By Morry Zelcovitch
Creator of Quantum Mind Power
The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the world of brainwave entrainment (BWE) and its incredible benefits and effects.
Much of what is currently written about brainwave entrainment (especially on the internet) is just plain wrong and after personally analyzing much of what is out there it became apparent to me that there was a need for people to know the truth and not the marketing hype. Its truly amazing how so many so called experts out there tell us things as if they new what they were talking about. This articles intension is to give people a clear look at BWE and its value to us all.
Entrainment is a term borrowed from physics which simply means the tendency for two vibrating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. For example, one tuning fork when struck and placed next to another tuning fork will cause the second one to vibrate at the same frequency.
What if this same phenomenon could be repeated in training the brain to lock into the vibrations of an outside stimulus? Many scientific studies have shown that this is in fact possible. For centuries people have been using outside rhythmic stimulus in the form of drumbeats, chants and singing to induce various feelings.
When the brain is stimulated with pulsed sounds (neuro-electrical activity via the nerves originating from the ears), the overall activity of the brain will respond to and align with these pulses. By selecting the desired rate, the brain via the frequency following response (entrainment) can be naturally induced towards the selected brainwave state.
The applications for this technology are unlimited. Stimulation in the theta range appears to be a beneficial approach to accelerated learning. Research also indicates that using BWE in the alpha brainwave range may result in benefits similarly found with Zen or Transcendental Meditation.
These benefits extend throughout the body including improved breathing patterns and higher physical energy levels, not to mention an improved outlook, better performance in both sports and career, improved relationships and increased workplace satisfaction. Recently, many studies have shown that the use of guided imagery while in altered states of consciousness can be a very effective stimulant in psycho immunology, corporate performance and sports enhancement.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
The World's Largest Manifestation Portal
My good friends Barry Goss and Heather Vale over at the Manifestation Portal have slashed the price in half for the next three days, so now is a great time to check out the massive library of wisdom which they have to offer you.
This is the world's first, and still largest, Multimedia Manifestation Portal which hands you the deepest, darkest, nitty-gritty secrets of the world's greatest manifesting masters.

If you've been searching for a one-stop-self-growth vault for getting you the inner-world makeover you need so you can turn whatever you want into personal reality,this is it.
And here's the best part... for the next 3 days, until October 31, Barry and Heather are offering access to the Manifestation Portal at less than half the regular price (save 55%).
This is the world's first, and still largest, Multimedia Manifestation Portal which hands you the deepest, darkest, nitty-gritty secrets of the world's greatest manifesting masters.
If you've been searching for a one-stop-self-growth vault for getting you the inner-world makeover you need so you can turn whatever you want into personal reality,this is it.
And here's the best part... for the next 3 days, until October 31, Barry and Heather are offering access to the Manifestation Portal at less than half the regular price (save 55%).
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Future of Science: We Will Have the Power of Gods
By Roger Highfield
Source: The Telegraph
Just before Sir Isaac Newton died, he described how humbled he felt by the thought that he had glimpsed only a fraction of the potential of the great scientific revolution he had helped to launch: "I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
Three centuries later, that great ocean of truth is not so mysterious. According to the theoretical physicist Professor Michio Kaku of the City College of New York, we are entering an empowered new era: "We have unlocked the secrets of matter. We have unravelled the molecule of life, DNA. And we have created a form of artificial intelligence, the computer. We are making the historic transition from the age of scientific discovery to the age of scientific mastery in which we will be able to manipulate and mould nature almost to our wishes."
Among the technologies he believes will change our lives in the coming decades are cars that drive themselves, lab-grown human organs, 3D television, robots that can perform household tasks, eye glasses that double as home-entertainment centres, the exploitation of genes that alter human ageing and the possibility of invisibility and forms of teleportation.
"We will have the power to animate the inanimate, the power to create life itself," says Prof Kaku. "We will have the power of gods. But will we also have the wisdom of Solomon?"
In a new BBC4 series called Visions of the Future, Prof Kaku talks to today's pioneers about how we are moving from being passive observers of nature to its choreographers. Here are their remarkable speculations about how the scientific and technological revolution will transform life and society in the 21st century.
Source: The Telegraph
Just before Sir Isaac Newton died, he described how humbled he felt by the thought that he had glimpsed only a fraction of the potential of the great scientific revolution he had helped to launch: "I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."
