Friday, June 30, 2006

Free 15-minute Brainwave Entrainment Audio

From Song Chengxiang
Creator of Quantum Mind Power

As a member of the Mind Power News community, my friend Song Chengxiang has allowed me to give you a special free gift in advance of the launch of his new Brainwave Entrainment Program.

This audio file is a a 15 minutes Brainwave Entrainment recording created using the same new technology that's used in "Quantum Mind Power" system.

Except a few test users, not a single person on the planet has ever had a chance to experience the power of this new Brainwave Entrainment technology.

You're going to be the first. Be prepared for the totally enjoyable experience by listening to this incredible recording.

Click here to grab your free audio gift.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Brain Exercises May Cure ADHD

By Andrew Alderson
The Telegraph

Prisoners have been successfully treated for the first time with a revolutionary "cure" for dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a trial that aims to stop them re-offending when they leave jail.

Inmates at Stafford prison volunteered to have "brain exercises" that were devised by a businessman, whose daughter tried to commit suicide because of the distress brought on by living with severe dyslexia.

The exercises seek to stimulate people's ability to concentrate, read and interact. The long-term aim is to make prisoners more employable after leaving jail.

Academics and the prison governor say the six-month study with robbers, fraudsters and violent criminals showed a remarkable improvement in behaviour and prisoners' ability to learn reading and other skills.

The prisoners performed two 10-minute exercises a day as part of the Dore Programme, founded by Wynford Dore. The former multi-millionaire businessman invested most of his fortune in funding a medical team to find a "cure" for ADHD after his daughter, Susie, tried to commit suicide for the third time 12 years ago. Susie, now 34, has completed the programme and now works with her father helping other dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD sufferers.

Some people in the medical world dispute the existence of ADHD and, therefore, whether it can be "cured". However, other independent experts have hailed the Dore Programme as a breakthrough. Some even believe that it could help to eradicate dyslexia in children within a decade.

In recent years, many sufferers from ADHD have been treated with drugs such as Ritalin. Mr Dore, 56, had a hunch that the root cause of the disorder was physical not educational and he says the results from treating 30,000 sufferers have proved that.

The Dore Programme seeks to treat the problem by using eye, balance and sensory exercises - including juggling and standing on one leg while throwing and catching a bean bag - to stimulate the cerebellum, a tangerine-size part of the brain that processes information.

Mr Dore financed a £250,000 trial at Stafford jail because he says up to 85 per cent of prisoners suffer from learning or attention difficulties, including ADHD. Sixteen prisoners completed the trial and 16 others were the control group.

Eighty seven per cent of prisoners reported improvements in reading, writing, memory, concentration and co-ordination. They described themselves as happier, calmer and more positive. Ninety three per cent thought that the programme should be made available in all prisons. Analysts recorded a 10 per cent improvement in "cerebellar functioning".

Louise Taylor, then the prison governor, said: "Initial results indicate that prisoners who have been motivated to do the exercises have shown improved behaviour and, in particular, have derived a greater gain than from other regime interventions such as education and offending behaviour courses. This benefits the prison and, most importantly, results in fewer potential victims in the community."

The trial has been so successful that a second one is under way on 30 young offenders in Bristol. Jeff Foreman, who is supervising the study, said he had been impressed by the improved behaviour of youngsters taking part in the study.

Mr Dore, who has set up 31 Dore Centres around the world, said he was excited by the results of the trials. "The cost of having our prisons full is massive, so anything we can do to stop people pursuing a life of crime makes economic sense," he said.

Mr Dore hopes that the Home Office will finance a bigger, longer-term study that follows inmates after they leave prison to discover whether those who have been on the programme re-offend less.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Think Away Your Pain

By Rachel Metz

Pain can be mysterious, untreatable and debilitating, and its causes can be unknown. But if you could see the pain -- or, at least, your brain's reaction to it -- you might be able to master it.

A study from researchers at Stanford University and MRI technology company Omneuron suggests that's possible, and the results could lead to better therapies for those suffering from crippling chronic pain.

