Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar in Las Vegas

Presented by Master Hypnotists
David Barron & Kent Sayre

In Las Vegas, two master hypnotists are going to reveal some incredibly powerful persuasion secrets that will enable you to get anyone to do anything. Guaranteed.

David Barron and Kent Sayre will reveal amazing secrets that have not been taught anywhere else…ever. Only they have the chops to really spill their guts on how to make persuasion work almost like magic.

They have secretly smuggled some of the hottest, most powerful hypnosis techniques out of the hypnosis community and into the sales world. The results? Nothing short of magnificent.

Kent used some of the hypnosis techniques to talk his way into buying over 2 million dollars (that’s $2,000,000.00) of real estate without plunking down a red cent of his own money. And he did it in under 2 years. That, my friend, is the power of persuasion.

As a master hypnotist, David has been changing people’s minds and lives for over a decade now. And look at it like this. If he can simply talk to someone (using the amazing power of hypnosis) and get them to radically alter their lives and personalities, imagine what you could do armed with the same techniques in a sales situation.

There is no limit to what you can accomplish…once you have these skills. Here’s why. What you’ll learn at the seminar is so cutting edge…it’s so far out of the mainstream…you have to come with an open mind…and prepare to be blown away.


Create Your Own "Coincidences"

By Karim Hajee,
Creating Power

First let me clearly state that there is no such thing as
coincidence -- you orchestrate everything that happens to you. You do this by working with the power of your mind and subconscious mind -- which works in harmony with the universe. You can create good or bad things in your life - it's really your choice.

The bad things that happen are not necessarily in harmony with
the universe but instead are created by your ego self or when you refuse to adhere to the warning signs that come up. These are warning signs that try to help you by trying to get you to avoid taking a certain path. These warning signs also come up when you focus on the wrong things.

Nothing happens by chance. In short you orchestrate every
coincidence that happens in your life. The more you begin to think about this the more you will realize that what I am saying is true. I'll explain in more detail a little later. First let me describe how you orchestrate coincidences often without even knowing exactly what you are doing.


Scientists Discover Third Eye


(Editor's Note: I've posted this story for entertainment purposes only...)

"Well-known Russian extrasensorial individuals have repeatedly demonstrated an unusual test," the author of the discovery, cyberneticist, candidate of technical sciences in Artificial Intelligence, Vitaly Pravdivtsev said. "The photographic film placed in a light-proof envelope, was put to the forehead, and the film started developing required images. The test revealed that certain people are capable of radiating so-called brain images somewhere from the forehead.

Ancient Oriental traditions can prove our supposition: they say that the radiation comes from energetic centers of a human being - chakras. One of the them is especially powerful at this point, the Ajna-chakra. Esoterics call this center the "third eye," Mr. Pravdivtsev said.


The 25-Year Wait For Immortality

By Ker Than
Special to LiveScience

"I think it’s reasonable to suppose that one could oscillate between being biologically 20 and biologically 25 indefinitely."

-- Aubrey de Grey

Time may indeed be on your side. If you can just last another quarter century.

By then, people will start lives that could last 1,000 years or more. Our human genomes will be modified to include the genetic material of microorganisms that live in the soil, enabling us to break down the junk proteins that our cells amass over time and which they can’t digest on their own. People will have the option of looking and feeling the way they did at 20 for the rest of their lives, or opt for an older look if they get bored. Of course, everyone will be required to go in for age rejuvenation therapy once every decade or so, but that will be a small price to pay for near-immortality.

This may sound like science fiction, but Aubrey de Grey thinks this could be our reality in as little as 25 years. Other scientists caution that it is far from clear whether and for how long science can stall the inevitable.

De Grey, a Cambridge University researcher, heads the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) project, in which he has defined seven causes of aging, all of which he thinks can be dealt with. (Senescence is scientific jargon for aging.)

De Grey also runs the Methuselah Mouse prize for breakthroughs in extended aging in mice. The purse of the M Prize, as it is called, recently grew beyond $1 million.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Six Power Steps to Your Success

By Stuart Goldsmith
Creator of the Elite Inner Circle

The following power steps structure your thinking to make sure the
actions you take will drive you towards success.

