By Michael Hanlon
Author of 10 Questions Science Can't Answer (Yet)
Put yourself in the shoes of our ancestors, 3,000 years ago, and look around you. Raise your eyes towards that big, bright disc in the sky which goes up and down, once a day.
What is it, what causes it to shine? No idea. No idea what goes on inside the body, either.
Our forebears' ignorance was profound. Today, of course, we know what the sun is, and exactly how our bodies work. Science seems to have answered all the big questions.
And yet, maybe we shouldn't be so cocky. For just as we have solved a hundred riddles about the natural world, so a thousand more have come to take their place.
That is why, in a new book, I argue that though many scientists think we are on the verge of knowing everything, they are wrong.
Here are some of the most intriguing questions science has not yet answered or, in some cases, even really addressed.
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Mental Matrix of Reality
By Enoch Tan
Author of Manifestation Keys
Some people think that the physical universe is different from the mental planes of reality. But the physical universe is really not as physical as it seems. In fact, it is just another layer of the mental universe. Time and space does not exist in the physical universe only, it also does exist on the other planes of reality. Except it is experienced differently on those planes.
The entire universe is a hologram. The world is simply a simulation, like a computer program. All levels of reality are part of that same program. Everything physical is only a concept in the mind of God. As he imagines it to be, we experience it to be. Reality is a mental construct. The rules of physics are just there to “govern” how the physical universe operates. The universal mind which governs the laws of the physical universe only allows it them to be superceded when it permits.
We are living in the matrix. This is not a computer generated but a mind generated world. It is generated by the universal mind which is partly the mind of God and partly the collective consciousness of the people alive.
Author of Manifestation Keys
Some people think that the physical universe is different from the mental planes of reality. But the physical universe is really not as physical as it seems. In fact, it is just another layer of the mental universe. Time and space does not exist in the physical universe only, it also does exist on the other planes of reality. Except it is experienced differently on those planes.
The entire universe is a hologram. The world is simply a simulation, like a computer program. All levels of reality are part of that same program. Everything physical is only a concept in the mind of God. As he imagines it to be, we experience it to be. Reality is a mental construct. The rules of physics are just there to “govern” how the physical universe operates. The universal mind which governs the laws of the physical universe only allows it them to be superceded when it permits.
We are living in the matrix. This is not a computer generated but a mind generated world. It is generated by the universal mind which is partly the mind of God and partly the collective consciousness of the people alive.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Is the Universe More Like a Dream or a Computer?
The new issue of Mind Power News is now available to be read
This Week:
--> Is the Universe Dreaming Itself?
--> Is the Universe a Massive Supercomputer?
--> The New Science of Consciousness
--> How to Be Happy Right Now
--> The 8 Mistakes Most Insomniacs Make
--> Is the Universe Dreaming Itself?
--> Is the Universe a Massive Supercomputer?
--> The New Science of Consciousness
--> How to Be Happy Right Now
--> The 8 Mistakes Most Insomniacs Make
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Big Secret to Wealth
By Tom Pauley
Co-Author of I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams...
Today I want to tell you the BIG SECRET!
What is the one thing that determines whether you live a rich, successful life?
Is it the school you went to? Well, there are a lot of doctors, lawyers and top-tier MBA's wishing that were true. Is it whether your parents were rich or poor? The history of the world is told, it seems, by those bold and daring folks that came from humble beginnings to make a rich and lasting contribution to the wealth of humanity.
Is it what country, station, race, gender or religion you were born to? Gandhi, George Washington Carver, Carrie Nation, Sam Walton, even the Beatles testify to the folly of such thinking.
The big secret to wealth is and always has been very simple. So simple in fact that we have for centuries ignored its effectiveness. And when you hear it now, you may be tempted to discount it as a homily or even a remnant of religious thinking.
The truth is we use this secret in a very specific and systematic way to become Rich Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. And you can too.
Ask and Receive.
That's the big secret. You can have anything you want, all you have to do is ask correctly and be willing to receive. It took my family from a 2nd personal bankruptcy to a rich and happy life.
Regardless of where you start, the simple system we teach can help you live the life of your dreams.
Good Luck and Great Adventures,
Free 5-lesson course reveals the simple, yet powerful truth anyone can use to become “Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams”. It’s easy!
Co-Author of I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams...
Today I want to tell you the BIG SECRET!
What is the one thing that determines whether you live a rich, successful life?
Is it the school you went to? Well, there are a lot of doctors, lawyers and top-tier MBA's wishing that were true. Is it whether your parents were rich or poor? The history of the world is told, it seems, by those bold and daring folks that came from humble beginnings to make a rich and lasting contribution to the wealth of humanity.
Is it what country, station, race, gender or religion you were born to? Gandhi, George Washington Carver, Carrie Nation, Sam Walton, even the Beatles testify to the folly of such thinking.