Three centuries later, that great ocean of truth is not so mysterious. According to the theoretical physicist Professor Michio Kaku of the City College of New York, we are entering an empowered new era: "We have unlocked the secrets of matter. We have unravelled the molecule of life, DNA. And we have created a form of artificial intelligence, the computer. We are making the historic transition from the age of scientific discovery to the age of scientific mastery in which we will be able to manipulate and mould nature almost to our wishes."
Among the technologies he believes will change our lives in the coming decades are cars that drive themselves, lab-grown human organs, 3D television, robots that can perform household tasks, eye glasses that double as home-entertainment centres, the exploitation of genes that alter human ageing and the possibility of invisibility and forms of teleportation.
"We will have the power to animate the inanimate, the power to create life itself," says Prof Kaku. "We will have the power of gods. But will we also have the wisdom of Solomon?"
In a new BBC4 series called Visions of the Future, Prof Kaku talks to today's pioneers about how we are moving from being passive observers of nature to its choreographers. Here are their remarkable speculations about how the scientific and technological revolution will transform life and society in the 21st century.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
How to Live Forever (or at least to 100)
By Jason Wilson
The Mediterranean island of Sardinia is dotted with prehistoric stone ruins called nuraghi. Little is known about the nuraghi, or the ancient people who built them, except that they predate the earliest invaders to Sardinia, the Phoenicians, who arrived here about 9,000 years ago.
I passed a number of nuraghi as I drove up into the island’s interior through mountains of limestone and granite, on a terrifying road, into a region called the Ogliastra. It’s never been an easy ramble into Sardinia’s mountains. Neither the Phoenicians nor any of other invaders who came to Sardinia later — Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Carthaginians, Arabs, Genoese, Catalans — were ever able to the penetrate them.
The villages of Ogliastra have had very little contact with the outside world since about the 11th century. Even now, the region is considered by many to be a wild, dangerous place and travelers like me are regularly warned about bandits and kidnappers.
Ignoring those overheated warnings, I traveled into the Ogliastra anyway. I’d been sent into the wild interior of Sardinia on assignment by AARP Magazine. Researchers had recently documented an abnormal cluster of modern-day Methuselahs residing here. At least one man in this region lived to 112 and, until his death, was the oldest man in the world. And there were many other centenarians living in isolated Ogliastra villages.
Basically, my AARP assignment called for me to barge in on very old Sardinians and ask: How can our readers, too, live such a long life?
The Mediterranean island of Sardinia is dotted with prehistoric stone ruins called nuraghi. Little is known about the nuraghi, or the ancient people who built them, except that they predate the earliest invaders to Sardinia, the Phoenicians, who arrived here about 9,000 years ago.
I passed a number of nuraghi as I drove up into the island’s interior through mountains of limestone and granite, on a terrifying road, into a region called the Ogliastra. It’s never been an easy ramble into Sardinia’s mountains. Neither the Phoenicians nor any of other invaders who came to Sardinia later — Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Carthaginians, Arabs, Genoese, Catalans — were ever able to the penetrate them.
The villages of Ogliastra have had very little contact with the outside world since about the 11th century. Even now, the region is considered by many to be a wild, dangerous place and travelers like me are regularly warned about bandits and kidnappers.
Ignoring those overheated warnings, I traveled into the Ogliastra anyway. I’d been sent into the wild interior of Sardinia on assignment by AARP Magazine. Researchers had recently documented an abnormal cluster of modern-day Methuselahs residing here. At least one man in this region lived to 112 and, until his death, was the oldest man in the world. And there were many other centenarians living in isolated Ogliastra villages.
Basically, my AARP assignment called for me to barge in on very old Sardinians and ask: How can our readers, too, live such a long life?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Optimism Won't Cure Cancer
Source: BBC Health
The power of the mind has been overestimated when it comes to fighting cancer, US scientists say.
They said they found that a patient's positive or negative emotional state had no direct bearing on cancer survival or disease progression.
The University of Pennsylvania team followed more than 1,000 patients with head and neck cancer.
But experts said the Cancer journal study should not deter people from adopting a "fighting spirit".
Indeed, a positive outlook can help patients cope with gruelling cancer therapies and resume a "normal" life, a spokeswoman for Macmillan Cancer Support said.
The power of the mind has been overestimated when it comes to fighting cancer, US scientists say.
They said they found that a patient's positive or negative emotional state had no direct bearing on cancer survival or disease progression.
The University of Pennsylvania team followed more than 1,000 patients with head and neck cancer.
But experts said the Cancer journal study should not deter people from adopting a "fighting spirit".