Power Step #1: Be In Charge of Your Life
Power Step #2: Strive to be Different
Power Step #3: Look to the Future
Power Step #4: It's Never to Late

Power Step #5: Don't Crave Security
Power Step #6: I Am Certain to Win


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dream Reveals Wife's Killer

More than five years ago, Rod Spraggins made a sensational charge at a candidate forum, publicly accusing a political opponent of murder with nothing to back up the allegation except, it turns out, a vision.

Now police say Spraggins was right.

Barry Waites, Spraggins' opponent in the 2000 race for Lanett City Council, was arrested this week on murder charges in the 1998 slaying of his wife, who was found dead in their split-level home in this sleepy town of 8,000 along the Georgia line.

In 2000, Spraggins, a bail bondsman, stunned a crowd of 100 when he accused Waites of killing his wife and dared the man to sue him for slander if he was wrong.

Waites was not at the forum, never responded publicly to the accusation and never sued.

In an otherwordly turn to the saga Friday, Spraggins disclosed that he never had any evidence to make the accusation and that it was based entirely on Mrs. Waites' appearing to him in a series of dreams.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Buddha on the Brain: The Neuroscience of Meditation

By John Geirland

The Dalai Lama has a cold. He has been hacking and sniffling his way around Washington, DC, for three days, calling on President Bush and Condoleezza Rice and visiting the Booker T. Washington Public Charter School for Technical Arts. Now he's onstage at the Washington Convention Center, preparing to address 14,000 attendees at the Society for Neuroscience's annual conference.

The mood is tense. The State Department Diplomatic Security Service has swept the hallways for explosives. Agents stand at their posts.

The 14th incarnation of the Living Buddha of Compassion approaches the podium, clears his throat, and blows his nose loudly. "So now I am releasing my stress," he says. The audience dissolves into laughter.

The Dalai Lama is here to give a speech titled "The Neuroscience of Meditation." Over the past few years, he has supplied about a dozen Tibetan Buddhist monks to Richard Davidson, a prominent neuroscience professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Davidson's research created a stir among brain scientists when his results suggested that, in the course of meditating for tens of thousands of hours, the monks had actually altered the structure and function of their brains. The professor thought the Dalai Lama would make an interesting guest speaker at the Society for Neuroscience's annual meeting, and the program committee jumped at the chance. The speech also gives the Tibetan leader an opportunity to promote one of his cherished goals: an alliance between Buddhism and science.


Monday, February 13, 2006

This Is Your Brain On Superbowl Ads

By Roxanne Khamsi
New Scientist

Brain scans of Super bowl viewers suggest that certain commercials more effectively excite the brain’s empathy and reward centres, making them "light up".

Companies spend millions of dollars to air commercials during the Super Bowl – one of the most watched US broadcasts of the year – in hopes that the advertisements will capture consumers' imaginations and their brand loyalty. Now researchers in California have used brain scans to gauge how much of an impression the ads from 2006’s sporting spectacle might have had on the brain.

Five volunteers were tested on Sunday evening, just after the American football championship ended, as part of a preliminary experiment led by Marco Iacoboni at the University of California, Los Angeles, US. Their brain activity was monitored using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as they watched more than 20 commercials which had aired during Super Bowl.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

The "Blonde's Secret Weapon" Persuasion Technique

By Alan Tutt
Creator of "Keys to Power Persuasion"

Power Persuasion is about taking advantage of the natural ways in which people think and letting your prospect persuade themselves.

One of the secrets of power persuasion is that people don't always think everything through as thoroughly as they should. In many cases, we use "rules of thumb", which are called "judgmental heuristics" in psychology.

These are usually reliable and will normally point us in the right direction with a minimum amount of investigation.

One of the judgmental heuristics that many people have is that women with blonde colored hair are 1) more fun, and 2) less intelligent. As with many judgmental heuristics, the truth doesn't always match with the rule.

Somewhere along the line, however, intelligent blondes found that the impression could be used effectively to their benefit, and they developed a persuasion technique that is quite impressive.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Slow Down Aging With Meditation?

By William J. Cromie

People who meditate grow bigger brains than those who don’t.

Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the first evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input.

In one area of gray matter, the thickening turns out to be more pronounced in older than in younger people. That’s intriguing because those sections of the human cortex, or thinking cap, normally get thinner as we age.

