts with a point on user's forehead.

By reading brain waves such as a and ß waves, the system can roughly measure the degrees of brain's relaxation and concentration, NeuroSky said. The data of brain waves can be displayed on the screen of a mobile phone by using a visualizer or can be used to control the movement of a video game character.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Goal Setting for Children

Source: Go For Your Goals

Ever thought about Goal Setting for Kids? Goal setting is one of the most important skills that a person can learn, and the earlier this skill is learned, the more chances there are for successful outcomes in a person’s life.

Adults know that goal setting is all about planning, making progress with that plan and reaching final goals or achievements. Once a child learns how to do this, they can use this tool for more success in school and at home.

Goal setting for kids will help your children to do well on their school tests and in activities such as sports, music programs or outside academic or arts programs - even at home, and with their personal finances. Teaching your child how to be a goal setter will give them a sense that they are capable of whatever they want to do. That’s valuable!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Smart Drugs for Kids?

By Laura Clark / Source: Daily Mail

Schools will soon have to ensure all pupils have access to brain-enhancing 'smart drugs', according to officially funded experts.

They said teachers risk claims of bias against poorer children if they fail to give all pupils the same chance to take a new generation of pills which boost attention, concentration and memory.

Researchers predict that within a generation, cognition enhancing drugs - or 'cogs' - will be so advanced that parents and teachers will be able to 'manipulate biology' to enhance pupils' brainpower.

But schools will have to address 'ethical issues about haves and have-nots', said the scientists led by Bristol University.

'If "cogs" are only available to those who can afford them, what does this mean for equality?' their report asked.

'It may be unethical to deny the chance for pupils to take advantage of such enhancements.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scientists Simulate Out-of-Body Experiences

By Laura Blue / Source: Time Magazine

Get ready to see yourself in a new light. Two papers released this week by the journal Science describe what seem to be the first lab-induced out-of-body experiences in healthy people.

Using goggles hooked up to video cameras, and sticks to poke and stroke, researchers subjected study participants to a variety of visual and physical cues to confuse their brain about their body's location.

Sound a bit impractical? Consider, then, how the studies relate to humankind's most enduring question: what makes us ourselves in the first place? "I'm not really interested in out-of-body experiences," says Henrik Ehrsson, one of the study's authors and an assistant professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. "I'm really interested in in-body experiences: how the brain keeps and updates a model of the world and the body. To have a perception of your own body is the foundation of self-consciousness."

That is, of course, why out-of-body experiences have always been, well, out-of-body. People report such experiences after returning from the "brink of death," or being under the influence of mind-altering drugs — no doubt why the sensation has long been equated with spiritual awakening (and with crackpots).

But, today, with new advances in neurology, scientists are better able than ever to locate the physical roots of these bizarre perceptions of self.


Friday, September 19, 2008

World's Largest Near Death Experience Study

Source: The Guardian

What happens when we die? It has to be one of life's biggest questions, if not the biggest.

Many of those who have come close to death report surprisingly similar experiences – being in a tunnel of lights, or soaring out of their bodies and looking down on the medical staff trying to keep them attached to the mortal coil.

In an effort to get to the bottom of this mysterious phenomenon, scientists have designed a new experiment to examine near-death experiences in heart attack survivors. Launched by the University of Southampton, it will be the largest ever international study into near-death experiences, involving 1,500 heart attack patients.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Secret Seduction of Subliminal Messages

By Nelson Berry / Creator of Subliminal Video Messages

Subliminal Messages are all over the place!

  • Subliminal Messages in Artwork
  • Subliminal Messages in Music
  • Subliminal Messages in Advertising
  • Subliminal Messages in Movies
Subliminal messages, or hidden messages, contain a hidden stimuli with a planned response.

With the recent advances in technology, subliminal messages can now
be created and distributed with a standard computer by the average person. The applications range from self help to seduction and from advertising to weight loss. People use subliminal messages to create desires, expectations and beliefs about anything they desire through subconscious programming.

Subconscious programming is exactly like setting an airplane on
auto-pilot. Once your subconscious mind understands clearly what you want, it will draw the object of your desire to you and guide you to it automatically.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The 10 Most Fascinating Savants in the World


Sometimes the most amazing abilities of the human brain are revealed exactly when things go wrong with it. Take, for example, savants - people who have mental abilities that could only be characterized as superhuman (like having photographic memory, playing music perfectly after hearing it just once, or doing complex mathematical calculations in one's head) but otherwise severely disabled in every day cognitive functions and social interaction.

Does the human brain have latent savant-like abilities? Does our higher cognitive functions somehow block these abilities, and why? And can we have savant-like abilities without the accompanying autism and/or developmental disabilities?