The big secret to wealth is and always has been very simple. So simple in fact that we have for centuries ignored its effectiveness. And when you hear it now, you may be tempted to discount it as a homily or even a remnant of religious thinking.
The truth is we use this secret in a very specific and systematic way to become Rich Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. And you can too.
Ask and Receive.
That's the big secret. You can have anything you want, all you have to do is ask correctly and be willing to receive. It took my family from a 2nd personal bankruptcy to a rich and happy life.
Regardless of where you start, the simple system we teach can help you live the life of your dreams.
Good Luck and Great Adventures,
Free 5-lesson course reveals the simple, yet powerful truth anyone can use to become “Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams”. It’s easy!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It's Harder to Tell a Lie Backwards
By Michael Horsnell
Source: Times Online
Gene Hunt, the copper from the TV series Life on Mars who batters crooks into submission in the interview room, may not approve. But a cunning new method of dragging the truth from criminals may be on the horizon, thanks to research by university psychologists.
Researchers from the University of Portsmouth claim that the best way to spot a lie is to make the suspect repeat his or her version of events in reverse order.
In a £136,000 project, the researchers worked on the theory that it takes more effort to make up a story than it does to tell the truth. A subject asked to repeat a concocted series of events in reverse order would be under too much of a strain, they claimed, and would make mistakes.
Detectives use many psychological tricks to trip up liars. These betray obvious signals from shifting uncomfortably in a seat, through stumbling over words to failing to make eye contact.
Source: Times Online
Gene Hunt, the copper from the TV series Life on Mars who batters crooks into submission in the interview room, may not approve. But a cunning new method of dragging the truth from criminals may be on the horizon, thanks to research by university psychologists.
Researchers from the University of Portsmouth claim that the best way to spot a lie is to make the suspect repeat his or her version of events in reverse order.
In a £136,000 project, the researchers worked on the theory that it takes more effort to make up a story than it does to tell the truth. A subject asked to repeat a concocted series of events in reverse order would be under too much of a strain, they claimed, and would make mistakes.
Detectives use many psychological tricks to trip up liars. These betray obvious signals from shifting uncomfortably in a seat, through stumbling over words to failing to make eye contact.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Forgetfulness Helps the Brain
SOURCE: New Scientist
A note to the forgetful: be thankful you don’t remember everything. It means your brain is working properly.
According to a new study, the brain only chooses to remember memories it thinks are most relevant, and actively suppresses those that are similar but less used, helping to lessen the cognitive load and prevent confusion.
Brice Kuhl at Stanford University in California, US, and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the brain activity of 20 healthy adults while they performed a simple memory test. Participants were given three words pairs to memorise, including two pairs that were closely associated, as follows:
* ATTIC dust
* ATTIC junk
* MOVIE reel
After studying "ATTIC dust" a second time, subjects were asked to recall all three pairs using the first words as cues. On average, people were 15% worse at recalling "ATTIC junk" than they were at recalling the unrelated pair, "MOVIE reel".
A note to the forgetful: be thankful you don’t remember everything. It means your brain is working properly.
According to a new study, the brain only chooses to remember memories it thinks are most relevant, and actively suppresses those that are similar but less used, helping to lessen the cognitive load and prevent confusion.
Brice Kuhl at Stanford University in California, US, and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the brain activity of 20 healthy adults while they performed a simple memory test. Participants were given three words pairs to memorise, including two pairs that were closely associated, as follows:
* ATTIC dust
* ATTIC junk
* MOVIE reel
After studying "ATTIC dust" a second time, subjects were asked to recall all three pairs using the first words as cues. On average, people were 15% worse at recalling "ATTIC junk" than they were at recalling the unrelated pair, "MOVIE reel".
Brain Research Deciphers Deja Vu
By Deborah Halber,
MIT News
Neuroscientists at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT report in the June 7 early online edition of Science that they have identified for the first time a neuronal mechanism that helps us rapidly distinguish similar, yet distinct, places. The discovery helps explain the sensation of déjà vu.
The work could lead to treatments for memory-related disorders, as well as for the confusion and disorientation that plague elderly individuals who have trouble distinguishing between separate but similar places and experiences.
Forming memories of places and contexts in which episodes occur engages a part of the brain called the hippocampus. Study co-author Susumu Tonegawa, Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, and colleagues have been exploring how each of the three hippocampal subregions--the dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA3--contribute to different aspects of learning and memory.
Tonegawa, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a frequent world traveler, described his own occasional experience of finding the airport in a new city uncannily familiar. This occurs, he said, because of the similarity of the modules--gates, chairs, ticket counters--that comprise airports worldwide. It is only by seeking out unique cues that the specific airport can be identified, he said. "In this study, we have revealed that learning in the dentate gyrus is crucial in rapidly recognizing and amplifying the small differences that make each place unique," Tonegawa said.
MIT News
Neuroscientists at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT report in the June 7 early online edition of Science that they have identified for the first time a neuronal mechanism that helps us rapidly distinguish similar, yet distinct, places. The discovery helps explain the sensation of déjà vu.
