By David Cameron Gikandi
Let's keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not? Physicality.
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? Happy? Fulfilled? Whatever the reason is, it so that you can feel good, feel free, and experience satisfaction of some kind. It is to enjoy your self one way or the other. Feeling.
So how do you get whatever it is that you want in your life, easily? Here is the formula for all creation of one's reality. And trust me; it is as easy as you make it to be. If you complicate it, it gets complicated to that degree. If you keep it as simple as it is, it becomes a seeming miracle, simple yet profoundly powerful, a sign of mastery.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
2045: The Year Humans Transcend Biology
By Mike Langberg
Mercury News
Ray Kurzweil, one of the nation's most acclaimed inventors, has some unusual ideas about how we'll live in 25 years.
Billions of sub-microscopic robots will swim through our brains, augmenting our mental powers. We'll eat cloned meat grown in factories, without having to slaughter animals. Inexpensive personal computers will match human intelligence in their ability to analyze information and make decisions.
Then things get weird.
Looking ahead 40 years, Kurzweil believes humans will evolve into semi-mechanical beings who can alter their physical appearance at will. We'll live almost forever, barring accidents or violence, in a world without hunger or poverty. And humanity's expanded brain power will ultimately reach out to control the universe.
This may sound crazy, but Kurzweil makes a compelling case in a new book, "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology,'' which reached store shelves last week and is officially published Monday.
Mercury News
Ray Kurzweil, one of the nation's most acclaimed inventors, has some unusual ideas about how we'll live in 25 years.
Billions of sub-microscopic robots will swim through our brains, augmenting our mental powers. We'll eat cloned meat grown in factories, without having to slaughter animals. Inexpensive personal computers will match human intelligence in their ability to analyze information and make decisions.
Then things get weird.
Looking ahead 40 years, Kurzweil believes humans will evolve into semi-mechanical beings who can alter their physical appearance at will. We'll live almost forever, barring accidents or violence, in a world without hunger or poverty. And humanity's expanded brain power will ultimately reach out to control the universe.
This may sound crazy, but Kurzweil makes a compelling case in a new book, "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology,'' which reached store shelves last week and is officially published Monday.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Is the Universe a Massive Supercomputer?
By P.A. Wahid
The Hindu
The latest thinking that is doing rounds in scientific circles is whether the universe is a computer. The legendary Konrad Zuse, a German scientist who built the first programmable computer, was also the first to suggest in 1967 that the entire universe is being computed on a computer, possibly a cellular automaton.
He referred to this as Rechnender Raun (computing cosmos or computing space), which in fact started the field of "Digital Physics." The tremendous advances made in computer science and technology during the last couple of decades have also made a sea change in the quality of our thought process. What has been done manually before the advent of modern computer technology can now be done unmanned more efficiently and rapidly by the use of a computer.
Nature has always been a wonder and a source of inspiration for intellectual activity to man. Apart from the physical components of the universe, there are the natural phenomena and a whole variety of rules and mechanisms that are responsible for the entire universe to function as a single system.
The fact that phenomena like natural cycles, planetary movements and a host of others occur with clockwork precision and accuracy leads to the obvious conclusion that our universe is a programmed system.
The Hindu
The latest thinking that is doing rounds in scientific circles is whether the universe is a computer. The legendary Konrad Zuse, a German scientist who built the first programmable computer, was also the first to suggest in 1967 that the entire universe is being computed on a computer, possibly a cellular automaton.
He referred to this as Rechnender Raun (computing cosmos or computing space), which in fact started the field of "Digital Physics." The tremendous advances made in computer science and technology during the last couple of decades have also made a sea change in the quality of our thought process. What has been done manually before the advent of modern computer technology can now be done unmanned more efficiently and rapidly by the use of a computer.
Nature has always been a wonder and a source of inspiration for intellectual activity to man. Apart from the physical components of the universe, there are the natural phenomena and a whole variety of rules and mechanisms that are responsible for the entire universe to function as a single system.
