Monday, October 24, 2005

Time Travel for Beginners

By Thoth

Since the publication of H.G Wells’ ‘The Time Machine’ in 1895, the prospect of time travel has fired the imagination of writers, provided controversy amongst the scientific community and encouraged philosophers, scientists, metaphysicians and dreamers to engage in passionate debate.

In recent years, we’ve seen people claiming to be visitors from the future, others claiming that we have evidence that time travel has happened and inevitably we now have time travel conventions where ideas about time travel can be discussed and developed.

It seems as though a myriad of people have an interest in the possibility of travelling through time. If the past exists, does the future already exist, and if it does, is our future already predetermined?

So what’s the story? Is time travel possible or should such romantic notions be confined to the movies? We thought we’d take a journey back through some of the most popular theories and also (in the spirit of the article) take a look into the future to see what’s what.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Power Affirmations for Attracting Money

By Jeff Staniforth
Creator of Affirmware Sculptor 3

So you desire to gain material things in life? Affirmations are
usually effective in this respect - maybe even more so than with other desires because material desires often come with stronger
emotional attachments.

You'll recall that in my previous article, "Why Do Some Affirmations Work - and Others Don't?" I emphasized that
affirmations that are emotionally charged are the ones most likely to work.

So when you are emotionally connected to your
desire for material things, you can use the power of affirmations to see how quickly your need is manifested!

If your desire is to have an abundance of money to fill your needs, practice this affirmation: "I always have an abundance of money to meet all my needs." Repeat it several times, then stop affirming. Be silent while knowing, visualizing, and feeling how it is to already have the amount of money you desire. Feel as though it has already happened, and that all your needs are more than satisfied. While in this state, hold yourself open to all the ways and means by which you will have money flow into your life to meet your every need.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Telepathy Between Babies & Nursing Moms

By Rupert Sheldrake

In nursing mothers, breast milk becomes available for feeding the baby through a physiological process called the let-down reflex, mediated by the hormone oxytocin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. As the let-down occurs, many women experience a tingling sensation in their breasts, and often the nipples begin to leak. This reflex takes only a few seconds and is usually triggered by the stimulation of the nipple by the baby, the sound of the baby crying, or even just by thinking about the baby (Stoppard, 1985).

Some nursing mothers claim that when they are away from the baby they often know when the baby needs them because their milk lets down (Eason, 1992). Here are two representative examples, taken from dozens I have received in response to appeals for information from mothers on this subject:

When my youngest son was a baby, I had the experience of my milk ‘letting down’ when I was away from him. This was accompanied by a ‘knowing’ that he needed me. When I would phone home, the sitter would always confirm that he had just awakened. Since he nursed on demand, he was never on a schedule. (Mrs C.L, Arlington, Washington State, USA).

I have 7 children, the eldest is now 12 and the youngest 7 months. I have fed 6 of my children and each time have experienced the ‘let down reflex’ when I leave them. I know when my baby cries when we are apart. The very second I think she may be crying I leak. When I get home she has usually been crying at the time I have leaked. My husband says that my boobs are like arials. I’m sure I can pick up their crying for miles. (Mrs P.B., Blackburn, Lancashire)

Most women who have had this kind of experience seem to take it for granted, and assume that it depends on a psychic bond. If they are right, this would imply a form of telepathy more physiological and fundamental that the kinds of ESP usually investigated by experimental parapsychologists and psychical researchers.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Happiness: The Highest Gift

By Julian Kalmar
The Happiness Campaign

Can you imagine living happily no matter what happens? Thirty-eight years ago a great master craftsman began teaching me how to do this. Unbelievably, it took me 36 years to truly appreciate his enormous gift.

In 2002, a back injury sentenced me to living in bed 22 hours a day. I lost my business, a 6-figure income, and the ability to move about freely. When a friend asked me how I could still be so happy, the value of the master's lessons snapped into focus: It had never occurred to me to be unhappy!

The master, an old-world Hungarian watchmaker, began my lessons when I was four. He granted me the privilege of sitting beside him as he repaired watches and clocks.

My first happiness lesson was to sit quietly, without distracting him from his delicate repairs. Amazingly, I succeeded almost without trying, for as the master worked something magical happened. A great love and peace filled the workshop, and I fell into the deafening silence that surrounded him. As I focused on his work, my stillness on the outside was soon reflected by stillness on the inside. All sense of misfortune, stress, and unhappiness melted away.