Indeed, a positive outlook can help patients cope with gruelling cancer therapies and resume a "normal" life, a spokeswoman for Macmillan Cancer Support said.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Life's Top 5 Illusions
By Barry Goss,
Creator of The Manifestation Portal
WARNING: These new paradigms may well be somewhat controversial, or even, dare I say it, shocking to your system of thought; but I did not invent these visionary views of life. But, only through intense gut-level questioning and critical-thinking, come to understand that it is the knowledge and brief understanding of these that will either cause you to throw-up or wave on the unpalatable taste of more good medicine. You’ll either be moved to ‘consume’ something sweet, easy, mundane and valueless, like a newspaper, magazine, or cheap novel or you’ll continue to take the good medicine knowing that your mind viruses will eventually cure themselves from the insideout.
Illusion #1: God is a personality
God is a personality - an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits "up there" watching our every move.
My New Paradigm: Like the electrical source from an outlet, God is formless, infinite, nonlinear, as well as unperceivable. God is that First Force that expressed Itself as and through you, as and through me, as and through All Things everywhere.
Creator of The Manifestation Portal
WARNING: These new paradigms may well be somewhat controversial, or even, dare I say it, shocking to your system of thought; but I did not invent these visionary views of life. But, only through intense gut-level questioning and critical-thinking, come to understand that it is the knowledge and brief understanding of these that will either cause you to throw-up or wave on the unpalatable taste of more good medicine. You’ll either be moved to ‘consume’ something sweet, easy, mundane and valueless, like a newspaper, magazine, or cheap novel or you’ll continue to take the good medicine knowing that your mind viruses will eventually cure themselves from the insideout.
Illusion #1: God is a personality
God is a personality - an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits "up there" watching our every move.
My New Paradigm: Like the electrical source from an outlet, God is formless, infinite, nonlinear, as well as unperceivable. God is that First Force that expressed Itself as and through you, as and through me, as and through All Things everywhere.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Top 10 Bizarre Mental Disorders
Source: The List Universe
Mental disorders effect millions of people in the world and can lead to years of psychotherapy. In some cases, the psychological problem suffered is extremely rare or bizarre. This is a list of the ten most bizarre mental disorders.
10. Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or even voluntary compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in which the hostage has been placed. The syndrome is also discussed in other cases, including those of wife-beating, rape and child abuse.
The syndrome is named after a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28 in 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal, refusing to testify against them. Later, after the gang were tried and sentenced to jail, one of them married a woman who had been his hostage.
A famous example of Stockholm syndrome is the story of Patty Hearst, a millionaire’s daughter who was kidnapped in 1974, seemed to develop sympathy with her captors, and later took part in a robbery they were orchestrating.
Mental disorders effect millions of people in the world and can lead to years of psychotherapy. In some cases, the psychological problem suffered is extremely rare or bizarre. This is a list of the ten most bizarre mental disorders.
10. Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or even voluntary compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in which the hostage has been placed. The syndrome is also discussed in other cases, including those of wife-beating, rape and child abuse.
The syndrome is named after a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28 in 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal, refusing to testify against them. Later, after the gang were tried and sentenced to jail, one of them married a woman who had been his hostage.
A famous example of Stockholm syndrome is the story of Patty Hearst, a millionaire’s daughter who was kidnapped in 1974, seemed to develop sympathy with her captors, and later took part in a robbery they were orchestrating.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Spiritual Brain
The new issue of Mind Power News is now available to be read at
This Week:
--> The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul
--> Genome Scientist Peers into the Mind of God
--> Karma of the Brain: Why Good Things Happen to Good People
--> Scientist Claims Proof of Afterlife
And much more...
This Week:
--> The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul
--> Genome Scientist Peers into the Mind of God
--> Karma of the Brain: Why Good Things Happen to Good People
--> Scientist Claims Proof of Afterlife
And much more...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Scientist Claims Proof Of Afterlife
What happens after we die -- do we continue on or is this life the end?
Many of us hope there is an afterlife, and now some Arizona scientists say they have proof through their afterlife experiments.
There are many people who say they have died and come back to life. They claim to have experienced an afterlife, even if for only a short time.
Scientists at The University of Arizona have done extensive research, and say that they have the proof that when we die we continue to live beyond our physical bodies.
"Almost anyone who sees the data says there's something real here," said one of the researchers.
What happens after we die -- do we continue on or is this life the end?
Many of us hope there is an afterlife, and now some Arizona scientists say they have proof through their afterlife experiments.