"Our data suggest that meditation practice can promote cortical plasticity in adults in areas important for cognitive and emotional processing and well-being," says Sara Lazar, leader of the study and a psychologist at Harvard Medical School.

"These findings are consistent with other studies that demonstrated increased thickness of music areas in the brains of musicians, and visual and motor areas in the brains of jugglers. In other words, the structure of an adult brain can change in response to repeated practice."


Friday, February 10, 2006

Shock Therapy Makes a Comeback

By Elizabeth Svoboda
Wired News

Shock treatment for depression is making a comeback, and it no longer resembles a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Electroshock therapy, or ECT (the acronym stands for electroconvulsive therapy) has been used to treat severe depression for decades, but the serious side effects of the procedure, including short- and long-term memory loss, have long relegated it to last-resort status.

Widely used in the 1940s as an improvement on frontal lobotomy, ECT took a back seat to drug therapy with the advent of Thorazine in the '50s. Now, decades later, a Pennsylvania startup called Neuronetics is completing the first full-scale clinical trials of transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS.

The procedure promises to treat depression as quickly and effectively as electroshock without damaging mental function. If the positive results of the trials are confirmed, TMS could be available to patients in the United States in as little as six months.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Dream Incantation Attracts Harem

An aging and unprepossesing Tokyo fortune teller who kept a harem of ten women in their twenties for years may have used hypnosis to hold them in his thrall.

Police searching the three-storey home where Hirohito Shibuya, 57, kept the women say that they discovered “how-to” guides on group hypnosis and believe that he used other mind-control techniques under the guise of fortune telling.

Mr Shibuya, who was arrested last week on suspicion of threatening to turn one of his harem members into mincemeat if she left, went to extraordinary lengths to avoid breaching polygamy laws.

Japanese records show that he was married twelve times to ten women between 1999 and August 2004. He divorced one woman and married another in the same day eight times.

“Although it’s illegal in Japan, I’m virtually a polygamist,” he said. “I contacted my ward office, and officials there said it was not illegal to repeatedly marry and divorce, although they did say it was unprecedented.”

Mr Shibuya somehow managed to keep all his former wives under the same roof. He said that they all worked in shops while he stayed at home avoiding strenuous work because of a heart condition.

Although psychologists say it is possible that Mr Shibuya used hypnosis to secure his harem’s loyalty, he claims that he learnt in a dream of a magic “love charm”. He has refused to share it with the world, but says that “if you chant it, even unattractive men find themselves popular with women”.

SOURCE: Times Online

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brain Scans Reveal Than Men Enjoy Revenge

By Will Knight news service

A lust for vengeance may be hardwired into the male brain. Scans of brain activity suggest that men experience greater satisfaction than women in seeing cheaters get their comeuppance – at least when the punishment is physical.

Tania Singer of University College London, UK, and colleagues used a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine to analyse the brain activity of 32 volunteers after their participation in a simple game, called the Prisoner's Dilemma.

The game allows players to cooperate or double-cross one another, and so fosters camaraderie or enmity between players. Following the game, participants were placed inside an fMRI machine and then saw their fellow players zapped with electricity. The activity in their brain was recorded as they watched.

The scans revealed changes in activity as players who had cooperated got zapped, compared with those who had double-crossed them in the game. The results suggest that men get a much bigger kick than women from seeing revenge physically exacted on someone perceived to have wronged them.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Stolen Memories Investigated

Special to World Science

Memories may be the lifeblood of our identity. To some extent, you are what you remember.

But what if some of your memories aren’t really yours?

Brain structures thought to be important in memory formation. The hippocampus is thought to be central for initial storage of long-term memories. It also receives strong inputs of information from the medial septum and frontal lobes, which are responsible for many advanced cognitive functions including planning and decisionmaking.

Some researchers have also proposed memories may be a form of "mental time travel" in which the brain returns to a state similar to the one it was in during the recalled event.

That might just be the case, says a group of psychologists from Duke University in Durham, N.C., and the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.

In a new study, they seek to understand why some people seem to take over other people’s memories.

In past research, the team found that people, especially twins but others as well, sometimes spar over who owns a memory—and both can’t be right.