The master taught me that focusing on your tasks destroys negative emotions. Negativity thrives when you focus on what's wrong. Focusing on your tasks suffocates the negatives by stilling your thoughts. Focusing also improves the quality of your work, brings satisfaction in a job well done, and eventually profound joy.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Improve Your Brain With 7 Simple Nutritional Tips

By Daniel G. Amen, M.D.,
Author of Making a Good Brain Great

Here is the seven step plan to get your diet under control and to use food as brain medicine.

1. Increase water intake
Given that your brain is about 80% water, the first rule of brain nutrition is adequate water to hydrate your brain. Even slight dehydration can raise stress hormones which can damage your brain over time. Drink at least 84 ounces of water a day. It is best to have your liquids unpolluted with artificial sweeteners, sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. You can use herbal, non-caffeinated tea bags, such as raspberry or strawberry flavored, and make unsweetened iced tea. Green tea is also good for brain function as it contains chemicals that enhance mental relaxation and alertness.

2. Calorie restriction
Substantial research in animals and now in humans indicates that a calorie-restricted diet is helpful for brain and life longevity. Eating less helps you live longer. It controls weight; decreases risk for heart disease, cancer, and stroke from obesity (a major risk factor for all of these illnesses); and it triggers certain mechanisms in the body to increase the production of nerve growth factors, which are helpful to the brain. Researchers use the acronym CRON for “calorie restriction with optimal nutrition,” so the other part of the story is to make these calories count.


Friday, October 14, 2005

Lucky Numbers for Dimensional Evolution

Researchers from the University of Washington and Harvard University have turned up some interesting findings about possible realities based on math modeling the beginnings of the Universe.

Andreas Karch (UW) and Lisa Randall from Harvard set out to model how the Universe was arranged right after the big bang, and then watch how the cosmos evolved as it expanded and diluted. The only assumptions they made were that it started with a generally smooth configuration, with numerous structures - called "branes" (membranes) - that existed in various spatial dimensions from one to nine.

The researchers found that as the cosmos evolved and the branes diluted, the branes that survived displayed three dimensions or seven dimensions. They believe the way our universe started and then diluted as it expanded - called the relaxation principle - favored formation of three- and seven-dimensional realities.

"That's what comes out when you do the math," said Karch, author of the paper that appears in Physical Review Letters. "Other realities, either three- or seven-dimensional, could be hidden from our perception in the Universe. There are regions that feel 3D. There are regions that feel 5D. There are regions that feel 9D. These extra dimensions are infinitely large. We just happen to be in a place that feels 3D to us," he added.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Brazilian Psychic Seeks $25 Million Reward for Saddam

A Brazilian court will consider a psychic's claim that the U.S. government owes him a $25 million reward for information he says he provided on the hiding place of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Brazil's second-highest court, the Superior Court of Justice, decided on Thursday the Brazilian justice system could rule on the matter and told a court in the psychic's home state of Minas Gerais to judge the case.

The lower court had earlier told Jucelino Nobrega da Luz it could not take up his claim and it would have to be judged in the United States, but the higher tribunal ruled otherwise.

"The Minas Gerais court will work with the claim," said a spokesman for the Superior Court of Justice.

"Jucelino da Luz alleges that the U.S. armed forces only found Saddam based on his letters that provided his exact location, the very hole where he was hiding in Iraq. So he filed a court case to claim the reward."


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Who Says You Can't Be Happy All The Time?

By Julian Kalmar
Founder, The Happiness Campaign™

Who says you can’t be happy all the time?

Have you ever considered why you work so hard? It’s true you live between the hope of abundance and the fear of lack, but isn’t the deeper reason, so that you can build a happy life for you and your loved ones?

The drive for happiness is behind almost every action you take.

Unfortunately, to get to happiness you often end up doing many things you’d rather not do, and you suffer enormous stresses in the process. You consume your energy, time, and money, all in hopes of finding that elusive state of genuine lasting happiness.

For all your effort, happiness remains elusive. It needs coaxing out, and sometimes when you think you finally have it, it slips away silently.

Why You’re Not As Happy As You Could Be

Did you know that over a billion (1,000,000,000) people in this world aren’t as happy as they could be? That staggering number has nothing to do with living in a third-world country either.