The researchers asked people in pain to try to control a pain-regulating region of the brain by watching activity in that area from inside a real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, machine. Initial results showed subjects could reduce their pain, some quite dramatically.

It's the first evidence that humans can take control of a specific region of the brain, and thereby decrease pain, said Stanford professor Sean Mackey, who co-wrote the paper, which was published last week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"(Similar to) going to a gym and working muscle using weights, here we're using the real-time fMRI technology to exercise a certain brain region," he said.

Study co-leader and Omneuron CEO Christopher deCharms said for many people with chronic pain, available treatments like medication or surgery simply don't work. But this exercise, which researchers have termed "neuroimaging therapy," could one day help some of the millions of Americans who suffer from untreatable chronic pain.

In the study, eight healthy subjects who'd been subjected to a painful stimulus and eight chronic pain patients underwent a series of fMRIs. The images tracked activity in the brain's rostral anterior cingulate cortex -- an area deCharms said is related to pain. Subjects watched this area on a monitor in real time during the procedure. Prompted by researchers' suggestions of trying to lessen their own pain by ignoring it or imagining it as benign, they set out in a mental game of hot-and-cold to lessen their discomfort.

Twenty-eight healthy subjects and four pain patients were also put into control groups that tried to control pain by viewing other patients' brain data or using other mental strategies, but no fMRIs. These tactics didn't show a significant reduction in pain, deCharms said.

The pain patients reported that the fMRI helped them decrease their overall pain 64 percent. Healthy subjects said they saw a 23 percent increase in their ability to control the strength of their pain, and a 38 percent increase in their ability to master its unpleasantness.

"I think most people found it very exciting to be able to watch the activity in their own brain, moment by moment, as it took place," deCharms said.

Vera A. Gonzales, a pain psychologist in League City, Texas, said she thinks the study lends scientific data to what scientists already knew empirically -- that people can decrease their own pain by focusing on certain thoughts.

It probably also helped that subjects could watch their brain activity unfold on a screen, she said. For years, some therapy methods have allowed patients to monitor and try to control their biofeedback by concentrating on things like skin temperature and heart rate.

Mackey and deCharms cautioned it will be some time before such therapy could be available for commercial use. They're investigating the process of getting Food and Drug Administration approval, and right now they're focusing on a study to investigate the effects of long-term neuroimaging therapy, deCharms said. One day, patients may even be able to think away other problems like depression, anxiety and dyslexia.

"We don't yet have a good answer to what happens if you keep practicing and practicing," he said.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Turning Your Deepest Fears Into Gold

If you'd like to be free from the bonds of fear and mental "limitations" that keep your life stressful, dull, and boring, then you owe it to yourself to read this short article.

Because you and I are about to get down to the bottom of this whole "fear", "stress" thing...the mother of it all... lets go for it shall we?

I'm about to ask you a very wild and potentially ridiculous question, here it goes

"What IF... you found one one day, that your DEEPEST fear, wasn't a fear at all...but the KEY to your permanent freedom, peace, joy, and Abundance... and that KEY had just been disguised all your life?

What if you found one day, that all your life you've been silently sitting on a gold mine, without the slightest idea?"

Just flip the news on for 2 minutes...

If you look with your heart, you'll notice that 99% of us on this planet live in a state of constant neurotic paranoia. Fear and Anxiety.

It's what runs the whole global struggle...and also...what's been running the struggle in your life.

There's nothing wrong with bodily fear, it's simply part of human programming. When you're walking across the street and there's a big hairy guy in a truck about to run you over, fear steps in, you run, or jump out of the way.

Done Deal...(Or else...splat!)

But what about the fear in you that runs your day to day decisions, the neurotic mental fear that keeps you struggling, stressed out, that keeps your chains in place?

It manifests in your life as a never ending source of problems, frustration, suffering...laying awake in bed at night not being able to stop your mind from thinking.

There is nothing wrong with stress, fear, anxiety, or anger... These are all natural parts of being in a human body.