The fact that phenomena like natural cycles, planetary movements and a host of others occur with clockwork precision and accuracy leads to the obvious conclusion that our universe is a programmed system.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Major Critic of Hypnosis Dies
By Jeremy Pearce
NY Times
Theodore X. Barber, a psychologist who became a leading critic of hypnosis after his scientific studies concluded that the power of suggestion often worked nearly as well, died on Sept. 10 at a hospital in Framingham, Mass. He was 78 and lived in Ashland, Mass.
The cause was a ruptured aorta, his family said.
Dr. Barber developed what became careerlong studies of hypnosis in the 1960's, while conducting research at the Medfield Foundation, a private psychiatric research center in Massachusetts.
Earlier, in a series of experiments performed door to door, he and other researchers found that they could induce sleepiness by suggestion alone, without the swinging watches or formal protocols used by hypnotists. Power of suggestion worked effectively on about 20 percent of the people tested, although another 25 percent had no reaction.
The results stimulated Dr. Barber's interest in the hypnotic state, and he examined people who could be easily or deeply hypnotized. In the 1970's, he helped identify a small minority - 2 percent to 4 percent of the population - who were especially responsive, and he then studied the group. With other researchers, he found that the people most susceptible to hypnosis included those who were "gifted fantasizers" or "amnesia prone."
NY Times
Theodore X. Barber, a psychologist who became a leading critic of hypnosis after his scientific studies concluded that the power of suggestion often worked nearly as well, died on Sept. 10 at a hospital in Framingham, Mass. He was 78 and lived in Ashland, Mass.
The cause was a ruptured aorta, his family said.
Dr. Barber developed what became careerlong studies of hypnosis in the 1960's, while conducting research at the Medfield Foundation, a private psychiatric research center in Massachusetts.
Earlier, in a series of experiments performed door to door, he and other researchers found that they could induce sleepiness by suggestion alone, without the swinging watches or formal protocols used by hypnotists. Power of suggestion worked effectively on about 20 percent of the people tested, although another 25 percent had no reaction.
The results stimulated Dr. Barber's interest in the hypnotic state, and he examined people who could be easily or deeply hypnotized. In the 1970's, he helped identify a small minority - 2 percent to 4 percent of the population - who were especially responsive, and he then studied the group. With other researchers, he found that the people most susceptible to hypnosis included those who were "gifted fantasizers" or "amnesia prone."
Thursday, September 22, 2005
"Thought Screen Helmet" Protects from Alien Abduction
The thought screen helmet blocks telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. When aliens can't communicate or control humans, they do not take them.
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only two failures were reported since 1998.
Adults and children all over America, all over Australia, in Canada, the United Kingdom, and in the Republic of South Africa are wearing thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions. Many former abudctees have been wearing thought screen helmets successfully since 1999.
Other shielding material was tried in previous models with less success. Only thought screen helmets using Velostat are effective.
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only two failures were reported since 1998.
Adults and children all over America, all over Australia, in Canada, the United Kingdom, and in the Republic of South Africa are wearing thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions. Many former abudctees have been wearing thought screen helmets successfully since 1999.
Other shielding material was tried in previous models with less success. Only thought screen helmets using Velostat are effective.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
You Can Choose to Be Rich or Not
By Patric Chan
Sometimes, I don’t get it about some people’s attitudes.
Before I share this with you, allow me to tell you a story related to it.
John always goes jogging in the morning around his neighborhood.
As usual, he puts on his jogging shoes and off he goes. But this time, he encountered something weird …
As he was jogging past Mr. Smith’s house, he heard Mr. Smith’s dog howling and crying in front of the house’s porch. So, he moved closer to the dog because he was curious why it was crying early in the morning when there’s no one about!
Still mystified, he knocked on Mr. Smith’s door.
Mr. Smith opened the door and they greeted each other.