There are many people who say they have died and come back to life. They claim to have experienced an afterlife, even if for only a short time.
Scientists at The University of Arizona have done extensive research, and say that they have the proof that when we die we continue to live beyond our physical bodies.
"Almost anyone who sees the data says there's something real here," said one of the researchers.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
State of the Future: The World is Getting Better
By Stephen Moore
Source: The Wall Street Journal
I'm old enough to recall the days in the late 1960s when people wore those trendy buttons that read: "Stop the Planet I Want to Get Off." And I will never forget that era's "educational" films of what life would be like in the year 2000. Played on clanky 16-millimeter projectors, they showed images of people walking down the streets of Manhattan with masks on, so they could avoid breathing the poison gases our industrial society was spewing.
The future seemed mighty bleak back then, and you merely had to open the newspapers for the latest story confirming how the human species was speeding down a congested highway to extinction.
A group of scientists calling themselves the Club of Rome issued a report called "Limits to Growth." It explained that lifeboat Earth had become so weighed down with humans that we were running out of food, minerals, forests, water, energy and just about everything else that we need for survival.
Paul Ehrlich's best-selling book "The Population Bomb" (1968) gave England a 50-50 chance of surviving into the 21st century. In 1980, Jimmy Carter released the "Global 2000 Report," which declared that life on Earth was getting worse in every measurable way.
So imagine how shocked I was to learn, officially, that we're not doomed after all. A new United Nations report called "State of the Future" concludes: "People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, more connected, and they are living longer."
Source: The Wall Street Journal
I'm old enough to recall the days in the late 1960s when people wore those trendy buttons that read: "Stop the Planet I Want to Get Off." And I will never forget that era's "educational" films of what life would be like in the year 2000. Played on clanky 16-millimeter projectors, they showed images of people walking down the streets of Manhattan with masks on, so they could avoid breathing the poison gases our industrial society was spewing.
The future seemed mighty bleak back then, and you merely had to open the newspapers for the latest story confirming how the human species was speeding down a congested highway to extinction.
A group of scientists calling themselves the Club of Rome issued a report called "Limits to Growth." It explained that lifeboat Earth had become so weighed down with humans that we were running out of food, minerals, forests, water, energy and just about everything else that we need for survival.
Paul Ehrlich's best-selling book "The Population Bomb" (1968) gave England a 50-50 chance of surviving into the 21st century. In 1980, Jimmy Carter released the "Global 2000 Report," which declared that life on Earth was getting worse in every measurable way.
So imagine how shocked I was to learn, officially, that we're not doomed after all. A new United Nations report called "State of the Future" concludes: "People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, more connected, and they are living longer."
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sex and Marriage with Robots by 2050
By Charles Q. Choi,
Special to LiveScience
Humans could marry robots within the century. And consummate those vows.
"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience. Levy recently completed his Ph.D. work on the subject of human-robot relationships, covering many of the privileges and practices that generally come with marriage as well as outside of it.
At first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, "but once you have a story like 'I had sex with a robot, and it was great!' appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I'd expect many people to jump on the bandwagon," Levy said.
Special to LiveScience
Humans could marry robots within the century. And consummate those vows.
"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience. Levy recently completed his Ph.D. work on the subject of human-robot relationships, covering many of the privileges and practices that generally come with marriage as well as outside of it.
At first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, "but once you have a story like 'I had sex with a robot, and it was great!' appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I'd expect many people to jump on the bandwagon," Levy said.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Why Are Men Happier Than Women?
By David Leonhardt
Source: New York Times
Last year, a team of researchers added a novel twist to something known as a time-use survey. Instead of simply asking people what they had done over the course of their day, as pollsters have been doing since the 1960s, the researchers also asked how people felt during each activity. Were they happy? Interested? Tired? Stressed?
Not surprisingly, men and women often gave similar answers about what they liked to do (hanging out with friends) and didn’t like (paying bills). But there were also a number of activities that produced very different reactions from the two sexes — and one of them really stands out: Men apparently enjoy being with their parents, while women find time with their mom and dad to be slightly less pleasant than doing laundry.
Alan Krueger, a Princeton economist working with four psychologists on the time-use research team, figures that there is a simple explanation for the difference. For a woman, time with her parents often resembles work, whether it’s helping them pay bills or plan a family gathering. “For men, it tends to be sitting on the sofa and watching football with their dad,” said Mr. Krueger, who, when not crunching data, enjoys watching the New York Giants with his father.