The trouble arises, when stress, fear, and anxiety begin to run your entire life.

Fear and Anxiety are running our whole Planet. And it's time for it to come to an end, starting with each one of us. You and I.

In just a few weeks Kacper Postawski will be hosting a very special event called "Turning Your Fears Into Gold."

At this event, you'll have the opportunity to go through a process called the "Alchemy of Fear into Gold..." during which your deepest fears are seen in the light of awareness like never before... and converted into the seeds for living your life in joy, abundance, and love.

WARNING: This powerful process isn't a "self-help walk in the park," and it's not for those faint of heart.

It is the end of all self-help.

The result this process has on your life is really unpredictable...your whole life may radically change...or, an overwhelming sense of peace and joy will flow into what your existing life situation already is.

How does it work?

There is a root fear that is rarely discussed... if ever seen. This fear is at the root of ALL your fears, at the root of that which keeps the stress and struggle in your life going, and going.

This fear, as I like to say it, is the "fire under the ass of humanity."

It's as if it's etched in the back of your brain since you were a toddler. It's always running in the background of your subconsciousness. It's the source of all your struggles, suffering and stress...


When you see it for what it truly is.

What a laugh arises!... and you are never the same. Never the same.


You can "try" to go and live your life in the "struggling, never quite satisfied, always stressed or anxious about something" way... but it's rather impossible, because the shift this begins in your life is completely irreversible.

"Turning Your Fears Into Gold' happens in July.
Click here to learn more...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Can This Man Read Your Baby's Mind?

By Fiona McCade
The Scotsman

There is nothing guaranteed to keep a mother on her toes than introducing her baby to someone who claims they are able to read her wee one's mind. With Derek Ogilvie, the psychic who is also known as The Baby Mind Reader, about to arrive on my doorstep, I was on my best behaviour in front of my ten-month-old son.

"Talk me up, Junior," I told him. "Tell the Mind Reader I'm a perfect parent and don't mention the time I dropped you on your head. Say everything's great and there's an extra feed in it for you, OK?"

Reading babies' thoughts is Ogilvie's speciality. We are not talking reading body language, child psychology or any of the other ways of working out what our wee ones are thinking which are backed by scientific study. We are talking thoughts.

A respected Scottish medium for several years, Ogilvie some time ago discovered another unusual gift while giving a young mother a private reading. Ogilvie realised that her three-week-old baby was sending him strong telepathic messages about the family's life together. Passing on information from child to parent, he explained why the baby was having trouble feeding. Once the parents understood, they made changes and a difficult situation was eased. Soon, Ogilvie began to believe that "it was pretty obvious that many babies had this ability. Babies could communicate telepathically if the conditions were right and they had something to say."


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Remote Healing: Miraculous Alternative or Mystical Nonsense?

By Claire Crighton,
The McGill Daily

Put down this newspaper. Hold your hands five centimetres apart from each other, with the palms facing in. Try to visualize your hands pushing toward each other – but don’t actually move them. You’ll feel a resistance, like repelling magnets. Change the distance between your palms and continue to sense the resistance. See how far you can move your hands apart while still being able to feel your energy.

Your capacity to become conscious of the energy flowing through your body is what — bear with me here — a 19-year-old pre-med student thinks can change the face of healing in the western world.

Adam, who has chosen not to publicly disclose his surname, was a regular middle-class kid growing up in the suburbs of Vancouver. Adam had an ordinary childhood — joining sports teams and doing well in school. But he gradually began to realize that he was different from his playmates.

“As a kid, hide ‘n’ seek was not a game that I enjoyed . . .. I just couldn’t figure out the point of the game. Someone might be hiding behind an object such as a tree, but they would still be visible to me. Their aura would show beyond the tree’s outline. It was as ludicrous as a large man trying to hide behind a broomstick,” writes Adam in his first book, Dreamhealer, which he published at 16.