Thus, “some of the memories in which we play a leading role might in fact have been the experiences of others,” they wrote in the new study, published in the February issue of the research journal Genes, Brain and Behavior.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Old Brain, New Tricks

By Cara Feinberg
The Boston Globe

Esref Armagan is a 52-year-old Turkish painter who has been blind in both eyes since the day he was born. He has never seen a coffee cup, a toothbrush, an elephant, or a tree-lined street, but he can draw them each, from any perspective, with or without shadows depending on the time of day. His portrait of President Clinton, which he painted from an embossed photograph, looks, well, like Clinton-complete with grey hair and bulbous nose-and though Armagan has never had an art lesson, the streets he paints stretch into the distance as converging parallel lines.

For years, Armagan has been a phenomenon in the art world, displaying his work in museums around the globe. But it was not until two summers ago, when he traveled to Boston, that scientists were able to study precisely how he generates such images. Their hope was that he might teach them something about neural ''plasticity"--the brain's ability to reorganize its functions based on new information and experiences. If Armagan had never seen with his eyes, how had his brain adapted to give him visual representations of the world, and more importantly, what could it reveal about brain adaptation in general?

In July of 2004, at the Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, Armagan agreed to have his brain imaged in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine while he drew with a pencil on a sheet of paper. He explored a set of objects by touch-a coffee cup, a toy elephant, a toothbrush-and then was told to imagine them and draw them all from memory. Each time, his drawings hit the mark.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

How to Create Your "Magic List"

By Chyrene Pendleton

First, I would like to share with you a tool I've used successfully, beginning early in my life. I know that many others have used this tool successfully and authors have written about it, especially in recent years. It's actually very simple and very powerful.

I used to call this simply my "List" but now, I call it the "Magic List", inspired by one of my non-metaphysical students several years ago. With this Magic List, you are using the power of the written and the spoken word that is released to the Universe to manifest in your reality.

All it requires are these steps:

1. Take a piece of paper (any kind of writing paper - from a notebook, or your favorite color of paper, etc), and write a numeric list of all of your desires. They can be short-term of long-term desires. State your desires as clearly as possible.

2. After you have written down your desires, at the bottom of the page, write something to this effect: "May all of these desires, or better, manifest for the Highest good of all." This releases any need to manifest your desires in a particular way. It opens it up to the Universe to bring you what you want in the best and Highest way possible, and at the right time.

3. Keep your Magic List with you at all times, in your wallet, purse, etc.

4. Read your list (aloud if possible) just before going to sleep, first thing upon awakening and before going into meditation. Do this every day, and you will soon see profound results.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Plants Behave Like Humans

Plants are not unlike humans. They can talk to each other and even call in reinforcements when the going gets tough.

Who says so? Australian gardener Don Burke and Australian National University chemistry Professor Ben Selinger, in reviewing research on plants over the past 10 years, have come to the conclusion that many plants have human qualities.

They say plants can communicate with each other by using a range of chemical signals.

"If a plant muncher such as a caterpillar or even a koala starts chewing on a plant, the plant will start sending chemicals to its leaves in an effort to repel the chewer," Mr Burke said.

"Nearby plants will also start emitting these same chemicals, anticipating that they'll also be attacked."


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Travelling to Parallel Universes in Dreams

SOURCE: India Daily

Scientists are slowly finding that we travel in our dreams into parallel universes or oceans of multiverses where different things are happening with us – what and who we know and our environments.

In dreams we migrate to the multiverse and go on an incredible journey. As the world turns, billions of people and perhaps also animals make these interdimensional journeys. These journeys produce traces, be they electrical or of some substance we cannot physically measure. All combined, the traces our journeys make as we pass through billions of parallel universes create a form, a collective shape, giving the multiverse existence.

The similarities in brainwave patterns between waking life and sleep imply that on certain levels the brain may be functioning in similar ways, the most notable similarity being that we are conscious in both states. In both states we are receiving sensory input, though in the case of dreams, the origin of this input and the organs involved in its reception remain cloaked.

We are compelled to dream so that we can be part of this other much greater world which spans and in some way bonds all parallel universes. Researchers have shown that in early childhood – even in the womb – infants have a very high proportion of REM sleep.

Perhaps our consciousness originates from this other existence. That may explain why consciousness is the most elusive and ethereal of forms. An understanding of the chemical and electrical processes occurring in the brain does not add up to an understanding of the nature of consciousness. Dream research will produce more data to hypothesize about, but it will never give us an insight into the astounding multiverse of which our dreams form a part.