John went ahead and asked Mr. Smith, “Why is your dog crying and howling this morning? This is very unusual for it to do that.”
Mr. Smith answered, “Oh… that silly dog. It accidentally sat on a nail this morning and it has been crying ever since.”
John was confused so he continued, “So why doesn't it just stand up and sit somewhere else?”
Mr. Smith guessed, “Well, I think maybe the pain of the nail poking it is not painful enough to make it move.”
Now, I didn’t just create this story. I heard of it somewhere else but I can’t remember the author. Did you get the lesson from it?
Look carefully at yourself!
Are you sitting on a ‘nail’ but it’s not painful enough so you keep on whining and complaining especially about being financially poor?
Sometimes, I don’t get it about some people’s attitudes.
Before I share this with you, allow me to tell you a story related to it.
John always goes jogging in the morning around his neighborhood.
As usual, he puts on his jogging shoes and off he goes. But this time, he encountered something weird …
As he was jogging past Mr. Smith’s house, he heard Mr. Smith’s dog howling and crying in front of the house’s porch. So, he moved closer to the dog because he was curious why it was crying early in the morning when there’s no one about!
Still mystified, he knocked on Mr. Smith’s door.
Mr. Smith opened the door and they greeted each other.
John went ahead and asked Mr. Smith, “Why is your dog crying and howling this morning? This is very unusual for it to do that.”
Mr. Smith answered, “Oh… that silly dog. It accidentally sat on a nail this morning and it has been crying ever since.”
John was confused so he continued, “So why doesn't it just stand up and sit somewhere else?”
Mr. Smith guessed, “Well, I think maybe the pain of the nail poking it is not painful enough to make it move.”
Now, I didn’t just create this story. I heard of it somewhere else but I can’t remember the author. Did you get the lesson from it?
Look carefully at yourself!
Are you sitting on a ‘nail’ but it’s not painful enough so you keep on whining and complaining especially about being financially poor?
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Scientists Find Proof That Our Brains Are Still Evolving
University scientists say they have found strong proof that the human brain is still evolving.
By comparing modern man with our ancestors of 37,000 years ago, the Chicago team discovered big changes in two genes linked to brain size.
One of the new variants emerged only 5,800 years ago yet is present in 30% of today's humans, they believe.
This is very short in evolutionary terms, suggesting intense selection pressures, they told Science.
Each gene variant emerged around the same time as the advent of so called "cultural" behaviours.
The microcephalin variant appeared along with the emergence of traits such as art and music, religious practices and sophisticated tool-making techniques, which date back to about 50,000 years ago.
It is now present in about 70% of humans alive today.
The other, called the ASPM variant, originated at a time that coincides with the spread of agriculture, settled cities and the first record of written language.
By comparing modern man with our ancestors of 37,000 years ago, the Chicago team discovered big changes in two genes linked to brain size.
One of the new variants emerged only 5,800 years ago yet is present in 30% of today's humans, they believe.
This is very short in evolutionary terms, suggesting intense selection pressures, they told Science.
Each gene variant emerged around the same time as the advent of so called "cultural" behaviours.
The microcephalin variant appeared along with the emergence of traits such as art and music, religious practices and sophisticated tool-making techniques, which date back to about 50,000 years ago.
It is now present in about 70% of humans alive today.
The other, called the ASPM variant, originated at a time that coincides with the spread of agriculture, settled cities and the first record of written language.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Power of Positive Habits
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
The Secret Life of Plants
Cleve Backster was an American expert on lie detectors. In 1966, using a lie detector, he accidentally discovered that plants have high-level emotional activities that were similar to those of human beings. He then conducted a series of studies that amazed the world.
Plants Have Feelings
One day, Backster connected a lie detector to the leaves of a dracaena, commonly known as a “dragon tree.” He wanted to see how long it would take for the leaves to react when he poured water on the plant’s roots. In theory, a plant will increase its conductivity and decrease its resistance after it absorbs water, and the curve recorded on graph paper should have gone upward. But in actuality, the line that was drawn curved downward. When a lie detector is connected to a human body, the pen records different curves according to the changes in the person’s mood. The reaction of the dragon tree was just like the undulation of human mood swings. It seemed that it was happy when it drank water.