This intriguing — if unsettling — finding is part of a larger story: there appears to be a growing happiness gap between men and women.
Source: New York Times
Last year, a team of researchers added a novel twist to something known as a time-use survey. Instead of simply asking people what they had done over the course of their day, as pollsters have been doing since the 1960s, the researchers also asked how people felt during each activity. Were they happy? Interested? Tired? Stressed?
Not surprisingly, men and women often gave similar answers about what they liked to do (hanging out with friends) and didn’t like (paying bills). But there were also a number of activities that produced very different reactions from the two sexes — and one of them really stands out: Men apparently enjoy being with their parents, while women find time with their mom and dad to be slightly less pleasant than doing laundry.
Alan Krueger, a Princeton economist working with four psychologists on the time-use research team, figures that there is a simple explanation for the difference. For a woman, time with her parents often resembles work, whether it’s helping them pay bills or plan a family gathering. “For men, it tends to be sitting on the sofa and watching football with their dad,” said Mr. Krueger, who, when not crunching data, enjoys watching the New York Giants with his father.
This intriguing — if unsettling — finding is part of a larger story: there appears to be a growing happiness gap between men and women.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Top 10 Brain Teasers
Source: The Link Universe
Brain teasers are a good way to improve your mind and have some fun at the same time. They usually require lateral thinking and patience. This is a list of my favorite 10 brain teasers.
1. The Firing Squad
Pirate Pete had been captured by a Spanish general and sentenced to death by his 50-man firing squad.
Pete cringed, as he knew their reputation for being the worst firing squad in the Spanish military. They were such bad shots that they would often all miss their targets and simply maim their victims, leaving them to bleed to death, as the general’s tradition was to only allow one shot per man to save on ammunition. The thought of a slow painful death made Pete beg for mercy.
“Very well, I have some compassion. You may choose where the men stand when they shoot you and I will add 50 extra men to the squad to ensure someone will at least hit you. Perhaps if they stand closer they will kill you quicker, if you’re lucky,” snickered the general. “Oh, and just so you don’t get any funny ideas, they can’t stand more than 20 ft away, they must be facing you, and you must remain tied to the post in the middle of the yard. And to show I’m not totally heartless, if you aren’t dead by sundown I’ll release you so you can die peacefully outside the compound. I must go now but will return tomorrow and see to it that you are buried in a nice spot, though with 100 men, I doubt there will be much left of you to bury.”
After giving his instructions the general left. Upon his return the next day, he found that Pete had been set free alive and well. “How could this be?” demanded the general. “It was where Pete had us stand,” explained the captain of the squad.
Where did Pete tell them to stand?
Brain teasers are a good way to improve your mind and have some fun at the same time. They usually require lateral thinking and patience. This is a list of my favorite 10 brain teasers.
1. The Firing Squad
Pirate Pete had been captured by a Spanish general and sentenced to death by his 50-man firing squad.
Pete cringed, as he knew their reputation for being the worst firing squad in the Spanish military. They were such bad shots that they would often all miss their targets and simply maim their victims, leaving them to bleed to death, as the general’s tradition was to only allow one shot per man to save on ammunition. The thought of a slow painful death made Pete beg for mercy.
“Very well, I have some compassion. You may choose where the men stand when they shoot you and I will add 50 extra men to the squad to ensure someone will at least hit you. Perhaps if they stand closer they will kill you quicker, if you’re lucky,” snickered the general. “Oh, and just so you don’t get any funny ideas, they can’t stand more than 20 ft away, they must be facing you, and you must remain tied to the post in the middle of the yard. And to show I’m not totally heartless, if you aren’t dead by sundown I’ll release you so you can die peacefully outside the compound. I must go now but will return tomorrow and see to it that you are buried in a nice spot, though with 100 men, I doubt there will be much left of you to bury.”
After giving his instructions the general left. Upon his return the next day, he found that Pete had been set free alive and well. “How could this be?” demanded the general. “It was where Pete had us stand,” explained the captain of the squad.
Where did Pete tell them to stand?
Monday, October 01, 2007
The Good and Evil of Mind Control
The new issue of Mind Power News is now available to be read at
This Week:
--> The Future of Mind-Control Weapons
--> How to Escape Mind Control
--> Is All Mind Control Evil?
--> How to Profit from Non-Conformity
And much more...
This Week:
--> The Future of Mind-Control Weapons
--> How to Escape Mind Control
--> Is All Mind Control Evil?
--> How to Profit from Non-Conformity
And much more...
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