In high school, Adam discovered that he had the ability to heal others’ ailments through visualization. By picturing himself inside the body of another person, Adam claims he can remove the energy blockages that prevent the individual’s body from functioning properly.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Myth of Self-Improvement

By Ray Dodd,
Author of BeliefWorks

Pop psychology, You Can Do It! books, glossy magazines all about Self, new age mantras, along with an endless progression of television commercials, relentlessly pound out the message that we can have it all. You can be happy, successful, attractive and vibrant. You can have passion in your work, all the while tapping into an effortless, endless, wellspring of energy. It sounds sooo good! Yet if we can’t do it, after trying really hard, we end up feeling like a self-help failure. All of this leaves us wondering, “What’s wrong with me?”

Sometimes the quest for self-improvement, rather than making us feel better, leaves us feeling worse. At first exhilarating, as we continue to search for self-improvement, it can increase our stress and feeds the belief we’ve been trying so desperately to get rid of. That awful belief - I Can’t.

Part of the self-improvement mantra is manifestation. If I really believe, if I sharpen my intent I will manifest whatever I desire. When it doesn’t happen in the way we expect, what gets sharpened is a personal agreement of - Somehow I don’t get it. It will never happen. I must be, in someway, defective. Or maybe we rationalize that all the “You Can Do It!” stuff out there is just a quick way for some folks to make barrels full of money, and that for most people it just doesn’t work.

One woman wrote: I have a strong positive belief about my success as a novelist, so much so, that occasionally I wonder if I'm deluded. Meaning, the risk/reward of having gone through a lot of savings, BELIEVING it will come back in spades.... I feel I must be financially rewarded well to keep this up…

What struck me about this letter was the comment: I have a strong positive belief about my success ….., so much so, that occasionally I wonder if I'm deluded. I have received many letters from people who have whole heartedly adopted the idea of I Can!, gone way out on a limb - financially, physically, emotionally - and feel like if success doesn’t come back to them in the way they expect it, they’ll be very disappointed! At they same time they wonder, Am I fooling myself?

There is a hidden fear in this pattern. A monster of sorts hiding in the closet. If what we attempt doesn’t work out as expected, we are more than just disappointed. We are devastated. Devastated because adopting the strategies found in personal growth manuals is a great strategy to avoid past pain. Thinking that you have finally found something, after all this time, that will really fix that real, yet unnamed fear is intoxicating. Perhaps even a delusion. A delusion because if we adopt the idea - I Can! without ever changing the real beliefs we have about ourselves, then the road to disappointment is well marked.

If the pursuit of improvement rests on a bed of fear-based beliefs it will only lead to more of the same. If the journey toward a higher level of functioning is driven by an engine fueled by fear, then each turn in the road will be experienced through the same less-than outlook that initiated the trip.

Often the motive for self-improvement rests on one simple belief. I’m not okay as I am. No one will really accept me as I am. I know this to be true because I cannot accept myself as I am.
Buying into the myth of self-improvement is a protective story we tell ourselves that is really a thin veneer easily tearing at distress, disappointment or perceived failure. The myth of self-improvement is self-rejection because it’s seed is the belief I’m Not. I’m Not is often the real belief driving us to change. A belief driven by an engine of fear.

The drive to change is inevitable. We are LIFE. LIFE is alive, moving, evolving, growing, and ever expanding. And, LIFE exists embracing opposites, cleanly and without conflict. Why can’t we be in complete self-acceptance, totally comfortable with who we are, breathing out in total surrender to what is, and then with the next in-breath, being charged with the desire to create something different, - an evolution of LIFE? Why not?

Rather than toil to improve what you believe is flawed, the real task is to recognize and clean the stories you tell about how you are not enough. You can’t get better than you are, but you can always take different action, believing something else. Something else that feeds you better food, nourishes you and feels right. Self-love is so much easier than self-improvement.

Rather than be obsessed with improvement, try cleaning up the stories you have about how you should be. Get rid of descriptions of better, worse, right, wrong. Use the integrity of your emotions to guide you into making decisions on how to proceed. Let your engine for change be the engine of love, self-love rejecting the lie that you are that special one who just can’t, no matter how hard you try.