Plants Have ESP
Backster wanted to see if the plant would have any other reactions. According to past experience, Backster knew that a good way to elicit a strong reaction from a person is to threaten that person. So Backster dunked the leaves of the plant into hot coffee. No reaction. Then he thought of something more terrifying: burn the leaves that were connected to the lie detector. With this thought, even before he went to get a match, a bullish curve rapidly appeared on the graph paper. When he came back with a match, he saw that another peak appeared on the curve. It was likely that when the plant saw he was determined to start burning, it got frightened again. If he showed hesitation or reluctance to burn the plant, the reactions recorded by the lie detector were not so acute. And when he merely pretended to take action to burn the leaves, the plant had almost no reactions. The plant was even able to distinguish true intentions from false ones. Backster nearly rushed out into the street to shout, “Plants can think! Plants can think!” With this astonishing discovery, his life was changed forever.
Later, when Backster and his colleagues did experiments around the country with different instruments and different plants, they observed similar results. They discovered that even if leaves were picked off from a plant and cut into pieces, the same reactions were recorded when these pieces were placed near the lie detector electrodes. When a dog or an unfriendly person suddenly came in, the plant reacted too.
Plants Have Feelings
One day, Backster connected a lie detector to the leaves of a dracaena, commonly known as a “dragon tree.” He wanted to see how long it would take for the leaves to react when he poured water on the plant’s roots. In theory, a plant will increase its conductivity and decrease its resistance after it absorbs water, and the curve recorded on graph paper should have gone upward. But in actuality, the line that was drawn curved downward. When a lie detector is connected to a human body, the pen records different curves according to the changes in the person’s mood. The reaction of the dragon tree was just like the undulation of human mood swings. It seemed that it was happy when it drank water.
Plants Have ESP
Backster wanted to see if the plant would have any other reactions. According to past experience, Backster knew that a good way to elicit a strong reaction from a person is to threaten that person. So Backster dunked the leaves of the plant into hot coffee. No reaction. Then he thought of something more terrifying: burn the leaves that were connected to the lie detector. With this thought, even before he went to get a match, a bullish curve rapidly appeared on the graph paper. When he came back with a match, he saw that another peak appeared on the curve. It was likely that when the plant saw he was determined to start burning, it got frightened again. If he showed hesitation or reluctance to burn the plant, the reactions recorded by the lie detector were not so acute. And when he merely pretended to take action to burn the leaves, the plant had almost no reactions. The plant was even able to distinguish true intentions from false ones. Backster nearly rushed out into the street to shout, “Plants can think! Plants can think!” With this astonishing discovery, his life was changed forever.
Later, when Backster and his colleagues did experiments around the country with different instruments and different plants, they observed similar results. They discovered that even if leaves were picked off from a plant and cut into pieces, the same reactions were recorded when these pieces were placed near the lie detector electrodes. When a dog or an unfriendly person suddenly came in, the plant reacted too.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
The Wisdom of Quantum Physics
By Adrian Cooper
Excerpt from: “Our Ultimate Reality"
In addition to explaining the true nature of the Universe and of reality, quantum physics, even at the most fundamental and non-mathematical level also fully explains the reality as experienced on a daily basis by all life, whether consciously or otherwise, profoundly affecting the reality of every single person without exception.
Quantum physics illustrates how everything in the Universe, in all dimensions of life and reality ultimately consists of “Quanta” of Energy, vibration. This Energy not only pervades and is integral to everything in existence, it is also “living” Mind, living Consciousness. Everything in the Universe therefore has its being within this infinite intelligent Energy.