One intriguing study by Dr. Allan Snyder of the Centre for the Mind suggested that temporarily impairing the left fronto-temporal lobe in healthy subjects by low-frequency magnetic pulses could result in savant-like mental abilities (see, for example: article in New York Times "Savant for a Day")

Most savants are born with their abilities (and unfortunately, their developmental disorders), but not all: severe brain injuries can, in very rare instances, cause savant-like abilities to surface (see, for example: The Case of the "Sudden" Savant). One noted savant (Daniel Tammet, see below) is a highly functioning autistic savant who can perform amazing mental feats but does not have significant developmental disabilities.

There are a few savants in the world (called "prodigious savants") whose abilities are so exceptional that they would've been classified as phenomenal with or without cognitive disabilities. Let's take a look at 10 savants with superhuman mental skills...


Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Neuroscience of Spying

By Jonathan M. Gitlin

Intelligence gathering is neither straightforward nor foolproof. The intelligence community's abject failure when it came to the matter of Iraq and WMDs illustrates that point rather effectively, as does the failure to anticipate the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as well as the USSR's wild goose chase over Able Archer 83.

When we think of the application of science to the intelligence gathering world, it's usually something like spy satellites or listening devices, but the US intelligence community needs to pay more heed to the world of the neurosciences, according to a new report from the National Research Council.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

At Last! Create Your Own Mind Movies

By Ryan Higgins / Creator of Mind Movies

This has been a pretty crazy couple of weeks.

The Mind Movie people have given away a ton of stuff, including six premade mind movies that people have been grabbing in astounding numbers.

I’ve been swamped with emails asking questions, and raves about the results people are getting, just with the "premades", which is totally awesome in itself.

Now today the website is finally open, and they've thrown in $2,231 worth of fabulous bonuses, AND everything you need to make Mind Movies that fit perfectly for YOU… that’s like having a golden ticket to the rest of your life.

Get the Mind Movies Creation Kit here...

But hurry because there’s a slight problem…

The Mind Movies Creation Kit is a REAL product they ship to your door. They’re giving you an instant download too, but fact is, there are DVD’s and CD’s you get too.

And frankly, these folks hugely UNDER estimated the response they’d get when they started giving away premade mind movies.

So they’re sweating it out, because there is a very good possibility they could sell out in the first few days.

If for some strange reason you’re still undecided, check out all the extras you’re going to get with your Mind Movie Creation Kit.

Click here to create your own Mind Movies...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Mind Drugs Will Be Weapons in Future Wars

By Jon Swaine / Source: The Telegraph

Future wars could see opponents attacking each other's minds, according to a report for the US military.

Landmines releasing brain-altering chemicals, scanners reading soldiers' minds and devices boosting eyesight and hearing could all one figure in arsenals, suggests the study.

Sophisticated drugs, designed for dementia patients but also allowing troops to stay awake and alert for several days are expected to be developed, according to the report. It is thought that some US soldiers are already taking drugs prescribed for narcolepsy in an attempt to combat fatigue.

As well as those physically and mentally boosting one's own troops, substances could also be developed to deplete an opponents' forces, it says.

"How can we disrupt the enemy's motivation to fight?" It asks. "Is there a way to make the enemy obey our commands?" Research shows that "drugs can be utilized to achieve abnormal, diseased, or disordered psychology" among one's enemy, it concludes.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Astonishing Creative Power of Sound

By Alex Goumakos / Source: Mind Power Soundcapes

The other day while driving home from a ‘challenging’ business meeting, I heard a song on the radio which instantly took me back to another time and place.

The tune playing on the radio was my high school prom song and the moment it began, my mind shifted gears and I immediately let go of all the stress and tension I was feeling.

I started thinking about my lovely prom date and how beautiful she looked in her prom gown.

I easily recalled, with amazing clarity, the magnificent sunny day of the prom, the shiny, freshly waxed car we drove in, and especially the captivating scent of my girlfriend’s perfume.

Problems? What problems? I was in a whole new frame of mind and relishing every moment of it.

Although the event happened over 26 years ago, in my minds eye I remembered everything as if it all happened yesterday.

To say that I was overcome by strong emotional feelings, would be an understatement. That prom was one of the many wonderful experiences I had during my teenage years. It always makes me happy to think about it.

And here’s an important lesson: Success demands a high level of emotional well-being day in and day out. In order to maintain that high level, it’s critical that you leverage any success or personal accomplishment that you’ve had in the past. Think about them. Relish them. And USE those feelings as often as you can in your current undertakings.


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Supernatural Science: Why We Want to Believe

By Robert Roy Britt / Source: MSNBC

Monsters are everywhere these days, and belief in them is as strong as ever. What's harder to believe is why so many people buy into hazy evidence, shady schemes and downright false reports that perpetuate myths that often have just one ultimate truth: They put money in the pockets of their purveyors.

The bottom line, according to several interviews with people who study these things: People want to believe, and most simply can't help it.

"Many people quite simply just want to believe," said Brian Cronk, a professor of psychology at Missouri Western State University. "The human brain is always trying to determine why things happen, and when the reason is not clear, we tend to make up some pretty bizarre explanations."