The ideas, practices and advice that are found in personal growth writings are often wonderful and inspiring wisdom. Use them as a gift to yourself, not because you need to be better, but because you want to experience the pleasure of LIFE in its full expression. Because you love yourself so much that you know you deserve only the best. Do it because it feels good. Devour inspiring wisdom as an expression of the affirmation of LIFE that needs no improvement but is always creating, changing and evolving as it always has. As it always will.

Excerpt from BeliefWorks, by Ray Dodd

P.S. Order BeliefWorks TODAY ONLY, June 21st, and you'll receive special BONUS gifts from best-selling experts like Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God), James Twyman, Dr Bruce Lipton, The Spiritual Cinema Circle and more! To get all the details, go to:

Monday, June 19, 2006

Genome Scientist Peers Into the Mind of God

By Steven Swinford
Times Online

The scientist who led the team that cracked the human genome is to publish a book explaining why he now believes in the existence of God and is convinced that miracles are real.

Francis Collins, the director of the US National Human Genome Research Institute, claims there is a rational basis for a creator and that scientific discoveries bring man “closer to God”.

His book, The Language of God, to be published in September, will reopen the age-old debate about the relationship between science and faith. “One of the great tragedies of our time is this impression that has been created that science and religion have to be at war,” said Collins, 56.

“I don’t see that as necessary at all and I think it is deeply disappointing that the shrill voices that occupy the extremes of this spectrum have dominated the stage for the past 20 years.”

For Collins, unravelling the human genome did not create a conflict in his mind. Instead, it allowed him to “glimpse at the workings of God”.

“When you make a breakthrough it is a moment of scientific exhilaration because you have been on this search and seem to have found it,” he said. “But it is also a moment where I at least feel closeness to the creator in the sense of having now perceived something that no human knew before but God knew all along.

“When you have for the first time in front of you this 3.1 billion-letter instruction book that conveys all kinds of information and all kinds of mystery about humankind, you can’t survey that going through page after page without a sense of awe. I can’t help but look at those pages and have a vague sense that this is giving me a glimpse of God’s mind.”

Collins joins a line of scientists whose research deepened their belief in God. Isaac Newton, whose discovery of the laws of gravity reshaped our understanding of the universe, said: “This most beautiful system could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.”

Although Einstein revolutionised our thinking about time, gravity and the conversion of matter to energy, he believed the universe had a creator. “I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details,” he said. However Galileo was famously questioned by the inquisition and put on trial in 1633 for the “heresy” of claiming that the earth moved around the sun.

Among Collins’s most controversial beliefs is that of “theistic evolution”, which claims natural selection is the tool that God chose to create man. In his version of the theory, he argues that man will not evolve further.

“I see God’s hand at work through the mechanism of evolution. If God chose to create human beings in his image and decided that the mechanism of evolution was an elegant way to accomplish that goal, who are we to say that is not the way,” he says.

“Scientifically, the forces of evolution by natural selection have been profoundly affected for humankind by the changes in culture and environment and the expansion of the human species to 6 billion members. So what you see is pretty much what you get.”

Collins was an atheist until the age of 27, when as a young doctor he was impressed by the strength that faith gave to some of his most critical patients.

“They had terrible diseases from which they were probably not going to escape, and yet instead of railing at God they seemed to lean on their faith as a source of great comfort and reassurance,” he said. “That was interesting, puzzling and unsettling.”

He decided to visit a Methodist minister and was given a copy of C S Lewis’s Mere Christianity, which argues that God is a rational possibility. The book transformed his life. “It was an argument I was not prepared to hear,” he said. “I was very happy with the idea that God didn’t exist, and had no interest in me. And yet at the same time, I could not turn away.”

His epiphany came when he went hiking through the Cascade Mountains in Washington state. He said: “It was a beautiful afternoon and suddenly the remarkable beauty of creation around me was so overwhelming, I felt, ‘I cannot resist this another moment’.”