Everything is an aspect of this infinite intelligence, every person, every animal, every tree, every star and every planet, and every micro-organism, however small, is ultimately an equal aspect of the very same Energy; there is no seperatedness except as an illusion created by the ego and five physical senses; we and everything in the Universe without exception are one.
Because the Universe is infinite intelligence of which we are all integral aspects, Quanta of Energy are influenced by the Mind; thought also being pure Energy. Whenever you look at a possession such as a house, a car, a television set, they are in fact nothing more or less than an arrangement of Energy, or Quanta, ultimately created by thought processes of the Mind. If these objects were to be inspected very closely, it would be apparent that they are not solid at all but are rather composed of Quanta of Energy vibrating and moving at extremely high rates in an out of the object being observed.
Excerpt from: “Our Ultimate Reality"
In addition to explaining the true nature of the Universe and of reality, quantum physics, even at the most fundamental and non-mathematical level also fully explains the reality as experienced on a daily basis by all life, whether consciously or otherwise, profoundly affecting the reality of every single person without exception.
Quantum physics illustrates how everything in the Universe, in all dimensions of life and reality ultimately consists of “Quanta” of Energy, vibration. This Energy not only pervades and is integral to everything in existence, it is also “living” Mind, living Consciousness. Everything in the Universe therefore has its being within this infinite intelligent Energy.
Everything is an aspect of this infinite intelligence, every person, every animal, every tree, every star and every planet, and every micro-organism, however small, is ultimately an equal aspect of the very same Energy; there is no seperatedness except as an illusion created by the ego and five physical senses; we and everything in the Universe without exception are one.
Because the Universe is infinite intelligence of which we are all integral aspects, Quanta of Energy are influenced by the Mind; thought also being pure Energy. Whenever you look at a possession such as a house, a car, a television set, they are in fact nothing more or less than an arrangement of Energy, or Quanta, ultimately created by thought processes of the Mind. If these objects were to be inspected very closely, it would be apparent that they are not solid at all but are rather composed of Quanta of Energy vibrating and moving at extremely high rates in an out of the object being observed.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Telekinesis Equation Revealed
By James A. Conrad
In September of 2001, just seven days before 9/11, I issued a "telekinesis breakthrough" news release that swept around the world on the Internet and caused a lot of confusion. You see, for while I claimed a scientific breakthrough, I decided to keep the exact details of the breakthrough a secret for business proprietary reasons.
Here now is that secret. I am releasing it simultaneously to the public and scientific community for replication testing and as the foundation for research by others. What follows is being offered as a hypothesis, not scientific fact. The equation itself is part physiological equation and part psychological equation.
Therefore, it could be called either a physio-psychological equation or a psycho-physiological equation. There is a link to blood test evidence at the bottom of this page.
Conrad's Human Telekinesis Equation aka Conrad Telekinesis Formula: TK = CFe + VC + ZPE - SD - E+
In September of 2001, just seven days before 9/11, I issued a "telekinesis breakthrough" news release that swept around the world on the Internet and caused a lot of confusion. You see, for while I claimed a scientific breakthrough, I decided to keep the exact details of the breakthrough a secret for business proprietary reasons.
Here now is that secret. I am releasing it simultaneously to the public and scientific community for replication testing and as the foundation for research by others. What follows is being offered as a hypothesis, not scientific fact. The equation itself is part physiological equation and part psychological equation.
Therefore, it could be called either a physio-psychological equation or a psycho-physiological equation. There is a link to blood test evidence at the bottom of this page.
Conrad's Human Telekinesis Equation aka Conrad Telekinesis Formula: TK = CFe + VC + ZPE - SD - E+
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
How to Create Your Own Good Luck
By Karim Hajee
Let's face it - everybody would love to win the lottery or hit a jackpot at a casino. Even if you don't gamble or even if you never play the lottery - chances are you would still like to win a million dollars or a big payday. Don't get me wrong I'm not encouraging you to go out and play the lottery or gamble. But I know that everybody would love to have a little more luck so I'm about to show you just how you can do that.