The work could lead to treatments for memory-related disorders, as well as for the confusion and disorientation that plague elderly individuals who have trouble distinguishing between separate but similar places and experiences.
Forming memories of places and contexts in which episodes occur engages a part of the brain called the hippocampus. Study co-author Susumu Tonegawa, Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, and colleagues have been exploring how each of the three hippocampal subregions--the dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA3--contribute to different aspects of learning and memory.
Tonegawa, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a frequent world traveler, described his own occasional experience of finding the airport in a new city uncannily familiar. This occurs, he said, because of the similarity of the modules--gates, chairs, ticket counters--that comprise airports worldwide. It is only by seeking out unique cues that the specific airport can be identified, he said. "In this study, we have revealed that learning in the dentate gyrus is crucial in rapidly recognizing and amplifying the small differences that make each place unique," Tonegawa said.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Mind Control 101: How To Influence the Thoughts and Actions of Others Without Them Knowing or Caring
Notice that I said 'book', not 'ebook'. This is a perfect-bound paperback book that will be shipped to you.
You can take this book anywhere you want to read - to the couch, the park, on the bus, while you're waiting for a plane, anywhere.
The book is "Mind Control 101 - How To Influence the Thoughts and Actions of Others Without Them Knowing or Caring" by JK Ellis.
JK has sent me a review copy of his book, and I have to say that it's a truly amazing book. Anyone can read through this book and be an expert at influencing the thoughts and actions of others, almost immediately.
Learn more here...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The Power of Your Mind in the Fight Against Aging
By Steve G. Jones
Better Living With Hypnosis
Time stands still for no one. That doesn't mean we have to let time take its toll on us. The mind and body are too important to let be controlled by chronological aging when much of how our bodies age is within our control. Hypnosis has several approaches to helping slow the affects of aging.
Keeping A Young Attitude
You are only as old as you feel when you have learned to think young. Hypnosis helps you maintain the same kinds of ambition, creativity and zest for life that you had in your early 20s no matter how many birthdays you have celebrated. Through a process of relaxation and then suggestion, hypnosis is able to create strong mental images of vitality both physically and mentally. Be Young At Heart is a new self hypnosis program designed to focus your thoughts so that you come to think and behave as you did when you were in your prime.
Staying Physically Young
Physical limitations can often impact our mental image of ourselves and how young we think and act. By maintaining strong physical health, such as exercising daily, eating right and keeping your immune system strong, you will feel physically well and young. The mental and the physical sides of your health will support each other in feeling younger. Hypnosis can improve your resolve and desire to exercise and boost your immune system too.
Relate As the Young
It is never too late to enjoy love and passion in your life. If you are older and single, the fear of a new relationship may be keeping you from enjoying the company and intimacy all people need. Hypnosis can help you overcome self-confidence issues, the fear of intimacy or rejection or the obstacles that are standing in the way of making that first move.
As good information about health and nutrition are reaching the masses along with medical advances people are living strong, vital lives well into their 90s. Being young at heart is as important as staying physically strong to get the most out of life at any age. Hypnosis provides the tools to overcome anything standing in the way of a youthful approach to aging.
Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best.
Learn more at Better Living With Hypnosis
Better Living With Hypnosis
Time stands still for no one. That doesn't mean we have to let time take its toll on us. The mind and body are too important to let be controlled by chronological aging when much of how our bodies age is within our control. Hypnosis has several approaches to helping slow the affects of aging.
Keeping A Young Attitude
You are only as old as you feel when you have learned to think young. Hypnosis helps you maintain the same kinds of ambition, creativity and zest for life that you had in your early 20s no matter how many birthdays you have celebrated. Through a process of relaxation and then suggestion, hypnosis is able to create strong mental images of vitality both physically and mentally. Be Young At Heart is a new self hypnosis program designed to focus your thoughts so that you come to think and behave as you did when you were in your prime.
Staying Physically Young
Physical limitations can often impact our mental image of ourselves and how young we think and act. By maintaining strong physical health, such as exercising daily, eating right and keeping your immune system strong, you will feel physically well and young. The mental and the physical sides of your health will support each other in feeling younger. Hypnosis can improve your resolve and desire to exercise and boost your immune system too.
Relate As the Young
It is never too late to enjoy love and passion in your life. If you are older and single, the fear of a new relationship may be keeping you from enjoying the company and intimacy all people need. Hypnosis can help you overcome self-confidence issues, the fear of intimacy or rejection or the obstacles that are standing in the way of making that first move.
As good information about health and nutrition are reaching the masses along with medical advances people are living strong, vital lives well into their 90s. Being young at heart is as important as staying physically strong to get the most out of life at any age. Hypnosis provides the tools to overcome anything standing in the way of a youthful approach to aging.
Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best.
Learn more at Better Living With Hypnosis
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