Here’s the reason…

Do you remember your parents teaching you the methods for creating happiness? What about all those hours your teachers spent teaching you the precise actions needed to become happy? Doesn’t sound familiar, does it?

The irony of education is that it was meant to give you tools for living well, yet no one taught us happiness skills. We spent years in school studying subjects we ended up never using, yet not one minute was spent learning the methods for creating happiness. The very skill we could use every day of our lives isn’t even taught!

What an incredible oversight!

Instead, you’ve had to muddle through, learning by trial and error—lots and lots of error. You’ve also learned many myths about happiness from peers, customs, advertising, and clever quotations…almost all of it worthless hearsay.

Advertisers, for example, would have you buy every single product with their solemn promise that each one will bring you greater happiness. They show you smiling people as a result of time savings, cost reduction, excitement, sex, greedy consumption, rainbows, sunshine…all the usual tricks. Ridiculous! Your wise inner-self knows these to be purely illusions. It’s no wonder most advertising is so ineffective. People have been disappointed so often that they’ve become very skeptical of advertising claims, and rightly so!

Happiness Knowledge

However, there is such a thing as “happiness knowledge”—a very special kind of knowledge that tells you exactly how to create genuine lasting happiness.

Happiness knowledge doesn’t have all the glitz and glamour of those glossy advertisements, for it is a quiet kind of knowledge that has no need of gimmicks. It won’t dazzle your eyes or hypnotize your senses. It won’t delude you into believing that you’ll become happier when you own Product X.

Happiness knowledge deals with very simple things:

How you can think in certain ways, and act in certain ways to cause the natural core of your being to light up.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Free Manifesting e-book and a $40 bonus!

Barry Goss, author of "The Manifesting Mindset" and co-creator of the "Desktop Manifestation Portal" is offering the members of the Mind Power News community a copy of his excellent new e-book and a special offer for the first 50 people who decide to become members of the Desktop Manifestation Portal. Check out the offer here.

Step 1:
Download your 51-page free ebook.

Step 2: If you like that book check out the amazing Desktop Manifestation Portal.

Step 3: If you're intrigued by the powerful information in that package, grab your $40 bonus coupon only for members of Mind Power News.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Does Belief in God Damage Society?

By Ruth Gledhill,
The Times UK

Religious belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.

According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.

The study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.

It compares the social peformance of relatively secular countries, such as Britain, with the US, where the majority believes in a creator rather than the theory of evolution. Many conservative evangelicals in the US consider Darwinism to be a social evil, believing that it inspires atheism and amorality.

Many liberal Christians and believers of other faiths hold that religious belief is socially beneficial, believing that it helps to lower rates of violent crime, murder, suicide, sexual promiscuity and abortion. The benefits of religious belief to a society have been described as its “spiritual capital”. But the study claims that the devotion of many in the US may actually contribute to its ills.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

When to Eat for Perfect Health

By Wallace D. Wattles
Excerpt from "The Science of Being Well"

You cannot build and maintain a perfectly healthy body by mental action
alone, or by the performance of the unconscious or involuntary functions alone. There are certain actions, more or less voluntary, which have a direct and immediate relation with the continuance of life itself. These are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping.

No matter what a person's thought or mental attitude may be, he cannot live
unless he eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps, and, moreover, he cannot be well if he eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in an unnatural or wrong manner. It is therefore vitally important that you should learn the right way to perform these voluntary functions, and I shall proceed to show you this way, beginning with the matter of eating, which is most important.

There has been a vast amount of controversy as to when to eat, what to eat,
how to eat, and how much to eat, and all this controversy is unnecessary, for the Right Way is very easy to find.

You have only to consider the Law which
governs all attainment, whether of health, wealth, power, or happiness; and that law is that you must do what you can do now, where you are now; do every separate act in the most perfect manner possible, and put the power of faith into every

The processes of digestion and assimilation are under the supervision and
control of an inner division of a person's mentality, which is generally called the sub-conscious mind, and I shall use that term here in order to be understood.

The sub-conscious mind is in charge of all the functions and processes of
life, and when more food is needed by the body, it makes the fact known by causing a sensation called hunger. Whenever food is needed and can be used, there is hunger, and whenever there is hunger it is time to eat. When there is no hunger it is unnatural and wrong to eat, no matter how great may APPEAR to be the need for food.