Luck isn't just about winning the lottery. Luck isn't about chance. Believe it or not there is a method, a scientifically proven way to creating your own luck - and if you think you've been unlucky in the past - this method that I am about to reveal to you will show you how to change your luck.
All you have to do is believe that you are lucky, and have a belief system that allows you to be lucky everyday.
Just about everyone I know has some ritual designed to increase luck and bring good fortune - myself included.
Yes I was one of those who thought he always had to wear his lucky socks when playing football or soccer.
And I know many who will still touch wood when talking about the good fortune that they've had.
While these rituals may make you feel better - scientifically they probably have no impact on your luck.
Why not?
Because you create your own luck and now there is a study that proves this...
Let's face it - everybody would love to win the lottery or hit a jackpot at a casino. Even if you don't gamble or even if you never play the lottery - chances are you would still like to win a million dollars or a big payday. Don't get me wrong I'm not encouraging you to go out and play the lottery or gamble. But I know that everybody would love to have a little more luck so I'm about to show you just how you can do that.
Luck isn't just about winning the lottery. Luck isn't about chance. Believe it or not there is a method, a scientifically proven way to creating your own luck - and if you think you've been unlucky in the past - this method that I am about to reveal to you will show you how to change your luck.
All you have to do is believe that you are lucky, and have a belief system that allows you to be lucky everyday.
Just about everyone I know has some ritual designed to increase luck and bring good fortune - myself included.
Yes I was one of those who thought he always had to wear his lucky socks when playing football or soccer.
And I know many who will still touch wood when talking about the good fortune that they've had.
While these rituals may make you feel better - scientifically they probably have no impact on your luck.
Why not?
Because you create your own luck and now there is a study that proves this...
Monday, September 05, 2005
Putting the Psi into Science
By Oli Usher
The Guardian
The lights dim. The relaxing sounds of waves crashing on a beach give way to silence. Then the soft porn appears on the screen in front of me. This is not a re-enactment of the fantasies of a teenage boy. Rather, it is a demonstration of serious research into the telepathic transmission of emotions going on at what may well be Britain's oddest lab: the Koestler Parapsychology Unit (KPU) at the University of Edinburgh.
Parapsychology is about as far off mainstream science as it is possible to get in a reputable university. It is the study of paranormal phenomena, and the subjects of the Koestler lab's recent experiments range from extrasensory perception through psychokinesis and clairvoyance to hauntings and out-of-body experiences. It is easy to see why the scientific community might give them a wide berth. Yet parapsychologists use the rational language and rigorous methods of science. They have no time for charlatans and fantasists.
Striving for academic reputability, the researchers at the KPU are incredibly careful about their methodology and their language. In many respects they are a model of scientific good practice. "Parapsychologists make extraordinary claims," explains Caroline Watt, acting head of the unit, "so they must take extraordinary care in their experiments." She insists that their results are accurate. They need to be though: even the most ardent believers in "psi" (the Greek letter is used as a blanket term to cover psychic phenomena) accept that evidence in favour of it is made up of small anomalies that are often difficult to identify with any certainty.
The Guardian
The lights dim. The relaxing sounds of waves crashing on a beach give way to silence. Then the soft porn appears on the screen in front of me. This is not a re-enactment of the fantasies of a teenage boy. Rather, it is a demonstration of serious research into the telepathic transmission of emotions going on at what may well be Britain's oddest lab: the Koestler Parapsychology Unit (KPU) at the University of Edinburgh.
Parapsychology is about as far off mainstream science as it is possible to get in a reputable university. It is the study of paranormal phenomena, and the subjects of the Koestler lab's recent experiments range from extrasensory perception through psychokinesis and clairvoyance to hauntings and out-of-body experiences. It is easy to see why the scientific community might give them a wide berth. Yet parapsychologists use the rational language and rigorous methods of science. They have no time for charlatans and fantasists.