Collins believes that science cannot be used to refute the existence of God because it is confined to the “natural” world. In this light he believes miracles are a real possibility. “If one is willing to accept the existence of God or some supernatural force outside nature then it is not a logical problem to admit that, occasionally, a supernatural force might stage an invasion,” he says.


Friday, June 16, 2006

12 Things that Science Can't Explain...But That Happen Anyway

Dr. Claude Swanson
Author of The Synchronized Universe

A new book, The Synchronized Universe, reveals that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters...There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.

In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientific paradigm is broken. In the hard sciences:







This covers just a few of the more glaring anomalies in the "hard sciences." Evidence has also accumulated in the laboratory that many paranormal effects are real, and can be verified and studied scientifically. Among these are the following:

7. ESP







Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Past-Life Memories of Children

By David Ian Miller,
Special to SF Gate

No one knows for sure what happens to us after death. But Dr. Jim Tucker is trying to find out.

Tucker is medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Virginia. He also works at the university's Division of Perceptual Studies, which scientifically investigates paranormal phenomena such as near-death experiences, ghosts and reincarnation.

His book "Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives" (St. Martin's Press, 2005) tries to verify statements from children who claim to have had past-life experiences. The work continues the research of Dr. Ian Stevenson, who began studying children's apparent past-life recollections 45 years ago at the University of Virginia.

It's controversial terrain for a scientist, but Tucker takes his work quite seriously. The book has been heralded as "a first-rate piece of research" by Harvard biologist Michael Levin, and Booklist described it as "powerful grounds for credulous speculation." I spoke with him recently by phone from his office in Charlottesville, Va.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Love and Sex and Switchwords

By Swami Shunyam Nirav

A young man recently asked me if I could recommend any good switchwords for "attracting wonderful women!" and also for high-quality lovemaking. Well, I have certainly used switchwords beneficially on many occasions in this area of my life since first learning the switchwords in 1975, when I was 23. And I can give several suggestions, which of course can be used by either men or women.

Most people seem to assume they cannot just instantly generate love, it has to happen by itself somehow. But though the happen-by-itself emotional kind is very sweet, my experience has been that anyone can generate love at any time in any situation just by intending it so. Using switchwords gives easy access to that.

Generally, of course, I recommend simply silently chanting occasionally the master switchword "TOGETHER". That's so profoundly appropriate with a love partner, in all ways. I enthusiastically recommend experimenting with it while doing anything with your lover, including making love. Nothing more is required, basically, in my experience, and it's so easy, simple, and beneficial. Your mind is probably going to think of something anyway, so you might as well give it something very beneficial and easy to think!

However, if you specifically would like to create an aura and vibration and experience of love with a love partner — or for that matter, with anyone in any situation, not only with a lover — then I suggest silently chanting or occasionally declaring TOGETHER-LOVE or TOGETHER-DIVINE-LOVE.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Is "Reality" Merely a Movie Inside Your Head?

Is consciousness a seamless experience or a string of fleeting images, like frames of a movie? The emerging answer will determine whether the way we perceive the world is illusory.

By Christof Koch
Scientific American

The brain is an amazingly dynamic organ. Millions of neurons in all corners of our gray matter send out an endless stream of signals. Many of the neurons appear to fire spontaneously, without any recognizable triggers.

With the help of techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and microelectrode recordings, brain researchers are listening in on the polyphonic concert in our heads. Any mental activity is accompanied by a ceaseless crescendo and diminuendo of background processing.

The underlying principle behind this seeming racket is not understood. Nevertheless, as everyone knows, the chaos creates our own unique, continuous stream of consciousness.

And yet it is very difficult to focus our attention on a single object for any extended period. Our awareness jumps constantly from one input to another. No sooner have I written this sentence than my eyes move from the computer screen to the trees outside my window. I can hear a dog barking in the distance. Then I remember the deadline for this article--which isn't going to be extended again. Resolutely, I force myself to type the next line.

How does this stream of impressions come to be? Is our perception really as continuous as it seems, or is it divided into discrete time parcels, similar to frames in a movie?