Striving for academic reputability, the researchers at the KPU are incredibly careful about their methodology and their language. In many respects they are a model of scientific good practice. "Parapsychologists make extraordinary claims," explains Caroline Watt, acting head of the unit, "so they must take extraordinary care in their experiments." She insists that their results are accurate. They need to be though: even the most ardent believers in "psi" (the Greek letter is used as a blanket term to cover psychic phenomena) accept that evidence in favour of it is made up of small anomalies that are often difficult to identify with any certainty.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
The Second Brain Inside Your Gut
By Harriet Brown
New York Times
Two brains are better than one. At least that is the rationale for the close - sometimes too close - relationship between the human body's two brains, the one at the top of the spinal cord and the hidden but powerful brain in the gut known as the enteric nervous system.
For Dr. Michael D. Gershon, the author of "The Second Brain" and the chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia, the connection between the two can be unpleasantly clear. "Every time I call the National Institutes of Health to check on a grant proposal," Dr. Gershon said, "I become painfully aware of the influence the brain has on the gut."
In fact, anyone who has ever felt butterflies in the stomach before giving a speech, a gut feeling that flies in the face of fact or a bout of intestinal urgency the night before an examination has experienced the actions of the dual nervous systems.
The connection between the brains lies at the heart of many woes, physical and psychiatric. Ailments like anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and Parkinson's disease manifest symptoms at the brain and the gut level.
"The majority of patients with anxiety and depression will also have alterations of their GI function," said Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine, physiology and psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.
New York Times
Two brains are better than one. At least that is the rationale for the close - sometimes too close - relationship between the human body's two brains, the one at the top of the spinal cord and the hidden but powerful brain in the gut known as the enteric nervous system.
For Dr. Michael D. Gershon, the author of "The Second Brain" and the chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia, the connection between the two can be unpleasantly clear. "Every time I call the National Institutes of Health to check on a grant proposal," Dr. Gershon said, "I become painfully aware of the influence the brain has on the gut."
In fact, anyone who has ever felt butterflies in the stomach before giving a speech, a gut feeling that flies in the face of fact or a bout of intestinal urgency the night before an examination has experienced the actions of the dual nervous systems.
The connection between the brains lies at the heart of many woes, physical and psychiatric. Ailments like anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and Parkinson's disease manifest symptoms at the brain and the gut level.
"The majority of patients with anxiety and depression will also have alterations of their GI function," said Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine, physiology and psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Friday, September 02, 2005
A Robot Guard Dog for your Diet
By Celeste Biever
New Scientist
A robot dog that monitors your daily food intake and exercise levels and warns you not to eat that cheesecake could encourage people to stick to their diets.
The health-conscious pooch connects wirelessly to the dieter's pedometer and an electronic diary of their eating habits, to calculate their daily calorie intake and expenditure.
While it may sound frivolous, its US developers hope the robot, a souped-up version of Sony's dog Aibo, could ultimately help in the fight against the western world's obesity epidemic.
The system is being designed by Cynthia Breazeal at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who is famed for creating the emotional robot Kismet. It would use a pedometer, bathroom scales and a PDA connected by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to gather information about weight, activity and eating habits that people generally have trouble calculating, remembering and reporting.
New Scientist
A robot dog that monitors your daily food intake and exercise levels and warns you not to eat that cheesecake could encourage people to stick to their diets.
The health-conscious pooch connects wirelessly to the dieter's pedometer and an electronic diary of their eating habits, to calculate their daily calorie intake and expenditure.
While it may sound frivolous, its US developers hope the robot, a souped-up version of Sony's dog Aibo, could ultimately help in the fight against the western world's obesity epidemic.
The system is being designed by Cynthia Breazeal at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who is famed for creating the emotional robot Kismet. It would use a pedometer, bathroom scales and a PDA connected by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to gather information about weight, activity and eating habits that people generally have trouble calculating, remembering and reporting.
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