These questions are among the most interesting being investigated by psychologists and neuroscientists. The answers will satisfy more than our curiosity--they will tell us if our experience of reality is accurate or a fiction and if my fiction is different from yours.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sleep and Grow Rich

By Ben Sweetland
Introduction to
Grow Rich While You Sleep

Prepare yourself for a wonderful experience. Whatever you want out of life, this book will show you the way to make it come to you. Be it money, influence, love, respect, or admiration—be it any or all of these— it will be yours in abounding measure.

This way to get rich is universal. It has brought riches to men who work at all kinds
of occupations in many parts of the world. It does not depend on your education, your background or your luck.

It depends on the most essential, deepest-thinking part of you.

Just look around and you'll see how few men really know what they want or
where they're going. Having no goal in mind, they can't even discern the difference between what is good for them and what is bad.

If you too are that way—don't worry. This book is going to change you. Start by
remembering that you are better than you consciously think you are. In fact, if you already know how you would like to spend a lot of money, you are far ahead of most men!

Before you finish this book, you are going to know once and for all:

  • How to recognize your real goals in life—no matter what anyone else tries to tell you
  • How to get acquainted with your real self—your true abilities, your vast fund of hidden talent.
  • How to fill yourself with such genuine, deep-down confidence, zest and good-will that other people will be pleased to help you get what you want.
  • How to find and hold the full, glorious picture of your own success and build toward that picture with every word and deed.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Life's Top 5 Illusions

By Barry Goss,
Author of The Manifesting Mindset

WARNING: These new paradigms may well be somewhat controversial, or even, dare I say it, shocking to your system of thought; but I did not invent these visionary views of life. But, only through intense gut-level questioning and critical-thinking, come to understand that it is the knowledge and brief understanding of these that will either cause you to throw-up or wave on the unpalatable taste of more good medicine. You’ll either be moved to ‘consume’ something sweet, easy, mundane and valueless, like a newspaper, magazine, or cheap novel or you’ll continue to take the good medicine knowing that your mind viruses will eventually cure themselves from the insideout.

Illusion #1: God Is A Personality - an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits "up there" watching our every move.

My New Paradigm: Like the electrical source from an outlet, God is formless, infinite, nonlinear, as well as unperceivable. God is that First Force that expressed Itself as and through you, as and through me, as and through All Things everywhere.


Monday, June 05, 2006

12 Famous Dreams of Creativity and Inventions

Throughout history, artists, inventors, writers and scientists have solved problems in their dreams. Brilliant Dreams has compiled a list of twelve famous discoveries and creativity in literature, science, music and even sports attributed to dreams.

1. Paul McCartney Finds "Yesterday" In a Dream
2. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Inspired By a Dream
3. Dream Leads to Nobel Prize
4. Abraham Lincoln Dreamt of His Assassination
5. Kekulé - Dreams of Molecules & Benzene Structure
6. Madame C.J. Walker - From Dream to Millionaire
7. The Sewing Machine
8. The Strange Dream of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
9. Jack Nicklaus Finds a New Golf Swing in a Dream
10. Mathematical Genius & Dreamer- Srinivasa Ramanujan
11. Dreams and The King of Horror
12. Subliminal Clues From Fossil Perceived In Dream


Friday, June 02, 2006

Blind People Can 'See' With Sixth Sense

By Rhiannon Edward
The Washington Post

The uncanny ability of blind people to "sense" unseen objects has been demonstrated for the first time in sighted volunteers whose vision was blanked out by scientists.

The findings suggest "blindsight", which has been observed in blind people whose eyes function normally but who have suffered damage to the brain's visual centre, is a real and not imagined phenomenon.

In tests, the blind have been able to distinguish basic shapes of objects they cannot see, as well as their orientation and direction of motion. On other occasions a blind person has reported experiencing a "feeling" that an object is present, while not being able to see it.

A number of theories have been proposed to explain "blindsight". Generally, it is suggested that other parts of the brain besides the primary visual cortex respond to nerve messages from the eyes at an unconscious level.